Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)
259 authors
- Subroto, Waspodo
- The Development of Contextual Teaching and Learn-ing-Based Comic as a Learning Media for Elementary School Students
- Subroto, Waspodo
- Make and match method supported by picture media to improve students' learning activity
- Subroto, Waspodo
- How CPS version 2.2 can improve students' activity and achievement in integrated learning towards the second grade students of primary school
- Sugiman, Mr.
- The Ability of Math Teachers to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Tasks
- Sugoto, Sugoto
- The effect of music Mnemonic and Flash Cards to increase fourth grade students' english vocabulary acquisition
- Sujarwanto, Mr.
- The Management of Students with Special Needs in Inclusive School
- Sukartiningsih, Ms.
- Influence of Habituation on Self-Awareness and Prosocial Behavior in 4-5-Year-Old Children
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- Make and match method supported by picture media to improve students' learning activity
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- How CPS version 2.2 can improve students' activity and achievement in integrated learning towards the second grade students of primary school
- Sukowati, Ida
- Normalization strategy as the concept of power in the dutch-indies literature: michel foucault critical discourse analysis perspective
- Sulasmi, Siti
- How to Improve Lecturers' OCBs?
- Sulistiowati, Ms.
- Applying Online Media for High School Students
- Sumintono, Bambang
- Rasch Model Measurements as Tools in Assesment for Learning
- Sunawan, Mr.
- The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy for Decreasing Self-Motivation Problems of Lower Group Students
- Supana, Mr.
- Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
- Supriyanto, Agus
- The analysis of validity and reliability of self-regulated learning scale
- Supriyono, Mr.
- Knowledge Transfer in Promoting Entrepreneurship
- Supriyono Supriyon, Mr.
- The Involvement of Informal Sector Society in English habit at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
- Suranti, Ni Made
- The effect of virtual labs toward students' understanding of physics based on gender
- Suroso, Mr.
- A Profile of Student's Scheme Activation based on Theory of Constructive Operators in Problem Solving Reviewed from The High Mathematics Ability
- Suryana, Asep
- The Existence of Schools as Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Suryanti, Ms.
- Project Based Learning by Utilizing Used Material to Improve Students' Creativity in Primary School
- Sutanti, Tri
- Early Clinical Exposure Based Group Counseling Practice Model to Increase Counselor Candidate Competence In Group Counseling Services
- Suwandi, Sarwiji
- Problem based learning model assisted edmodo
- Suwarjo, Mr.
- Individual Student Planning: A Comparison Between United States and Indonesia
- Suwarjo, Mr.
- Early Clinical Exposure Based Group Counseling Practice Model to Increase Counselor Candidate Competence In Group Counseling Services
- Suyuthie, Hijriyantomi
- Management and Supervision Competences of State Elementary School Principals
- Syamsudin, Mr.
- Individual Counseling Program of Islamic Vocational High School in Indonesia
- Tarma, Mr.
- The Effectiveness of Natural Science Learning Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in Improving The Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
- Taroreh, Kamang
- The Implementation of Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization (SECI) Through EDMODO Application to Improve Student Group's Learning Outcomes
- Trihantoyo, Syunu
- Literacy Culture to Support Eco-School Program
- Ummah, Rohmatul
- Developing reflective picture storybook media to improve students' tolerance in elementary schools
- Utanto, Yuli
- Educational Technologist Competencies At School
- Wahjuningsih, Anik
- Knowledge Transfer in Promoting Entrepreneurship
- Wahyudi, Amien
- Factors Affecting Individual Resilience
- Wahyuni, Siti
- Obstacles Level of Learning Javanese Speech: A Phenomenology Study in Elementary School
- Warsono, Mr.
- Social Studies Education in Indonesia
- Wartono, Mr.
- Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts
- Wati, Elis
- The Influence of Pop-Up Book to The Student's Outcomes in Learning Ecosystem
- Widodo, Mr.
- The Role of Informal Education in Preserving the Culture
- Widodo, Wahono
- The Use of Project-Based Learning Using Visual Art to Increase Students' Interest and Creativity
- Widodo, Wahono
- The Development of Learning Tools Based on SETS with Interactive Multimedia to Improve Science Learning Outcomes
- Widohardhono, Rachman
- The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
- Windawati, Patrisia
- Literacy Culture to Support Eco-School Program
- Winingsih, Evi
- Cinema Therapy to Improve The Counselor?s Understanding about Dealing with Feeling Skills for Students
- Winoto, Eunike
- The effect of music Mnemonic and Flash Cards to increase fourth grade students' english vocabulary acquisition
- Wiyono, Bambang
- The Development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Guidebook to Improve Self-efficacy of People with HIV/AIDS
- Yang, Chang-Bin
- The Implementation of Physical Fitness Learning Module in Kindergarten
- Yani, Riri
- The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability
- Yonata, Bertha
- Learning Design to Integrate Scientific Character Values with Green Chemistry Insight in Basic Chemistry Course
- Yudiarso, Ananta
- The effect of music Mnemonic and Flash Cards to increase fourth grade students' english vocabulary acquisition
- Yulianingsih, Wiwin
- The Involvement of Informal Sector Society in English habit at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
- Yulianingsih, Wiwin
- Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
- Yulianti, Maulida
- Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat: Learning Mathematics Based on Ethnomathematics
- Yulianto, Bambang
- The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School
- Yuwana, Setya
- Ethnopuitics of puppetry "javanese suluk" as language and art learning material
- Zaifaro, Zaimatus
- The Effectiveness of Science Learning using Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills
- Zuhdi, Ulhaq
- The Influence of Pop-Up Book to The Student's Outcomes in Learning Ecosystem
- Zuhro, Zafifatuz
- Influence of Habituation on Self-Awareness and Prosocial Behavior in 4-5-Year-Old Children