Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018)
254 authors
- Sukidjo, Sukidjo
- Improving Professional Competence for Teachers
- Sullaisah, Muhammad
- Teaching Laboratory in Developing Teacher Digital Literation
- Sumardi, Sumardi
- Reading Habit Development with ICT Support for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Jember, Indonesia
- Supartono, Supartono
- The Effectiveness of Multiple Representation Oriented Learning Material with Project Based Learning to Improve Students' Chemistry Learning Outcomes
- Suranto
- Exploring Relationship between School and National-based Tests
- Surjono, Herman
- Development of Blended Learning Model based on Student Learning Style in Vocational High School Lathe Machining Practice
- Suryadarma, I.
- Development of Science Learning Tools Oriented to Next Generation Science Standard
- Suryadharma, I
- NGSS: A Standard to Improve Planning Carrying Out Investigation Skill and Crosscutting Concept
- Suryani, Adi
- Social Changes and Development Sustainability: Challenges and Dynamics in Dolly Community Education
- Susilaningsih, Endang
- The Effectiveness of Multiple Representation Oriented Learning Material with Project Based Learning to Improve Students' Chemistry Learning Outcomes
- Suyanta, Suyanta
- STEM Approach in Developing Natural Science for Junior High School Level in Order to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skill and Scientific Process Skill
- Suyanto, Slamet
- The Effectiveness of using Quipper School Teaching Materials towards Students’ Cognitive Outcomes of Eleventh Grade Students of MIPA
- Suyitno, Hardi
- The Analysis of The Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Mathematics as Viewed from their Learning Style and Educational Background
- Syahbudin, Atus
- Innovation in Interdisciplinary Subject for Preserving Mountainous Forest Ecosystems
- Syamsudin, Amir
- Authentic Assessment Model in Problem Solving Learning for Kindergarten
- Syifa, Laelatus
- The Relationship between Family Social Support and Self-disclosure with Resilience to People with Acquired Physical Disability in Early Adulthood
- Tan, Chuanbao
- What if "Dynamic Society" becomes the Norm? The Arendt Dilemma and Its Way Out in Contemporary Ethical and Educational Life
- Thrupp, Rose
- An analysis of the impact on elementary teachers of an Aid program delivered in Indonesian Papua.
- Tiawati, Refa
- Implementation of Indonesian Language Teaching Material by BIPA Student in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
- Ulfah, Refrilia
- Voices of Nursing Students in English Material Development Oriented to Learners’ Characteristics
- Uska, Muhammad
- Evaluation of E-Rapor Usability using Usability Testing Method
- Wahyudi, Wahyudi
- The Analysis of The Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Mathematics as Viewed from their Learning Style and Educational Background
- Wahyuni, Veronika
- Development of Simple Machines Props Using Environmentally Friendly Materials for Junior High School
- Waluya, Budi
- The Analysis of The Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Mathematics as Viewed from their Learning Style and Educational Background
- Wangid, Muhammad Nur
- The Influence of the Giving the Pin Star Reward Towards the Student’s Learning Motivation and Discipline Character of the Second-grade Students of Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School Yogyakarta
- Wardana, Amika
- Social Capital and School Principal Roles in Improving School Quality of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta
- Wasidi, Wasidi
- Developing an Emotional Intelligence Instrument for Teacher Student
- Wati, Mustika
- Development of Simple Machines Props Using Environmentally Friendly Materials for Junior High School
- Wening, Sri
- Effectiveness of Implementation of Work Skills Education Program: an Empirical Study on Wedding Makeup Training to Reduce Unemployment in Sumatera
- Widaryati, Widaryati
- Enchancement of Grade IV Students Writing Description Skill Through Process Approach and Cooperatuve Integrated Reading and Composition
- Widiyanto, Widiyanto
- The Need Analysis of Pencak silat Speed Kick Instrument Based Technology
- Widiyanto, Widiyanto
- Developing Teaching Media on Basic Volley Ball Technique for Junior High School Students
- Widiyanto, Widiyanto
- Football Skills: Training Methods and Motor Educability
- Widowati, A.
- A Basic Skills Process on the Natural Science Learning Outcomes Viewed from the Ability to Communicate
- Widowati, Asri
- Enganging Balinese Culture and Technology in Digital Era: A Review to Foster Primary Teachers’ Competencies
- Widyaningtyas, Febrina
- Redesign of Technological Pedagogical Science Knowledge (TPSK) Based on Local Culture
- Widyantoro, Agus
- A Needs Analysis of Developing HOTS-based Interactive Multimedia
- Widyastiarni, Weppy
- An Analysis on Coach Ken Carter’s Speech Acts in Coach Carter Movie
- Wijaya, Hesti
- Resource-based Learning: A Paradigm Shift in Materials Design
- Wilujeng, I
- NGSS: A Standard to Improve Planning Carrying Out Investigation Skill and Crosscutting Concept
- Wilujeng, I.
- Science learning tools oriented on Next Generation Science Standard
- Wilujeng, I.
- Development of Science Learning Tools Oriented to Next Generation Science Standard
- Windriyana, Gustin
- NGSS: A Standard to Improve Planning Carrying Out Investigation Skill and Crosscutting Concept
- Wirasasmiata, Rasyid
- Evaluation of E-Rapor Usability using Usability Testing Method
- Wuryandani, Wuri
- Contribution of the Parents’ Authoritarian Parenting to the Primary School Children Stress
- Yanti Faujiyah, Puji
- Social Emotional Learning in Increasing the Social Emotional and Academic Development of Children in Early Childhood Education
- Yuanita, Leny
- Validity and Reliability of Science Critical Thinking Learning Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Self-Efficacy of Chemistry Teachers Candidates
- Yulistianti, D
- Affecting Factors in Learning using Problem-based Learning Model on Language Assessment Course
- Yunianto, Taufik Hidayat Eko
- Improved Reading Skills Trough Peer Tutor in Class III
- Yusuf, Munawir
- The Relationship between Family Social Support and Self-disclosure with Resilience to People with Acquired Physical Disability in Early Adulthood
- Zakwandi, Rizki
- The Effect of Laboratory Processing Capability and Science Literacy Readiness of Professional Pre-Service Physics Teachers
- Zubaidah, Enny
- The Relationship between Vocabulary and Reading Ability in 3rd Grade Elementary School Students
- Zubaidah, Enny
- Enchancement of Grade IV Students Writing Description Skill Through Process Approach and Cooperatuve Integrated Reading and Composition
- karim, Zun
- The Needs of English Writing Materials: A Perspective from General Program of Senior High School