Proceedings of the First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017)
146 articles
Proceedings Article
Pantun with Quantum Learning Model as A Media Language Learning
Pantun is an original literary of Indonesia. Almost all people of Indonesia know and love the pantun. Many folk songs which is dominated pantun. Not even a little bit of pop song and dangdut modern using pantun as poets or their contents. As a work of art or literature, pantun very precisely made as...
Proceedings Article
Facilitating the Teaching of English through the Teaching of Arts
Abdul Muth'im
Art seems to be one of the fields that make the person involving in the field highly motivated, full-heartedly obsessed, and free to explore, to exploit, to express as well as to experiment with what he/she is engaging in. It might be these characteristics that enable an artist to produce a piece of...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Learning Media Based on Combination of Mind-Manager and Wonder Share Quiz Creator towards Students' Learning Outcomes and Creative Thinking Skills
Amiruddin Kasim, Sri Wahyuni
This study used a quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The study aimed to test an effect of learning media application based on mind-manager combined wonder-share quiz creator on learning outcomes and creative thinking skill of students. The population of the study was the whole...
Proceedings Article
Improving Student Assertive Attitude To Reduce Bullying Behavior In Schoool
Ali Rachman
Bullying at school creates side effect that in short-term, bullying can create a feeling of unsafe, isolated, low self-esteem, depression or stress until resulting suicide. The objective of the research is to improve student assertive attitude in order to reduce bullying behavior by using counseling...
Proceedings Article
The Oral Tradition as a Source of Learning The Local History of South Sumatera
Farida RWD, Nanda Julian Utama, Rosmaida Sinaga
This article will discuss about oral tradition in some areas in South Sumatra. The main problem in this study is how to make oral tradition as a source of data from relevant and valid historical studies.Oral tradition is one of the most valuable cultural heritages owned by Indonesian people. Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Primary Scheme of VMMSCC Text for Re-conceptualizing Pre-service Elementary School Teachers' Conceptions
Neni Hermita, Andi Suhandi, Ernawulan Syaodih, Achmad Samsudin
Visual Multi-Media Supported Conceptual Change Text (VMMSCCText) has been developed to represent the neutral object concept turn into more real and meaningful learning. The primary design of VMMSCCText is a multimedia computer that allows users to explore the complete neutral object concept in terms...
Proceedings Article
Influence of RQA Learning Model toward Student Concepts Understanding and Retention at SMA 2 Kasimbar
Lilies Tangge, Amran Rede, Nurafriani
This study has been conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar On October and November 2016 which aims to determine the influence of RQA learning model toward the insight of concepts and retention of grade X SMAN 2 Kasimbar. Design of this study is nonequivalent control group design. The subject of the study...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Indonesian Language Learning towards Students' Character Education
The contribution of Indonesian language learning towards students' character education will be actualized if its establishment is going through effective ways. Indonesian language learning should be concerning on several significant points: the selection of appropriate materials, and the application...
Proceedings Article
Use of Organic Waste Compost for Home-Based Science Learning at Elementary School in Sigi
Vivien Cicilia, Daud K Walanda, Deitasmalina. Musa
Organic waste is defined as unused objects derived from activity and solid form. In this case, it can be found in school environments according to the number of students each day. This study aims to describe the utilization of organic waste from compost house based on science learning in primary school...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Tuition-Free School Policy Using Stake's Countenance Evaluation Model
The objective of this study is to understand: (1) the preliminary condition of tuition-free school policy (antecedents), (2) the implementation of the tuition-free school policy (transactions), and (3) the attainment of free-tuition school policy (outcomes) in the State Junior High Schools in South Tangerang....
Proceedings Article
Use of Google Apps Education to Improve Teachers Competence through Lecturer Community Service
Vivien Cicilia, Deitasmalina Musa, Daud K Walanda, Lilies Tangge, M Jamhari
This study aims to determine the increase IT competence of teachers using Google Apps applications through community service activities lecturers. The samples were 32 teachers at SDN 1 Tatura. The method used is descriptive (describing) the implementation is done through a survey with data collection...
Proceedings Article
Conditions and Issues Park of Community Reading in Palembang
Azizah Husin
The need for community reading interest to be dug and developed. By reading people can know and understand many things. It is through the institution or community or even individual reading interests should be noted and supported or motivated. This paper aims to describe the condition and problems of...
Proceedings Article
Didactical Design of Trapezoid Concept for Elementary School Students
Atikah Sari, Didi Suryadi, Ernawulan Syaodih
This study aims to formulate an alternative learning design related to trapezoid concept which is based on the existence of learning obstacle on the concept, such as the definition of the concept that is only procedural and monotonous learning approaches (didactical obstacle), generalization of the concept...
Proceedings Article
Appreciative, Creative, and Innovative Literary Learning in University: Literary History as a Model
Didi Suhendi
This paper was ideas to response problems of the teaching of literature at university which has been more focused on literary theory. The literary work was as if the artifacts 'inanimate' that do not provide any benefits so that its presence was not involved in the study of literature. Therefore, the...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Training and Work Motivation Toward Science Teachers' at Junior High Schools in Poso City
Indri Novayanti Gala, Achmad Ramadhan, Amram Rede
The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of training and work motivation toward the performance of science teachers in Junior High Schools in Poso. This research is a descriptive quantitative research by using survey method conducted from October to December 2015 with 33 respondents. The...
Proceedings Article
Repositioning The Local Wisdom towards The National Curriculum
Moh. Yamin, Wahyu
the future challenge in creating and building the strong education toward national curriculum should be based on the local wisdom. The local wisdom here relates to life values coming from the grass root life. The capability and flexibility of curriculum adapting to the era change occur when the local...
Proceedings Article
Learning History by Qualified Teacher Education beyond History
This study aims to investigate the implementation of learning history by a qualified teacher education outside of history. This research was conducted in SMA Saraswati 1 Denpasar. This type of the research is qualitative descriptive, as in this study presents the findings in the form of a detailed description,...
Proceedings Article
Noticing Students' Thinking and Quality of Interactivity During Mathematics Learning
Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Zulkardi
Teachers have a role to implement the new curriculum in school. Therefore they need to support especially in orchestra learning process in the classroom. The goal of this research is to support mathematics teachers implement new curriculum or curriculum 2013 in the school. Such support, for examples,...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Web-Based English Instructional Materials to Promote Independent Learning
Aminah, Mafulah
The integration of technology in education settings has gained popularity particularly in the language teaching. The use of technology in the process of English Language Teaching (ELT) has brought certain benefits. It can increase motivation, decrease anxiety, provide students with authentic materials...
Proceedings Article
Differences of Students' Motivation and Learning Outcomes for Regular and Non Regular of Physical, Health, and Recreation Education Study Program at FKIP Tadulako University
Gunawan, Hendrik Mentara
Tadulako University is one of the State Universities that receive regular and non-regular students, where the non-regular path is a cooperation between universities and local government to improve the quality of human resources in central Sulawesi. for it needs to know how much motivation and how the...
Proceedings Article
Students' Rights on Education and Teachers' Professionalism
Harpani Matnuh
Article 60 of Legislation No.39, 1999 on Human Rights affirms that; Every child is entitled to education and teaching in the framework of personal development according to his/her interests, talents and level of intelligence. The educational rights of learners are not merely to get an education, but...
Proceedings Article
Morphsyntax Learning through Story Telling using Character Fairy Tales on Early Childhood Education in Banjarmasin
Rusma Noortyani
This study was based on the results of observations on the early childhood education of children aged four to five years who need to gain experience in the language learning, namely through morphosyntax. This study aimed to assess the morphosyntax learning through the storytelling using character fairy...
Proceedings Article
A Study on Levels of Inquiry: A Quantitative Descriptive for Analyzing Science Learning on Linear Motion Topic
Novia, Riandi
This paper describes how the levels of inquiry aspects are developed by using levels of inquiry model (LOI). This study applies LOI in science learning on the matter of linear motion. The levels of inquiry within the inquiry spectrum are shown: discovery learning, interactive demonstration, inquiry lesson,...
Proceedings Article
Improving Teachers' Performance of Image and Human Resources Through Quality Four Element–One Working and Pattern of Sharpening–Loving–Fostering in The School
Improvement of human resources such as students and teachers is not easy, need the involvement of the entire instrument state and all elements of society. This means that the state cannot be charged to take care of themselves without the support of public education. Similarly, the public, cannot be left...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Training Program of Integrating Character Education in Learning at MGMP PKn SMP in Tapin
The main goal of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of on training program integrating character education into the learning of Civic Education for the learning teacher community of civics education subject of junior high school in Tapin district. The research in evaluative...
Proceedings Article
Application of Guided Inquiry Learning Model with Mind Map toward Students' Learning Outcomes in Chemistry Material: Reaction Rate
Purnama Ningsih, Irwan Said
This study examined the differences in students' learning outcomes in chemistry material: reaction rate between an experiment group (using guided inquiry learning model with mind map) with a controll group (using group discussion with students' worksheet) in SMA Labschool Palu. This research was a quasi-experimental...
Proceedings Article
Applying Bruner's Theory using Mini Laboratory on Plane Figures Topic
Zuhri D, Sehatta Saragih
The aim of this study was to assess the student's mastery comprehensively in recognizing 2-dimensional shapes (triangular and rectangular) by applying the theory of Bruner with using Mini Laboratory. The subject in this study is 78 students in the third grade of elementary school. The study design was...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Performance Expectation, Social Influence, and Self-Confidence on The Mobile Learning Behavior
Rhini Fatmasari, Dewi Gunherani, Erni Murniarti, Donna Sampaleng, Diyah Yuli Sugiarti
This study aimed to examine the effect of UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) on the use of M-Learning by bachelor degree students of Economic Education program of Universitas Terbuka (UT). M-learning is a flexible learning mode that utilizes smart phone or PDA as learning media....
Proceedings Article
Expectations and Challenges The Implementation of Education Inclusive Programs
Hamsi Mansur, Mastur
This research aims to know how the implementation education inclusive programs at the level of middle-high (SMP) school in Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Province. To know how far the education inclusive programs, the researcher used implementation model evaluation countenance. The main data in this study...
Proceedings Article
Developing Students' Responsibility Character in Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Problem-Based Learning
Chairil Faif Pasani
One of the characters that affect students' success is responsibility. If responsibility is ignored, it will harm the students themselves or others. Therefore, we need a proper learning model to develop students' responsibility. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a model that is used to make students become...
Proceedings Article
An Error Analysis of the Use of Conjunctions in the Chinese Language For Indonesian Students
Dian Lestari, Indah Pujiastuti
When Indonesian students learn the Chinese language, they could possibly make errors in using conjunctions. This paper discusses the types of errors made by Indonesian students in learning the Chinese language. Above is my analysis result in Conjunction Application Errors in the Chinese Language for...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Local Wisdom Based-Realistic Mathematics Learning to Improve Learners' Characters at State Elementary Schools in Ambon City
Theresia Laurens
Mathematics learning aims at improving the logical thinking skill in solving problems through a process of reasoning. In fact, learners found the learning materials of mathematics were complex. It can be seen from the understanding and skills of learners in solving mathematical problems involving the...
Proceedings Article
Google Books Ngram as an Instrument of Teaching Foreign Language
Galeev Timur, Solovyev Valery
Described in the article quantitative study of the evolution of forms of the inflectional paradigm of verbs of the unproductive class I (mer'-it?mer'aj-et –"to measure" in Russian) analysis gives international students the opportunity to regularly adjust and update their knowledge in the field of verbal...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Bahasa Indonesia Lecturer's Creativity to Be Partner with Dignified Students
Aceng Hasani
The Role of Indonesian lecturer is to realize student and character generation character required of teachers; teachers who not only have the intellectual ability, but also the ability to be emotionally and spiritually. Character formation of students who require professional lecturers. Indonesian lecturers...
Proceedings Article
Implementing Plan-Do-See Model to Improve Quality of Biology Learning Process at Senior High Schools in Aceh
Djufri, Melvina
Regarding survey towards National Examination or UN at 12 areas in Aceh Province through Mapping Research and Education Quality Improvement (PPMP) program that was conducted in 2011, indicated students low achievement on several standards and basic competencies in biology subject. Then, Plan-Do-See model...
Proceedings Article
Reframing Parental Involvement in Education: Unboxing the Stiffness of the Indonesian 2013 Curriculum for Character Building
Bujang Rahman, Abdurrahman, Budi Kadaryanto
An increasingly multidisciplinary research on parental involvement in education has been captured quite well in the body of literature discussing factors affecting students' learning outcomes. Parental involvement in education is believed to benefit both students' academic and non-academic learning outcomes....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Learning Program in 7th State Senior High School of Ambon
I. H. Wenno, R. Kempa, La Ima Kampono
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the components of context, input, process and product learning program at 7th State of Senior High School of Ambon. This type of research is the evaluation study using descriptive qualitative approach. The research aims to describe the situation in a comprehensive...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Concept Sentence Learning Model in Improving Learning Achievement of Social Sciences for Student with Hearing Impairment
Munawir Yusuf, Erma Kumala Sari, Istiqomah Putri Mirasandi
The research was conducted to determine the effect of the concept sentence learning model in improving the learning achievement of social sciences for a student with hearing impairment class VII in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta. The research used the experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Research-Based Learning Model at Indonesian Higher Education to Improve the Quality of Learning Process
Many Indonesian universities have a similar vision of becoming research-based universities or research universities, and one of the missions is to conduct research-based learning (RBL). The study explored to develop the ideal model for RBL through R&D design which involved (1) Research and Information...
Proceedings Article
Language Teaching Profile of Curriculum 2013 in Bengkulu City
The 2013 curriculum is revised in accordance with the needs and development of science including language teaching. The purpose of this study was to describe the assessment of teaching materials, lexical density, and scientific implementation. This research applied descriptive method. Data of this research...
Proceedings Article
Ecological Affinity of Student and Teacher: A Case Study in Senior Secondary High Schools in Tangerang Selatan
Udan Kusmawan
Ecological Affinity is defined in this paper as relationships conceived by human beings with their surrounding environment for sustainable development. Ecological affinity elucidates beliefs, attitudes, and intentions towards environmental sustainability expressed by human beings. This study features...
Proceedings Article
Peer Collaborative Teacher: Awareness in Teaching
Dwi Winarsih
Teachers are required to have good competencies, performance, actively involved in professional development, engage knowledge with current issues, conduct the tasks ethically, and show commitment or responsibility. This qualitative study that employs a case study explores how teacher students gain awareness...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating the Parallel Classes on Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduates
Daud K. Walanda, Mery Napitupulu
Parallel classes has been applied as an instructional approach to support students academic in undergraduate education classrooms including in science subjects. The purpose of this study was to identify the potentials and constraints of the implementation of parallel classes on undergraduate students...
Proceedings Article
Revisiting Teacher Education Programme to Address International Competitiveness
Rohizani Yaakub
Globalisation has brought about tremendous change in every aspect of life including education. The widely adoption of online education have altered the way people learn and teach. The multimedia platforms have become an important tool in improving teaching and learning. The heavy use of internet has...
Proceedings Article
Correlation of Nutrition Discovering and Nutritional Status on Students' Achievement at SMP Negeri SATAP 2 Sausu
Abd. Hakim Laenggeng, Hasnawati, Amram Rede
This study aimed to 1) describe correlation of nutrition discovering and student’s achievement, 2) describe correlation of nutritional status and student’s achievement, 3) describe correlation both nutritional discovering and nutritional status toward student’s achievement. This study was descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Social Media to Promote Content Learning, Motivation, and Collaboration in Teaching Research
Aurelio P. Vilbar
Despite the importance of offering Research courses in the curriculum, there is a dearth of research on how to teach Research methods or courses. This study presents the attitudes and perceptions of the students towards using Facebook (FB) Group in teaching Research. It was conducted for one semester...