Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE 2020)

378 authors
Hidayatulloh, Wahyu
Improve Critical Thinking Ability Through Augmented Reality Assisted Worksheets
Huda, Hendrawan Banu
Research-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry Learning (REORCILEA) Model: Improvement of Students’ Analytical Thinking Ability in High School Chemistry Learning
Huda, Khoirul
The Analysis of Initial Achievement of Crosscutting Concept: Cause-Effect and Critical Thinking of Junior School Students in Ceramics Crafts-Integrated Natural Science Learning
Huda, Khoirul
Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Huda, Khoirul
Review A Trending and Interesting Topic of ‘Aloe Vera: Healthy Lifestyle Trends Through Functional Food Consumption’ in Science Learning
Huda, Khoirul
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation
Huda, Khoirul
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
Hujatulatif, Adha
Science Learning and Environment: Analysis of Student’s Scientific Literacy Based on Indonesia’s Waste Problem
Husnanda, Arsy
Developing Science Education Game Based on Internet of Things (IoT): Materials and Methods Overview
Ihwan, Muh. Al
Student Worksheet Based on E-Learning Development to Improve Problem-Solving Skills of Class X MAN 3 Yogyakarta Students in 2019/2020
Ihwan, Muh. Al
The Effect of E-Learning Based Worksheet to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Senior High School Students
Ikhsan, Jaslin
Students’ Attitudes Towards Chemistry: On the Gender and Grades Perspective
Ikhsan, Jaslin
Multimode Learning with Higher Order Thinking Skills in Pandemic Covid-19 Era
Ikhsan, Jaslin
Developing Science Education Game Based on Internet of Things (IoT): Materials and Methods Overview
Student’s Misconception Profile of First Semester 10th Grade on Biology
Ilham, Muhammad
The Effect of Android-Based Learning Media on Student Cognitive Levels in Sports Physiology
Illahaqi, Aza Ayu Din
Students’ Environmental Literacy Understanding in Science Learning: A Preliminary Study
Illahaqi, Aza Ayu Din
Advancing Students’ Environmental Sustainability Awareness Through Science Mobile Learning: A Literature Review
Indriyanti, Nurma Yunita
Chemistry Teachers’ Perspectives on Virtual STEM Laboratories as Learning Media
The Effect of Android-Based Learning Media on Student Cognitive Levels in Sports Physiology
Ismunandar, M. Dihan
Developing Android-Based Media for Evaluating Chemical Literacy of Senior High School Students
Istiyono, Edi
Physics Graphical Representation Test of Straight Motion Kinematics Based on Boti Boat Local Wisdom: Development and Validity
Istiyono, Edi
Computer-Based Two-Tier Diagnostic Test to Identify Critical Thinking Skills in Optical Instrument
Istiyono, Edi
Identifying the Drawbacks of the Problem-Solving Skills by Using a Three-Tier Diagnostic Test with Google Form Assistant
Jaedun, Amat
Online Science Learning Implementation During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP N 1 Singorojo
Janah, Aisyah Nurul
Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students’ Based Local Potentian of Making Kempul/Gong Reyog Ponorogo
Jannah, Mufida M
Integration of Volcanic Eruption Disaster Education with Physics Learning Process to Improve Students’ Disaster Preparedness in Magelang Regency
Jatmika, Surya
Developing Whiteboard Animation Video Through Local Wisdom on Work and Energy Materials as Physics Learning Solutions During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Jatmika, Surya
The Implementation of Whiteboard Animation Video Based on Local Wisdom in Work and Energy Concept to Improve Senior High Schools Students’ Learning Interest
Juliana, Christine
The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung: Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity and Character Development for High School Students
Integration of Volcanic Eruption Disaster Education with Physics Learning Process to Improve Students’ Disaster Preparedness in Magelang Regency
Development of Audio Visual Media for Distance Learning
The Effective of Using Worksheet with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Through Google Classrooms to Improve Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Developing an E-Module Physics-Based Kvisoft Flipbook Maker to Enhance the Concept of Understanding for the Senior High School Student
Developing Kvisoft Flipbook Maker-Based Physics E-Module to Build on Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students
Development of Worksheet Based on STEM-PBL with PhET Simulation to Improve Student’s Problem Solving During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Implementation of Audio Visual Media in Problem Based Learning Model to Improve the Problem Solving Skills
Problem-Based Learning Tools Assisted by Google Classroom on Momentum and Impulse for High School Student
The Student’s Knowledge of Volcanic Eruption Mitigation in Magelang Regency
Teacher’s Perspective on Integration of Traditional Games as Media Science Learning in Junior High School
Knowledge and Attitude of Junior High School Students Towards Hydrometeorological Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study in Cirebon City, Province of West Java
Jumadi, Jumadi
The Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review
Kamila, Arina Umu
The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Data Literacy
Kamila, Arina Umu
Development of Worksheet Based on STEM-PBL with PhET Simulation to Improve Student’s Problem Solving During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Karanggulimu, Ambrosius
The Effect of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by an Android-Based Virtual Lab to Improve Students’ Conceptual Understanding During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Karanggulimu, Ambrosius
The Application of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by Android-Based Virtual Labs to Improve Students’ Science Process Skills During the Learning Activities in Covid-19 Pandemic
Karmila, Nila
The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted Google Classroom to Scientific Literacy in Physics Learning
Kartika, Endah
A Diagnostic Test to Measure Students Physics Data Literacy Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kartika, Endah
Students’ Data Literacy Ability in Physics Using the Physics E-Module Integrated with the Values of Pancasila During the Covid-19
Khafid, Mohammad Abdul
Knowledge and Attitude of Junior High School Students Towards Hydrometeorological Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study in Cirebon City, Province of West Java
Khoiriza, Ikfi
Science Learning and Environment: Analysis of Student’s Scientific Literacy Based on Indonesia’s Waste Problem
Khoiriza, Ikfi Nuril
Need Analysis of Science E-book Based on Tri Pusat Pendidikan (Three Center of Education) Approach for Junior High School Students
Kusumaningtyas, Hana
A Comparative Study on High School Students’ Self-Efficacy Towards Chemistry
Kuswanto, Heru
Graphical Representation Skills in Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic Through Augmented Reality Assisted Student Worksheets
Kuswanto, Heru
Learning Physics with Worksheet Assisted Augmented Reality: The Impacts on Student’s Verbal Representation
Kuswanto, Heru
Improve Critical Thinking Ability Through Augmented Reality Assisted Worksheets
Kuswanto, Heru
The Influence of Using Physics Student Worksheets Assisted by Augmented Reality Toward Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
Kuswanto, Heru
The Effect of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by an Android-Based Virtual Lab to Improve Students’ Conceptual Understanding During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Labib, Umar Abdul
A Literature Review of Human, Organization, Technology (HOT) – Fit Evaluation Model
Labib, Umar Abdul
Augmented Reality Based Media for Learning Biology During the Covid -19 Pandemic: Student Admission
Laksono, Endang Widjajanti
Teacher Needs Analysis on the Development of Android-Based Chemistry Learning Media
Laksono, Endang Widjajanti
A Comparative Study on High School Students’ Self-Efficacy Towards Chemistry
Laksono, Endang Wijayanti
Profile of Students’ Pro-Environmental Attitude: In Adiwiyata’s School at Wonosobo
Ledoh, Cartika Candra
The Need Analysis of Guided Inquiry-Based Electronic Module Using Virtual Laboratory for Chemistry Learning
Lestari, Nunuk Ika
Augmented Reality Based on Learning Assessment
Liunokas, Sonya Monica
Chemistry Teacher’s Perception About Their Technology, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Louise, Isana Supiah Yosephine
Chemistry Teacher’s Perception About Their Technology, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Manisa, Tesa
Portrait of Metacognitive Awareness of Prospective Biology Teachers of Malang State University Through Learning Journal on Lesson Study-Based Learning
Maulidiansyah, Deka
Computer-Based Two-Tier Diagnostic Test to Identify Critical Thinking Skills in Optical Instrument
Maulidiansyah, Deka
Identifying the Drawbacks of the Problem-Solving Skills by Using a Three-Tier Diagnostic Test with Google Form Assistant
Mauraji, Ilham
Profile of Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Case on Rate of Reaction Topic
Mawardani, Arum
Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability
Mawardani, Arum
Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Diagrammatic Representation Skills of Students
Meutia, Inarsih
Computer-Based Two-Tier Diagnostic Test to Identify Critical Thinking Skills in Optical Instrument
Meutia, Inarsih
Identifying the Drawbacks of the Problem-Solving Skills by Using a Three-Tier Diagnostic Test with Google Form Assistant
Mindayula, Efry
Motivation Level of Student After Implementation Learning Media Based on 3D-Pageflip
Muh Asriadi, AM
Implementation of Item Response Theory at Final Exam Test in Physics Learning: Rasch Model Study
Mulyani, Sri
Chemistry Teachers’ Perspectives on Virtual STEM Laboratories as Learning Media
Mulyono, HAM.
Implementation of Small-Scale Chemistry Lab to Improve Student Cognitive Abilities on the Subtopic of Colloid Properties
Munawaroh, Aminatul
Physics Learning Instruction Based on the Conceptual Change Model for Senior High Schools
Mustadi, Ali
Group Investigation to Improve Science at Primary School
Nabila, Syarifah Aini
Developing Physics Digital Literacy Skill Diagnostic Test Assisted by Google Form for Senior High School Students
Nabila, Syarifah Aini
Development of Interactive Physics Learning Media Using Smartphone Integrated with Pancasila Values on Optical Instrument
Nadhiroh, Nuraini
Analysis of the Potential Use of STEM Approach in Biology Lessons Refers to Development of Science in Indonesia
Nadhiroh, Nuraini
The Effect of Using Smartphone Based Learning Media to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills During Covid-19 Pandemic
Nadhiroh, Nuraini
Smartphone-Based Learning Media on Microscope Topic for High School Students
Nadhiroh, Nuraini
The Effective of Using Worksheet with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Through Google Classrooms to Improve Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nafi’ah, Zahrotun
Development of Science STS Learning Tools Integrated Local Potential of Kacang Shanghai to Increase Critical Thinking Skills and Technology Literacy: A Literature Review
Nai’mah, Hindun Hidayatun
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
Nisa, Wilda Muhimmatun
Development of Science STS Learning Tools Integrated Local Potential of Kacang Shanghai to Increase Critical Thinking Skills and Technology Literacy: A Literature Review
Novitasari, Rahmah
Science Process Skills of Senior High School Students in Kebumen Regency on the Topic of Environmental Change
Nugroho, Mochtar Purwo
Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability
Nugroho, Mochtar Purwo
Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Diagrammatic Representation Skills of Students
Nuha, Azizah Ainun
Learning Physics with Worksheet Assisted Augmented Reality: The Impacts on Student’s Verbal Representation
Nuha, Azizah Ainun
The Influence of Using Physics Student Worksheets Assisted by Augmented Reality Toward Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
Nurcahyo, Heru
Implementation of Environmental-Based Schools in the Adiwiyata Program: A Literature Review
Nurcahyo, Heru
Advancing Students’ Environmental Sustainability Awareness Through Science Mobile Learning: A Literature Review
Nurcahyo, Heru
The Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review
Developing Physics Digital Literacy Skill Diagnostic Test Assisted by Google Form for Senior High School Students
Development of Interactive Physics Learning Media Using Smartphone Integrated with Pancasila Values on Optical Instrument