Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)
873 authors
- Mulyadi
- The Development of Android Based Digital Module Materials for Human Nerve Systems in SMA Negeri 1 Cengal, Ogan Komering District Ilir
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Teacher Performance and Study Motivation on the Learning Outcomes of VII Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Cengal District Ogan Komering Ilir
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Work Motivation and Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of Organizational Culture and Teachers’ Performance on the Students’ Learning Achievement
- Mulyadi
- Influence of Public Elementary School Academic Supervision and Teacher Working Group Activities on Student Learning Results within the Makarti Mulya Work Area
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and Classroom Management on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of Principal Leadership and Principal Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of the Principal’s Academic Supervision and Leadership Style on Teachers’ Performance in SD Negeri Gugus 3, Kayuagung District
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of School Management and Teachers’ Performance on the Effectiveness of Child-Friendly School at SMP Negeri 3 Kayuagung
- Mulyadi
- The Impact of Principal Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Increasing Teacher Competency and Vice Principal Leadership of Academic Schools on Teacher Success at SMP Negeri 1 Mesuji
- Mulyadi
- The Impact of School Leadership and Job Motivation on the Success of Teachers of SMP Negeri Sungai Menang Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Mulyadi
- Material Review of the English Textbook Bahasa Inggris (2017 Revised Edition)
- Mulyadi
- Increasing Kindergarten Students’ Vocabulary and Learning Interest Through English Kids Songs at Palembang Paramount School
- Mulyadi
- Improving Kindergarten Pupils’ Speaking Skills Through the Storytelling
- Mulyadi
- The Correlations Among Learning Strategy, Reading Interest and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension of State Junior High School at Talang Ubi Sub-District of PALI Regency
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of Leadership Style, Motivation, and Training on Teachers’ Performance at Junior High School of Gandus Palembang South Sumatera
- Mulyadi
- An Academic Supervision of School Principals and Teacher Performance and Its Implementation of Education Quality at State Junior High School in Cengal District
- Mulyadi
- Principal Managerial Competence and Academic Supervision on Junior High School Teachers’ Performance
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Teacher Professionalism and Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Organizational Culture and Teacher Performance on Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of Teacher Discipline and School Environment on Student Learning Outcomes
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of School Committees and School Principals Leadership on the Quality of Education
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of Teacher Certification Motivation and Benefits on Teacher Performance in State Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ilir District
- Mulyadi
- The Influence of School Facilities and Motivation on the Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Mulyadi
- The techniques of Translation Into Original Film Subtitles (Aladdin 2019: A Whole New World) in English Into Indonesian
- Mulyadi
- Delusion Side of Arthur Fleck as the Main Character in Joker Movie by Todd Philips’
- Mulyadi
- Figurative Language Found in the Album: Lyrics Entitled Closer by Josh Groban
- Mulyadi
- The Effect of School Literacy Movement and Reading Interest on the Learning Outcomes
- Mulyadi
- Improving the Tenth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement of Narrative Text and Reading Interest by Using Guided Reading Strategy
- Mulyadi
- Moral Values Found in “Mulan” Movies by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft
- Mulyadi
- Hero and Villain Representation in the “Spiderman” Movie by Sam Raimi
- Mulyadi
- Improvement of Kriya Batik Learning Results Through the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model
- Mulyadi
- Islamic Education Teacher Management in Implementing Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Attitude
- Mulyadi
- The Correlation Among Language Learning Strategies, Learning Attitude and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Achievement
- Mulyadi
- Teaching Strategies for Dyslexic Character in the Movie Entitled “Taree Zameen Par” by Amir Khan
- Mulyadi
- Correlation Among Learning Styles, Learning Strategies and Speech Act of Request Realization of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Kasui Way Kanan
- Munadi
- Implementation of School-Based Management at State Elementary School 3 Makarti Jaya in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Munajah, Siti
- The Impact of School Culture and Organizational Commitment to Performance Teachers in the SD Negeri Keluang District
- Murniati
- The Influence of Principal’s Managerial Competency and School Organizational Culture on Teachers’ Performance in Public Kindergartens in Ogan Ilir District
- Murniviyanti, Liza
- Analysis the Needs of a Monologue Performance Module Based on Local Wisdom With Role Playing Methods and 3m Techniques (Imitating, Cultivating, and Developing)
- Muslim
- Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 Indralaya Utara
- Muslim
- Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 Indralaya Utara Through Facility and Infrastructure Management
- Mustofa
- Principal Leadership Strategies in Improving the Quality of Learning at Public Elementary Schools in Muara Telang District, Banyuasin Regency
- Mutasor
- The Effect of Teacher Motivation and Success on SD Negeri 01 Simpang Agung, Simpang Sub-District Learning Outcomes
- Mutiah
- The Influence of School Style of Leadership and Working Condition the Productivity of High School Teachers in Muaradua
- Mutmainah
- Academic Supervision of Madrasah’s Headmaster in Efforts to Improve Teachers ‘Professionalism in MAN 1 Musi Banyuasin
- Muttaqin, Zainal
- The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance in Gugus Dua Muara Telang District
- Nazori
- Islamic Education Teacher Management in Implementing Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Attitude
- Nazwa, Achsana
- The Effect of School-Based Management and Academic Supervision on the Education Quality in Junior High School
- Nelianti
- The Influence of School Leadership and Work Culture on Teacher Professionalism
- Nendrawati
- The Effect of Classroom Management and Teacher Work Ethics on Student Learning Outcomes
- Ningsih, Ni Wayan Suarti
- The Influence of the Principal’s Leadership on Teacher Competence at SMK Ilir Timur III Palembang Sub District
- Ningsih, Rusmeini
- Cultural Influence and Commitment to Teacher Professionalism
- Noviyanti
- The Influence of Learning Motivation and Emotional Intellegence on Student Achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat OKU Timur
- Novtantia, Rima Selly
- The Effect of Education and Teaching Experience on the Professionalism of Elementary School Teachers
- Nurahyani
- The Role of Library Managers in Improving Students ‘Reading Interest’
- Nurhayati
- Improving Learning Activities and Abilities Write Data Description Through Models Problem Solving Learning in Class VII Students in SMP Negeri 24 OKU
- Nurjanah
- The Effect of Headmaster Certification and Supervision on Teacher Performance at Gunung Jati Elementary School in Cempaka District
- Nursalina, Beti
- Influence of School Infrastructure and Work Environment on the Performance of High School Teachers
- Nursilawati, Novi
- The Effect of Work Culture and Principal Leadership on Teachers’ Work Discipline
- Nuzula, Muhammad
- The Impact of Professionalism and Job Dedication on Teacher Work District of SMP Negeri Jejawi
- Nyono
- The Impact of Principal Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance
- Oktarin, Sesi
- Performance of Vocational School Teachers in Terms of Leadership Style and Supervision Ability of Principals
- Oktarina, Ellen
- The Influence of School Culture Academic Supervision on Senior High School Teacher Performance in OKU Selatan
- Oktavia, Maharani
- Implementation of Interactive Maps for Student Learning Outcomes
- Paisol
- The Quality Management of Schools in Cultivating Students at 1st Public High School Ogan Komering Ulu
- Palupiningsih, Upik
- The Impact of Principal Academic Supervision and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Panata
- The Role of Primary Leadership and Encouragement on Teacher Quality
- Pidia, Rika
- The techniques of Translation Into Original Film Subtitles (Aladdin 2019: A Whole New World) in English Into Indonesian
- Prihatin, Sri
- The Role of the Academic Supervision of School Heads in Improving Teacher Performance in the Pandemic Time
- Prilianti, Dian
- Improving the Tenth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement of Narrative Text and Reading Interest by Using Guided Reading Strategy
- Purnomo
- The Effect of Work Motivation and Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
- Purwaningsih, Yayuk
- The Influence of School Based Management and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism
- Puspita, Yenni
- The Effect of Training and Teaching Experience on Teacher’s Performance
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Impact of Principal’s Supervision and Leadership on the Performance of Teacher
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Classroom Management and Teacher Work Ethics on Student Learning Outcomes
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Leadership and Work Culture on Discipline of Elementary School Teachers
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Strategy of School Principal in Improving the Teachers Performance
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Academic Supervision and School Culture on the Completeness of Learning Administration for Senior High School Teachers
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on the Performance of Senior High School Teachers in OKU Selatan
- Puspita, Yenny
- Implementation of Scouting Education Compulsory Extracurricular Activities at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 and 04 BPR Ranau Tengah
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Role of School Principals, Educators and Education Staff Turning SD Negeri 08 Banding Agung into National Standard Schools
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Principal Leadership and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance at SMA PGRI 2 Palembang
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Headmaster Leadership and Organizational Climate on Teacher Success in SMP Negeri Mekakau Ilir District
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of School Head Management and Teacher Success of Student Learning Outcomes in SMP Negeri 01 Muaradua Kisam, Oku Selatan District
- Puspita, Yenny
- Optimization and Role of Bunda PAUD Village in Efforts to Improve the Quality of PAUD in the District Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of School Style of Leadership and Working Condition the Productivity of High School Teachers in Muaradua
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of Organizational Culture and Principal Style of Leadership in High School Teacher Performance in Muaradua
- Puspita, Yenny
- School Principal Strategy in Improving the School Based Management Through the Quality of Education
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of School Leadership Style and School Environment on the Performance of Primary School Teachers in Kisam Tinggi District
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of School Environment and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism
- Puspita, Yenny
- Effect of School and Head Management Teacher Academic Qualifications on Quality of Basic School Education in Kisam Tinggi District
- Puspita, Yenny
- Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 Indralaya Utara
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Influence of School Leadership and Work Culture on Teacher Professionalism
- Puspita, Yenny
- The Effect of Education and Training and the Work Environment on Teacher Performance at SMP Negeri Ogan Ilir
- Puspita, Yenny
- Teacher Performance at SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang as a Result of Principal Leadership and Work Motivation
- Puspita, Yenny
- Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 Indralaya Utara Through Facility and Infrastructure Management
- Puspita, Yenny
- PAI Learning Management in Improving Student Learning Outcomes