Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)

873 authors
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Supervision and Work Motivation of School Principal to the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Principal Leadership and School Culture on Teachers’ Discipline of SDN Banding Agung
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Curriculum Mastery and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance of SMK N Rayon 01 OKU Regency
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Role of Teachers in Implementing Curriculum 13 in Primary Schools
Putra, Alhadi Yan
Leadership Influence and Job Satisfaction in Islamic Junior High School 2 Teacher Discipline
Putra, Alhadi Yan
Management of Character Education at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Influence of Work and Education and Training Disciplines on the Quality of Teacher Services at Elementary School in Ulak Baru of Cempaka District
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Role of School Supervisors in Improving the Quality of Junior High School Learning at Oku Selatan District
Putra, Alhadi Yan
Teacher Management Online Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of State Elementary Schools at District of Beringin Island
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Compensation and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in Semendawai Barat Elementary School
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on the Work Productivity of Teacher at Vocational School No 1 in Bunga Mayang
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Teacher Motivation and Success on SD Negeri 01 Simpang Agung, Simpang Sub-District Learning Outcomes
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Influence of Learning Motivation and Emotional Intellegence on Student Achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat OKU Timur
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Headmaster Certification and Supervision on Teacher Performance at Gunung Jati Elementary School in Cempaka District
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Teacher Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers at Cempaka Sub-District of OKU Timur District
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Teacher Work Motivation on Islamic Junior High School 2 Oku Timur
Putra, Alhadi Yan
The Work Ethic of Teachers and Employees in SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
Putra, Yudha
The Effect of Clinical Supervision and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in Primary Schools
Putri, Hersigovina
Headmaster Strategies in Improving Teacher Competencies in the Digital Age
The Influence of Work Culture and Work Commitment to Teacher Professionalism of Vocational High School
The Impact of Pedagogy and Teachers’ Professionalism Competencies Towards Teachers’ Performance of State Vocational School in Sekayu
Ratisyanti, Iis
The Effect of Teacher Competence, Discipline and Innovation in Teacher Success
Rauf, Abdul
Management Strategy Islamic Religious Education Teacher in the Development of Student Morality
Rido, Rasyid
The Effect of Curriculum Mastery and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance of SMK N Rayon 01 OKU Regency
The Influence of Teacher Welfare and Work Climate Towards the Quality of Education Services of Senior High Schools in Banyuasin Regency
The Impact of the Free School Program and the Involvement of Parents in School Progress
Rizalini, Dian
The Effect of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
Robiyah, Siti
The Implementation of Character Education and Literacy Culture
Principal Strategy for Improving the Quality of Teachers
The Influence of School Climate on Strengthening Student Character Education in SMP Baturaja Timur District
The Effect of Work Culture and Principal Leadership on Teachers’ Work Discipline
The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education Management
The Impact of Professional Allowances for Teachers and Academic Supervision of Madrasah Principals on Teacher Success at MA Negeri 1 Prabumulih
The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education at SD Negeri 6 Prabumulih
Student Worksheets Development Using Reflective Learning Based on Ethnomatematics Statistics for Students
School Leadership Strategy in Enhancing Teacher Performance in SMK Kesehatan Pelita Insani Prabumulih
The Leadership of Schools in Improving the Quality of Graduates in SMK Kesehatan Pelita Insani Prabumulih
The Impact of Digital Literation and Infrastructure Facilities of the Output of Teachers in SMK Negeri Prabumulih City
Management Counseling Guidance at SMA Negeri 1 Sekayu
The Influence of Work Culture and Work Commitment to Teacher Professionalism of Vocational High School
The Effect of School-Based Management and Academic Supervision on the Education Quality in Junior High School
The Effect on School Productivity of Principal and Scholastic Culture
The Influence of School Based Management and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism
Counseling Teacher Competence in Planning Work Programs in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMA Negeri Sekayu District
The Impact of Pedagogy and Teachers’ Professionalism Competencies Towards Teachers’ Performance of State Vocational School in Sekayu
Implementation of School Education Management in the Digital Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Management of Financial Education at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin
Managerial Competences of Headmaster in Improving the Quality of Library
The Role of School Supervisors in Improving the Quality of Junior High School Learning at Oku Selatan District
Rohyani, Evi
Leadership of Schools and Teacher Discipline for Student Character Education
Romelah, Siti
The Management of Teacher Professionalism Development Program at the Indonesian Public Primary School
Roni, Rusman
Figurative Language Found in the Album: Lyrics Entitled Closer by Josh Groban
Roni, Rusman
Correlation Between Writing Skills, High Frequency Lexicon Mastery and Students’ Reading Skills at SMP Negeri 1 Rambang, Muara Enim
Roni, Rusman
The Correlation Among Language Learning Strategies, Learning Attitude and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Achievement
Roni, Rusman
Moral Values and Intrinsic Elements Found in the Movie Entitled “Freedom Writers” by Richard LaGravenese
Roni, Rusman
Correlation Among Learning Styles, Learning Strategies and Speech Act of Request Realization of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Kasui Way Kanan
Rosani, Meilia
Free School Leadership
The Effect of Compensation and Work Environment Against Teacher Work Productivity
Rusdiono, Budi
The Influence of Pedagogical Skill and Professional Competence in Teachers Performance of the Teacher in Primary Public Schools in Banyuasin I
Rusmala, Dewi
The Impact of Principal’s Supervision and Leadership on the Performance of Teacher
Implementation of Principal Academic Supervision to Improve the Teacher Performance in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Effectiveness of Random Text Methods in Learning to Writing Text Stores of Grade 8th Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ulu
The Effect of Academic Supervision and School Culture on the Completeness of Learning Administration for Senior High School Teachers
Principal’s Leadership in Improving the Quality of Learning
Sakti, Sera Eka
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance
Saleh, Basarun
The Role of Teachers in Implementing Curriculum 13 in Primary Schools
Improving the Skill of Recognizing Poetry Text Building Elements Through the Think Pair Style Cooperative Learning for Students Class VIII-A at SMP N 24 OKU
Samsiyah, Yuli
The Influence of Leadership Style, Motivation, and Training on Teachers’ Performance at Junior High School of Gandus Palembang South Sumatera
Sandriyani, Melany
The Influence of Teacher Competence and Motivation on The Teacher’s Performance of SMP Negeri 11 Palembang
Sani, Betria
The Impact of Student Reading and Reading Habits on Their Reading Performance
Effect of Principal Management and Teacher’s Learning Media on Student Learning Achievement
Sari, Artanti Puspita
Correlation Between Writing Skills, High Frequency Lexicon Mastery and Students’ Reading Skills at SMP Negeri 1 Rambang, Muara Enim
Sari, Artanti Puspita
The Influence of Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test (PQRST) Method and Learning Strategies Towards Students’ Reading Ability at SMPN 5 Banyuasin III
Sari, Artanti Puspita
The Effects of a Genre-Based Approach and Learning Encouragement on the Writing Achievement of Eighth-Grade Students at SMP Negeri 3 Air Kumbang
Sari, Artanti Puspita
Perceived Usefulness, Attitude, and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Students PGRI University of Palembang
Sari, Artanti Puspita
Moral Values and Intrinsic Elements Found in the Movie Entitled “Freedom Writers” by Richard LaGravenese
Sari, Artanti Puspita
Perceived Usefulness, Attitude and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Lecturers PGRI University of Palembang
Sari, Arysta
The Effect on School Productivity of Principal and Scholastic Culture
Sari, Novitalia Ablinda
The Influence of Work Motivation and Management of Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance at SMA Palembang
Sari, Rina Yunita
Developing Guidelines for Assessment and Student Learning Outcomes Through Online Systems High School Level in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir
Sari, Yeyensi Meika
Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Speaking Ability Through Card Games
The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education Management
Selpiyani, Lisa
The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur
Simaibang, Baginda
Improving Kindergarten Pupils’ Speaking Skills Through the Storytelling
Simaibang, Baginda
The Correlations Among Learning Strategy, Reading Interest and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension of State Junior High School at Talang Ubi Sub-District of PALI Regency
Simaibang, Baginda
The Influence of Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test (PQRST) Method and Learning Strategies Towards Students’ Reading Ability at SMPN 5 Banyuasin III
Simaibang, Baginda
Perceived Usefulness, Attitude, and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Students PGRI University of Palembang
Simaibang, Baginda
Perceived Usefulness, Attitude and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Lecturers PGRI University of Palembang
The Effect of Principal Supervision and Organization Culture on Teacher Performance at SD Sirah Pulau Padang, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
Sinaga, Syahminzah
The Effect of Principal Managerial Competence and Teacher Professional Competence on Primary School Teacher Performance
Learning Quality of State Elementary School 4 Makarti Jaya Under the Leadership of Visionary School
Sopingi, Ahmad
The School Committee’s Roles in Improving Education Quality at Primary School Level
Sudarman, Winarty
The Influence of Leadership and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
The Supervision Role of the Principal in Improving Teacher Performance at Primary School Level
Suharni, Muhammad
The Influence of School Head Management and Teacher Success of Student Learning Outcomes in SMP Negeri 01 Muaradua Kisam, Oku Selatan District
Suherwan, Agus
Implementation of Organizational Culture in Improving Employees Performance in Education and Culture Office Banyuasin District