Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)
259 authors
- Adhe, Kartika
- The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
- Adhe, Kartika
- Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
- Adriyansyah, Muhammad
- The Influence of Hug Therapy on Children's Emotional Intelligence Improvement
- Aini, Qorirotul
- Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
- Aji, Sudi
- Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
- Aji, Sudi
- Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
- Alhadi, Said
- The analysis of validity and reliability of self-regulated learning scale
- Ambaritab, Dody
- The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Organizational Comitment of State Junior High School in Tebing Tinggi
- Amin, Zakki
- The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy for Decreasing Self-Motivation Problems of Lower Group Students
- Andajani, Sri
- Social interaction service model of autistic children for kindergarten teacher
- Andari, Ilania
- Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat: Learning Mathematics Based on Ethnomathematics
- Ardha, Muchammad
- The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
- Arianto, Fajar
- Distance Education Program: Using Video Streaming to Improve Teachers' Competence
- Artha, I Ketut
- Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
- Artini, Luh
- Primary Literacy Program: Integrating Reading and Writing in The Classroom
- Artini, Luh
- Character Education Practices at a Piloted Primary School
- Artini, Luh
- Collaboration in EFL Classes: Listening to Teachers' and Students' Voices
- Artini, Luh
- Techniques for Building Character and Literacy for 21st Century Education
- Ashar, Muhammad
- The Management of Students with Special Needs in Inclusive School
- Asteria, Prima
- The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School
- Astuti, Budi
- Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
- Astuti, Budi
- Early Clinical Exposure Based Group Counseling Practice Model to Increase Counselor Candidate Competence In Group Counseling Services
- Azizah, Utiya
- Learning Design to Integrate Scientific Character Values with Green Chemistry Insight in Basic Chemistry Course
- Bachri, Bachtiar
- Problem Solving Model with Integration Pattern: Student's Problem Solving Capability
- Bachri, Bachtiar
- Numeric toys media: introducing number sense in early childhood with movement and multisensory cards
- Bachri, Bachtiar
- Influence of Habituation on Self-Awareness and Prosocial Behavior in 4-5-Year-Old Children
- Bachtiar, Bachri
- Logical thinking ability and expressive language in early childhood learners
- Bahrinsyah, Fathur
- Career maturity of guidance and counseling students at the Yogyakarta State University
- Barida, Muya
- The profile of adolescent' moral intelligence and practical solution to its improvement efforts
- Basuki, Ismet
- Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
- Bhakti, Caraka
- Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
- Budiyono, Mr.
- Educational Technologist Competencies At School
- Burhanuddin, Mr.
- The Ability of Math Teachers to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Tasks
- Cayado, Dave
- Teaching Self-Regulated Learning in Classrooms
- Chang-Bin Yang, Chang
- Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
- Claudia, Meiske
- How to Improve Lecturers' OCBs?
- Darsono, Mr.
- The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model of Think Pair Square with Problem Posing Task on Students' Mathematics Learning Outcome
- Daryono, Mr.
- Developing Character Education Based on Local Wisdom
- Dayati, Umi
- Knowledge Transfer in Promoting Entrepreneurship
- Dayati, Umi
- The Involvement of Informal Sector Society in English habit at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
- Dewi, Ida
- Primary Literacy Program: Integrating Reading and Writing in The Classroom
- Dewi, Utari
- Distance Education Program: Using Video Streaming to Improve Teachers' Competence
- Ekasari, Ria
- The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
- Fadhilah, Siti
- Obstacles Level of Learning Javanese Speech: A Phenomenology Study in Elementary School
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability
- Filayanti, Marina
- Students Motivation and Achievement Whose Parents Work as Indonesian Migrant Workers
- Fitri, Ruqoyyah
- Numeric toys media: introducing number sense in early childhood with movement and multisensory cards
- Fitriyah, Fifi
- Anger Management in Adolescents Behind Romantic Breakup: Implementation of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
- Fitriyah, Fifi
- Youth narcissistic and aggression: A challenge for guidance and counseling service in University
- Furqon, Ahmad
- The Existence of Schools as Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Gamat, F.
- Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- Management and Supervision Competences of State Elementary School Principals
- Gultom, S.
- Ethics and "Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Indonesia" (PMRI): a Critical Reflection on Mathematics Instruction Practice
- Gunansyah, Ganes
- The use of primary documents on literature history in primary scholl
- Gunawan
- The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
- Handaka, Irvan
- Early Clinical Exposure Based Group Counseling Practice Model to Increase Counselor Candidate Competence In Group Counseling Services
- Handaryati, Sevita
- How CPS version 2.2 can improve students' activity and achievement in integrated learning towards the second grade students of primary school
- Harianto, Totok
- The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
- Harianto, Totok
- Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
- Hariyati, Nunuk
- The Effectiveness of Natural Science Learning Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in Improving The Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
- Hartini, Tika
- Implementation of Cooperative Learning Inside-Outside Circle Model to Improve Elementary School Students' Motivation and Learning Outcome
- Hartono, Mr.
- The development of computer-based career guidance application program for senior high school students
- Haryono, Mr.
- Educational Technologist Competencies At School
- Hasibuan, Rachma
- The implementation of home reading program to improve receptive andexpressive language of early childhood
- Herayanti, L.
- The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
- Hidayat, Dayat
- Guidance and Counseling of Capital Social-Based Entrepreneurial Training of Package C Program
- Hidayati, Ani
- The Development of Discovery Learning Model With SETs Approach For Science Learning in Junior High School
- Huda, Choirul
- Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
- Huda, Choirul
- Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
- Hudha, Muhammad
- Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
- Hudha, Muhammad
- Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
- Ifdil, Mr.
- The Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy to Decrease Negative Thoughts Towards Children with Special Need
- Indrayani, Luh
- Character Education Practices at a Piloted Primary School
- Izzati, Umi
- The Relationships between Vocational High School Teachers' Organizational Climate and Innovative Behavior
- Jannah, Faridahtul
- The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School
- Jannah, Miftakhul
- The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
- Jannah, Miftakhul
- T-Mobile Learning Android Model-Based to Improve Students' Listening Capability
- Jatmiko, B.
- The Effectiveness of Science Learning using Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills
- Khoirunnisa, Riza
- Understanding how teacher perceived teaching professionalism
- Kholida, Liya
- Investigation of Linear Momentum and Impulse Using Video Analysis
- Kholidya, Citra
- The Development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Guidebook to Improve Self-efficacy of People with HIV/AIDS
- Khory, Fifukha
- The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
- Khory, Fifukha
- Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
- Khotimah, Khusnul
- Applying Online Media for High School Students
- Khusumadewi, Ari
- The Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy to Decrease Negative Thoughts Towards Children with Special Need
- Kirana, Tjandra
- The Use of Project-Based Learning Using Visual Art to Increase Students' Interest and Creativity
- Komariah, Aan
- The Existence of Schools as Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Kumara, Agus
- Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
- Kustori, Mr.
- The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning
- Kusumarasdyati, Ms.
- Comparison Between Predicted and Actual Readabilities of EFL Texts
- Laksono, Kisyani
- Exploring The Use of Literacy Strategies in Junior High School Level
- Latief, Fourier
- Investigation of Linear Momentum and Impulse Using Video Analysis
- Lestari, Gunarti
- Organizational justice analysis on employees satisfaction and performance in Faculty of education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Lestariningsih, Dwi
- The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation
- Ma'wa, Jannatul
- Analysis The Development of Gross Motor and Emotional-Social Skills in Terms of Characteristics of Parents in Kindergarten Children
- Machmudah, Mr.
- The Effectiveness of REBIT to Reduce Academic Cheating On Elementary School
- Magno, Carlo
- Teaching Self-Regulated Learning in Classrooms
- Mardliyah, Sjafiatul
- Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
- Mariono, Andi
- The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation
- Mariono, Andi
- The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning