Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advance Research in Social and Economic Science (ICARSE 2023)

304 authors
Ratunegoro, Lira Dewisufi
Overview of Affiliation Needs in Late Teens Active Twitter Users in Surabaya
Ridwan, Muhamad
The Role of Creativity, Educational Support, and Self-Efficacy on Digital Entrepreneurial Intention: Insight from Indonesian Students
Ridwan, Muhamad
Economic And Nutritional Losses Result From Household Food Waste Behavior In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta
Ristono, Agus
A Hybrid Method of AHP and COPRAS-G for Supplier Selection: A Case Study in Indonesian Leather Industry
Rizkianto, Yody
Identification of Social, Economic and Building Density Vulnerability To Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards In Bantul District
Rochmaniah, Ainur
Exploring Social Interactions in WhatsApp Groups: A Netnographic Study of Virtual Photography Communities
Rochmaniah, Ainur
Organizational Communication Climate in Achieving Work Loyalty
Rosnawati, Emy
Doxing Patterns Using Social Engineering in Cyberspace
Ruzieva, Mokhichekhra Yakubovna
Teaching Strategies in Speaking Class in Junior High School
Ruzieva, Mokhichekhra Yakubovna
Dynamics Of Self-Acceptance Of Early Adult Women Who Experience Fatherlessness
Sabihaini, Sabihaini
SDGs Action Model in Poverty Alleviation in Village Communities
Saepudin, Asep
Strategic Management of Cooperatives in The Society Era 5.0
Safyra, Salma
Application of Peer Tutorials to Qawaid Class from BSO El-Abbasy Arabic Language Education
Saifullah, Saifullah
Leveraging Network Analyst In Geospatial Design For Advancing Islamic Boarding School Information Systems
Sandhi, Indah Kartika
Nationalism Implementation Moderates The Effect Of Digital Taxation On Taxpayer Compliance
Saputro, Yudho Jaya
Flowshop Production Scheduling Using the Theory of Constraints Approach: A Case Study in the Leather Glove Industry
Sarastika, Tiara
Temporal Dynamics of Land Use Change in Peri-Urban Area of Sleman Regency for Sustainability Agriculture
Saraswati, Y.
Temporal Dynamics of Land Use Change in Peri-Urban Area of Sleman Regency for Sustainability Agriculture
Saraswati, Yudhistira
Sense of “Love for Indonesian Products” due to “Fear of Missing Out”: Patriotism on Shoe Product Choice Ventela vs Converse
Sari, Dyah Lupita
Algorithmic Influence: Twitter’s Role in Shaping Public Discourse and Amplifying Radical Content
Sari, Dyah Lupita
Digital Diplomacy in the 21st Century: The Transformative Role of Social Media Platforms in Public Engagement
Sasongko, Rolan Mart
Sense of “Love for Indonesian Products” due to “Fear of Missing Out”: Patriotism on Shoe Product Choice Ventela vs Converse
Seiitbekovich, Azizbaev Saitdin
Interpersonal Attraction and Prosocial Behavior in College Students: Unveiling the Nexus
Setiawan, Agris
Strategies for Solving Contemporary Issues in the Work Environment: Increasing Lecturer's Interest in Scientific Publications
Shoffan, Shoffan
Leveraging Network Analyst In Geospatial Design For Advancing Islamic Boarding School Information Systems
Simanjuntak, Oliver Samuel
Development of a Semester Learning Plans System based on OBE (Outcome-Based Education)
Sinduwiatmo, Kukuh
Utilizing Instagram as a Promotional Platform for Lovrinz Publishing on Instagram Account
Sinduwiatmo, Kukuh
Visual Culture in Boyband K-Pop: Netnographic Insights into Global Fan Communities
Sinduwiatmo, Kukuh
Therapeutic Communication Strategies for Guidance Counseling Teachers in Handling Students Addiction to Gadgets
Sobirov, Bobur
Peer-Review Statements
Sobirov, Bobur
Fostering Employee Motivation Amidst Pandemic Challenges: Insights from Production Supervisors
Soepardi, Apriani
Flowshop Production Scheduling Using the Theory of Constraints Approach: A Case Study in the Leather Glove Industry
Soeprapto, Adi
Integration of Spiritual Dimensions in Company Management to Improve Company Performance and Sustainability
Soewardi, Tiara Juniar
Actors And Factors In Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Case Study On Creative Economy-Based Traditional Markets In Yogyakarta
Sosiawan, Edwi Arief
Optimizing State Defense: The Role of Strategic Communication Models in Support Organizations
Sriyono, Sriyono
Strategic Management of Cooperatives in The Society Era 5.0
Subyantoro, Arief
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Competence and Commitment to Business Performance in Handicraft MSMEs
Sugiarto, Meilan
Integration of Spiritual Dimensions in Company Management to Improve Company Performance and Sustainability
Suharsih, Sri
Flowshop Production Scheduling Using the Theory of Constraints Approach: A Case Study in the Leather Glove Industry
Suharsono, Suharsono
Development of a Semester Learning Plans System based on OBE (Outcome-Based Education)
Sultan, Sultan
Poverty and Inequality in Yogyakarta: Insights from a Comprehensive Study
Sunaryo, Kunti
Nationalism Implementation Moderates The Effect Of Digital Taxation On Taxpayer Compliance
Sunaryo, Kunti
Optimizing Smart Villages: The Mediating Role of Good Village Governance Through Accounting Information Systems
Suparno, Basuki Agus
Model of Multi-Cultural Communication and Learning Development Through Nationalism Perspective for Students
Suparno, Basuki Agus
De-radicalization Policy: Communication Power to Prevent Ex-Terrorist Re-joining for Organization and Radicalism Networking
Suratna, Suratna
Destination Quality’s Impact on Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions in Dieng
Susanta, Susanta
Post-Pandemic Development Strategy for Cultural Tourism Village
Susanto, Heri
Optimizing Smart Villages: The Mediating Role of Good Village Governance Through Accounting Information Systems
Susilo, Joko
Materiality and Just Energy Transition in Indonesia
Susilo, Muhammad Edy
Pandemic and Social Media: Textual Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Government Policy in Facing the Third Wave of Covid-19 Attack
Sutrisno, Isbandi
Optimizing State Defense: The Role of Strategic Communication Models in Support Organizations
Syafira, Tasya Iznada
A Socio-Technical Study Of The Narratives Of Three Pro-ISIS Indonesian Women In The Perspective Of Actor-Network Theory
Syahira, Aura Intan
Elevating Event Organizer Services: Innovative Marketing Communication Strategies
Tahalea, Sylvert Prian
Analysis of Internal and External Factors in the E-Business Transformation of Mocaf MSMEs
Tahalea, Sylvert Prian
Digital Diplomacy in the 21st Century: The Transformative Role of Social Media Platforms in Public Engagement
Tam, Nguyen The Duc
Vietnamese Legal Framework for Green Credit: A Decade Towards Sustainability
Tam, Nguyen The Duc
The Daybreak of the Global Minimum Tax: Striking the Balance Between Foreign Investment Attraction and International Tax Standards
Taniyev, Akhmadjon
Organizational Communication Climate in Achieving Work Loyalty
Taubayev, Ayapbergen
Peer-Review Statements
Taufiq, Wahyu
Teaching Strategies in Speaking Class in Junior High School
Taufiq, Wahyu
Revitalizing Speaking Skills: Role-Play Techniques Engage and Inspire
Togayev, Salim Sobirovich
Visual Culture in Boyband K-Pop: Netnographic Insights into Global Fan Communities
Tribuana, Sella Ria
Analysis of Provocative Themes: Unraveling Global Perspectives on Al-'Ashri Class VII Arabic Textbook
Tripambudi, Sigit
Model of Multi-Cultural Communication and Learning Development Through Nationalism Perspective for Students
Triyadi, R. A.
Temporal Dynamics of Land Use Change in Peri-Urban Area of Sleman Regency for Sustainability Agriculture
Tugiyo, Tugiyo
Strengthening Creative Industries through Technology and Disaster Risk Mitigation
Tuychiyevich, Khakimov Erkin
Development of Numeracy Literacy Modules In The Independent Curriculum For VI Grade Elementary Schools
Tyas, Intan Febry Ning
Youth Perspectives on Jerome Polin’s YouTube: Global Insights in Mathematics Learning
Udjianto, Didit Welly
Rural Economy and Digital Transformation in Driving Sustainable Development
Udjianto, Didit Welly
Strengthening Creative Industries through Technology and Disaster Risk Mitigation
Ugli, Asatulloyev Inomjon Abobakir
Revitalizing Speaking Skills: Role-Play Techniques Engage and Inspire
Ulilalbab, Azizah Ridha
Take It or Leave It? Understanding Whether Defective Fruit Still Has Economic Value to Consumers
Utomo, Djarot Meidi Budi
Elevating Event Organizer Services: Innovative Marketing Communication Strategies
Utomo, Djarot Meidi Budi
Fostering Employee Motivation Amidst Pandemic Challenges: Insights from Production Supervisors
Utomo, Djarot Meidi Budi
Therapeutic Communication Strategies for Guidance Counseling Teachers in Handling Students Addiction to Gadgets
Utomo, Humam Santosa
Influence of Product Design on Batik Consumption among Indonesian Youth
Utomo, Humam Santosa
Destination Quality’s Impact on Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions in Dieng
Utomo, Humam Santosa
Post-Pandemic Development Strategy for Cultural Tourism Village
Wachidah, Kemil
Application of Peer Tutorials to Qawaid Class from BSO El-Abbasy Arabic Language Education
Wachidah, Kemil
Image Media Shapes Critical Reading in Elementary Education
Wahidiyati, Asadini
Teaching Strategies in Speaking Class in Junior High School
Wahyu, Bening
Democracy in Parenting: Fostering Gratitude in Students
Wahyuningrum, Dwi
Leveraging Network Analyst In Geospatial Design For Advancing Islamic Boarding School Information Systems
Wahyuningsih, Tri
A Hybrid Method of AHP and COPRAS-G for Supplier Selection: A Case Study in Indonesian Leather Industry
Wardana, Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma
Development of Interactive Power Point Learning Media in Arabic Vocabulary Learning
Wardana, Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma
Development of Numeracy Literacy Modules In The Independent Curriculum For VI Grade Elementary Schools
Wardani, Santi Kurnia
Organizational Communication Climate in Achieving Work Loyalty
Warsono, Hardi
SMEs Innovation Performance Based on Organizational Learning, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Customer Capital Case Study of Creative Industry in Central Java
Wibowo, Astrid Wahyu Adventri
Analysis of Internal and External Factors in the E-Business Transformation of Mocaf MSMEs
Wibowo, Rudi
Optimizing State Defense: The Role of Strategic Communication Models in Support Organizations
Widjanarko, Hendro
Destination Quality’s Impact on Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions in Dieng
Widjanarko, Hendro
Post-Pandemic Development Strategy for Cultural Tourism Village
Emotional Description of Autism Children in Sidoarjo
Widyastuti, Widyastuti
Dynamics Of Self-Acceptance Of Early Adult Women Who Experience Fatherlessness
Widyastuti, Widyastuti
Group Cohesion and Social Reinforcement: Exploring Dynamics in Student Organizations
Wijayanti, Diah Lufti
Determinants of Food Security in Kulon Progo District
Hyperparameter Optimization of Semi-Supervised Sentiment Annotation Model on Marketplace Dataset
Yulita, Lita
Financial Literacy Level, Access to Finance, Financial Risk Attitude and Financial Performance of MSMEs. Study on DIY MSMEs
Yusriyah, Ayu Dzihni
Dynamics Of Self-Acceptance Of Early Adult Women Who Experience Fatherlessness
Zaki, Ahmad
Actors And Factors In Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Case Study On Creative Economy-Based Traditional Markets In Yogyakarta