Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)

259 authors
Masitoh, Siti
Problem Solving Model with Integration Pattern: Student's Problem Solving Capability
Masitoh, Siti
The implementation of home reading program to improve receptive andexpressive language of early childhood
Mintarto, Edy
The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
Mitarlis, Mr.
Learning Design to Integrate Scientific Character Values with Green Chemistry Insight in Basic Chemistry Course
Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Muchamad
Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
Mudjito, Mr.
Inclusive Learning Management in Elementary Schools
Muhari, Mr.
The Effectiveness of Science Learning using Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Mujtahidin, Mr.
The Analysis of Instructional Mistake in Formulating Indicator of Attainment Competence on Civic Education in Elementary School
Mulawarman, Mr.
The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy for Decreasing Self-Motivation Problems of Lower Group Students
Murtadlo, Mr.
Inclusive Learning Management in Elementary Schools
Musdi, Edwin
The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability
Mustadi, A.
Developing reflective picture storybook media to improve students' tolerance in elementary schools
Mustaji, Mr.
The Development of Contextual Teaching and Learn-ing-Based Comic as a Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Mustaji, Mr.
The Development of Learning Tools Based on SETS with Interactive Multimedia to Improve Science Learning Outcomes
Mustaji, Mr.
Numeric toys media: introducing number sense in early childhood with movement and multisensory cards
Mustaji, Mr.
Logical thinking ability and expressive language in early childhood learners
Naqiyah, Najlatun
The Development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Guidebook to Improve Self-efficacy of People with HIV/AIDS
Nasrun, Mr.
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Organizational Comitment of State Junior High School in Tebing Tinggi
Nasution, Mr.
Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
Nasution, Mr.
Students Motivation and Achievement Whose Parents Work as Indonesian Migrant Workers
Nasution, Mr.
Implementation of Cooperative Learning Inside-Outside Circle Model to Improve Elementary School Students' Motivation and Learning Outcome
Negara, Tirta
Introducing Values of Local Cultural Through Batik Motifs as The Identity of Surabaya City
Nisrina, Nina
The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
Novayanti, Nanda
The use of primary documents on literature history in primary scholl
Nugroho, Rivo
Local Wisdom of Samin Community: Core Values to Building Character
Nugroho, Wahyu
Inclusive Learning Management in Elementary Schools
Nurdyansyah, Mr.
Problem Solving Model with Integration Pattern: Student's Problem Solving Capability
Nurhasan, Mr.
The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
Nurhayati, Dwi
Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat: Learning Mathematics Based on Ethnomathematics
Nurhidayah, Ms.
The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School
Nurlaela, Lutfiyah
The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation
Nurlela, Luthfiyah
The Development of Discovery Learning Model With SETs Approach For Science Learning in Junior High School
Padmadewi, Ni Nyoman
Primary Literacy Program: Integrating Reading and Writing in The Classroom
Padmadewi, Ni Nyoman
Collaboration in EFL Classes: Listening to Teachers' and Students' Voices
Padmadewi, Ni Nyoman
Techniques for Building Character and Literacy for 21st Century Education
Pairin, Udjang
Ethnopuitics of puppetry "javanese suluk" as language and art learning material
Pandjaitan, Lena
The Effectivity of Phonics Method in Improving Reading Ability of 1st Grade Elementary School Students
Paramitha, G.
Project Based Learning by Utilizing Used Material to Improve Students' Creativity in Primary School
Partini, Siti
Factors Affecting Individual Resilience
Prasetiawan, Hardi
The profile of adolescent' moral intelligence and practical solution to its improvement efforts
Prasetya, Agustian
The Implementation of Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization (SECI) Through EDMODO Application to Improve Student Group's Learning Outcomes
Prasetya, Sukma
The effect of textbooks on learning outcome viewed from different learning motivation
Prianji, Ajin
The Use of Project-Based Learning Using Visual Art to Increase Students' Interest and Creativity
Puji, L.
Enhancing concentration through Dayak's beaded crafts
Purbaningrum, Endang
Leadership attitude through the acts of planning in the management and development of Inclusive School
Purwadi, Mr.
Self-Regulation of Emotion as an Alternative to Reduce Student's Aggressiveness
Purwoko, Budi
Anger Management in Adolescents Behind Romantic Breakup: Implementation of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Purwoko, Budi
Youth narcissistic and aggression: A challenge for guidance and counseling service in University
Putra, A.
The Role of Informal Education in Preserving the Culture
Putra, Kukuh
The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
Putra, Kukuh
Physical Education Curriculum for Early Childhood: Developing Students' Manipulative Skills in Soccer
Putri, P.A.
Enhancing concentration through Dayak's beaded crafts
Putu Kerti Nitiasih, Putu
Techniques for Building Character and Literacy for 21st Century Education
Rahayu, D.N.
Enhancing concentration through Dayak's beaded crafts
Rahayu, Diah
The Influence of Hug Therapy on Children's Emotional Intelligence Improvement
Rahayu, Sri
Logical thinking ability and expressive language in early childhood learners
Rahma, Rezka
Early childhood and kindergarten teachers competences: gap between text and context
Rahmah, Wulanir
The Effectivity of Phonics Method in Improving Reading Ability of 1st Grade Elementary School Students
Rahmawati, Yuli
Should We Transform? Integration Cultural Ethics And Values in Chemistry Teaching And Learning
Rasyad, Achmad
The Involvement of Informal Sector Society in English habit at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
Ratmawati, Dwi
How to Improve Lecturers' OCBs?
Ratnadewi, D.
Developing Character Education Based on Local Wisdom
Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi
Exploring The Use of Literacy Strategies in Junior High School Level
Riyanto, Yatim
The Development of Discovery Learning Model With SETs Approach For Science Learning in Junior High School
Riyanto, Yatim
The Management of Students with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Roesminingsih, Maria
Local Wisdom of Samin Community: Core Values to Building Character
Rohmadheny, P.
Individual Counseling Program of Islamic Vocational High School in Indonesia
Rohman, Miftah
The Great Mosque of Sumenep as Character Education Material in Art and Culture Lesson
Rosyida, Ais
The Development of Contextual Teaching and Learn-ing-Based Comic as a Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Rusijono, Mr.
The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning
Rusijono, Mr.
Students Motivation and Achievement Whose Parents Work as Indonesian Migrant Workers
Rusijono, Mr.
Implementation of Cooperative Learning Inside-Outside Circle Model to Improve Elementary School Students' Motivation and Learning Outcome
Rusijono, Mr.
Distance Education Program: Using Video Streaming to Improve Teachers' Competence
Rusijono, Mr.
T-Mobile Learning Android Model-Based to Improve Students' Listening Capability
Said Alhadi, Said
Self-Regulation of Emotion as an Alternative to Reduce Student's Aggressiveness
Sakinah, Ms.
The implementation of home reading program to improve receptive andexpressive language of early childhood
Saleh, Nanang
The Effectiveness of REBIT to Reduce Academic Cheating On Elementary School
Samani, Muchlas
Developing Character Education Based on Local Wisdom
Saputra, Wahyu
The analysis of validity and reliability of self-regulated learning scale
Saputra, Wahyu
Individual Counseling Program of Islamic Vocational High School in Indonesia
Sari, Fitriana
Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
Saroinsong, Wulan
Examined The Social Competence: A Case Study on Parenting and Emotional Development in Children
Sartinah, Endang
Career guidance for self-knowledge and occupation knowledge of cerebral palsy students in Special Senior High School
Satori, Djaman
The Existence of Schools as Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Seken, Ketut
Character Education Practices at a Piloted Primary School
Setiawan, Fajar
The Development of Learning Tools Based on SETS with Interactive Multimedia to Improve Science Learning Outcomes
Setiawati, Denok
Cinema Therapy to Improve The Counselor?s Understanding about Dealing with Feeling Skills for Students
Setyawan, Wawan
T-Mobile Learning Android Model-Based to Improve Students' Listening Capability
Setyawati, Ris
Make and match method supported by picture media to improve students' learning activity
Setyowati, Dana
Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
Shobikhah, Khusniatus
The Effect of Paikem Learning Model within Direct Instruction and Cooperative Learning Setting towards 9th Graders Learning Mastery
Sholecha, Ericha
The Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy to Decrease Negative Thoughts Towards Children with Special Need
Simanjorang, Mangaratua
Ethics and "Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Indonesia" (PMRI): a Critical Reflection on Mathematics Instruction Practice
Simatupang, Nurhenti
Examined The Social Competence: A Case Study on Parenting and Emotional Development in Children
Sinaga, B.
Ethics and "Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Indonesia" (PMRI): a Critical Reflection on Mathematics Instruction Practice
Siti Ina, Siti
Understanding how teacher perceived teaching professionalism
Soedarmadji, Boy
The development of computer-based career guidance application program for senior high school students
Subiyantoro, Slamet
Obstacles Level of Learning Javanese Speech: A Phenomenology Study in Elementary School
Subkhan, Edi
Educational Technologist Competencies At School
Subrata, Heru
Ethnopuitics of puppetry "javanese suluk" as language and art learning material