Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)
873 authors
- Wahidy, Achmad
- Influence of Motivation, Discipline and Professionalism on Teacher Performance in Junior High School in Air Kumbang District
- Wahidy, Achmad
- The Leadership of the Principal in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Its Applications at Paramount School
- Wahidy, Achmad
- The Effects of School Principals’ Managerial Competence and Job Motivation on Teacher Efficiency
- Wahyono, Andri
- The Effects of School Principals’ Managerial Competence and Job Motivation on Teacher Efficiency
- Wahyumi
- Moral Values Found in “Mulan” Movies by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft
- Wakidi
- The Impact of School Leadership and Job Motivation on the Success of Teachers of SMP Negeri Sungai Menang Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Waluyojati, Sinta
- The Correlations Among Learning Strategy, Reading Interest and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension of State Junior High School at Talang Ubi Sub-District of PALI Regency
- Wardarita, Ratu
- Cultural and Educational Values in Pantun Seserahan at Lubuk Rukam Village, Peninjauan District, OKU Regency
- Wardarita, Ratu
- Leadership Position in Improving Educational Quality at 2 Tanah Abang State Young High School, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency
- Wardarita, Ratu
- Improving of Identifying Poetry Text Building Elements Ability Through a Contextual Approach at Class VIII SMP Negeri 42 Oku
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The School Committee’s Roles in Improving Education Quality at Primary School Level
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Managing Early Childhood Education
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Supervision Role of the Principal in Improving Teacher Performance at Primary School Level
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Learning: A Qualitative Study
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Principal Leadership Strategies in Improving the Quality of Learning at Public Elementary Schools in Muara Telang District, Banyuasin Regency
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Influence of Principal Management and Teacher Learning Media on Student Achievement at Elementary School Gugus 01 Muara Telang District
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Leadership of the Principal in Improving the Competence of Teachers in Sekolah Dasar Negeri 5 Muara Telang, Banyuasin Regency
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Analysis of the Facts of Stories and Literary Tools in a Collection of Short Stories for the Girl Dancing In The Rain by Dewi Q. A’yun, et al
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Improving the Students’ Ability in Understanding Exposition Text at the Tenth TITL 1 Grade of SMK Negeri 3 Oku
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Analysis of the Ability to Read the Understanding of Narrative Discussion in Grade V SD Negeri 1 Pinang Indah Kecamatan Sungai Menang Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Feminism Aspects of Main Characters in the Selena Novel of Tere Liye’s Work
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Effect of the Utilization of School Library and Reading Interest on Student Learning Achievement Class IX in Junior High School 3 Kayuagung
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Effectiveness of Imagine Technique on the Ability to Write Poetry Towards the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 2 Tungkal Jaya
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Influence of Pedagogical Skill and Professional Competence in Teachers Performance of the Teacher in Primary Public Schools in Banyuasin I
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Impact of Academic and Organizational Supervision on the Teacher Performances in the State High School in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency
- Wardiah, Dessy
- The Leadership of Schools on Work Motivation in the Digital Era
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Leadership of Schools in Improving the Quality of Education in the Digital Era
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Improving of Identifying Poetry Text Building Elements Ability Through a Contextual Approach at Class VIII SMP Negeri 42 Oku
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Implementation of Teacher Certification in SD Negeri 11 Air Kumbang to Improve Teacher Performance
- Wardiah, Dessy
- Implementation of Quantum Teaching Models to Improve the Skill of Reading the Poetry of VIII Grade Students of SMP 1 Mesuji Oki
- Wardiah, Dessy
- School Leadership and Teacher Professionalism in Character Learning
- Wati, Indra
- The Influence of Teacher Discipline and School Environment on Student Learning Outcomes
- Wenderi
- The Role of School Principals, Educators and Education Staff Turning SD Negeri 08 Banding Agung into National Standard Schools
- Widati
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Learning: A Qualitative Study
- Widayatsih, Tri
- Free School Leadership
- Widayatsih, Tri
- The Influence of Teacher Work Motivation and the Leadership of Schools on Teacher Performance
- Widodo
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education
- Wijaya, Andi
- The Work Ethic of Teachers and Employees in SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
- Wijaya, Puput Adi
- Correlation Between Learning Attitude and Ninth Grader Literacy Skills SMP Negeri 01 Muaradua, Oku Selatan
- Winarta
- The Influence on Teacher Professionalism of Educational Qualifications and Teaching Experience
- Winata, Ardi
- An Academic Supervision of School Principals and Teacher Performance and Its Implementation of Education Quality at State Junior High School in Cengal District
- Wulandari, Dessy
- Improvement of Kriya Batik Learning Results Through the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model
- Wulandari, Ria
- Material Review of the English Textbook Bahasa Inggris (2017 Revised Edition)
- Yamin, Muhammad
- Management of Financial Education at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin
- Yan, Alhadi
- The Influence of Teaching Style and Teacher Work Motivation on the Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students in Beringin Island Sub-District
- Yani, Yana
- Teacher Performance at SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang as a Result of Principal Leadership and Work Motivation
- Yanti, Irma
- The Influence of Supervision of Principals and Teacher Competencies on Teacher Performance of at Elementary School Palembang
- Yanti, Sustri
- The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Teacher Work Performance
- Yanto, Budi
- Influence of Public Elementary School Academic Supervision and Teacher Working Group Activities on Student Learning Results within the Makarti Mulya Work Area
- Yanto, Hadi
- Principal Strategy for Improving the Quality of Teachers
- Yati, Mega
- Implementation of Teacher Certification in SD Negeri 11 Air Kumbang to Improve Teacher Performance
- Yeliwitri
- The Influence of School Leadership and Supervision of School Heads on Teacher Performance in SMP Negeri Pengandonan Sub-District Ogan Komering Ulu District
- Yenti
- The Influence of Teachers on Teaching Performance and the Conduct of Leadership
- Yetti, Desni
- Management of Innovative Dance Performance in Class XII Students of SMA Negeri 5 Palembang
- Yuhana
- The Influence of Principal Leadership and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Yukamana, Hanni
- Improving the Sixth Grade Paramount Students’ Writing Recount Interest and Skill Through Group Discussion
- Yukamana, Hanni
- Values of Character Education in Disney’s Animated Featured “The Good Dinosaur” by Peter Shon
- Yulia, Betty
- Behavior of School Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education at SD Negeri II Kayuagung Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Yuliana
- An Analysis of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) Implementation of E-Learning During Pandemic Covid-19
- Yuliana, Elis
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving Primary School Teacher Performance in Sanga Desa District Musi Banyuasin Regency
- Yuliasti, Nani
- Analysis of Online Learning in SMA N 5 Palembang During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Yunita, Metty
- The Influence of Stress and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Absenteeism in Sekayu District
- Yurosma
- The Effect of Competence and Certification on Teacher Performance
- Yusnawati
- The Influence of School Environment and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism
- Zarkasi, A.
- Effect of School and Head Management Teacher Academic Qualifications on Quality of Basic School Education in Kisam Tinggi District
- Zulfitriyani
- The Influence of Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test (PQRST) Method and Learning Strategies Towards Students’ Reading Ability at SMPN 5 Banyuasin III
- Zulkarnain, Masagus
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and Supervision Style on Teacher Work Motivation: A Regression Analysis
- Zulkifli
- The Influence of School Leadership and Teacher Professionalism on Learning Innovation at SMP Negeri 32 Oku
- Zuryanti
- The Influence of the Headmaster and Professional Teacher’s Ability on Teacher Performance at State Junior High School Pemulutan Sub-District
- ilham, Riska
- Leadership of the Principal in Building the Character of Students in State Secondary School 1 Lempuing Jaya OKI Regency
- lian, Bukman
- The Effect of School-Based Management and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Cluster 4, Kayuagung District
- rahman, Miftahu
- The Effect of Certification and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in the Teacher Working Group of Lempuing District Ogan Komering Ilir