Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2021 (ICEBM 2021)
206 authors
- Natsir, Khairina
- Investor Bias Behavior in Investment Decision Making
- Nawawi, M. Tony
- Factors Affecting Employee Retention at PT X in Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
- Nirwan, Riyan Septian
- The Implementation Practices of Total Quality Management and Its Impact on Employee Performance
- Nugroho, Michael Adhi
- The Effective Use of Semiotics in Marketing Communication to Create Product Relevance Through Naming Strategy
- Nugroho, Michael Adhi
- Brand Identity Relevance and Co-Existence with Star Power
- Nuhadriel, Yohanes
- The Impact of System Quality, Perceived Value, and Brand Personality, on Behavior to Subscribe in the Online Streaming Service
- Nuringsih, Kartika
- Shaping Intention among Students in Environmental Entrepreneurship through Entrepreneurial Education and Environmental Concern
- Nuringsih, Kartika
- The Role of Government Support and Networking on Business Success Among Beginner Entrepreneurs Fostered by Jakpreneur
- Nuringsih, Kartika
- The Role of Financial Behavior in Shaping the Sustainability of Financial Satisfaction Among Millennials in Jakarta
- P., Alya Imharabbania
- Factors Affecting Financial Difficulty
- Palanisamy, Shanmuganathan
- The Influence of Strategic Agility on Organizational Performance during Pandemic: A Perspective of SMEs in Manufacturing Sector
- Pamungkas, Ary Satria
- The Influence of Financial Literacy, Parental Socialization, Peer Influence and Self-Control on Saving Behavior
- Pangaribuan, Hisar
- The Impact of Profitability and Monitoring Function of the Board and Audit Committee on CSR Disclosures
- Pardede, Paiaman
- The Relationship of Chinese Yuan Renminbi, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, and Euro Exchange-Rate Against Rupiah Using Vector-Autoregression Method
- Parerung, Djody
- The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction of Electronic Wallets with the Mediation of Perceived Value in Jakarta
- Patricia, Vivian
- The Role of Financial Behavior in Shaping the Sustainability of Financial Satisfaction Among Millennials in Jakarta
- Ping, Teoh Ai
- Recommendation Quality and Perceived Serendipity as Predictors of Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Decision Satisfaction
- Prajogi, Muhammad Bintang
- Profitability Effect on Smoothing of Income with Size of Firm as Moderating Variable in Manufacturing Corporates
- Prasetyo, Aldo
- Recommendation Quality and Perceived Serendipity as Predictors of Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Decision Satisfaction
- Puspitowati, Ida
- The Effect of Proactive Action, Innovation and Risk Taking on Business Performance
- Puspitowati, Ida
- The Effect of Personal Qualities, Family Environment, Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions
- Putri, Citra Eka
- MACAN Museum’s Strategies in Retaining Art Tourism Visitors During Covid-19
- Raditya, Yohanes Amadeus
- The Efficiency and Stability of the Islamic-Banking Industry in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Middle-East
- Reyvina, Reyvina
- The Effect of Consumer Innovativeness on Purchase Intention of New Smartphone with Vicarious Innovativeness and Perceived Value as Mediations
- Rini, Endang Sulistya
- Improving Experiential Quality and Experiential Value to Satisfaction and Revisit Intention to Lake Toba During Pandemic
- Rismadi, Bambang
- The Implementation Practices of Total Quality Management and Its Impact on Employee Performance
- Rodhiah, Rodhiah
- The Effect of Consumer Motivation (Social and Empowerment) on Online-Purchase Intention Mediated by the Trust Towards Retailers on Social Media
- Rodhiah, Rodhiah
- The Effects of Business Model Innovation, Efficiency Growth, and Revenue Growth on MSME Performance in Tangerang City, Banten Province, Indonesia
- Rorlen, Rorlen
- The Impact of Mergers on the Performance of Conventional Banks in Indonesia
- Rudiawarni, Felizia Arni
- The Integrative Effects of Board Diversity, Firm Reputation, and Innovation vis-a-vis Firm Performance
- Ruslim, Tommy Setiawan
- The Use of Social Media to Enhance the Performance of Small and Medium Scale-Businesses
- SOH, Roland
- The Effectiveness of Business Essentials through Action Module in Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking
- Saifulloh, Muhammad
- Communication Strategy for the Empowerment of MSMEs During the Covid-19 Period in Indonesia Through PT PII Share
- Salim, Susanto
- Factors Affecting Financial Difficulty
- Santioso, Linda
- Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banking Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Santoso, Prasetya Yoga
- MACAN Museum’s Strategies in Retaining Art Tourism Visitors During Covid-19
- Sari, Kartika
- MACAN Museum’s Strategies in Retaining Art Tourism Visitors During Covid-19
- Sastra, Emillia
- The Impact of Financial Flexibility and Business Risk on Capital Structure with Firm Size as a Moderating Variable
- Selamat, Frangky
- The Effect of Sustainability Behavioral Control on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Among MSMEs in Jakarta and the Greater Area: The Role of Sustainable Intention
- Selamat, Frangky
- The Development of Sustainable Destination Marketing Model: An IPA Result of Tanjung Lesung Tourism Area
- Sembiring, Beby Karina Fawzeea
- Improving Experiential Quality and Experiential Value to Satisfaction and Revisit Intention to Lake Toba During Pandemic
- Setia, Bernadeta
- Shaping Intention among Students in Environmental Entrepreneurship through Entrepreneurial Education and Environmental Concern
- Setijaningsih, Herlin Tundjung
- The Effect of Leverage, Earning Power, and Sales Growth on Earnings Management Moderated by Corporate Governance
- Setyawan, Ignatius Roni
- Determining Factors of Dividend Premium For Manufacturing Company on IDX
- Sherine, Carelia
- The Effect of Investment Decision, Funding Decision, and Profitability on the Firm Value of Consumer Goods Industry Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2017-2020
- Sherly, Sherly
- S-Commerce Cues as a Predictor of Repurchase Intention: Customer Satisfaction as Mediating Variable
- Sihombing, Sabrina O.
- Looking Forward to Travel Abroad Again: An Empirical Study of People Intention to Travel in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era
- Sinambela, Tongam
- The Relationship of Chinese Yuan Renminbi, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, and Euro Exchange-Rate Against Rupiah Using Vector-Autoregression Method
- Siswanto, Halim Putera
- The Effects of External Audit, Independent Commissioner, and Firm Size on Earnings Management
- Siswanto, Halim Putera
- Factors Determining Cash Holding in Manufacturing Companies
- Siswanto, Halim Putera
- The Impact of Mergers on the Performance of Conventional Banks in Indonesia
- Soelaiman, Lydiawati
- Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, and Organizational Culture on Business Performance
- Soelaiman, Lydiawati
- The Effects of Strategic Competence, Ethical Competence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Network Competence on Culinary-Business Growth in Belitung Island
- Soelaiman, Lydiawati
- The Role of Social Media in Enhancing Business Performance
- Soetjipto, Budi Eko
- The Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Entrepreneurial Leadership on Batik Business Performance in Madura During the Pandemic Era
- Sopiah, Sopiah
- The Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Entrepreneurial Leadership on Batik Business Performance in Madura During the Pandemic Era
- Sriyanto, Agus
- The Impact of Profitability and Monitoring Function of the Board and Audit Committee on CSR Disclosures
- Sudarmiatin, Sudarmiatin
- The Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Entrepreneurial Leadership on Batik Business Performance in Madura During the Pandemic Era
- Sugianto, Micko
- The Effect of Sustainability Behavioral Control on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Among MSMEs in Jakarta and the Greater Area: The Role of Sustainable Intention
- Suhartini, Callista Diana
- The Influence of Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, and Money Supply on Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)
- Syamsoeyadi, Hidayat
- The Role of e-WOM towards Value Co-Creation on Sharing Economy Platform in Indonesia
- T., Michelle Kristian
- The Effects of External Audit, Independent Commissioner, and Firm Size on Earnings Management
- TEO, George
- The Effectiveness of Business Essentials through Action Module in Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking
- Teoh, Ai Ping
- Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenges with Big Data Analytics Adoption to Accelerate Economic Recovery: Evidence from Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises
- Thanh, Tran Huyen Thi
- Understanding the Purchase Intention of Female College Students on Green Packaging Beverage Products between Taiwan and Vietnam
- Theresa, Ivy
- The Effect of Innovation, Risk-Taking, and Proactiveness on Business Performance Among MSMEs in Jakarta
- Tjokrosaputro, Miharni
- The Roles of Effort Expectancy, Attitude, and Service Quality in Mobile Payment Users Continuance Intention
- Tjokrosaputro, Miharni
- The Effect of Consumer Engagement as a Mediation Variable on Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty on E-Commerce in Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tjokrosaputro, Miharni
- Factors Determining MRT Users’ Satisfaction During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tjokrosaputro, Miharni
- The Role of e-WOM towards Value Co-Creation on Sharing Economy Platform in Indonesia
- Tjokrosaputro, Miharni
- The Effect of Attitude, Health Consciousness, and Environmental Concern on the Purchase Intention of Organic Food in Jakarta
- Toruan, Rialdo Rezeky M. L.
- Communication Strategy for the Empowerment of MSMEs During the Covid-19 Period in Indonesia Through PT PII Share
- Trisnawati, Estralita
- The Effects of Capital and Liquidity on Profitability with Credit Problem as a Moderating Variable Among Conventional Commercial Banks
- Trisnawati, Estralita
- Tax Avoidance Strengthens Customers’ Concentration on Tax Aggressiveness Before and After the Tax Amnesty Period
- Tsai, Shieunt-Han
- The Economic Recovery of People in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Example of Online Fitness-Platform in Taiwan
- Tunjungsari, Hetty Karunia
- Gender, Diversity Management Perceptions, Workplace Happiness, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Tunjungsari, Hetty Karunia
- The Development of Sustainable Destination Marketing Model: An IPA Result of Tanjung Lesung Tourism Area
- Tunjungsari, Hetty Karunia
- The Effect of Consumer Innovativeness on Purchase Intention of New Smartphone with Vicarious Innovativeness and Perceived Value as Mediations
- Utama, Louis
- The Use of Social Media to Enhance the Performance of Small and Medium Scale-Businesses
- Vania, Ivy
- The Application of Herfindahl-Hirschman Index in Measuring the Concentration Level of Financial-Technology Industry
- Vaswani, Jeetendra
- Promoting Manila Chinatown as a Tourism-Destination Hub
- Viryajaya, Dharma
- The Determinants of Irrational Investment Decisions Among Individual Investors in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Waluyo, Tri
- The Determinants of Reputation of Institution and Its Implications for the College Decision in Private-Owned Higher Educational Institution in LLDikti Region III Jakarta
- Wibowo, Buddi
- The Efficiency and Stability of the Islamic-Banking Industry in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Middle-East
- Widoatmodjo, Sawidji
- Creating a Model of Effectiveness Evaluation for the CEFE Method Entrepreneurship Training with Logic Model Approach and Based on Participant Needs
- Widoatmodjo, Sawidji
- The Influence of Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, and Money Supply on Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)
- Wijardi, Calvin
- The Effect of Consumer Engagement as a Mediation Variable on Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty on E-Commerce in Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wijaya, Andi
- The Influence of Market and Learning Orientation on MSME Business Performance Mediated by Innovation
- Wijaya, Erika Chandra
- The Influence of Financial Reporting Quality, Debt Maturity, and CEO Career Concerns on Investment Efficiency
- Wijaya, Henryanto
- Factors Affecting Financial Difficulty
- Wijaya, Sonia Citra
- The Role of Attitude in the Purchase Intention of Indonesian Muslim Men Towards Halal Personal Care Products
- Wijaya, Stefanus
- The Effect of Personal Qualities, Family Environment, Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions
- Wijaya, Yunardi
- The Role of Government Support and Networking on Business Success Among Beginner Entrepreneurs Fostered by Jakpreneur
- Winata, Sellyana
- The Roles of Effort Expectancy, Attitude, and Service Quality in Mobile Payment Users Continuance Intention
- Wirianata, Henny
- The Moderation of Corporate Governance in the Effect of Surplus Free-Cash-Flow on Earnings Predictability
- Wiyanto, Hendra
- The Effect of Investment Decision, Funding Decision, and Profitability on the Firm Value of Consumer Goods Industry Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2017-2020
- Yang, I-Hsun
- The Economic Recovery of People in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Example of Online Fitness-Platform in Taiwan
- Yang, Tai-Ho
- Using USR as Course Field in Business Ethical Teaching and Social Practice
- Yanti, Yanti
- The Impact of Financial Flexibility and Business Risk on Capital Structure with Firm Size as a Moderating Variable
- Yenita, Yenita
- Differences in the Effect of Occupational Safety and Health on Employee Performance in the Production and Non-Production Divisions of Manufacturing Company “X” in Cikupa District