Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)
873 authors
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Supervision and Work Motivation of School Principal to the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and School Culture on Teachers’ Discipline of SDN Banding Agung
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Curriculum Mastery and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance of SMK N Rayon 01 OKU Regency
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Role of Teachers in Implementing Curriculum 13 in Primary Schools
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- Leadership Influence and Job Satisfaction in Islamic Junior High School 2 Teacher Discipline
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- Management of Character Education at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Influence of Work and Education and Training Disciplines on the Quality of Teacher Services at Elementary School in Ulak Baru of Cempaka District
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Role of School Supervisors in Improving the Quality of Junior High School Learning at Oku Selatan District
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- Teacher Management Online Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of State Elementary Schools at District of Beringin Island
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Compensation and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in Semendawai Barat Elementary School
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on the Work Productivity of Teacher at Vocational School No 1 in Bunga Mayang
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Teacher Motivation and Success on SD Negeri 01 Simpang Agung, Simpang Sub-District Learning Outcomes
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Influence of Learning Motivation and Emotional Intellegence on Student Achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat OKU Timur
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Headmaster Certification and Supervision on Teacher Performance at Gunung Jati Elementary School in Cempaka District
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Teacher Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers at Cempaka Sub-District of OKU Timur District
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Teacher Work Motivation on Islamic Junior High School 2 Oku Timur
- Putra, Alhadi Yan
- The Work Ethic of Teachers and Employees in SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
- Putra, Yudha
- The Effect of Clinical Supervision and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in Primary Schools
- Putri, Hersigovina
- Headmaster Strategies in Improving Teacher Competencies in the Digital Age
- Rahmawati
- The Influence of Work Culture and Work Commitment to Teacher Professionalism of Vocational High School
- Rahmawati
- The Impact of Pedagogy and Teachers’ Professionalism Competencies Towards Teachers’ Performance of State Vocational School in Sekayu
- Ratisyanti, Iis
- The Effect of Teacher Competence, Discipline and Innovation in Teacher Success
- Rauf, Abdul
- Management Strategy Islamic Religious Education Teacher in the Development of Student Morality
- Rido, Rasyid
- The Effect of Curriculum Mastery and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance of SMK N Rayon 01 OKU Regency
- Ridwan
- The Influence of Teacher Welfare and Work Climate Towards the Quality of Education Services of Senior High Schools in Banyuasin Regency
- Rifa’i
- The Impact of the Free School Program and the Involvement of Parents in School Progress
- Rizalini, Dian
- The Effect of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
- Robiyah, Siti
- The Implementation of Character Education and Literacy Culture
- Rohana
- Principal Strategy for Improving the Quality of Teachers
- Rohana
- The Influence of School Climate on Strengthening Student Character Education in SMP Baturaja Timur District
- Rohana
- The Effect of Work Culture and Principal Leadership on Teachers’ Work Discipline
- Rohana
- The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education Management
- Rohana
- The Impact of Professional Allowances for Teachers and Academic Supervision of Madrasah Principals on Teacher Success at MA Negeri 1 Prabumulih
- Rohana
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education at SD Negeri 6 Prabumulih
- Rohana
- Student Worksheets Development Using Reflective Learning Based on Ethnomatematics Statistics for Students
- Rohana
- School Leadership Strategy in Enhancing Teacher Performance in SMK Kesehatan Pelita Insani Prabumulih
- Rohana
- The Leadership of Schools in Improving the Quality of Graduates in SMK Kesehatan Pelita Insani Prabumulih
- Rohana
- The Impact of Digital Literation and Infrastructure Facilities of the Output of Teachers in SMK Negeri Prabumulih City
- Rohana
- Management Counseling Guidance at SMA Negeri 1 Sekayu
- Rohana
- The Influence of Work Culture and Work Commitment to Teacher Professionalism of Vocational High School
- Rohana
- The Effect of School-Based Management and Academic Supervision on the Education Quality in Junior High School
- Rohana
- The Effect on School Productivity of Principal and Scholastic Culture
- Rohana
- The Influence of School Based Management and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism
- Rohana
- Counseling Teacher Competence in Planning Work Programs in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMA Negeri Sekayu District
- Rohana
- The Impact of Pedagogy and Teachers’ Professionalism Competencies Towards Teachers’ Performance of State Vocational School in Sekayu
- Rohana
- Implementation of School Education Management in the Digital Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Rohana
- Management of Financial Education at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin
- Rohana
- Managerial Competences of Headmaster in Improving the Quality of Library
- Rohaya
- The Role of School Supervisors in Improving the Quality of Junior High School Learning at Oku Selatan District
- Rohyani, Evi
- Leadership of Schools and Teacher Discipline for Student Character Education
- Romelah, Siti
- The Management of Teacher Professionalism Development Program at the Indonesian Public Primary School
- Roni, Rusman
- Figurative Language Found in the Album: Lyrics Entitled Closer by Josh Groban
- Roni, Rusman
- Correlation Between Writing Skills, High Frequency Lexicon Mastery and Students’ Reading Skills at SMP Negeri 1 Rambang, Muara Enim
- Roni, Rusman
- The Correlation Among Language Learning Strategies, Learning Attitude and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Achievement
- Roni, Rusman
- Moral Values and Intrinsic Elements Found in the Movie Entitled “Freedom Writers” by Richard LaGravenese
- Roni, Rusman
- Correlation Among Learning Styles, Learning Strategies and Speech Act of Request Realization of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Kasui Way Kanan
- Rosani, Meilia
- Free School Leadership
- Rosidah
- The Effect of Compensation and Work Environment Against Teacher Work Productivity
- Rusdiono, Budi
- The Influence of Pedagogical Skill and Professional Competence in Teachers Performance of the Teacher in Primary Public Schools in Banyuasin I
- Rusmala, Dewi
- The Impact of Principal’s Supervision and Leadership on the Performance of Teacher
- Rusmiati
- Implementation of Principal Academic Supervision to Improve the Teacher Performance in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rusnaini
- The Effectiveness of Random Text Methods in Learning to Writing Text Stores of Grade 8th Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ulu
- Rustini
- The Effect of Academic Supervision and School Culture on the Completeness of Learning Administration for Senior High School Teachers
- Saca
- Principal’s Leadership in Improving the Quality of Learning
- Sakti, Sera Eka
- The Effect of Organizational Culture and Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance
- Saleh, Basarun
- The Role of Teachers in Implementing Curriculum 13 in Primary Schools
- Salismiati
- Improving the Skill of Recognizing Poetry Text Building Elements Through the Think Pair Style Cooperative Learning for Students Class VIII-A at SMP N 24 OKU
- Samsiyah, Yuli
- The Influence of Leadership Style, Motivation, and Training on Teachers’ Performance at Junior High School of Gandus Palembang South Sumatera
- Sandriyani, Melany
- The Influence of Teacher Competence and Motivation on The Teacher’s Performance of SMP Negeri 11 Palembang
- Sani, Betria
- The Impact of Student Reading and Reading Habits on Their Reading Performance
- Santi
- Effect of Principal Management and Teacher’s Learning Media on Student Learning Achievement
- Sari, Artanti Puspita
- Correlation Between Writing Skills, High Frequency Lexicon Mastery and Students’ Reading Skills at SMP Negeri 1 Rambang, Muara Enim
- Sari, Artanti Puspita
- The Influence of Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test (PQRST) Method and Learning Strategies Towards Students’ Reading Ability at SMPN 5 Banyuasin III
- Sari, Artanti Puspita
- The Effects of a Genre-Based Approach and Learning Encouragement on the Writing Achievement of Eighth-Grade Students at SMP Negeri 3 Air Kumbang
- Sari, Artanti Puspita
- Perceived Usefulness, Attitude, and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Students PGRI University of Palembang
- Sari, Artanti Puspita
- Moral Values and Intrinsic Elements Found in the Movie Entitled “Freedom Writers” by Richard LaGravenese
- Sari, Artanti Puspita
- Perceived Usefulness, Attitude and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Lecturers PGRI University of Palembang
- Sari, Arysta
- The Effect on School Productivity of Principal and Scholastic Culture
- Sari, Novitalia Ablinda
- The Influence of Work Motivation and Management of Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance at SMA Palembang
- Sari, Rina Yunita
- Developing Guidelines for Assessment and Student Learning Outcomes Through Online Systems High School Level in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir
- Sari, Yeyensi Meika
- Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Speaking Ability Through Card Games
- Sarwo
- The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education Management
- Selpiyani, Lisa
- The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur
- Simaibang, Baginda
- Improving Kindergarten Pupils’ Speaking Skills Through the Storytelling
- Simaibang, Baginda
- The Correlations Among Learning Strategy, Reading Interest and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension of State Junior High School at Talang Ubi Sub-District of PALI Regency
- Simaibang, Baginda
- The Influence of Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test (PQRST) Method and Learning Strategies Towards Students’ Reading Ability at SMPN 5 Banyuasin III
- Simaibang, Baginda
- Perceived Usefulness, Attitude, and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Students PGRI University of Palembang
- Simaibang, Baginda
- Perceived Usefulness, Attitude and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Lecturers PGRI University of Palembang
- Simpiani
- The Effect of Principal Supervision and Organization Culture on Teacher Performance at SD Sirah Pulau Padang, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
- Sinaga, Syahminzah
- The Effect of Principal Managerial Competence and Teacher Professional Competence on Primary School Teacher Performance
- Soliyah
- Learning Quality of State Elementary School 4 Makarti Jaya Under the Leadership of Visionary School
- Sopingi, Ahmad
- The School Committee’s Roles in Improving Education Quality at Primary School Level
- Sudarman, Winarty
- The Influence of Leadership and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Sudarni
- The Supervision Role of the Principal in Improving Teacher Performance at Primary School Level
- Suharni, Muhammad
- The Influence of School Head Management and Teacher Success of Student Learning Outcomes in SMP Negeri 01 Muaradua Kisam, Oku Selatan District
- Suherwan, Agus
- Implementation of Organizational Culture in Improving Employees Performance in Education and Culture Office Banyuasin District