Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)
873 authors
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Work Motivation and Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of Organizational Culture and Teachers’ Performance on the Students’ Learning Achievement
- Lian, Bukman
- The Implementation of Character Education and Literacy Culture
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of Principal’s Policy and Finance on the Quality of Education
- Lian, Bukman
- Influence of Public Elementary School Academic Supervision and Teacher Working Group Activities on Student Learning Results within the Makarti Mulya Work Area
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and Classroom Management on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of Principal Leadership and Principal Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education Management
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of the Principal’s Academic Supervision and Leadership Style on Teachers’ Performance in SD Negeri Gugus 3, Kayuagung District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of School Management and Teachers’ Performance on the Effectiveness of Child-Friendly School at SMP Negeri 3 Kayuagung
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Transformational Leadership of Principal and School Committee on Teacher Performance in SDN Pedamaran District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Curriculum Mastery and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance of SMK N Rayon 01 OKU Regency
- Lian, Bukman
- The Impact of Principal Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance
- Lian, Bukman
- Behavior of School Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education at SD Negeri II Kayuagung Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Lian, Bukman
- PAUD Teacher Creativity in Developing Language Through Playing Dolls in Lempuing Sub-District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Increasing Teacher Competency and Vice Principal Leadership of Academic Schools on Teacher Success at SMP Negeri 1 Mesuji
- Lian, Bukman
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Benefits as Learning Media in SD Negeri Berkat OKI District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Impact of School Leadership and Job Motivation on the Success of Teachers of SMP Negeri Sungai Menang Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Leadership of Principal and Teacher Performance Influence on Student Learning Outcomes
- Lian, Bukman
- An Academic Supervision of School Principals and Teacher Performance and Its Implementation of Education Quality at State Junior High School in Cengal District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Teacher Professionalism and Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Organizational Culture and Teacher Performance on Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of Teacher Discipline and School Environment on Student Learning Outcomes
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of School Committees and School Principals Leadership on the Quality of Education
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Teacher Certification Motivation and Benefits on Teacher Performance in State Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of School Facilities and Motivation on the Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Principal Managerial Competence and Teacher Professional Competence on Primary School Teacher Performance
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect on School Productivity of Principal and Scholastic Culture
- Lian, Bukman
- Leadership Influence and Job Satisfaction in Islamic Junior High School 2 Teacher Discipline
- Lian, Bukman
- The District Education Offices in Improving the Quality of Education Junior High School in Pedamaran District
- Lian, Bukman
- Management of Character Education at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of School Literacy Movement and Reading Interest on the Learning Outcomes
- Lian, Bukman
- Influence of School Infrastructure and Work Environment on the Performance of High School Teachers
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of Work and Education and Training Disciplines on the Quality of Teacher Services at Elementary School in Ulak Baru of Cempaka District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and Teacher Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Lian, Bukman
- Improvement of Kriya Batik Learning Results Through the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model
- Lian, Bukman
- Islamic Education Teacher Management in Implementing Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Attitude
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Compensation and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in Semendawai Barat Elementary School
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on the Work Productivity of Teacher at Vocational School No 1 in Bunga Mayang
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak
- Lian, Bukman
- The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Influence of Learning Motivation and Emotional Intellegence on Student Achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat OKU Timur
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Headmaster Certification and Supervision on Teacher Performance at Gunung Jati Elementary School in Cempaka District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Teacher Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers at Cempaka Sub-District of OKU Timur District
- Lian, Bukman
- The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Teacher Work Motivation on Islamic Junior High School 2 Oku Timur
- Lian, Bukman
- The Work Ethic of Teachers and Employees in SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
- Lian, Buman
- The Impact of Work Motivation and Reward System on Teacher Satisfaction at SMP Negeri Tulung Selapan District
- Lindawati
- The Role of Interests and Talents in the Competency Skills of Students
- Madyahya
- The Greatly Affect of Leadership, Encouragement and Discipline in Teacher Success
- Maimunah
- The Effect of the Principal’s Academic Supervision and Leadership Style on Teachers’ Performance in SD Negeri Gugus 3, Kayuagung District
- Makhdalena
- Leadership of Schools in the Digital Era in Improving Professional Competency
- Maksum, Ali
- The Leadership of the Principal in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Its Applications at Paramount School
- Manto, Syukur
- The Strategy of School Principal in Improving the Teachers Performance
- Marliah, Anie
- The Role of Key Leadership and Teacher Success on the Effectiveness of SD Negeri in Tulung Selapan
- Marliana
- Counseling Teacher Competence in Planning Work Programs in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMA Negeri Sekayu District
- Marman
- The Effect of Teacher Compensation and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance
- Marta, Alfroki
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Managing School-Based Management
- Martha, Alfroki
- Principal Leadership Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Bakti Ibu 3 Palembang
- Martha, Alfroki
- The Influence of Motivation, Academic Supervision, and Work Discipline on Teachers’ Performance at SMA Nahdhotul Islam Sri Tiga
- Martha, Alfroki
- The Leadership Role of the Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Martha, Alfroki
- The Influence of the Principal’s Leadership on Teacher Competence at SMK Ilir Timur III Palembang Sub District
- Martha, Alfroki
- New Student Admission Management Based Online
- Martha, Alfroki
- Implementation of Organizational Culture in Improving Employees Performance in Education and Culture Office Banyuasin District
- Maryani
- The Leadership Role of the Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Masani
- New Student Admission Management Based Online
- Masnarani
- The Effect of School-Based Management and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Cluster 4, Kayuagung District
- Masning
- The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak
- Mediawati
- The Effect of School Management and Teachers’ Performance on the Effectiveness of Child-Friendly School at SMP Negeri 3 Kayuagung
- Megasari, Eliza
- The Influence of Teaching Style and Teacher Work Motivation on the Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students in Beringin Island Sub-District
- Misdalina
- Student Worksheets Development Using Reflective Learning Based on Ethnomatematics Statistics for Students
- Misdalina
- Free School Leadership
- Missriani
- Improving Learning Activities and Abilities Write Data Description Through Models Problem Solving Learning in Class VII Students in SMP Negeri 24 OKU
- Missriani
- Education Character in Guru Aini Novel by Andrea Hirata
- Missriani
- Cultural and Educational Values in Pantun Seserahan at Lubuk Rukam Village, Peninjauan District, OKU Regency
- Missriani
- Improving the Skill of Recognizing Poetry Text Building Elements Through the Think Pair Style Cooperative Learning for Students Class VIII-A at SMP N 24 OKU
- Missriani
- The Effect of the Utilization of School Library and Reading Interest on Student Learning Achievement Class IX in Junior High School 3 Kayuagung
- Missriani
- The Effectiveness of Random Text Methods in Learning to Writing Text Stores of Grade 8th Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ulu
- Missriani
- An Analysis of Educational Values and Character Values in Novel Selena by Tereliye and Their Implication for Learning High School
- Missriani
- Leadership of the Principal in Building the Character of Students in State Secondary School 1 Lempuing Jaya OKI Regency
- Muallimin
- The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District
- Mubadi, S.
- The Effect of Principal Working Group Activities and Principal Professionalism on Teacher’s Performance in Keluang District
- Mufidah, Nurul
- The Effect of Training and Teaching Experience on Teacher’s Performance
- Muhadi
- The Influence of Principal Leadership and Principal Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
- Muhdor, Moh.
- Impact of the Main Leadership Style and Teachers’ Job Dedication on Teacher Professionalism
- Mujiyono
- The Effects of Headmaster Management and Teacher Learning Media on Student Learning Achievement
- Mukramiyah, Upik
- The Impact of Teacher Job Effectiveness School Leadership and Internal Communications
- Mulyadi
- The Impact of School Culture and Organizational Commitment to Performance Teachers in the SD Negeri Keluang District
- Mulyadi
- The Impact of Professionalism and Job Dedication on Teacher Work District of SMP Negeri Jejawi
- Mulyadi
- The Role of Key Leadership and Teacher Success on the Effectiveness of SD Negeri in Tulung Selapan
- Mulyadi
- The Impact of Learning Management and Teacher Performance on Student’s Learning Outcomes in Junior High School at Tulung Selapan District
- Mulyadi
- The Impact of Work Motivation and Reward System on Teacher Satisfaction at SMP Negeri Tulung Selapan District
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of the Principal’s Performance and Teacher Teaching Performance on Student’s Motivation in Cengal State Elementary School
- Mulyadi
- Cultural Influence and Commitment to Teacher Professionalism
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Principal Supervision and Organization Culture on Teacher Performance at SD Sirah Pulau Padang, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Principal Supervision and Teacher Performance on Learning Outcomes Elementary School Students in Cluster III Kayuagung District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of School Culture and Discipline on Teacher Performance at SMA Negeri Mesuji Makmur
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Behavior and Characteristics of the Principal’s Duty on the Satisfaction of Educators and Education at SMA Negeri Mesuji Makmur
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of School-Based Management and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Cluster 4, Kayuagung District
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of Principal Leadership and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance at State of Elementary School Cluster III District Kayuagung