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194505 articles
Proceedings Article
Development of an E_Learning Management Model Based on Hybrid Learning
Eni Kuswati
This study aims to analyze the e-learning governance model that has been implemented so far, analyze the e-learning governance model that suits the needs of teachers, analyze the validity of the e-learning governance model developed based on hybrid learning and analyze the effectiveness of the e-learning...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program Planning Model Assisted by Management Information Systems
Sugiyo, Fakhruddin, Kardoyo, Hanung Sudibyo
Implementation of a comprehensive guidance and counseling program planning model assisted by management information systems by holding seminars and workshops in the guidance and counseling teacher deliberation forum. The implementation activity consists of 2 sessions, namely a session to identify needs...
Proceedings Article
Peer Conformity, Time Management and Online Game Addiction to High Schoolers
Ganjar Suargani, Muslikah
The research was aimed to investigate the correlation between peer conformity and time management with online game addiction in students partially or simultaneously. The research used correlational quantitative design. The sample used purposive sampling, 100 students chosen from 140 students. Data collected...
Proceedings Article
The Necessity of the Indonesian Language Authentic Assessment Model Development Based on the Teacher Interview Results
Endang Siwi Ekoati, Fathur Rakhman, Ida Zulaeha, Subyantoro
An assessment is the determinant factor of successful learning. Ideally, an assessment is not only conducted at the end of learning. Therefore, there is a need for an authentic assessment. In learning the Indonesian language, there are still many teachers who have not been able to carry out an authentic...
Proceedings Article
Participation of Posyandu Cadres in Utilizing Appetite Enhancer Supplements Based on Local Natural Materials as an Effort to Prevent Undernutrition in Toddlers
Nur Aini Abdurrahman Ali, Ari Yuniastuti, Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani
Bima Regency is rich in local natural ingredients in the form of herbal plants as an appetite supplement for toddlers, but the problem of malnutrition and poor nutrition in toddlers is very high. One of the factors that influence nutrition problems in infants is the role and participation of posyandu...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Religious Observances and Peer Influences Towards Premarital Sex Occurrence in Sarolangun Municipality
Eka Asvista Salviana, I Made Sudana, Widya Hary Cahyati
Adolescents have an emotional progression characterized by explosiveness emotional nature and are difficult to control. Unrestrained emotions are due to teenagers taking too much of their emotional turmoil so that they can cause teenagers to be trapped into the wrong path of premarital sex. Data from...
Proceedings Article
The Development of 3D Pageflip Professional–based Pregnancy Care E-Module on Midwifery Students’ Motivation and Learning Outcomes
Ely Shovrotul Khoiriyah, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Ari Yuniastuti
This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable 3D pageflip professional-based pregnancy care e-module, test the effectiveness of e-module and analyze the effect of e-module on Diploma III Midwifery Students’ motivation and learning outcomes. The type of this research was the Research and Development...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Numbered Head Together with the Written Corrective Feedbacks on Mathematics Communication Skills Achievement
Siti Nur Alisyah, Kartono, Tri Sri Noor Asih
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the model Numbered Heads Together with Written Corrective Feedback on the achievement of mathematical communication skills. This study is experimental research. The quantitative research sampling technique is simple random sampling which in...
Proceedings Article
Online Learning Management During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study at Satya Wacana Christian Junior High School
Nobita Triwijayanti, Rusdarti, F Totok Sumaryanto, Titi Prihatin
The COVID-19 pandemic in more than two hundred countries impacted every sector, including education. The pandemic forced schools to conduct online learning, though not all schools, teachers, students, and parents were ready to manage the online learning system. The research was qualitative using a case...
Proceedings Article
How to Scaffold Extroverted and Introverted Students in Mathematics?
Maya Harsasi, YL Sukestiyarno, Iwan Junaedi
Every person has a different personality. It is important for teachers to consider these personality differences in providing scaffolding for their students. This study aims at: 1) describing the proper scaffolding with the students’ needs for each personality type; 2) formulating recommendations on...
Proceedings Article
Developing Mathematical Conceptual Understanding Through Problem-Solving: The Role of Abstraction Reflective
Lulu Choirun Nisa, St. Budi Waluya, Kartono, Scholastika Mariani
Reflective abstraction is a mechanism that moves individuals from one level to a higher level of knowledge. Reflective abstraction is a mechanism that builds novelty. Therefore, the study of reflective abstraction is dominant in the process of how reflective abstraction forms new knowledge or understanding....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Elementary School On-line Based Learning Mathematics Management in Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Lisa Virdinarti Putra, YL. Sukestiyarno, Masrukan, Joko Widodo, Anni Malihatul Hawa
In this Covid-19 pandemic era, the learning process in elementary schools especially Mathematics learning has run improperly. Students have difficulty in learning because the learning process is online. This study aimed to find the root causes of the low student learning outcomes in the pandemic era,...
Proceedings Article
APOS Theory Implementation of a Module Contained with Autonomous Character and Mathematics Connection on Algebra Material
Krisno Budi Prasetyo, YL. Sukestiyarno, Adi Nur Cahyono
This is a development research of a learning source based on APOS theory. The role of APOS theory is to facilitate framework constructions of an action, process, object, and scheme. This research aims to evaluate the existence of the learning material based on APOS theory and tests its validity and practicability...
Proceedings Article
The Student’s Self-Efficacy in Mathematics Learning as a Part of Non-Cognitive Mapping: A Case Study of MTS N 2 Pemalang
Imam Sayekti, YL Sukestiyarno, Wardono, Dwijanto
Self-efficacy is a belief that illustrates the ability of the students to organize and use their potential in dealing with situations and problems. Students usually get difficult to manage their potential to solve the problems during learning process, especially in mathematics. Therefore, this study...
Proceedings Article
Validity Module Chemical Integrated the Context of Vocational
Promes Sari Wahyuni, Sri Haryani, Jumaeri
This study aimed to produce chemical module vocational integrated the valid. The form of this research was research and development (R & D) that adapted from the Four D (4D) model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) and it is limited reached the stage validation. Instrument used is sheets...
Proceedings Article
Building Filing Information System at the Vocational High School in Semarang City
Agung Kuswantoro, Maman Rachman, S. Martono, Farid Ahmadi, Sukestiyarno
The objectives of this study is the purpose of this study are (1) to determine the management of archives during this time carried out at the Vocational High School in Semarang. (2) to find out how to properly manage records in the Vocational High School in Semarang. (3) to find out whether or not there...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Questionnaire Instruments Assisted by Google Form Application to Measure Students’ Cep Characters on The Stem Integrated Chemistry Module
Triya Ruliyanti, Sudarmin, Woro Sumarni, Miftahul Ulum
The advanced technology must be used properly to support other fields, one of them is education field. One of the technological advances that can be used is google form application. The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire instrument assisted by google form application to measure the...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Employee Competence, Leadership Commitment, and Internal Audit Role on the Quality of State Property Accounting Information
Hastuti, Benny Barnas, Yanti Rufaedah, Wida Oktavia Suciyani, Deni Mulyana
The quality of accounting information determines the reliability of an entity’s financial statements. Accounting information is a product that is included in the accounting information system. An important concern for the quality of accounting information in financial statements is accounting studies...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Naive Bayes Algorithm on Sentiment Analysis Application
Martiti, Christina Juliane
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the branches of artificial intelligence science where this branch science is the basis for developing sentiment analysis. The application in NLP in sentiment analysis includes Pre-processing text consisting of featured selection and tokenization. For the classification...
Proceedings Article
On the Cultural Construction of Community
Yuexin Zhao, Wei Xu
Community cultural construction should be based on the community, cultural activities as the carrier, to promote the party’s line, principles, policies for the purpose, to maximize the improvement of community residents’ political consciousness and cultural quality, to promote the harmony of the community,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Propagation Paths and Governance Strategies of Online Rumors Based on an Example in Dalian
Jiurui Qiu
The American scholar “Father of Rumour Research” Alpert explains rumors as propositions related to events at the time that lack concrete information to formalize their exactness. As a widespread phenomenon of social opinion, rumors have combined with the Internet to form a new force, the Internet rumor...
Proceedings Article
The Theory and Efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Bipolar Disorder
Danyang Zhao
The previous research showed that psychological treatment is effective for people who have a mental disorder, such as bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a severe disorder that the patients can have two extremes of mood episodes, which are depression and (hypo)mania. Cognitive behavioural therapy is...
Proceedings Article
The Possibility of Transgression and Fluidity
A Study of the Festival La Mucada
Youyou Dai, Yimeng Liu, Xin Tong
Identity problem is a hot topic in today’s society and academia. In the cultural, political, gender, regional, and other different systems, people’s identity is stuck with different labels, and various stereotypes attached to people are constantly being reinforced. Logocentrism and binary opposition...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Role of Missionaries in the Chinese Anti-footbinding Movement
Jiaying Huang
The long-formed Chinese custom of footbinding first started to decline in the late Qing period, with western missionaries playing a part in it. However, exactly how important were the missionaries in this anti-footbinding movement, and what can be learnt from their role in the movement, remained insufficiently...
Proceedings Article
Competitive Advantage of Open Innovation in the Context of Enterprise Digital Transformation
Yini Lan
Enterprise digital transformation is the implementation of digital solutions to company systems. With digital transformation, enterprises move their businesses to cloud infrastructure and improve business operations. This paper explores whether open innovation has a competitive advantage in a digital...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Gender Stereotypes on Food Preferences
Yue Zhao
Food not only meets our energy needs, but also has a social function. It has strong impacts on perceptions of masculinity and femininity, conveys gender stereotypes, which will further influence our food choices. From the anthropological perspective, this paper makes a cultural description of food and...
Proceedings Article
Research on Smart Endowment Supply—Based on Service Chain Theory
Weiwei Kong, Lin Qu
In the context of the current new normal of China’s population, the level of smart elderly care services in China directly determines the development of the aging society. The wisdom of relying on the development of modern intelligent technology and information technology services for the elderly is...
Proceedings Article
Residents Participation in Urban Community Governance under the New Normal
Yijia Li
China’s economic form shows a relatively stable development of the new normal characteristics, social structure is constantly optimized adjustment, put forward higher requirements for social governance. Through the study, we find that there are still many problems in residents’ participation, such as...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Body Shaming on Female High School Students in China
Ruolin Gan, Shengnan Jiang
Body shaming has become a major public concern in recent years. This paper aims to consider the adverse effects that follow the criticism of female bodies while they are attending high school. This paper analyzed 11 papers from Google Scholar. By organizing and reviewing these previous investigations...
Proceedings Article
Regenerative Design Framework
A Case Study of Residential Heritage of Fujian Tulou in China
Yuan Sun, Zhu Wang
World heritage site Fujian has a number of traditional settlements named Tulou, which are existing historical records of family culture and local construction techniques in old times. In recent decades, most of them are abandoned by local occupants and then partly collapsed without any conservation....
Proceedings Article
Internet Use and Social Integration of Migrant Workers An Empirical Analysis Based on CGSS2017
Yinghua Zhong, Xiaojie Gong, Xiaofeng Cong
Using the 2017 China General Social Survey (CGSS) data to examine the impact of migrant workers’ Internet use on their own social integration from the perspective of Internet use. Using the multiple linear regression model to analyze the data, it is found that the Internet use of migrant workers can...
Proceedings Article
Definition of “Knowing” of Internet Service Providers in Helping Cybercrime
Haozhe Cheng, Peiwen Li, Shuyang Li
Accomplishing the crime of helping information network crime requires subjective “knowing”. However, since judges cannot explore the inner truth of each perpetrator, there is still a dilemma of confusion in the identification of the subjective state of network service providers. Even in judicial practice,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Emerging Trends in the Business and Management of Canadian Food Industry During COVID-19 Pandemic
Jiayi Zhang
The COVID-19 outbreak has become a global issue that has had a significant impact on people from all areas of life. In order to demonstrate to the public how food factories operate during the pandemic and to provide some guidance for food industries in other countries, this paper examines how Canada's...
Proceedings Article
How Does Action Research Influence on the Professional Development of University Teachers in China?
Yue Qin
Nowadays, the balance of teaching and practice is important in higher education, which aims to develop lecturers’ teaching and promote learning skills, while higher education also needs reflective practice to enhance teaching and learning practice [13]. However, in the past decade, the need for vocational...
Proceedings Article
Health Policy Against COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand
How to Protect International Students?
Junyi Meng
Health safety has always been a critical factor for international students to consider before studying abroad, especially during the COVID-19 epidemic. In the recent three years, the health threats posed by the COVID-19 epidemic have had a specific impact on changing traditional learning methods, and...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Female Body Alienation in Consumer Society
Yinghui Li
Along with the beauty of a women's appearance and good shape widespread application in the television advertisement media, through the facial plastic surgery, fitness, such as ways to reshape the female body, in order to make it more conform to the social reform movement is aesthetic body, with...
Proceedings Article
Application and Development Trend of Advanced High-Tensile Steel in Modern Automobile
Yuetong Ning
As the largest country to product and sale the automobile, China is facing the problem of oil shortages. As an important measure to save energy and reduce emission, Automobile lightweight is of great urgency. At the sometime, automobile lightweight also has a significant effect on the improve of automobile...
Proceedings Article
Finger Dexterity and Attention in the Elderly
Yuqing Wang, Yikai Kong
Based on Rabinowitz et al. pointed out that there is an association exists between finger tapping and attention. The proposal study was based on the previous study and increased the speed of finger tapping to test the effect of finger dexterity on the attention of older adults. In this work, we tested...
Proceedings Article
Would You Pay for Image? E-commerce Clothing Purchase Research of Female Undergraduates in China
Wanchi Yao, Qingyuan Zeng, Yingqin Zeng
As online clothing shopping has become more and more common, the results and findings of research into the factors that influence online shopping are increasing, and the attitudes of this group of new generation women towards online clothing consumption are worth exploring. This study focuses on how...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Future Market Applications of 6G Network Technology
Kejun Chen
5G network technology is already quite mature and, in most places, has popularized the use and application of the 5G network. The successful research of this technology has brought a lot of convenience to human life. After 5G, research on 6G is proposed. The research topic of this paper is about 6G networks,...
Proceedings Article
Fake News During the COVID-19
Haoqi Geng, Sirui Luo, Hongyezi Zuo
In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has been going viral worldwide; in the meantime, there is also more and more fake news being made by people every day. In this paper, we mainly discuss what caused these phenomena to happen. Furthermore, this work will study the negative effect of this fake news.
Proceedings Article
The Metaverse: The Essential Characteristics of “Full Body Immersion” and the Risk of Addiction
Jiayin Liu, Gongjing Gao
With the continuous progress of virtual reality technology, human beings have begun to move toward the Metaverse world, which is the ultimate form of Internet development. The Metaverse becomes the hot topic of the moment. The concept of the Metaverse has not yet formed a unified definition, but as an...
Proceedings Article
Will Companies’ Participation in Targeted Poverty Alleviation Affect Their Default Risk?
Guihao Zhuang, Xinyu Li, Xiaowen Li
Targeted poverty alleviation is a national strategy. Targeted poverty alleviation for enterprises is important for winning the battle against poverty. This article uses the non-financial listed companies participating in targeted poverty alleviation in the 2016–2020 A-share market as a sample to study...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Training Mode of Adaptive Talents in Higher Vocational Education Under the Background of Educational Informatization 2.0
Xuemei Cai
Under the background of education informatization 2.0, higher vocational colleges take the construction of smart campus as the starting point, build an information platform, build a dual education platform of “school + enterprise” and an education team of “counselors + professional tutors + enterprise...
Proceedings Article
Dependent Growth: A Study on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Social Work Cultivating Community Self-organization
Xilei Li
Community self-organization has developed rapidly in China in recent years. Social work has great advantages in incubating and cultivating community self-organization, which can better promote community self-organization to participate in community common governance. This paper holds that absorbing organization...
Proceedings Article
Prediction of Social Communication Behavior Changes in the Meta Universe
Ying Liu, Gongjing Gao
With the continuous development of digital technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and virtual simulationn, human beings begin to migrate from the real world to the virtual world and walk between reality and digital. In this context, “meta universe” has been proposed and become...
Proceedings Article
The Influencing Factors on College Students’ Career Choices in the Post-epidemic Era: Evidence from China
Huan Zhang, Yue Zhang, Shuaihao Wu
This paper studies the influencing factors on the degree of change in college students’ career choices in the post-epidemic era by constructing a multiple regression model. We find that most colleges have changed their career choices; the factors of the epidemic, government decisions, college behaviours,...
Proceedings Article
Application of 5G Communication Technology in IOV
Yuheng Zhang
With the development of IOV (Internet of Vehicles) and wireless communication technology, the application of IOV has become a key solution to realizing future intelligent transportation. Communication technology is the core technology of IOV, which determines many of its key performance of IOV. However,...
Proceedings Article
The Bidirectional Relationship Between Undergraduates’ Social Abilities and Their Peer Relationships: A Quantitative Case Study of SYSU
Rui Ao
Social interaction and peer support are indispensable to college students. Based on the data from undergraduate students of Sun Yat-Sen University, this research studies the relationship between college students’ social abilities and the quality of their existing peer relationships. A total of 132 valid...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of L2 Proficiency on Acquisition of English Lexical Stress by Chinese Learners—An Acoustic Study Based on L1 Interference Theory
Yue Liu
English is an international language throughout the world and is widely learned as a foreign language by Chinese students. Compared with other skills, Chinese learners are less good at speaking, due to the first language (L1) interference in phonology. Lexical stress is a crucial constituent which determines...