Proceedings of the 5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2018)
385 authors
- Satibi, Ahmad
- The Influence of Learning Models and Motivation Learning on Motorbike Mechanic Competence in Motorcycle Engineering Training in Bandung District
- Senduk, Johanis Frans
- Meta-Analysis of Correlational Research about The Relationship between Managerial Capabilities of Principal with Teacher Performance
- Setiana, Yadi Hikmah
- Application of Problem Based Learning Models in Improving Soft Skills
- Setiawan, Agus
- The Development of Creative Problem Solving Skills Assessment on Photoelectric Effect
- Setiawan, Yudi
- Comparative Study on the Implementation of Apprenticeship Viewed from the Perspective of Students and Employers (Study of Aspects of Skill, Attitude, Implementation)
- Setiawaty, Tetty
- Students Learning Difficulties and Saturation in Achieving Competency
- Setiawaty, Tetty
- Work Ethics as Sub-component Forming of Basic Competency of the Electrical Energy Engineering Skill Program in Vocational High School Students
- Setiawaty, Tetty
- Smart Innovation Vocational High School: Preparing Graduates Skilled and Ready to Work
- Setiyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah
- Industry Revolution 4.0: The Challenge for Secondary Education on Tourism and Hospitality in Indonesia
- Simanjuntak, Asep Barnas
- Preliminary Design of Automatic Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement System for Antenna and Propagation Laboratory Course
- Siswandi, Galfri
- Factors Affecting Preparation of the Implementation of Teaching Factory at Vocational High School State 3 Palangka Raya
- Sobah CH, Subhan Nur Sobah
- Eliminate Misconception in Learning
- Sojow, Luckie
- Production Unit Management Based on Product Innovation in SMK Manado
- Solihati, Nessy
- Women in Engineering (Women Choose Education in Engineering)
- Solihatin, Etin
- Cognitive Style in Computer-Assisted Problem Solving Learning Strategies
- Somantri, Yoyo
- Implementation of Blended Learning Methods to Improve The Ability and Learning Student Results in Basic Programming Subject
- Soputan, Grace J.
- The Implementation of Vocational High School Management Strategy
- Soputan, Grace Jenny
- The Principal’s Roles in Revitalizing Vocational High School
- Sriyono, Sriyono
- Development of Performance Assessment Standard Career with Dichotomy Scoring as Competence Test at Vocational School
- Subekti, Sri
- Employability Skills Assessment (Decision Making) of Vocational High School Students
- Sucita, Tasma
- Comparative Study on the Implementation of Apprenticeship Viewed from the Perspective of Students and Employers (Study of Aspects of Skill, Attitude, Implementation)
- Sucita, Tasma
- Student Achievement SMK Competence Relating to Entering The World of Work Global Preparedness (A Case Study in Vocational School in West Java)
- Sucita, Tasma
- Mapping Competencies of Vocational Teachers in the Industrial Era 4.0
- Sucita, Tasma
- Internship Program as a Part of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET)
- Sudjani, Sudjani
- Skill and Performance Assessment Using Problem Based Learning in TVET
- Sugiarto, Toto
- The Characteristics of Handout in Total Quality Management (TQM) in Ototronic Course
- Suhandi, Andi
- The Development of Creative Problem Solving Skills Assessment on Photoelectric Effect
- Suharno, Suharno
- Apprenticeship Implementation of Productive Teacher at Vocational School in Indonesia
- Suherman, A.
- Benefits of Using Animation Multimedia to Improve Students Ability in Mastering Phase Diagram Material of Engineering Subject between Higher and Lower Group Achievement
- Sukrawan, Yusep
- Multimedia Animated Corrosion for Corrosion and Coating Metals Course
- Sukrawan, Yusep
- Development of Multimedia Animation Brake System
- Sumardi, Kamin
- Learning Media for Vocational Education
- Sumardi, Kamin
- Development of Trainer Kit Quality Control (TKQC) on Motorcycle Electrical Competencies
- Sumardi, Kamin
- Parent and Student Preferences in Vocational Education
- Sumarto, Sumarto
- Comparative Study on the Implementation of Apprenticeship Viewed from the Perspective of Students and Employers (Study of Aspects of Skill, Attitude, Implementation)
- Sumilat, Juliana Margareta
- Cognitive Style in Computer-Assisted Problem Solving Learning Strategies
- Sumual, Herry
- The Implementation of Vocational High School Management Strategy
- Sumual, Tinneke E.M.
- The Principal’s Roles in Revitalizing Vocational High School
- Suparno, Suparno
- Development of the Teaching Material at Sheet Metal Course in Program Vocational Mechanical Engineering
- Sutarno, Sutarno
- The Development of Creative Problem Solving Skills Assessment on Photoelectric Effect
- Sutrisna, Dedi
- Readiness of Vocational School Students to Facing Global Competition
- Syah, Nurhasan
- Attitudes of Civil Engineering Students Program Study of Building Technique Education to the ASEAN Economic Community
- Syahrial, Zulfiati
- SAVI Learning Model for Students with Reading Difficulties
- Syahril, Syahril
- Ongoing Process of Change Curriculum: Teaching and Learning Strategy of Vocational Teachers in Western Part of Indonesia
- Syahril, Syahril
- Development of the Teaching Material at Sheet Metal Course in Program Vocational Mechanical Engineering
- Syahril, Syahril
- The Create Skills of Vocational Students to Design a Product: Comparison Project Based Learning Versus Cooperative Learning-Project Based Learning
- Syamsuarnis, Syamsuarnis
- Teaching Aid Development of Elecropneumatic Based Automation Course
- Taryudi, Taryudi
- Development of Vocationalization Model of Basic Education Based on Local Wisdom in Era of ASEAN Economic Community
- Tasrif, Elfi
- Academic Supervision Mechanism by Vocational High School Supervisor
- Ta’ali, Ta’ali
- Developing a Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Model of Vocational High School Teachers’ Performance after Certification Program
- Thomas, Fendy
- A Literature Review: Cognitive Assessment of HOTS in Technical Vocational Learning
- Tjahjono, Gunadi
- Students Learning Difficulties and Saturation in Achieving Competency
- Tjahjono, Gunadi
- Work Ethics as Sub-component Forming of Basic Competency of the Electrical Energy Engineering Skill Program in Vocational High School Students
- Tjahjono, Gunadi
- Smart Innovation Vocational High School: Preparing Graduates Skilled and Ready to Work
- Tresna, Pipin
- Learning Multimedia Development of Finished Fabric Without Scissors
- Triyono, Moch. Brury
- Developing a Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Model of Vocational High School Teachers’ Performance after Certification Program
- Tuah, Tuah
- E-Books in Teaching and Learning Process
- Tubagus, Dwita
- “IMPROVE” Methods Implementation to Improve the Computer Skills and Information Management Learning Outcomes of Vocational School Students
- Tuerah, Roos M.S.
- Organizing Natural Science Lesson Materials in Primary School
- Usmeldi, Usmeldi
- The Effect of Project-based Learning and Creativity on the Students’ Competence at Vocational High Schools
- Vadila, Winda
- The Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Women Fashion Management by Using Model Media (Fragment)
- Wahono, Agung
- The Implementation of Edmodo Using Cooperative Learning Model in Operating System
- Wajong, Altje
- Production Unit Management Based on Product Innovation in SMK Manado
- Wantania, Theresye
- Android Based Application for Children Learning with Indonesian and Mongondow Language
- Wardaya, Wardaya
- The Effectiveness of Simulator as Pneumatic Control System Learning Media
- Waskito, Waskito
- Application of Assessment for Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Using CaD
- Waskito, Waskito
- Assessment Methods with Gradations of Answers on Learning through E-Learning
- Wibawa, Setya Chendra
- The Implementation of Edmodo Using Cooperative Learning Model in Operating System
- Widaningsih, Lilis
- The Mapping of Vocational School with Building Technical Drawing Concentration: Opportunities and Challenges in Construction Industry’s Needs
- Widaningsih, Lilis
- Implementation of Learning Models of Problem Based Learning to Improve The Creative Thinking Ability of Vocational Student
- Widiastuti, Indah
- Apprenticeship Implementation of Productive Teacher at Vocational School in Indonesia
- Widiaty, Isma
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integration: A Literature Review
- Wiyogo, Wiyogo
- Quality Function Deployment Analysis for Improvement of Practicum on Mechanical Engineering Education University of Palangka Raya
- Wiyogo, Wiyogo
- Factors Affecting Preparation of the Implementation of Teaching Factory at Vocational High School State 3 Palangka Raya
- Wrahatnolo, Tri
- The Implementation of Edmodo Using Cooperative Learning Model in Operating System
- Wullur, Mozes Markus
- Meta-Analysis of Correlational Research about The Relationship between Managerial Capabilities of Principal with Teacher Performance
- Yudistira, Riyan
- AIDA Model PC Extension (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Based Projectcitizen) to Address the Practice of Bullying among Students in the Regency of Pangandaran
- Yulastri, Asmar
- Effectiveness of Collaborative Problem Based Learning Model of Learning Computer Network Courses
- Yusartika, I Gede
- Development of Interactive Instructional Media of Photography: Multimedia Skills Competency
- Yustiarini, Dewi
- Safety and Health Study of Construction Workers to Improve Work Productivity
- Yusuf, Nisrina Qurrotu’aini El
- The Student Perception of Self-Regulated Learning in Vocational Shool
- Yuwita, Pelangi Eka
- Exploring Open Government Partnership as a Strategy for Promoting Transparency in Private University: An Initial Study
- Zakir, Irfan
- Development of Vocationalization Model of Basic Education Based on Local Wisdom in Era of ASEAN Economic Community
- Zaus, Mahesi Agni
- Ongoing Process of Change Curriculum: Teaching and Learning Strategy of Vocational Teachers in Western Part of Indonesia
- Zunariyah, Siti
- The Importance of Communicative Action to the Successful AIDS-Responsive Structured Peer Education