Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020)
269 authors
- Maheswari, A.A. Istri A.
- E-Government Approach in Building Information Systems for Public Services
- Malau, Melinda
- Analysis of the Accounting Learning Digital Disruptive in Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Malau, Nya Daniaty
- Molecular Docking Studies of Potential Multifloroside and Trimyristin as Inhibitor for Anti Malaria
- Malau, Nya Daniaty
- The Influence of the Learning Discovery Learning Model Multi-interactive Media Assistance Against Improved Learner’s Critical Thinking Skills
- Male, Hendrikus
- Pre-Service Teachers’ Anxiety on Undergraduate Thesis Process
- Male, Hendrikus
- Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Statistics
- Manalu, Risma Uly
- The Influence of Jigsaw Using Kahoot Assessment on Interest and Learning Outcomes
- Manao, Ganti Riang Somasi
- Increasing Learning Motivation Through the Application of Physics Education Technologies Combined with Experiments
- Manao, Ganti riang Somasi
- Improving Student’s Concept Understanding on Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Subject with the Applying of Physics Education and Technology
- Manullang, Sardjana Orba
- Relationship of Attitudes of University Students in Bandung City About Gender Role and Life Value
- Mardiana, Siska
- Corporate Communications in a Manufacture Company for Handling Covid-19 Cases: Health First
- Mardiningsih
- The Effects of Corporate Identity Management, Internal Brand, and Corporate Culture on Employee Brand Support Behavior
- Marleen, Jane Angel
- Analysis of Communication in Christian Religious Education in the Seaman Family
- Maryanah
- Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Cimande Village, Caringin, Bogor District
- Marzuki
- The Role of Parents in Strengthening the Character of Responsibility in the Family in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Masruddin
- The Quality of Local Government Reports in Indonesia: A Meta Analysis Study
- Masta, N
- Elastic Modulus of Tangkin as the Indigenous Woven Back Pack from Dayak People in West Kalimantan
- Meliala, Aurora Jillena
- Children’s Criminal Jurisdiction System Against Narcotic Crimes in Children
- Muliyadi
- Teaching in the Pandemic COVID-19: Transition to Online Learning after Spending Years in Class
- Mulyapradana, Aria
- Do Purchase or Do no Purchase? Customer Purchasing Decisions
- Mulyono, Sri
- Increasing Vocational Education Decisions Through Social Media, and Price Reduction Through Brand Trusts
- Murniarti, Erni
- Self Effication and Psychological Welfare Towards Teacher’s Organization Commitments
- Murniarti, Erni
- The Relationships Between School Principals’ Suitability and School Culture in Relation to Teacher Performance
- Murniarti, Erni
- The Impact of Place of Origin to the Language Expression
- Mursidin
- Education of Religious Characters in Indonesia
- Muslih, Mochamad
- Risk Management Issues of Village Fund Management in Kedung Pengawas Village
- Nadaek, Bernadetha
- Effectiveness Guidance and Counselling Services in the Formation of Character and Self-Control
- Nadeak, Bernadetha
- The Analysis of Code-switching Integration Realization on Students Classroom Performance
- Nadeak, Bernadetha
- Correlation Between Ante Natal Care and Low Birth Weight in Indonesia
- Nadeak, Bernadetha
- Benzoic Acid Isolation from Frankincense
- Nadjib, Abdul
- Development of the Public Sector HRM Model in Indonesia’s Public Sector
- Naibaho, Lamhot
- Language Politeness
- Naibaho, Lamhot
- The Analysis of Code-switching Integration Realization on Students Classroom Performance
- Naibaho, Lamhot
- Students Perception on the Implementation of Higher-Educational Curriculum Based on Indonesian Qualification Framework at Postgraduate Program Universitas Kristen Indonesia
- Naibaho, Lamhot
- Effective School Management in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Naibaho, Lamhot
- Christian Religion Education as a Solution for Families to Face the Change in the Era of Revolution 4.0
- Napitupulu, Dedi Sahputra
- Islamic Education Curriculum in the Concept of the Koran
- Nasib
- Do Purchase or Do no Purchase? Customer Purchasing Decisions
- Nasib
- Increasing Vocational Education Decisions Through Social Media, and Price Reduction Through Brand Trusts
- Natonis, Harun Y.
- Methodological Dialogue Between Christian Religious Education and Psychology
- Nugroho, Andreas Rian
- Transformation of Guidance and Counselling Teacher Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
- Nurdiansyah, Irfan
- Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Cimande Village, Caringin, Bogor District
- Nurwulandari, Andini
- Intellectual Capital, the Capital Market, and Their Effect on the Value of Indonesian Manufacturing Firms Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2017 to 2020
- Pandanwangi, Ariesa
- Multiculturalism of Mythological Images in Batik Motifs
- Paramarta, Vip
- The Impact of Human Resource Management Implementation in Business Strategy in Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Pareira, Magdalena Sunarty
- Strengthening the Agriculture Sector as a Locomotive of Economic Development in Border Areas Indonesia-Timor Leste (Study TTU Regency)
- Pertiwi, Arum
- The Regular School Strategies in the Implementation of Inclusive Education for Strengthening the Character of Tolerance
- Peter, Ramot
- The Impact of Place of Origin to the Language Expression
- Purba, Leony Sanga Lamsari
- Utilization of Moodle in Increasing Motivation of Learning Chemistry Students
- Purba, Leony Sanga Lamsari
- Benzoic Acid Isolation from Frankincense
- Purba, Leony Sanga Lamsari
- Improvement of Chemistry Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students High School Through Peer Tutors on Colloid Material
- Purba, Reinensi Iin
- Utilization of Interactive Module to Improve Student Learning Interests in Materials Hydrocarbons and Earth Oil in XI IPA
- Purwantoro
- Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Cimande Village, Caringin, Bogor District
- Puspitasari, Yesi
- An Intensive Exploration of Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities Using a Problem-Solving Learning Model
- Putri, Liza Diniarizky
- Corporate Communications in a Manufacture Company for Handling Covid-19 Cases: Health First
- Putri, Wiwik Kastria
- Improvement of Chemistry Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students High School Through Peer Tutors on Colloid Material
- Raharja, Surya
- Does E-Commerce Impact on Accounting Information System and Organizations Performance?
- Rahayu, Endang Purnawati
- Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Cimande Village, Caringin, Bogor District
- Rahim, Muhammad Aiman Abdull
- Law Enforcement in Ensuring the Care of Hifz Al-Nafs wa Al-Aql wa Al-Mal in the Case of a Drunk Driver
- Rahmat
- Teaching in the Pandemic COVID-19: Transition to Online Learning after Spending Years in Class
- Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
- Children’s Criminal Jurisdiction System Against Narcotic Crimes in Children
- Rambitan, Stanley R.
- Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mbangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani: Methods of Javanese Local Wisdom Used in Christian Religious Education
- Rantung, Djoys Anneke
- Christian Religion Education as a Solution for Families to Face the Change in the Era of Revolution 4.0
- Rauf, Siti Hajar Abdul
- Level of Knowledge and the Phenomenon of Domestic Violence in the East Coast of Malaysia
- Rauf, Siti Hajar Abdul
- The Challenges in Implementing Mixed Economy of Care Practices in Child Welfare Network in Malaysia
- Redjeki, Finny
- Behavior of Female Entrepreneurs in Tempe Small Micro Enterprises in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java as Proof of Gender Equality Against AEC
- Redjeki, Finny
- The Influence of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Customer Trust and Loyalty in PT Amartha Sejahtera
- Ridwan, Yayan
- Education of Religious Characters in Indonesia
- Rihardi, Eko Lianto
- Practices in Human Resources and Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry
- Rochani, Sri
- The Impact of Human Resource Management Implementation in Business Strategy in Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Rosjanuardi, Rizky
- Arithmetic Sequence at Gorga
- Rosmaimuna
- Islamic Education Curriculum in the Concept of the Koran
- Ruhana, Faria
- Development of the Public Sector HRM Model in Indonesia’s Public Sector
- Ruskam, Aminuddin
- Law Enforcement in Ensuring the Care of Hifz Al-Nafs wa Al-Aql wa Al-Mal in the Case of a Drunk Driver
- Sadasivan, Usha
- A framework Model to Enhance Communication Skills – An Experiment
- Salam, Rahmat
- Waste Management Policy Based on Community Empowerment in Supporting South Tangerang City as a Green City
- Samad, Ita Sarmita
- Teaching in the Pandemic COVID-19: Transition to Online Learning after Spending Years in Class
- Samosir, Christina Metallica
- The Roles and Responsibilities of Church on Christian Education Teachers Unavailability Handling for Elementary School in Cikampek Regions
- Samosir, Christina Metallica
- Analysis of Communication in Christian Religious Education in the Seaman Family
- Sampaleng, Donna
- Methodological Dialogue Between Christian Religious Education and Psychology
- Saragih, Mike Wijaya
- A Deferred Meaning of Home in Claude McKay’s Novel Home to Harlem
- Sari, Ananda Rivaldo
- Development of the Public Sector HRM Model in Indonesia’s Public Sector
- Sari, Avid Leonardo
- Practices in Human Resources and Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry
- Sari, Avid Leonardo
- Raising the Tourism Industry as an Economic Driver Post COVID-19
- Sari, Avid Leonardo
- Behavior of Female Entrepreneurs in Tempe Small Micro Enterprises in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java as Proof of Gender Equality Against AEC
- Sekarwangi, Maya
- The Phenomenon of Cyberbullying in the Virtual Social Media Communication Community
- Sherly
- Measurement of Teacher Performance in Pematangsiantar City Middle School Through Teacher Certification, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction
- Sherly
- The Effectiveness of Teacher Performance in Terms of the Aspects of Principal Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Teacher Competence
- Siagian, Carmen Minerva
- Correlation Between Ante Natal Care and Low Birth Weight in Indonesia
- Siahaan, Chontina
- The Challenge of Parents as Guide in Online Learning of Elementary School
- Sianturi, Manogari
- Increasing Learning Motivation Through the Application of Physics Education Technologies Combined with Experiments
- Sianturi, Manogari
- Improving Student’s Concept Understanding on Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Subject with the Applying of Physics Education and Technology
- Sihotang, Laurentius
- Analaysis of Students’ Misconceptions on Structure and Function of Cell Organelle Using the Four-Tier Diagnostic Test
- Silalahi, Marina
- Uses and Bioactivy of Myristica fragrans Houtt for Education Purposes
- Silalahi, Marina
- Utilization and Bioactivity of Java Long Pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl) for Education Purposes
- Silalahi, Novia Fransisca Dewi
- Implementation of Group Investigation Model Integrated Macromedia Flash on Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Silratna, Benedikta
- The Relationship Between Group Counseling Services and Changes in Social Behavior
- Simanjuntak, Familia Novita
- Utilization of Moodle in Increasing Motivation of Learning Chemistry Students
- Simanjuntak, Familia Novita
- Utilization of Interactive Module to Improve Student Learning Interests in Materials Hydrocarbons and Earth Oil in XI IPA
- Simanjuntak, Familia Novita
- Application of Scramble Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomesof Chemistry Study High School Students 3 South Tambun