Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE 2020)
378 authors
- Shofa, Maya Izzatus
- Natural Science Teacher Perception on Subject Specific Pedagogy Integrated Earthquake Disaster Mitigation
- Shofa, Maya Izzatus
- The Profile of Scientific Literacy in Student’s Junior High School 1 Kesamben with Local Wisdom
- Suban, Maria Enjelina
- A Diagnostic Test to Measure Students Physics Data Literacy Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Suban, Maria Enjelina
- Students’ Data Literacy Ability in Physics Using the Physics E-Module Integrated with the Values of Pancasila During the Covid-19
- Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
- How Can Scientific Approach Enhancing Student’s Curiosity and Learning Outcomes in Science Learning?
- Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
- Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire on Student Learning Online Interests in Biology
- Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
- Needs Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Matter in Junior High School Science Learning in Yogyakarta Special Region
- Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
- Augmented Reality Based Media for Learning Biology During the Covid -19 Pandemic: Student Admission
- Suhanda, Hokcu
- Implementation of Small-Scale Chemistry Lab to Improve Student Cognitive Abilities on the Subtopic of Colloid Properties
- Suhartini
- The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung: Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity and Character Development for High School Students
- Suhartini
- Empowering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills During Pandemic Through Contextual Distance-Learning in Biology
- Suhartini
- Analysis of the Potential Use of STEM Approach in Biology Lessons Refers to Development of Science in Indonesia
- Suhartini
- How Can Scientific Approach Enhancing Student’s Curiosity and Learning Outcomes in Science Learning?
- Suhartini
- Student’s Misconception Profile of First Semester 10th Grade on Biology
- Suhartini
- Student Interaction, Teacher Competence, and Technology in Online Learning: Does it Create a Meaningful Learning?
- Sulaiman, Hadiid
- The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted Google Classroom to Scientific Literacy in Physics Learning
- Supahar
- A Diagnostic Test to Measure Students Physics Data Literacy Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Supahar
- Developing Physics Digital Literacy Skill Diagnostic Test Assisted by Google Form for Senior High School Students
- Supahar
- The Teacher’s Necessity for a Diagnostic Test to Detect Student Weaknesses in Learning Physics in Offline and Online Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Supahar
- Dissemination of Online Diagnostic Test Instrument to Diagnose High School Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability: The Case of Work and Energy
- Supahar
- Developing an Online Mobile Based Diagnostic Instrument to Identify Science Misconceptions for Junior High School Students
- Supahar
- Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation
- Supahar
- A Quantitative Analysis of Indonesian Junior High School Science Textbooks for Scientific Literacy Themes
- Suparno
- Implementation of Android-Based Physics Learning Media in Increasing High School Students’ Curiosity
- Supriyati, Hikmah
- High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills During Online Learning in Biology: Gender Perspective
- Surtini
- Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability
- Suryadarma, I Gusti Putu
- Review A Trending and Interesting Topic of ‘Aloe Vera: Healthy Lifestyle Trends Through Functional Food Consumption’ in Science Learning
- Suryadarma, I Gusti Putu
- Pandemic Era, Education Support Technology: The Potential for Augmented Reality in Science Learning
- Suryadarma, I Gusti Putu
- Need Analysis of Science E-book Based on Tri Pusat Pendidikan (Three Center of Education) Approach for Junior High School Students
- Susanti, Dewi
- Student Cognitive Activities in Biogeochemical Cycle Learning Using Modeling Example
- Susanto, Andi
- The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung: Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity and Character Development for High School Students
- Susilawati
- Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’
- Susilo, Herawati
- Portrait of Metacognitive Awareness of Prospective Biology Teachers of Malang State University Through Learning Journal on Lesson Study-Based Learning
- Sutarno
- An Analysis of the Need for Developing E-Module Based on Problem Based Learning Utilizing Virtual Laboratory on the Digestive System Material
- Sutresna, W. Banu Oka
- The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the Improvement of Student’s Academic and Non-Academic Achievement
- Sutrisno, Hari
- Motivation Level of Student After Implementation Learning Media Based on 3D-Pageflip
- Suwarno, Rika Nuryani
- The Analysis of Initial Achievement of Crosscutting Concept: Cause-Effect and Critical Thinking of Junior School Students in Ceramics Crafts-Integrated Natural Science Learning
- Suwarno, Rika Nuryani
- Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
- Suyanta
- Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
- Suyanto, Slamet
- Integrated of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
- Suyanto, Slamet
- The Potential of Earthworms (Lumbricus sp.) in Anrelli Village, Kulo District as an Environment-Based Biology Learning Resource
- Suyanto, Slamet
- The Implementation of the Scientific Approach: Reveal the Degree of Scientific Approach Application in Biology Instruction That Had Been Carried Out
- Syaadah, Rika Siti
- Implementation of Small-Scale Chemistry Lab to Improve Student Cognitive Abilities on the Subtopic of Colloid Properties
- Taufik, Muhammad Sultani
- The Potential of Earthworms (Lumbricus sp.) in Anrelli Village, Kulo District as an Environment-Based Biology Learning Resource
- Tumanggor, Awal Mulia Rejeki
- Dissemination of Online Diagnostic Test Instrument to Diagnose High School Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability: The Case of Work and Energy
- Usman, Musawwir
- Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
- Usnia, Andyta Ma’rifatul
- A Preliminary Study of Student’s Initial Technology and Engineering Literacy
- Usnia, Andyta Ma’rifatul
- The Student’s Knowledge of Volcanic Eruption Mitigation in Magelang Regency
- Usnia, Andyta Ma’rifatul
- The Profile of Scientific Literacy in Student’s Junior High School 1 Kesamben with Local Wisdom
- Wakhid, Muhammad Umar
- Analysis of the Potential Use of STEM Approach in Biology Lessons Refers to Development of Science in Indonesia
- Wardaya, Nungki Febriliana
- A Preliminary Study of Student’s Initial Technology and Engineering Literacy
- Wardaya, Nungki Febriliana
- The Student’s Knowledge of Volcanic Eruption Mitigation in Magelang Regency
- Warsono
- Developing Whiteboard Animation Video Through Local Wisdom on Work and Energy Materials as Physics Learning Solutions During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Warsono
- The Level of Critical Thinking Ability of Students in the Learning by Using Adobe Animate Based Learning Media
- Warsono
- The Implementation of Whiteboard Animation Video Based on Local Wisdom in Work and Energy Concept to Improve Senior High Schools Students’ Learning Interest
- Warsono
- Development of Adobe Animate Assisted Physics Learning Media as Online Learning Aid
- Widodo, Ari
- Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts at the Elementary and Middle School Levels
- Widyorini, Cety Anggun
- Examining High School Students’ Ill-Structured Problem Solving Skills on Chemistry Problems Related to COVID-19
- Wijaya, Silvia Anggri
- Developing Kvisoft Flipbook Maker-Based Physics E-Module to Build on Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students
- Wijayanti, Wiwik
- The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the Improvement of Student’s Academic and Non-Academic Achievement
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Effect of Using Smartphone Based Learning Media to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wilujeng, Insih
- Smartphone-Based Learning Media on Microscope Topic for High School Students
- Wilujeng, Insih
- Physics Learning Instruction Based on the Conceptual Change Model for Senior High Schools
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted Google Classroom to Scientific Literacy in Physics Learning
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Data Literacy
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Effect of Using the E-Module Assisted by the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker in Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Analysis of Initial Achievement of Crosscutting Concept: Cause-Effect and Critical Thinking of Junior School Students in Ceramics Crafts-Integrated Natural Science Learning
- Wilujeng, Insih
- Development of Science STS Learning Tools Integrated Local Potential of Kacang Shanghai to Increase Critical Thinking Skills and Technology Literacy: A Literature Review
- Wilujeng, Insih
- Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Role of ICT Literacy Opinion on ICT Self-Efficacy and AR Opinion on Teacher Education Students
- Wingsih, Puji Hariati
- The Effective of Using Worksheet with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Through Google Classrooms to Improve Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wiyarsi, Antuni
- Chemistry Learning Anxiety Scale: A Scale Development
- Wiyarsi, Antuni
- Profile of Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Case on Rate of Reaction Topic
- Wiyatmo, Yusman
- The Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review
- Wulandari, Susanti
- Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts at the Elementary and Middle School Levels
- Yusron, Eri
- Analysis Difficulties and Characteristics of Item Test of on Biology National Standard School Examination
- Zahra, Melta
- Problem-Based Learning Tools Assisted by Google Classroom on Momentum and Impulse for High School Student
- gultom, Adelina
- Student Interaction, Teacher Competence, and Technology in Online Learning: Does it Create a Meaningful Learning?