Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)

259 authors
Adhe, Kartika
The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
Adhe, Kartika
Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
Adriyansyah, Muhammad
The Influence of Hug Therapy on Children's Emotional Intelligence Improvement
Aini, Qorirotul
Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
Aji, Sudi
Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
Aji, Sudi
Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
Alhadi, Said
The analysis of validity and reliability of self-regulated learning scale
Ambaritab, Dody
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Organizational Comitment of State Junior High School in Tebing Tinggi
Amin, Zakki
The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy for Decreasing Self-Motivation Problems of Lower Group Students
Andajani, Sri
Social interaction service model of autistic children for kindergarten teacher
Andari, Ilania
Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat: Learning Mathematics Based on Ethnomathematics
Ardha, Muchammad
The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
Arianto, Fajar
Distance Education Program: Using Video Streaming to Improve Teachers' Competence
Artha, I Ketut
Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
Artini, Luh
Primary Literacy Program: Integrating Reading and Writing in The Classroom
Artini, Luh
Character Education Practices at a Piloted Primary School
Artini, Luh
Collaboration in EFL Classes: Listening to Teachers' and Students' Voices
Artini, Luh
Techniques for Building Character and Literacy for 21st Century Education
Ashar, Muhammad
The Management of Students with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Asteria, Prima
The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School
Astuti, Budi
Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
Astuti, Budi
Early Clinical Exposure Based Group Counseling Practice Model to Increase Counselor Candidate Competence In Group Counseling Services
Azizah, Utiya
Learning Design to Integrate Scientific Character Values with Green Chemistry Insight in Basic Chemistry Course
Bachri, Bachtiar
Problem Solving Model with Integration Pattern: Student's Problem Solving Capability
Bachri, Bachtiar
Numeric toys media: introducing number sense in early childhood with movement and multisensory cards
Bachri, Bachtiar
Influence of Habituation on Self-Awareness and Prosocial Behavior in 4-5-Year-Old Children
Bachtiar, Bachri
Logical thinking ability and expressive language in early childhood learners
Bahrinsyah, Fathur
Career maturity of guidance and counseling students at the Yogyakarta State University
Barida, Muya
The profile of adolescent' moral intelligence and practical solution to its improvement efforts
Basuki, Ismet
Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
Bhakti, Caraka
Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
Budiyono, Mr.
Educational Technologist Competencies At School
Burhanuddin, Mr.
The Ability of Math Teachers to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Tasks
Cayado, Dave
Teaching Self-Regulated Learning in Classrooms
Chang-Bin Yang, Chang
Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
Claudia, Meiske
How to Improve Lecturers' OCBs?
Darsono, Mr.
The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model of Think Pair Square with Problem Posing Task on Students' Mathematics Learning Outcome
Daryono, Mr.
Developing Character Education Based on Local Wisdom
Dayati, Umi
Knowledge Transfer in Promoting Entrepreneurship
Dayati, Umi
The Involvement of Informal Sector Society in English habit at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
Dewi, Ida
Primary Literacy Program: Integrating Reading and Writing in The Classroom
Dewi, Utari
Distance Education Program: Using Video Streaming to Improve Teachers' Competence
Ekasari, Ria
The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
Fadhilah, Siti
Obstacles Level of Learning Javanese Speech: A Phenomenology Study in Elementary School
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability
Filayanti, Marina
Students Motivation and Achievement Whose Parents Work as Indonesian Migrant Workers
Fitri, Ruqoyyah
Numeric toys media: introducing number sense in early childhood with movement and multisensory cards
Fitriyah, Fifi
Anger Management in Adolescents Behind Romantic Breakup: Implementation of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Fitriyah, Fifi
Youth narcissistic and aggression: A challenge for guidance and counseling service in University
Furqon, Ahmad
The Existence of Schools as Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Gamat, F.
Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
Management and Supervision Competences of State Elementary School Principals
Gultom, S.
Ethics and "Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Indonesia" (PMRI): a Critical Reflection on Mathematics Instruction Practice
Gunansyah, Ganes
The use of primary documents on literature history in primary scholl
The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
Handaka, Irvan
Early Clinical Exposure Based Group Counseling Practice Model to Increase Counselor Candidate Competence In Group Counseling Services
Handaryati, Sevita
How CPS version 2.2 can improve students' activity and achievement in integrated learning towards the second grade students of primary school
Harianto, Totok
The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
Harianto, Totok
Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
Hariyati, Nunuk
The Effectiveness of Natural Science Learning Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in Improving The Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
Hartini, Tika
Implementation of Cooperative Learning Inside-Outside Circle Model to Improve Elementary School Students' Motivation and Learning Outcome
Hartono, Mr.
The development of computer-based career guidance application program for senior high school students
Haryono, Mr.
Educational Technologist Competencies At School
Hasibuan, Rachma
The implementation of home reading program to improve receptive andexpressive language of early childhood
Herayanti, L.
The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
Hidayat, Dayat
Guidance and Counseling of Capital Social-Based Entrepreneurial Training of Package C Program
Hidayati, Ani
The Development of Discovery Learning Model With SETs Approach For Science Learning in Junior High School
Huda, Choirul
Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
Huda, Choirul
Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
Hudha, Muhammad
Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
Hudha, Muhammad
Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module
Ifdil, Mr.
The Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy to Decrease Negative Thoughts Towards Children with Special Need
Indrayani, Luh
Character Education Practices at a Piloted Primary School
Izzati, Umi
The Relationships between Vocational High School Teachers' Organizational Climate and Innovative Behavior
Jannah, Faridahtul
The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School
Jannah, Miftakhul
The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
Jannah, Miftakhul
T-Mobile Learning Android Model-Based to Improve Students' Listening Capability
Jatmiko, B.
The Effectiveness of Science Learning using Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Khoirunnisa, Riza
Understanding how teacher perceived teaching professionalism
Kholida, Liya
Investigation of Linear Momentum and Impulse Using Video Analysis
Kholidya, Citra
The Development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Guidebook to Improve Self-efficacy of People with HIV/AIDS
Khory, Fifukha
The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
Khory, Fifukha
Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
Khotimah, Khusnul
Applying Online Media for High School Students
Khusumadewi, Ari
The Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy to Decrease Negative Thoughts Towards Children with Special Need
Kirana, Tjandra
The Use of Project-Based Learning Using Visual Art to Increase Students' Interest and Creativity
Komariah, Aan
The Existence of Schools as Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Kumara, Agus
Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
Kustori, Mr.
The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning
Kusumarasdyati, Ms.
Comparison Between Predicted and Actual Readabilities of EFL Texts
Laksono, Kisyani
Exploring The Use of Literacy Strategies in Junior High School Level
Latief, Fourier
Investigation of Linear Momentum and Impulse Using Video Analysis
Lestari, Gunarti
Organizational justice analysis on employees satisfaction and performance in Faculty of education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Lestariningsih, Dwi
The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation
Ma'wa, Jannatul
Analysis The Development of Gross Motor and Emotional-Social Skills in Terms of Characteristics of Parents in Kindergarten Children
Machmudah, Mr.
The Effectiveness of REBIT to Reduce Academic Cheating On Elementary School
Magno, Carlo
Teaching Self-Regulated Learning in Classrooms
Mardliyah, Sjafiatul
Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
Mariono, Andi
The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation
Mariono, Andi
The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning