Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2016)
183 authors
- Abd Samad, Arshad
- Accuracy of English Pronoun Use among Malaysian Esl 5-6 Year Old Children and Teaching Implications in the Malaysian Pre-School Education Context
- Achmadi, Achmadi
- The Bowling Game Can Introduce the Symbol of Numbers for Early Childhood
- Adiarti, Wulan
- The Implementation of Holistic Integrative Services in Early Childhood Education (ECE): Perspective on 2013 ECE Curriculum in Indonesian Preschool
- Agustin, Mubiar
- The Effect of Learning by Using Educative Game to Develop Plural Intelligence in Early Childhood
- Aisyah, Aisyah
- Introducing Numerical Concepts through Number Cards for Early Childhood
- Alimudin, Arasy
- Introduction of Sustainable Development toward Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
- Ananthia, Winti
- Making Use of Children Storybooks in Designing Writing Activities for Children Learning EFL
- Andika Sari, Diah
- Children's Gross Motor: After-school Activities And Mother's Role at Home (A Survey Study of Kindergarten Group A, at Pondok Aren District, Tangerang Selatan, Banten Province, Indonesia)
- Andriani, Ana
- Sexual Issues and Prevention Through Sex Education in Primary School
- Ariati, Jati
- Promoting Emergent Literacy Development on Early Childhood: a Case Study in Indonesian Families
- Arifin, Bustomi
- Introduction of Sustainable Development toward Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
- Ariyanti Abidin, Fitri
- How Are Parents Disciplining Their Preschool Children?
- Ariyanti Abidin, Fitri
- Parenting Goals among Moslem Parents in Bandung, Indonesia
- Aulia Azizah, Sarah
- Improved Creativity in Early Childhood through Entrepreneurship Educatio
- Ayu Widiastuti, Ajeng
- Preschoolers Self-Regulation and Their Early School Success
- Badarudin, Badarudin
- Sexual Issues and Prevention Through Sex Education in Primary School
- Bee Eng, Wong
- Accuracy of English Pronoun Use among Malaysian Esl 5-6 Year Old Children and Teaching Implications in the Malaysian Pre-School Education Context
- Crie Handini, Myrnawati
- The Enhancement Adversity Quotient Through Outbound Play Activities
- Deni Gustiana, Asep
- Project Approach in Environmental Education
- Deni Gustiana, Asep
- Environmental Education through Research-Based Project Approach for Early Childhood Education
- Desfandi, Mirza
- Enhancing the Role of Early Childhood Education Institution in an Effort to Grow Ecoliteracy
- Dewi, Laksmi
- Study of Availability of Printed Non-Printed Instructional Media in Kindergarten to Develop Students' Reading Interest
- Dinia Husni Rahiem, Maila
- Kindergarten Teachers and Moral Education for Young Children: Why Do Narratives Matter?
- Diponegoro, Miranda
- Training Program for Kindergarten Teachers on Learning Through Project Approach
- Disman, Disman
- Enhancing the Role of Early Childhood Education Institution in an Effort to Grow Ecoliteracy
- Djoehaeni, Heny
- Project Approach in Environmental Education
- Djoehaeni, Heny
- Environmental Education through Research-Based Project Approach for Early Childhood Education
- Dudi S, Asep
- The Implementation of Character Education Program in Kindergarten
- Dwi Andika, Windi
- Hula Hoop Dance in Early Childhood (Case Study in Bon Thorif Kindergarten, Palembang South Sumatera)
- Dwi Arumsari, Andini
- Introduction of Sustainable Development toward Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
- Dwi Utami, Ade
- Guided Training Model Development as an Improvement Strategy for Early Childhood Education Teachers' Assessment Ability
- Dwiyanti, Linda
- Improve Cognitive and Speaking Ability Through the Use of Manipulatives Media "Life Cycle of a Butterfly" for the Kindergarten Children In Group B
- Dwiyanti, Linda
- Computer Based Learning Development Efforts as Information and Communication Technology in Group B Kindergarten in Blitar
- E. Koesma, Rismijati
- Parenting Goals among Moslem Parents in Bandung, Indonesia
- Eddie Singgih, Evita
- Training Program for Kindergarten Teachers on Learning Through Project Approach
- Eliyawati, Cucu
- Playing and Traditional Games in Learning Model Based on Culture of National Character and Play
- Elsari, Langgersari
- How Are Parents Disciplining Their Preschool Children?
- Eric Krauss, Steven
- Kindergarten Teachers and Moral Education for Young Children: Why Do Narratives Matter?
- Fachrurrazi, A.
- The Influence of Outdoor Learning to Improve Children's Creativity
- Fadhli, Muhibuddin
- Brain Television: A Research of Visual Effects for Early Years
- Faizah Romadona, Nur
- Behavior Management to Improve Social Skills and Academic Achievement of Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Farida Tantiani, Farah
- Mother as an Active Classroom Learning Facilitator in Early Educational Program
- Farida Zahra, Euis
- Profile of Basic Language Skills of Kindergarten Children and Implications for Guidance and Counselling
- Faridy, Faizatul
- Analysis on the Importance of Mother Tongue in Early Childhood
- Fitria, Nila
- Implementation of Early Childhood Development Integrative and Holistic (Paud Hi) in Daycare
- Fridani, Lara
- Guided Training Model Development as an Improvement Strategy for Early Childhood Education Teachers' Assessment Ability
- Hadiapurwa, Angga
- Study of Availability of Printed Non-Printed Instructional Media in Kindergarten to Develop Students' Reading Interest
- Hafidah, Ruli
- Early Childhood Education Based on Family
- Hakim, Arif
- The Implementation of Character Education Program in Kindergarten
- Hanafi, Zahyah
- Teacher-Child Interactions During Mathematic Activities in a Preschool Class
- Handayani, Hany
- Developing Assertive Ability of Young Children as a Countermeasure Effort for Bullying Behaviour
- Handayani, Suryatni
- The Overview of Training Needs on Differentiated Instruction for Early Childhood Teachers
- Hanifah, Nurdinah
- Multicultural Education Based on Local Wisdom as an Alternative Values Education in Early-Childhood Education
- Hartati, Sofia
- Guided Training Model Development as an Improvement Strategy for Early Childhood Education Teachers' Assessment Ability
- Hartati, Tatat
- Meaningful Vocabularies Developed through Classroom Activities
- Hartiningsih, Dian
- Training Program for Kindergarten Teachers on Learning Through Project Approach
- Hasiana, Isabella
- Identification of Learning Difficulties in Children at Early Childhood Education
- Hayati Dahlan, Tina
- Home-Start Parenting Program: Supporting Maternal Emotional Functioning in Raising Young Children
- Herman, Yuli
- Building Children's Critical Thinking by Puzzle Story Telling
- Iman Arshad, Nurul
- Accuracy of English Pronoun Use among Malaysian Esl 5-6 Year Old Children and Teaching Implications in the Malaysian Pre-School Education Context
- Indah Pratiwi, Anggita
- The Effectiveness of TPM-Kurtilas in Improving The Basic Character of Children in TK Tunas Harapan
- Indriati, Etty
- Sexual Education Knowledge for Early Childhood
- Joefiani, Poeti
- Parenting Goals among Moslem Parents in Bandung, Indonesia
- Justicia, Risty
- "Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat" Teaching Game in Developing Early Childhood Discipline by Using a Teaching Model Based on Learning Culture, National Values, and Playing. (Case Study at a Kindergarten)
- Kalpany, Kaaminy
- Accuracy of English Pronoun Use among Malaysian Esl 5-6 Year Old Children and Teaching Implications in the Malaysian Pre-School Education Context
- Kartika, Aniva
- The Overview of Training Needs on Differentiated Instruction for Early Childhood Teachers
- Kurniasari, Chrisdiana
- The Influence of Outdoor Learning to Improve Children's Creativity
- Kurniati, Euis
- "Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat" Teaching Game in Developing Early Childhood Discipline by Using a Teaching Model Based on Learning Culture, National Values, and Playing. (Case Study at a Kindergarten)
- Kurniati, Euis
- Story-Reading as a Teaching Method for Young Children: Teacher's Challenges
- Kurniati, Euis
- Playing and Traditional Games in Learning Model Based on Culture of National Character and Play
- Kurniati, Euis
- Behavior Management to Improve Social Skills and Academic Achievement of Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Kurniawati, Epritha
- Improve Cognitive and Speaking Ability Through the Use of Manipulatives Media "Life Cycle of a Butterfly" for the Kindergarten Children In Group B
- Kurniawati, Leli
- Project Approach in Environmental Education
- Kurniawati, Leli
- Environmental Education through Research-Based Project Approach for Early Childhood Education
- Kusmawati, Ati
- Tahsin Method of Al-Quran and Parenting for Children Hyperactive in Kindergarten School Orange, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
- Kusumawati, Dian
- Optimizing Storytelling through Dual Coding Theory
- Leli, Halimah
- The Role of Wayang Golek as Prototype Model in Building Mega skill Characters of Children
- Listiana, Aan
- The Teacher's Perception on TPM-Kurtilas Implementation in Amal Keluarga Kindergarten- Bandung
- Listiana, Aan
- The Effectiveness of TPM-Kurtilas in Improving The Basic Character of Children in TK Tunas Harapan
- Listiana, Aan
- The TPM-Kurtilas Implementation Program of Children's Behavioral Changes in Kindergarten
- Listiana, Aan
- Introduction of Sustainable Development toward Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
- Listiana, Aan
- Behavior Management to Improve Social Skills and Academic Achievement of Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Listiana, Aan
- Teacher's Response on the Teaching Pyramid Model-Curriculum 2013 Implementation in Kindergarten, Bandung-Indonesia
- Listiara, Anita
- Promoting Emergent Literacy Development on Early Childhood: a Case Study in Indonesian Families
- Loka Yuniar, Ghitha
- Story-Reading as a Teaching Method for Young Children: Teacher's Challenges
- Lutfatulatifah, Lutfatulatifah
- The Concept of Protection and the Rights of the Children Involved in Research
- Madyawati, Lilis
- 'Doll Made of Unused Goods' Decreases the Children's Anxiety in Disaster Areas
- Mariyana, Rita
- The Effectiveness of TPM-Kurtilas in Improving The Basic Character of Children in TK Tunas Harapan
- Mariyana, Rita
- Indoor Outdoor Playground Learning Environment Setting Design to Enhance Children's Multiple Intelligence Potential
- Marlina, Serli
- Character Values Development in Early Childhood through Traditional Games
- Maryadi, Bellanita
- The TPM-Kurtilas Implementation Program of Children's Behavioral Changes in Kindergarten
- Maryani, Enok
- Enhancing the Role of Early Childhood Education Institution in an Effort to Grow Ecoliteracy
- Mashar, Riana
- Empathic Metaphor Counseling and Children's Social Responsibilities
- Matsuri, Matsuri
- Adopting Physical Activities and Physical Skills of Japanese Early Childhood Model
- Mil, Silvie
- The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Character Education (An Evaluation Research in State Kindergarden, South Jakarta)
- Mirawati, Mirawati
- The Little Gardener: Science Learning for Children
- Moh.Kosnin, Azlina
- The Development of Children's Social-Emotional Competences: A Case Study in UNP's Labschool-Kindergarten, Padang Indonesia
- Mohamed Shah, Norela
- Teacher-Child Interactions During Mathematic Activities in a Preschool Class
- Mulyasari, Effy
- Meaningful Vocabularies Developed through Classroom Activities
- Munif Syamsuddin, Muhammad
- Early Childhood Education Based on Family