Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018)
408 authors
- Elisna, Elisna
- The Development of English Reading Materials Integrating Character Values Based on Scientific Approach
- Eliza, Delfi
- Wordless and Picture Books Model Development based on Minangkabau Folklore to Build Early Childhood Character and Literacy
- Eliza, Rivdya
- The Validity of Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development of Mathematics Learning in Vocational High School (SMK)
- Elizar, Elizar
- Design of Meta-inquiry Learning Model in Number Theory
- Ellizar, Ellizar
- The Practice of Animation Assisted Inquiry Learning Model in Senior High School Chemistry Learning
- Emzir
- Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching
- Emzir, Emzir
- Integrated Story-Based Grammar Learning Model: The Effectiveness and Students’ Perception on Its Implementation in a Grammar Classroom
- Enjoni, Enjoni
- Meta-Analysis: Improving Creativity through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
- Ermanto, Ermanto
- The Effectiveness of Training Using the Constructivism Approach to the Indonesian Language Teacher Training and Education Center for Madrasah Tsanawiyah
- Erpidawati, Erpidawati
- The Development of the Academic Supervision Model Basic School Supervisor
- F, Farida
- Improvement of Students Activity and Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation
- Fatimah, Siti
- Analysis of History Learning Model Based on Multimedia as the Strengthening of National Identity of Students
- Fatimah, Siti
- Developing Comics-Based Social Sciences-History Teaching Materials
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Validity of Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development of Mathematics Learning in Vocational High School (SMK)
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Implementation of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to Improve Understanding of Concept and Communication of Mathematics
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Contextual Learning Styles-Based Approach to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes In Primary School
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Development of Mathematics Teaching Materials Based on Realistic Mathematics Education and Literacy in Junior High School
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Developing a Model of Newspaper Literacy-Based Business Mathematics Learning in Higher Education: Preliminary Analysis Stage
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Using Read Cover Remember Retell (RCRR)in Teaching Reading Comprehension
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Design of Meta-inquiry Learning Model in Number Theory
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Influence of Active Knowledge Sharing Strategies and Initial Ability of Students' Mathematical Ability
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Metacognitive Awareness and Its Effect on Students' Problem Solving Ability in Implementing RME Approach
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Influence of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Approach on Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Influence of Think Pair Share Learning Models Toward Students' Mathematical Communication Ability
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Constructivism-Based Think Create Apply as a Mathematics Learning Model
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Hidden Speaking Difficulty of English Foreign Language Learners at STIBA Persada Bunda
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Influence of Treffinger Model on Creative Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Effectiveness of the Problem-based Learning- Internet Information Literacy (PBL-IIL) Model in Minimizing Plagiarism among Students
- Festiyed, Festiyed
- Meta-Analysis: Improving Creativity through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
- Festiyed, Festiyed
- The Practice of Animation Assisted Inquiry Learning Model in Senior High School Chemistry Learning
- Fuad, Nurhattati
- A Concern Towards The Society and Internalization of Academic Ethics for Primary Education Students: Perspective of Lecturers’ Role
- Gistituati, Nurhijrah
- Implementation of Project Problem Based Learning in English Lab Course at Islamic University of Riau
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- The Development of the Academic Supervision Model Basic School Supervisor
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- The Effect of Learning Model Project Based Learning on The Activities and Study Results of IPA Graders VI
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- Health Education Teachers Pedagogic and Personality Competencies in Guiding Practical Clinical Training of Nursing Students
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- The Effect of Contextual Learning Approach (CTL) to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Organization and Management Subject
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- Developing a Model of Newspaper Literacy-Based Business Mathematics Learning in Higher Education: Preliminary Analysis Stage
- Gistituati, Nurhizrah
- Using Visual Aids to Develop Students’ Speaking Skill
- Gita, I Nyoman
- Model of Integrated Character Education Assessment based on Balinese Culture
- Gunamantha, I Made
- Content and Context: A Children’s Book to Support Learning in the 2013 Curriculum
- Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi
- Sport Talent Scouting for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Preliminary Study on Post School Transition Program in Disabilities)
- Gurnahadi, Gurnahadi
- Need Assessment of Experiential Learning to Improve Student Competency of Vocational High School Students
- Gurning, Busmin
- Compliance of Higher Education National Standard in Field of Learning: Case Study on Postgraduate School Universitas Negeri Medan
- Gusnetti, Gusnetti
- Local Wisdom as a Reflection of a Multicultural Education in Learning Indonesian Language and Literature
- Gusril, Gusril
- The Urgency of Pre-Married Education To Prevent Increasing of Divorce in Padang, West Sumatra
- Gustina, Gustina
- Factors in Using Speech Method in Social Subject
- H. Naki, Yamin
- Effectiveness of Quality Management Implementation ISO 9001: 2008 at State Vocational School 1 Gorontalo
- Haerudin, Dingding
- The Role of Parents in Sundanese Language Preservation
- Hakim, Ramalis
- Implementation of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to Improve Understanding of Concept and Communication of Mathematics
- Hanafi, Ivan
- The Evaluation of Teacher Dispatching Program For Indonesian Children’s Education In Sabah Malaysia
- Handayani, Hany
- The Impact of Workshop on Implementation of Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-And-Create (RADEC) Learning Model on Pedagogic Competency of Elementary School Teachers
- Handayani, Witri
- Rhetorical Patterns of Questions Asked by Indonesian Graduate Students in Class Discussion
- Handayani, Witri
- Need Analysis in Designing Digital System English Book for English Instructional Class
- Hariyatmo, Sukis
- Sport Talent Scouting for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Preliminary Study on Post School Transition Program in Disabilities)
- Haryono, Yulia
- Analyzing the Development of Handouts on Strategy and Instructional Design of Biology Subject
- Hasfera, Dian
- Design of Vertical Portal Indigenous Knowledge for Minangkabau Cultural Learning
- Herawaty P, Yanthy
- Effects of Empowerment and Work Motivation toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Public Schools Teachers in Jakarta
- Herlyna, Herlyna
- The Evaluation of Paket C Equivalency Program Implementation in Tangerang District, Indonesia
- Hermaliza, Hermaliza
- The Effect of Learning Model Project Based Learning on The Activities and Study Results of IPA Graders VI
- Herman, Marleni
- The Effect of Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) toward Motivation and Learning Achievement of the Fourth Grade Elementary Students
- Hermasari, Devi
- Assessing the Needs for Developing the Students’ Capacity for Autonomous Basic English Vocabulary Learning
- Hidayati, Rahmi
- Implementation of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to Improve Understanding of Concept and Communication of Mathematics
- Hulukati, Wenny
- The Effectiveness of Guidebooks to Improve Teachers’ Competency in Teaching Gorontalo Local Language Learning for Early Childhood
- I Wayan, Suama,
- The Effects of Knowledge about Ecology, Biospheric and Egoistic Values toward New Environmental Paradigm
- Imran, Imran
- Improving Students` Badminton Smash Skill Through Game Modifications
- Indra daulay, Musnar
- Developing Comics-Based Social Sciences-History Teaching Materials
- Irianti, Desmi
- The Effectiveness of Vocational School Performance Measurement Model Based on Balance Scorecard
- Irwandi, Irwandi
- The Qur’anic Concept on Human Language: A Preliminary Study on Science-Religion Integration in Studying Sociolinguistics
- Ismail, Ade
- Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching
- Ismail, Hijril
- Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching
- Ismail, Ismail
- Improving Fiqih Learning Quality through COPERSOL Model with Local Wisdom at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Semarang
- Ismail, Syofianis
- Student Perspective in Using Social Media As a Tool in English Language Learning
- Isnanda, Romi
- Local Wisdom as a Reflection of a Multicultural Education in Learning Indonesian Language and Literature
- Istiyono, Edi
- Computer Adaptive Test as The Appropriate Model to Assess Physics Achievement in 21st Century
- Istri Ngurah Marhaeni, Anak Agung
- Content and Context: A Children’s Book to Support Learning in the 2013 Curriculum
- Iswri, Mega
- Meta-Analysis: Improving Creativity through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
- Izzah, Izzah
- Needs Analysis of Indonesian Language Books Using Stories From Quran: New Innovation in Language Learning
- Jalinus, Nizwardi
- The Strength of Cooperative Learning Method Based on CTL on Fashion Design Production
- Jalinus, Nizwardi
- Developing an Instructional Model to Scaffold Students in Producing Innovative Minangkabau Embroidery
- Jasrial, Jasrial
- Design of Vertical Portal Indigenous Knowledge for Minangkabau Cultural Learning
- Jasrial, Jasrial
- The Development of English Reading Materials Integrating Character Values Based on Scientific Approach
- Joni Putra, Ridho
- Using Read Cover Remember Retell (RCRR)in Teaching Reading Comprehension
- Julita, Devi
- Improvement of Students Activity and Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation
- Jusmaniar, Jusmaniar
- Enhancing Students Ability to Appreciate Short Story trough Contextual Approach
- K.P., Zuhdan
- Integrating Local Wisdom in Natural Science Learning
- Kaksim
- Education Values of Arat Sabulungan Tradition in Matotonan Mentawai
- Kasirah, Irah
- Developing Instructional Package about ESD in Order to Increase Knowledge Teacher SLB about ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)
- Khaidir, Afriva
- Factors Influencing Students’Discipline Character Building
- Khairani
- E-Consult: Designing of Development for Thesis Advisory Model Based on Management Information System in IAIN Bukittinggi
- Khairani, Khairani
- Factors Influencing the Use of Lecture Methods in Learning Activities: Teacher Perspective
- Khairudin, Khairudin
- Health Education Teachers Pedagogic and Personality Competencies in Guiding Practical Clinical Training of Nursing Students
- Khausar, Khausar
- The Effects of Teacher’s Leadership, Personality and Cultural Values toward Motivation of Healthy Life
- Khori, Mhd
- Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension through the Collaboration between Reciprocal Teaching and Cooperative Learning
- Komariah, Siti
- Counter Enculturation: A Revitalization Strategy to Strengthen Local Wisdom in Fast Changing Age
- Kosasih, Ahmad
- Factors in Using Speech Method in Social Subject
- Kurniashih, Rizki
- The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Kurniati, Erisa
- Learning in School Based on Multimedia
- Lamatenggo, Nina
- Effectiveness of Quality Management Implementation ISO 9001: 2008 at State Vocational School 1 Gorontalo
- Lestari, Ika
- Building Culture of Literacy through Child Fun Library