Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018)

408 authors
Elisna, Elisna
The Development of English Reading Materials Integrating Character Values Based on Scientific Approach
Eliza, Delfi
Wordless and Picture Books Model Development based on Minangkabau Folklore to Build Early Childhood Character and Literacy
Eliza, Rivdya
The Validity of Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development of Mathematics Learning in Vocational High School (SMK)
Elizar, Elizar
Design of Meta-inquiry Learning Model in Number Theory
Ellizar, Ellizar
The Practice of Animation Assisted Inquiry Learning Model in Senior High School Chemistry Learning
Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching
Emzir, Emzir
Integrated Story-Based Grammar Learning Model: The Effectiveness and Students’ Perception on Its Implementation in a Grammar Classroom
Enjoni, Enjoni
Meta-Analysis: Improving Creativity through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
Ermanto, Ermanto
The Effectiveness of Training Using the Constructivism Approach to the Indonesian Language Teacher Training and Education Center for Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Erpidawati, Erpidawati
The Development of the Academic Supervision Model Basic School Supervisor
F, Farida
Improvement of Students Activity and Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation
Fatimah, Siti
Analysis of History Learning Model Based on Multimedia as the Strengthening of National Identity of Students
Fatimah, Siti
Developing Comics-Based Social Sciences-History Teaching Materials
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Validity of Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development of Mathematics Learning in Vocational High School (SMK)
Fauzan, Ahmad
Implementation of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to Improve Understanding of Concept and Communication of Mathematics
Fauzan, Ahmad
Contextual Learning Styles-Based Approach to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes In Primary School
Fauzan, Ahmad
Development of Mathematics Teaching Materials Based on Realistic Mathematics Education and Literacy in Junior High School
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
Fauzan, Ahmad
Developing a Model of Newspaper Literacy-Based Business Mathematics Learning in Higher Education: Preliminary Analysis Stage
Fauzan, Ahmad
Using Read Cover Remember Retell (RCRR)in Teaching Reading Comprehension
Fauzan, Ahmad
Design of Meta-inquiry Learning Model in Number Theory
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Influence of Active Knowledge Sharing Strategies and Initial Ability of Students' Mathematical Ability
Fauzan, Ahmad
Metacognitive Awareness and Its Effect on Students' Problem Solving Ability in Implementing RME Approach
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Influence of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Approach on Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Influence of Think Pair Share Learning Models Toward Students' Mathematical Communication Ability
Fauzan, Ahmad
Constructivism-Based Think Create Apply as a Mathematics Learning Model
Fauzan, Ahmad
Hidden Speaking Difficulty of English Foreign Language Learners at STIBA Persada Bunda
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Influence of Treffinger Model on Creative Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Effectiveness of the Problem-based Learning- Internet Information Literacy (PBL-IIL) Model in Minimizing Plagiarism among Students
Festiyed, Festiyed
Meta-Analysis: Improving Creativity through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
Festiyed, Festiyed
The Practice of Animation Assisted Inquiry Learning Model in Senior High School Chemistry Learning
Fuad, Nurhattati
A Concern Towards The Society and Internalization of Academic Ethics for Primary Education Students: Perspective of Lecturers’ Role
Gistituati, Nurhijrah
Implementation of Project Problem Based Learning in English Lab Course at Islamic University of Riau
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
The Development of the Academic Supervision Model Basic School Supervisor
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
The Effect of Learning Model Project Based Learning on The Activities and Study Results of IPA Graders VI
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
Health Education Teachers Pedagogic and Personality Competencies in Guiding Practical Clinical Training of Nursing Students
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
The Effect of Contextual Learning Approach (CTL) to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Organization and Management Subject
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
Developing a Model of Newspaper Literacy-Based Business Mathematics Learning in Higher Education: Preliminary Analysis Stage
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
Using Visual Aids to Develop Students’ Speaking Skill
Gita, I Nyoman
Model of Integrated Character Education Assessment based on Balinese Culture
Gunamantha, I Made
Content and Context: A Children’s Book to Support Learning in the 2013 Curriculum
Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi
Sport Talent Scouting for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Preliminary Study on Post School Transition Program in Disabilities)
Gurnahadi, Gurnahadi
Need Assessment of Experiential Learning to Improve Student Competency of Vocational High School Students
Gurning, Busmin
Compliance of Higher Education National Standard in Field of Learning: Case Study on Postgraduate School Universitas Negeri Medan
Gusnetti, Gusnetti
Local Wisdom as a Reflection of a Multicultural Education in Learning Indonesian Language and Literature
Gusril, Gusril
The Urgency of Pre-Married Education To Prevent Increasing of Divorce in Padang, West Sumatra
Gustina, Gustina
Factors in Using Speech Method in Social Subject
H. Naki, Yamin
Effectiveness of Quality Management Implementation ISO 9001: 2008 at State Vocational School 1 Gorontalo
Haerudin, Dingding
The Role of Parents in Sundanese Language Preservation
Hakim, Ramalis
Implementation of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to Improve Understanding of Concept and Communication of Mathematics
Hanafi, Ivan
The Evaluation of Teacher Dispatching Program For Indonesian Children’s Education In Sabah Malaysia
Handayani, Hany
The Impact of Workshop on Implementation of Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-And-Create (RADEC) Learning Model on Pedagogic Competency of Elementary School Teachers
Handayani, Witri
Rhetorical Patterns of Questions Asked by Indonesian Graduate Students in Class Discussion
Handayani, Witri
Need Analysis in Designing Digital System English Book for English Instructional Class
Hariyatmo, Sukis
Sport Talent Scouting for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Preliminary Study on Post School Transition Program in Disabilities)
Haryono, Yulia
Analyzing the Development of Handouts on Strategy and Instructional Design of Biology Subject
Hasfera, Dian
Design of Vertical Portal Indigenous Knowledge for Minangkabau Cultural Learning
Herawaty P, Yanthy
Effects of Empowerment and Work Motivation toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Public Schools Teachers in Jakarta
Herlyna, Herlyna
The Evaluation of Paket C Equivalency Program Implementation in Tangerang District, Indonesia
Hermaliza, Hermaliza
The Effect of Learning Model Project Based Learning on The Activities and Study Results of IPA Graders VI
Herman, Marleni
The Effect of Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) toward Motivation and Learning Achievement of the Fourth Grade Elementary Students
Hermasari, Devi
Assessing the Needs for Developing the Students’ Capacity for Autonomous Basic English Vocabulary Learning
Hidayati, Rahmi
Implementation of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to Improve Understanding of Concept and Communication of Mathematics
Hulukati, Wenny
The Effectiveness of Guidebooks to Improve Teachers’ Competency in Teaching Gorontalo Local Language Learning for Early Childhood
I Wayan, Suama,
The Effects of Knowledge about Ecology, Biospheric and Egoistic Values toward New Environmental Paradigm
Imran, Imran
Improving Students` Badminton Smash Skill Through Game Modifications
Indra daulay, Musnar
Developing Comics-Based Social Sciences-History Teaching Materials
Irianti, Desmi
The Effectiveness of Vocational School Performance Measurement Model Based on Balance Scorecard
Irwandi, Irwandi
The Qur’anic Concept on Human Language: A Preliminary Study on Science-Religion Integration in Studying Sociolinguistics
Ismail, Ade
Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching
Ismail, Hijril
Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching
Ismail, Ismail
Improving Fiqih Learning Quality through COPERSOL Model with Local Wisdom at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Semarang
Ismail, Syofianis
Student Perspective in Using Social Media As a Tool in English Language Learning
Isnanda, Romi
Local Wisdom as a Reflection of a Multicultural Education in Learning Indonesian Language and Literature
Istiyono, Edi
Computer Adaptive Test as The Appropriate Model to Assess Physics Achievement in 21st Century
Istri Ngurah Marhaeni, Anak Agung
Content and Context: A Children’s Book to Support Learning in the 2013 Curriculum
Iswri, Mega
Meta-Analysis: Improving Creativity through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
Izzah, Izzah
Needs Analysis of Indonesian Language Books Using Stories From Quran: New Innovation in Language Learning
Jalinus, Nizwardi
The Strength of Cooperative Learning Method Based on CTL on Fashion Design Production
Jalinus, Nizwardi
Developing an Instructional Model to Scaffold Students in Producing Innovative Minangkabau Embroidery
Jasrial, Jasrial
Design of Vertical Portal Indigenous Knowledge for Minangkabau Cultural Learning
Jasrial, Jasrial
The Development of English Reading Materials Integrating Character Values Based on Scientific Approach
Joni Putra, Ridho
Using Read Cover Remember Retell (RCRR)in Teaching Reading Comprehension
Julita, Devi
Improvement of Students Activity and Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation
Jusmaniar, Jusmaniar
Enhancing Students Ability to Appreciate Short Story trough Contextual Approach
K.P., Zuhdan
Integrating Local Wisdom in Natural Science Learning
Education Values of Arat Sabulungan Tradition in Matotonan Mentawai
Kasirah, Irah
Developing Instructional Package about ESD in Order to Increase Knowledge Teacher SLB about ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)
Khaidir, Afriva
Factors Influencing Students’Discipline Character Building
E-Consult: Designing of Development for Thesis Advisory Model Based on Management Information System in IAIN Bukittinggi
Khairani, Khairani
Factors Influencing the Use of Lecture Methods in Learning Activities: Teacher Perspective
Khairudin, Khairudin
Health Education Teachers Pedagogic and Personality Competencies in Guiding Practical Clinical Training of Nursing Students
Khausar, Khausar
The Effects of Teacher’s Leadership, Personality and Cultural Values toward Motivation of Healthy Life
Khori, Mhd
Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension through the Collaboration between Reciprocal Teaching and Cooperative Learning
Komariah, Siti
Counter Enculturation: A Revitalization Strategy to Strengthen Local Wisdom in Fast Changing Age
Kosasih, Ahmad
Factors in Using Speech Method in Social Subject
Kurniashih, Rizki
The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
Kurniati, Erisa
Learning in School Based on Multimedia
Lamatenggo, Nina
Effectiveness of Quality Management Implementation ISO 9001: 2008 at State Vocational School 1 Gorontalo
Lestari, Ika
Building Culture of Literacy through Child Fun Library