Proceedings of the 5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2018)
385 authors
- Mukhidin, Mukhidin
- Factors That Affect the Quality Status of Vocational High Schools
- Mukhidin, Mukhidin
- Implementation of Blended Learning Methods to Improve The Ability and Learning Student Results in Basic Programming Subject
- Mulianti, Mulianti
- The Structural Models of the Determinant Variables that Influence the Productivity of Vocational Education
- Mulianti, Mulianti
- Lab Work Discipline and the Implementation of the Field Experience Industry as Predictor Factor in Entering the World of Work Readiness of the Mechanical Engineering’s Students Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang
- Mulyadi, Rodesri
- The Structural Models of the Determinant Variables that Influence the Productivity of Vocational Education
- Mulyadi, Yadi
- Mapping Competencies of Vocational Teachers in the Industrial Era 4.0
- Mulyadi, Yadi
- Study of the Implementation of BeSmart Computer Base Test (CBT) Application in SMK End Semester Examinations (Implementation studies were carried out at the State Vocational School 4 in Pekanbaru City)
- Mulyana, Elih
- Standard Level of Vocational Education Skills in Indonesia
- Mulyanti, Budi
- Preliminary Design of Automatic Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement System for Antenna and Propagation Laboratory Course
- Mulyanti, Budi
- Analysis of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the Practice of Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network Installation
- Munaiseche, Cindy P
- Object Data Modelling for Online Test Systems Based on Indicator of Competency Achievement Approach
- Munawar, Wahid
- Development of Authentic Assessment in TVET
- Munawar, Wahid
- A Literature Review: Cognitive Assessment of HOTS in Technical Vocational Learning
- Munawar, Wahid
- Eliminate Misconception in Learning
- Munawar, Wahid
- Development of Performance Assessment Standard Career with Dichotomy Scoring as Competence Test at Vocational School
- Mupita, Jonah
- Factors That Affect the Quality Status of Vocational High Schools
- Murti, Bhisma
- The Importance of Communicative Action to the Successful AIDS-Responsive Structured Peer Education
- Musdalifah, Musdalifah
- The Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Women Fashion Management by Using Model Media (Fragment)
- Muthaqin, Dwi Iman
- AIDA Model PC Extension (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Based Projectcitizen) to Address the Practice of Bullying among Students in the Regency of Pangandaran
- Nabawi, Rahmat Azis
- Ongoing Process of Change Curriculum: Teaching and Learning Strategy of Vocational Teachers in Western Part of Indonesia
- Nabawi, Rahmat Azis
- The Create Skills of Vocational Students to Design a Product: Comparison Project Based Learning Versus Cooperative Learning-Project Based Learning
- Naufal, Muhammad
- Preliminary Design of Automatic Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement System for Antenna and Propagation Laboratory Course
- Ngodu, Melsani Rini
- Android Based Application for Children Learning with Indonesian and Mongondow Language
- Ningsih, Mirna Purnama
- The Analysis of Needs for E-Job Sheet Development on Children's Attire Based on Tutorial Model
- Nugraha, Hari Din
- Employability Skills Framework for Mechanical Engineering
- Nugroho, Rino Ardhian
- Personnel Development for Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) for Preventing Students’ Gender Violence
- Nugroho, Rino Ardhian
- Developing Strategic Plan for Supporting Internationalization of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
- Nur, Muhammad
- Smart City Maturity Level Analysis Using ITIL Framework
- Nurdin, Hendri
- Application of Assessment for Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Using CaD
- Nurdin, Hendri
- Assessment Methods with Gradations of Answers on Learning through E-Learning
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Using TPACK to Map Teaching and Learning Skills for Vocational High School Teacher Candidates in Indonesia
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- Personnel Development for Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) for Preventing Students’ Gender Violence
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- Developing Strategic Plan for Supporting Internationalization of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
- Nurhairi, Nurhairi
- Study of the Implementation of BeSmart Computer Base Test (CBT) Application in SMK End Semester Examinations (Implementation studies were carried out at the State Vocational School 4 in Pekanbaru City)
- Nurhayati, Ai
- Performance Assessment Student with Special Needs. Indonesian Sambal Competence in Inclusive Vocational School
- Nyan-Myau, Lyau
- Using TPACK to Map Teaching and Learning Skills for Vocational High School Teacher Candidates in Indonesia
- Oroh, Rolly
- The Importance of Collaboration Between Government, University and Industry on Education for Developing Country
- Oroh, Rolly R
- Pedagogical Competence of Vocational Teacher through the Model-impact School Patterns in the Application of Change Management
- Pajung, Kebri Kein Moudy
- Multimedia Animated Corrosion for Corrosion and Coating Metals Course
- Pajung, Kebri Kein Moudy
- Development of Multimedia Animation Brake System
- Pakpahan, Nurmi Frida Dorintan Bertua
- Implementation of Blended Learning on Subjects of Building Science in Vocational Schools
- Palilingan, Verry R.
- Pedagogical Competence of Vocational Teacher through the Model-impact School Patterns in the Application of Change Management
- Palilingan, Verry Ronny
- Information Security Awareness on Data Privacy in Higher Education
- Palilingan, Verry Ronny
- Competitive Intelligence framework for Increasing Competitiveness Vocational High School Management
- Palilingan, Verry Ronny
- “IMPROVE” Methods Implementation to Improve the Computer Skills and Information Management Learning Outcomes of Vocational School Students
- Palilingan, Verry Ronny
- Library Information System in PTIK UNIMA Manado
- Pambudi, Nugroho Agung
- Apprenticeship Implementation of Productive Teacher at Vocational School in Indonesia
- Parsusah, Mujiarto
- Blended Learning, Implementation Strategy: The New Era of Education
- Patriasih, Rita
- Performance Assessment Student with Special Needs. Indonesian Sambal Competence in Inclusive Vocational School
- Permana, Arif M. Fitri
- The Contribution of Visual-spatial Intelligence towards the Drawing Capability of 11th Grader Teknik Gambar Bangunan (TGB) Students on Interior-exterior Subject in SMK-PU Negeri Bandung
- Permana, Enda
- Multimedia Animated Corrosion for Corrosion and Coating Metals Course
- Permana, Enda
- Development of Multimedia Animation Brake System
- Permana, Tatang
- Multimedia Animated Corrosion for Corrosion and Coating Metals Course
- Permana, Tatang
- Development of Multimedia Animation Brake System
- Pertiwi, Anggia Suci
- The Development of Multimedia Engineering Drawing Animations for Increasing Vocational High School Students Competency in Indonesia
- Pesik, Indra D
- Object Data Modelling for Online Test Systems Based on Indicator of Competency Achievement Approach
- Pratama, Raksa Reza
- Preliminary Design of Automatic Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement System for Antenna and Propagation Laboratory Course
- Pratiwi, Ryza Dani
- Personnel Development for Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) for Preventing Students’ Gender Violence
- Premono, Agung
- Development Assessment Instruments in Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI) Expertise Courses
- Purnama, Wawan
- Mapping Competencies of Vocational Teachers in the Industrial Era 4.0
- Purnawan, Purnawan
- The Effectiveness of Simulator as Pneumatic Control System Learning Media
- Purwaningsih, Endang
- Using TPACK to Map Teaching and Learning Skills for Vocational High School Teacher Candidates in Indonesia
- Purwanto, Wawan
- The Characteristics of Handout in Total Quality Management (TQM) in Ototronic Course
- Putra, Dwi Sudarno
- The Characteristics of Handout in Total Quality Management (TQM) in Ototronic Course
- Putri, Amalia Cahaya
- The Safety Awareness of Construction Workers Regarding Workplace Health and Safety Standard
- Putri, Intan Sani
- Personnel Development for Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) for Preventing Students’ Gender Violence
- Rahayu, Nevita Amelia
- Comparison on Vocational Engineering Architecture High School Curriculum (Case study: Shizoukan High School and SMKN 2 Garut)
- Rahim, Bulkia
- Development of the Teaching Material at Sheet Metal Course in Program Vocational Mechanical Engineering
- Ramadhan, Muhammad
- Effectiveness of Student Learning Results using Group Investigation Method and Brainstorming on Expert System Currency
- Refdinal, Refdinal
- Application of Assessment for Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Using CaD
- Refdinal, Refdinal
- Assessment Methods with Gradations of Answers on Learning through E-Learning
- Ridwan, Taufik
- Integrating of E-learning to Improve Students Competence in Vocational School
- Rindengan, Mersty
- Students Team Achievement Division Model in Reading Poetry to Elementary School
- Rinekasari, Nenden Rani
- Competency-based Assessment Model on Job Performance in Housekeeping Department Apprenticeship
- Risfendra, Risfendra
- Teaching Aid Development of Elecropneumatic Based Automation Course
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Development and Application of Project-based Collaborative Learning Models on Vocational College in Indonesia
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Ongoing Process of Change Curriculum: Teaching and Learning Strategy of Vocational Teachers in Western Part of Indonesia
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Application of Assessment for Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Using CaD
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Effectiveness of Student Learning Results using Group Investigation Method and Brainstorming on Expert System Currency
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Competency Based Learning Model for Programmer Certification
- Rohaeni, Neni
- Competency-based Assessment Model on Job Performance in Housekeeping Department Apprenticeship
- Rohendi, D.
- The Effectiveness of Simulator as Pneumatic Control System Learning Media
- Rohendi, Dedi
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integration: A Literature Review
- Romdhony, Eka
- Parent and Student Preferences in Vocational Education
- Ruhidayati, Cucu
- The Analysis of Needs for E-Job Sheet Development on Children's Attire Based on Tutorial Model
- Rukun, Kasman
- The Practicality of Training Models Based on Knowledge Management System
- Rukun, Kasman
- Self Regulated Learning and Limiting Belief Academic for College Student
- Rukun, Kasman
- Effectiveness of Student Learning Results using Group Investigation Method and Brainstorming on Expert System Currency
- Rukun, Kasman
- Design of Interactive Learning Graphic Design Based Tutorial Classic
- Runtuwene, Julyeta
- The Importance of Collaboration Between Government, University and Industry on Education for Developing Country
- Runtuwene, Julyeta P A
- Pedagogical Competence of Vocational Teacher through the Model-impact School Patterns in the Application of Change Management
- Runtuwene, Julyeta Paulina
- Information Security Awareness on Data Privacy in Higher Education
- Rusalam, Niar Rosmaliana
- Development of Authentic Assessment in TVET
- Saefudin, Eka Asyarullah
- Learning Media for Vocational Education
- Sahara, Rusdi
- Lab Work Discipline and the Implementation of the Field Experience Industry as Predictor Factor in Entering the World of Work Readiness of the Mechanical Engineering’s Students Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang
- Saleh, Ilhamdaniah
- The Tale of Two Type of Schools: The Comparison of Teacher Competencies and Graduation Rate between Vocational High Schools and High Schools in Buffalo Metropolitan Area, New York
- Sangi, Nontje
- Production Unit Management Based on Product Innovation in SMK Manado
- Santika, Tiara
- Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia on Basic Electrical Measurement Course
- Saripudin, Didin
- Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Communication Skills in Business Group: Ethno-Andragogy Approach to Technical Vocational Education and Training (Ethnographic study: Processed snacks in Sumbawa)
- Saryono, Dede
- Development of Trainer Kit Quality Control (TKQC) on Motorcycle Electrical Competencies