Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE 2020)

378 authors
Shofa, Maya Izzatus
Natural Science Teacher Perception on Subject Specific Pedagogy Integrated Earthquake Disaster Mitigation
Shofa, Maya Izzatus
The Profile of Scientific Literacy in Student’s Junior High School 1 Kesamben with Local Wisdom
Suban, Maria Enjelina
A Diagnostic Test to Measure Students Physics Data Literacy Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Suban, Maria Enjelina
Students’ Data Literacy Ability in Physics Using the Physics E-Module Integrated with the Values of Pancasila During the Covid-19
Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
How Can Scientific Approach Enhancing Student’s Curiosity and Learning Outcomes in Science Learning?
Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire on Student Learning Online Interests in Biology
Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
Needs Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Matter in Junior High School Science Learning in Yogyakarta Special Region
Subiantoro, Agung Wijaya
Augmented Reality Based Media for Learning Biology During the Covid -19 Pandemic: Student Admission
Suhanda, Hokcu
Implementation of Small-Scale Chemistry Lab to Improve Student Cognitive Abilities on the Subtopic of Colloid Properties
The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung: Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity and Character Development for High School Students
Empowering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills During Pandemic Through Contextual Distance-Learning in Biology
Analysis of the Potential Use of STEM Approach in Biology Lessons Refers to Development of Science in Indonesia
How Can Scientific Approach Enhancing Student’s Curiosity and Learning Outcomes in Science Learning?
Student’s Misconception Profile of First Semester 10th Grade on Biology
Student Interaction, Teacher Competence, and Technology in Online Learning: Does it Create a Meaningful Learning?
Sulaiman, Hadiid
The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted Google Classroom to Scientific Literacy in Physics Learning
A Diagnostic Test to Measure Students Physics Data Literacy Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Developing Physics Digital Literacy Skill Diagnostic Test Assisted by Google Form for Senior High School Students
The Teacher’s Necessity for a Diagnostic Test to Detect Student Weaknesses in Learning Physics in Offline and Online Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dissemination of Online Diagnostic Test Instrument to Diagnose High School Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability: The Case of Work and Energy
Developing an Online Mobile Based Diagnostic Instrument to Identify Science Misconceptions for Junior High School Students
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation
A Quantitative Analysis of Indonesian Junior High School Science Textbooks for Scientific Literacy Themes
Implementation of Android-Based Physics Learning Media in Increasing High School Students’ Curiosity
Supriyati, Hikmah
High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills During Online Learning in Biology: Gender Perspective
Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability
Suryadarma, I Gusti Putu
Review A Trending and Interesting Topic of ‘Aloe Vera: Healthy Lifestyle Trends Through Functional Food Consumption’ in Science Learning
Suryadarma, I Gusti Putu
Pandemic Era, Education Support Technology: The Potential for Augmented Reality in Science Learning
Suryadarma, I Gusti Putu
Need Analysis of Science E-book Based on Tri Pusat Pendidikan (Three Center of Education) Approach for Junior High School Students
Susanti, Dewi
Student Cognitive Activities in Biogeochemical Cycle Learning Using Modeling Example
Susanto, Andi
The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung: Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity and Character Development for High School Students
Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’
Susilo, Herawati
Portrait of Metacognitive Awareness of Prospective Biology Teachers of Malang State University Through Learning Journal on Lesson Study-Based Learning
An Analysis of the Need for Developing E-Module Based on Problem Based Learning Utilizing Virtual Laboratory on the Digestive System Material
Sutresna, W. Banu Oka
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the Improvement of Student’s Academic and Non-Academic Achievement
Sutrisno, Hari
Motivation Level of Student After Implementation Learning Media Based on 3D-Pageflip
Suwarno, Rika Nuryani
The Analysis of Initial Achievement of Crosscutting Concept: Cause-Effect and Critical Thinking of Junior School Students in Ceramics Crafts-Integrated Natural Science Learning
Suwarno, Rika Nuryani
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Suyanto, Slamet
Integrated of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
Suyanto, Slamet
The Potential of Earthworms (Lumbricus sp.) in Anrelli Village, Kulo District as an Environment-Based Biology Learning Resource
Suyanto, Slamet
The Implementation of the Scientific Approach: Reveal the Degree of Scientific Approach Application in Biology Instruction That Had Been Carried Out
Syaadah, Rika Siti
Implementation of Small-Scale Chemistry Lab to Improve Student Cognitive Abilities on the Subtopic of Colloid Properties
Taufik, Muhammad Sultani
The Potential of Earthworms (Lumbricus sp.) in Anrelli Village, Kulo District as an Environment-Based Biology Learning Resource
Tumanggor, Awal Mulia Rejeki
Dissemination of Online Diagnostic Test Instrument to Diagnose High School Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability: The Case of Work and Energy
Usman, Musawwir
Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Usnia, Andyta Ma’rifatul
A Preliminary Study of Student’s Initial Technology and Engineering Literacy
Usnia, Andyta Ma’rifatul
The Student’s Knowledge of Volcanic Eruption Mitigation in Magelang Regency
Usnia, Andyta Ma’rifatul
The Profile of Scientific Literacy in Student’s Junior High School 1 Kesamben with Local Wisdom
Wakhid, Muhammad Umar
Analysis of the Potential Use of STEM Approach in Biology Lessons Refers to Development of Science in Indonesia
Wardaya, Nungki Febriliana
A Preliminary Study of Student’s Initial Technology and Engineering Literacy
Wardaya, Nungki Febriliana
The Student’s Knowledge of Volcanic Eruption Mitigation in Magelang Regency
Developing Whiteboard Animation Video Through Local Wisdom on Work and Energy Materials as Physics Learning Solutions During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Level of Critical Thinking Ability of Students in the Learning by Using Adobe Animate Based Learning Media
The Implementation of Whiteboard Animation Video Based on Local Wisdom in Work and Energy Concept to Improve Senior High Schools Students’ Learning Interest
Development of Adobe Animate Assisted Physics Learning Media as Online Learning Aid
Widodo, Ari
Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts at the Elementary and Middle School Levels
Widyorini, Cety Anggun
Examining High School Students’ Ill-Structured Problem Solving Skills on Chemistry Problems Related to COVID-19
Wijaya, Silvia Anggri
Developing Kvisoft Flipbook Maker-Based Physics E-Module to Build on Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students
Wijayanti, Wiwik
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the Improvement of Student’s Academic and Non-Academic Achievement
Wilujeng, Insih
The Effect of Using Smartphone Based Learning Media to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills During Covid-19 Pandemic
Wilujeng, Insih
Smartphone-Based Learning Media on Microscope Topic for High School Students
Wilujeng, Insih
Physics Learning Instruction Based on the Conceptual Change Model for Senior High Schools
Wilujeng, Insih
The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted Google Classroom to Scientific Literacy in Physics Learning
Wilujeng, Insih
The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Data Literacy
Wilujeng, Insih
The Effect of Using the E-Module Assisted by the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker in Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Wilujeng, Insih
The Analysis of Initial Achievement of Crosscutting Concept: Cause-Effect and Critical Thinking of Junior School Students in Ceramics Crafts-Integrated Natural Science Learning
Wilujeng, Insih
Development of Science STS Learning Tools Integrated Local Potential of Kacang Shanghai to Increase Critical Thinking Skills and Technology Literacy: A Literature Review
Wilujeng, Insih
Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’
Wilujeng, Insih
The Role of ICT Literacy Opinion on ICT Self-Efficacy and AR Opinion on Teacher Education Students
Wingsih, Puji Hariati
The Effective of Using Worksheet with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Through Google Classrooms to Improve Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Wiyarsi, Antuni
Chemistry Learning Anxiety Scale: A Scale Development
Wiyarsi, Antuni
Profile of Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Case on Rate of Reaction Topic
Wiyatmo, Yusman
The Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review
Wulandari, Susanti
Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts at the Elementary and Middle School Levels
Yusron, Eri
Analysis Difficulties and Characteristics of Item Test of on Biology National Standard School Examination
Zahra, Melta
Problem-Based Learning Tools Assisted by Google Classroom on Momentum and Impulse for High School Student
gultom, Adelina
Student Interaction, Teacher Competence, and Technology in Online Learning: Does it Create a Meaningful Learning?