Proceedings of the 5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2018)
385 authors
- Abdullah, Ade Gaffar
- Preliminary Design of Automatic Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement System for Antenna and Propagation Laboratory Course
- Abdullah, Ade Gaffar
- Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Communication Skills in Business Group: Ethno-Andragogy Approach to Technical Vocational Education and Training (Ethnographic study: Processed snacks in Sumbawa)
- Abdullah, Rijal
- Job Shadowing in Woodworking Engineering at Civil Engineering Department, Technical Faculty, Universitas Negeri Padang
- Ali, Gunawan
- The Practicality of Training Models Based on Knowledge Management System
- Alwi, Erzeddin
- The Characteristics of Handout in Total Quality Management (TQM) in Ototronic Course
- Ambiyar, Ambiyar
- Application of Assessment for Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Using CaD
- Ambiyar, Ambiyar
- Assessment Methods with Gradations of Answers on Learning through E-Learning
- Ambiyar, Ambiyar
- Development of Competence-Based Art Learning Model in Primary School Students
- Ambiyar, Ambiyar
- Development of Product Based Learning Models on Multimedia Learning Materials in SMK N 2 Padang
- Ana, Ana
- Performance Assessment Student with Special Needs. Indonesian Sambal Competence in Inclusive Vocational School
- Ana, Ana
- Employability Skills Assessment (Decision Making) of Vocational High School Students
- Anggraini, Fetrika
- Exploring Open Government Partnership as a Strategy for Promoting Transparency in Private University: An Initial Study
- Aprilia, Tasya
- Implementation of Learning Models of Problem Based Learning to Improve The Creative Thinking Ability of Vocational Student
- Aqli, Rian Fahmil
- Internship Program as a Part of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET)
- Arbi, Yaumal
- The Create Skills of Vocational Students to Design a Product: Comparison Project Based Learning Versus Cooperative Learning-Project Based Learning
- Ardiansyah, Adi
- Implementation of Contextual Learning Models to Improve Student Learning Results on Architecture Study and Environment
- Ardianti, Aprillia Dwi
- Exploring Open Government Partnership as a Strategy for Promoting Transparency in Private University: An Initial Study
- Ariyano, Ariyano
- Benefits of Using Animation Multimedia to Improve Students Ability in Mastering Phase Diagram Material of Engineering Subject between Higher and Lower Group Achievement
- Arwizet, K.
- Development and Application of Project-based Collaborative Learning Models on Vocational College in Indonesia
- Aryanti, Tutin
- The Safety Awareness of Construction Workers Regarding Workplace Health and Safety Standard
- Aryanti, Tutin
- Skill and Performance Assessment Using Problem Based Learning in TVET
- Astuti, Astuti
- Knife Pleated Skirt Multimedia Video Tutorial to Improve Learning Quality
- Athifa, Nurie S.
- Development of Interactive Instructional Media of Photography: Multimedia Skills Competency
- Awalia, Wini
- Analysis of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the Practice of Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network Installation
- Azizah, Dewi Nur
- The Implementation Evaluation of Teaching Factory Learning Model on APT Productive Learning at SMK Negeri 2 Subang
- Barliana, Mokhamad Syaom
- Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Communication Skills in Business Group: Ethno-Andragogy Approach to Technical Vocational Education and Training (Ethnographic study: Processed snacks in Sumbawa)
- Barliana, Mokhamad Syaom
- Technology Literacy Level of Vocational High School Students
- Barliana, Mokhamad Syaom
- Vocational Skills Learning to Build Independencies of with Physically Disabled Children
- Barliana, Mokhamad Syaom
- Readiness of Vocational School Students to Facing Global Competition
- Batmetan, Johan Reimon
- Usability Evaluation of Adaptive Features in e-Learning
- Batmetan, Johan Reimon
- Information Security Awareness on Data Privacy in Higher Education
- Batmetan, Johan Reimon
- Competitive Intelligence framework for Increasing Competitiveness Vocational High School Management
- Batmetan, Johan Reimon
- Smart City Maturity Level Analysis Using ITIL Framework
- Batmetan, Johan Reimon
- The Development of Web Learning as Media to Deliver Web Programming Materials
- Birawa, Cakra
- Application of Self-learning in Basic Teaching Skills at Vocational Program
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- AIDA Model PC Extension (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Based Projectcitizen) to Address the Practice of Bullying among Students in the Regency of Pangandaran
- Bungai, Joni
- Teacher’s Performance in Lesson Study through Experimental Method of the Lesson on Science Subject
- Bungai, Joni
- Application of Self-learning in Basic Teaching Skills at Vocational Program
- Busono, Rr. Tjahyani
- The Contribution of Visual-spatial Intelligence towards the Drawing Capability of 11th Grader Teknik Gambar Bangunan (TGB) Students on Interior-exterior Subject in SMK-PU Negeri Bandung
- Busono, Tjahyani
- Luther’s Model Implementation on Multimedia Development for Building Construction Subject in Vocational High School (SMK)
- Busono, Tjahyani
- The Student Perception of Self-Regulated Learning in Vocational Shool
- Cahyani, Diah
- Vocational Skills Learning to Build Independencies of with Physically Disabled Children
- Candra, Oriza
- Teaching Aid Development of Elecropneumatic Based Automation Course
- Dapa, Aldjon Nixon
- SAVI Learning Model for Students with Reading Difficulties
- Darsono, N.
- The Effectiveness of Simulator as Pneumatic Control System Learning Media
- Daryanto, Daryanto
- Development of Vocationalization Model of Basic Education Based on Local Wisdom in Era of ASEAN Economic Community
- Debora, Debora
- Quality Function Deployment Analysis for Improvement of Practicum on Mechanical Engineering Education University of Palangka Raya
- Debora, Debora
- Teacher’s Performance in Lesson Study through Experimental Method of the Lesson on Science Subject
- Debora, Debora
- Application of Self-learning in Basic Teaching Skills at Vocational Program
- Dermatoto, Argyo
- The Importance of Communicative Action to the Successful AIDS-Responsive Structured Peer Education
- Dewi, Nitih Indra Komala
- The Mapping of Vocational School with Building Technical Drawing Concentration: Opportunities and Challenges in Construction Industry’s Needs
- Dewi, Nitih Indra Komala
- Luther’s Model Implementation on Multimedia Development for Building Construction Subject in Vocational High School (SMK)
- Dharma, Aditia
- Implementation of Blended Learning in Vocational Teacher Professional Education
- Diyantari, Diyantari
- A Proposed Model to Learn Pancasila as a Philosophical System in School and University
- Djohar, As'ari
- The Development of Multimedia Engineering Drawing Animations for Increasing Vocational High School Students Competency in Indonesia
- Djohar, Asari
- Blended Learning, Implementation Strategy: The New Era of Education
- Djohar, Asari
- Employability Skills Framework for Mechanical Engineering
- Djusar, Syahtriatna
- Competency Based Learning Model for Programmer Certification
- Duling, Jhonni Rentas
- Quality Function Deployment Analysis for Improvement of Practicum on Mechanical Engineering Education University of Palangka Raya
- Duling, Jhonni Rentas
- Factors Affecting Preparation of the Implementation of Teaching Factory at Vocational High School State 3 Palangka Raya
- Efendi, Raimon
- Effectiveness of Collaborative Problem Based Learning Model of Learning Computer Network Courses
- Effendi, Hansi
- Blended Learning Effectiveness in Improving Learning Access in Higher Education
- Efi, Agusti
- Use of Products-based Module in the Process of Learning to the Practical Course
- Elfizon, Elfizon
- Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia on Basic Electrical Measurement Course
- Elida, Elida
- Use of Products-based Module in the Process of Learning to the Practical Course
- Elvyanti, Siscka
- Analysis of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the Practice of Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network Installation
- Fauzania, Pasha Nur
- The Safety Awareness of Construction Workers Regarding Workplace Health and Safety Standard
- Fauzi, Ahmad
- Integrating of E-learning to Improve Students Competence in Vocational School
- Fauzi, Ahmad
- Development of Performance Assessment Telecommunications Expertise based on KKNI to support Vocational Competencies Achievement
- Febriana, Rina
- Development of Vocationalization Model of Basic Education Based on Local Wisdom in Era of ASEAN Economic Community
- Febriana, Rina
- Development Assessment Instruments in Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI) Expertise Courses
- Firman, Firman
- Teaching Aid Development of Elecropneumatic Based Automation Course
- Firmansyah, Rian Oktariana
- Utilization of Smartphone Technology of Students in Making Videos On Motorcycle Chassis Learning
- Fitriasari, Susan
- AIDA Model PC Extension (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Based Projectcitizen) to Address the Practice of Bullying among Students in the Regency of Pangandaran
- Fordiana, Ratih
- Developing Soft Skills Learning Model for Mechanical Engineering Students Vocational High School
- Ganefri, Ganefri
- Development of Product Based Learning Models on Multimedia Learning Materials in SMK N 2 Padang
- Generousdi, Generousdi
- The Structural Models of the Determinant Variables that Influence the Productivity of Vocational Education
- Giatman, Giatman
- Lab Work Discipline and the Implementation of the Field Experience Industry as Predictor Factor in Entering the World of Work Readiness of the Mechanical Engineering’s Students Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang
- H., Asep Setiadi
- Development of Trainer Kit Quality Control (TKQC) on Motorcycle Electrical Competencies
- Hakim, Dadang Lukman
- Implementation of Blended Learning Methods to Improve The Ability and Learning Student Results in Basic Programming Subject
- Hamdani, Aam
- Eliminate Misconception in Learning
- Hamdani, R. Aam
- Utilization of Smartphone Technology of Students in Making Videos On Motorcycle Chassis Learning
- Hanafi, Ivan
- Development of Vocationalization Model of Basic Education Based on Local Wisdom in Era of ASEAN Economic Community
- Handayani, Sri
- The Implementation Evaluation of Teaching Factory Learning Model on APT Productive Learning at SMK Negeri 2 Subang
- Hanwar, Suhendrik
- The Structural Models of the Determinant Variables that Influence the Productivity of Vocational Education
- Haq, Syaiful
- Attitudes of Civil Engineering Students Program Study of Building Technique Education to the ASEAN Economic Community
- Hardikusumah, Inu
- Development of Authentic Assessment in TVET
- Haris, Andi
- Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Communication Skills in Business Group: Ethno-Andragogy Approach to Technical Vocational Education and Training (Ethnographic study: Processed snacks in Sumbawa)
- Harjanto, Budi
- Apprenticeship Implementation of Productive Teacher at Vocational School in Indonesia
- Hartanto, Suryo
- Developing Soft Skills Learning Model for Mechanical Engineering Students Vocational High School
- Hartanto, Suryo
- Design of Interactive Learning Graphic Design Based Tutorial Classic
- Haryono, Agus
- Teacher’s Performance in Lesson Study through Experimental Method of the Lesson on Science Subject
- Hasan, Bachtiar
- Implementation of Blended Learning Methods to Improve The Ability and Learning Student Results in Basic Programming Subject
- Hasan, Bachtiar
- Internship Program as a Part of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET)
- Hendri, Hendri
- Development of Interactive Instructional Media of Photography: Multimedia Skills Competency
- Herdiansyah, A.
- Benefits of Using Animation Multimedia to Improve Students Ability in Mastering Phase Diagram Material of Engineering Subject between Higher and Lower Group Achievement
- Herman, Nanang Dalil
- E-Books in Teaching and Learning Process
- Herman, Nanang Dalil
- Luther’s Model Implementation on Multimedia Development for Building Construction Subject in Vocational High School (SMK)
- Herman, Nanang Dalil
- The Safety Awareness of Construction Workers Regarding Workplace Health and Safety Standard
- Herman, Nanang Dalil
- Technology Literacy Level of Vocational High School Students