Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018)

254 authors
Sukidjo, Sukidjo
Improving Professional Competence for Teachers
Sullaisah, Muhammad
Teaching Laboratory in Developing Teacher Digital Literation
Sumardi, Sumardi
Reading Habit Development with ICT Support for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Jember, Indonesia
Supartono, Supartono
The Effectiveness of Multiple Representation Oriented Learning Material with Project Based Learning to Improve Students' Chemistry Learning Outcomes
Exploring Relationship between School and National-based Tests
Surjono, Herman
Development of Blended Learning Model based on Student Learning Style in Vocational High School Lathe Machining Practice
Suryadarma, I.
Development of Science Learning Tools Oriented to Next Generation Science Standard
Suryadharma, I
NGSS: A Standard to Improve Planning Carrying Out Investigation Skill and Crosscutting Concept
Suryani, Adi
Social Changes and Development Sustainability: Challenges and Dynamics in Dolly Community Education
Susilaningsih, Endang
The Effectiveness of Multiple Representation Oriented Learning Material with Project Based Learning to Improve Students' Chemistry Learning Outcomes
Suyanta, Suyanta
STEM Approach in Developing Natural Science for Junior High School Level in Order to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skill and Scientific Process Skill
Suyanto, Slamet
The Effectiveness of using Quipper School Teaching Materials towards Students’ Cognitive Outcomes of Eleventh Grade Students of MIPA
Suyitno, Hardi
The Analysis of The Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Mathematics as Viewed from their Learning Style and Educational Background
Syahbudin, Atus
Innovation in Interdisciplinary Subject for Preserving Mountainous Forest Ecosystems
Syamsudin, Amir
Authentic Assessment Model in Problem Solving Learning for Kindergarten
Syifa, Laelatus
The Relationship between Family Social Support and Self-disclosure with Resilience to People with Acquired Physical Disability in Early Adulthood
Tan, Chuanbao
What if "Dynamic Society" becomes the Norm? The Arendt Dilemma and Its Way Out in Contemporary Ethical and Educational Life
Thrupp, Rose
An analysis of the impact on elementary teachers of an Aid program delivered in Indonesian Papua.
Tiawati, Refa
Implementation of Indonesian Language Teaching Material by BIPA Student in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
Ulfah, Refrilia
Voices of Nursing Students in English Material Development Oriented to Learners’ Characteristics
Uska, Muhammad
Evaluation of E-Rapor Usability using Usability Testing Method
Wahyudi, Wahyudi
The Analysis of The Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Mathematics as Viewed from their Learning Style and Educational Background
Wahyuni, Veronika
Development of Simple Machines Props Using Environmentally Friendly Materials for Junior High School
Waluya, Budi
The Analysis of The Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Mathematics as Viewed from their Learning Style and Educational Background
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
The Influence of the Giving the Pin Star Reward Towards the Student’s Learning Motivation and Discipline Character of the Second-grade Students of Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School Yogyakarta
Wardana, Amika
Social Capital and School Principal Roles in Improving School Quality of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta
Wasidi, Wasidi
Developing an Emotional Intelligence Instrument for Teacher Student
Wati, Mustika
Development of Simple Machines Props Using Environmentally Friendly Materials for Junior High School
Wening, Sri
Effectiveness of Implementation of Work Skills Education Program: an Empirical Study on Wedding Makeup Training to Reduce Unemployment in Sumatera
Widaryati, Widaryati
Enchancement of Grade IV Students Writing Description Skill Through Process Approach and Cooperatuve Integrated Reading and Composition
Widiyanto, Widiyanto
The Need Analysis of Pencak silat Speed Kick Instrument Based Technology
Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Developing Teaching Media on Basic Volley Ball Technique for Junior High School Students
Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Football Skills: Training Methods and Motor Educability
Widowati, A.
A Basic Skills Process on the Natural Science Learning Outcomes Viewed from the Ability to Communicate
Widowati, Asri
Enganging Balinese Culture and Technology in Digital Era: A Review to Foster Primary Teachers’ Competencies
Widyaningtyas, Febrina
Redesign of Technological Pedagogical Science Knowledge (TPSK) Based on Local Culture
Widyantoro, Agus
A Needs Analysis of Developing HOTS-based Interactive Multimedia
Widyastiarni, Weppy
An Analysis on Coach Ken Carter’s Speech Acts in Coach Carter Movie
Wijaya, Hesti
Resource-based Learning: A Paradigm Shift in Materials Design
Wilujeng, I
NGSS: A Standard to Improve Planning Carrying Out Investigation Skill and Crosscutting Concept
Wilujeng, I.
Science learning tools oriented on Next Generation Science Standard
Wilujeng, I.
Development of Science Learning Tools Oriented to Next Generation Science Standard
Windriyana, Gustin
NGSS: A Standard to Improve Planning Carrying Out Investigation Skill and Crosscutting Concept
Wirasasmiata, Rasyid
Evaluation of E-Rapor Usability using Usability Testing Method
Wuryandani, Wuri
Contribution of the Parents’ Authoritarian Parenting to the Primary School Children Stress
Yanti Faujiyah, Puji
Social Emotional Learning in Increasing the Social Emotional and Academic Development of Children in Early Childhood Education
Yuanita, Leny
Validity and Reliability of Science Critical Thinking Learning Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Self-Efficacy of Chemistry Teachers Candidates
Yulistianti, D
Affecting Factors in Learning using Problem-based Learning Model on Language Assessment Course
Yunianto, Taufik Hidayat Eko
Improved Reading Skills Trough Peer Tutor in Class III
Yusuf, Munawir
The Relationship between Family Social Support and Self-disclosure with Resilience to People with Acquired Physical Disability in Early Adulthood
Zakwandi, Rizki
The Effect of Laboratory Processing Capability and Science Literacy Readiness of Professional Pre-Service Physics Teachers
Zubaidah, Enny
The Relationship between Vocabulary and Reading Ability in 3rd Grade Elementary School Students
Zubaidah, Enny
Enchancement of Grade IV Students Writing Description Skill Through Process Approach and Cooperatuve Integrated Reading and Composition
karim, Zun
The Needs of English Writing Materials: A Perspective from General Program of Senior High School