Proceedings of the International conference of Economics Business and Economics Education Science (ICE-BEES-24)

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67 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Kris Brantas Abiprayu, Avi Budi Setiawan
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science (ICE-BEES) 2024 during 12-13 June 2024 in Semarang. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Sustainable Livelihoods Impact Approach (SLIA) in Desa Berdaya

Abdussalam Abdussalam, Aditya Rahmat Gunawan
Rural areas are areas that are rich in the resources they have, but the use of resources is different for each individual or household, because they have different livelihood strategies. Sustainable livelihoods are a concept achieved through strategies for utilizing human, natural, financial, physical...
Proceedings Article

Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror

Ahmad Nurkhin, S. Martono, Fachrurrozie Fachrurrozie, Hasan Mukhibad, Kardoyo Kardoyo, Muhammad Feriady, Ahmad Rofiq
The problem of waste management in educational institutions (pondok pesantren) is increasingly becoming an important concern. This study aims to reveal the experience of Pondok Pesantren As Salafy Al Asror Semarang Indonesia in managing food waste. The research method used is qualitative descriptive....
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Tax Disclosure

Ain Hajawiyah, Nurul Nafingah, Atta Putra Harjanto, Kiswanto Kiswanto
Tax disclosure requires companies to disclose details about taxation more broadly. Tax disclosure in the annual report can be divided into two types, namely mandatory disclosure and voluntary disclosure. This study aims to examine the factors that affecting tax disclosure in Indonesia, including tax...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Teacher Professional Development: A Review from A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Perspective

Aldila Krisnaresanti, Suwatno Suwatno, Disman Disman
Professional competence is a set of skills a teacher must possess to carry out teaching responsibilities effectively. Understanding technology is crucial because educators who can effectively use technology in the classroom help students acquire 21st-century abilities, including creativity, critical...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effect of Cayenne Pepper Prices in East Java

Laily Rahmawati, Amelia Choya Tia Rosalia, Yozi Aulia Rahman, Phany Ineke Putri
The erratic and often fluctuating price of cayenne pepper has caused many people to complain about the situation. Especially if the price increases significantly. This is because cayenne pepper is a basic necessity and cannot be separated from every Indonesian seasoning. Price changes that occur in cayenne...
Proceedings Article

Unveiling the Carbon Footprint: Investigating the Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Carbon Emissions through FMOLS Analysis

Amin Pujiati, Fafurida, Amelia Choya Tia Rosalia, Muhammad Aulia Rahman, Nadia Damayanti
This study investigates the relationship between carbon emissions and several socio-economic factors in E7 countries, employing the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) method. The examined factors include population, renewable energy consumption, net trade, and greenhouse gases. We employ the...
Proceedings Article

Uncovering Women’s Empowerment in The Ecotourism Sector for Sustainable Livelihood – Case Study of Candirejo Village Cooperative System

Anis Susanti, Dwi Puji Astuti, Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro, Richatul Jannah
Tourism and creative economy sectors as one of the fastest-growing industries in Indonesia are currently dominated by women workers. These sectors continue to encourage the number of tourism villages and increase job creation. The role of women in tourism village needs to be optimized as basic resources...
Proceedings Article

How Does Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Certification Affect Indonesia State-Owned Company Performance?

A. K. Widiatami, P. Suranti, L. Latifah, I N. Aeni, A. Nurkhin
Companies today are not only focused on increasing profits but also must pay attention to environmental aspects when carrying out their activities, especially for state-owned companies in Indonesia that represent government-owned businesses. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of environmental...
Proceedings Article

Circular Economy in Emerging Countries: A Systematic Literature Review of Challenges and Solution Strategies for Sustainability

Appin Purisky Redaputri, Pratiwi Dwi Suhartanti
A circular economy is an economic model that aims to generate economic growth by maintaining the value of products, materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible, thereby minimizing social and environmental damage caused by a linear economic approach. The implementation of a circular...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Competency and Certification on Teacher Performance: Approach from the Economic Education Teacher Professional Education Program at UNNES

Arif Wahyu Wirawan, Hengky Pramusinto, Aan Ikhsananto, Fendi Setyo Harmoko, Dyto Try Febryanto
This article aims to analyze the influence of teacher competency and certification on teacher performance, using the Economic Education Teacher Professional Education Program approach at Semarang State University (UNNES). The research was conducted using a survey method of teachers who had participated...
Proceedings Article

Does The Village Owned Enterprises Care About Environmental, Social, and Economics Sustainability?

Bestari Dwi Handayani, Riha Dedi Priantana, Raudhatul Hidayah
Village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) are village commercial institutions that utilize the potential of local village resources to make a profit. BUMDes also provides social services that are in favor of the welfare of village communities. Responsibility for maintaining surrounding conditions such as the...
Proceedings Article

Investigate on Moral Hazard: The Impact of Cash Transfer on Household Spending Behaviour

Bintang Satrio Wibowo, Ahmad Syahrul Fauzi, Deky Aji Suseno, Shanty Oktavilia, Fredericho Mego Sundoro, Fawwaz Jaerawibawa, Rahma Puspita Rahayu, Nur Fadhila
This study aims to examine the effects of cash assistance on consumption behaviour patterns in Indonesia, using the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) as the primary data source. The study also seeks to determine whether there are deviations in consumption behaviour when individuals receive cash assistance...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Influencer Interactivity and Authenticity in Forming Brand Trust

Bogy Febriatmoko, Widya Prananta, Angga Pandu Wijaya
This research aims to explore the influence of interactivity and authenticity of influencers on social media on the formation of emotional bonds and trust in followers, especially in generation Z who have technosavvy characteristics. Influencers who are trusted still need deeper research in forming their...
Proceedings Article

A Mapping Analysis of Air Quality Issues in Indonesia: An Atlas.ti Approach

D. M. Nihayah, I Mafruhah, L. Hakim, Suryanto
The highly complex activities in national development lead to various issues affecting air quality. This research aims to analyze and map the problems influencing air quality in Indonesia. This is done because it is suspected that the causes of air quality, whether good or bad, cannot be directly attributed...
Proceedings Article

Development of Microsoft Excel Features as A Complete Letter Creation Database in Supporting Indonesian Correspondence Learning

Dian Fithra Permana, Nina Oktarina, Anis Susanti
This research reveals the effectiveness of the using Microsoft Excel Features for making complete letter based on the excel database in supporting Indonesian Correspondence Learning. The research conducted in this research is a development research with ADDIE design stands for Analysis, Design, Development...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Behavioral Patterns in Plastic Waste Management: Towards Sustainable Environmental Practices

Dorojatun Prihandono, Kris Brantas Abiprayu, Angga Pandu Wijaya, Irnin Miladdyan Airyq, Salsabila Nadianisa Maruto
This research aims to examine the influence of knowledge on attitudes and behaviors in managing plastic waste. The proliferation of plastic waste in Indonesia is attributed to the environmentally unfriendly practices of its industries. The inadequate management of plastic waste sets the backdrop for...
Proceedings Article

Raising Students’ Awareness and Attitudes on Environmental Education Issues

Dwi Puji Astuti, Kardiyem, Rediana Setiyani, Ahmad Jaenudin
Environmental education is an important issue that is a topic at various levels of education throughout the world. Environmental education is one of the best solutions for preventing environmental damage. This research aims to analyze students’ awareness and attitudes towards environmental education...
Proceedings Article

Exploring The Impact of Human Capital, Education, and Health Expenditure on Inclusive Growth in Indonesia

Dwi Rahmayani, Dyah Maya Nihayah, Grace Natalia Marpaung, Annis Nurfitriana Nihayah, Nur Janah Wariyanti
This research analyzes physical capital, human capital, education, and health expenditure on inclusive economic growth, with data from 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2011-2023. Inclusive economic growth is measured using the Inclusive Economic Development Index. This research used the panel data regression...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Student Perceptions of PPG in UNNES Economics Program and Its Implications on Career Motivation in Economics Teaching

Erni Harlina Isdiati, Arif Wahyu Wirawan, Muhamad Nukha Murtadlo, Lilis Indriyani
Students’ perceptions have a significant impact on their motivation to choose a career as a teacher. Perceptions that include students’ understanding and assessment of the value and benefits of PPG are key factors that influence students’ career choices. This study aims to examine students’ perceptions...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Ecology: The Role of Local Communities in Achieving Sustainable Tourism Village

Fafurida, Wijang Sakitri, Annis Nurfitriana Nihayah, Meilani Intan Pertiwi, Shanty Oktavilia, Phany Ineke Putri
Economic conditions in the urban areas tend to be more developed than in the rural areas, which make a significant income gap between the two areas. An appropriate solution is required to overcome this problem. One of the efforts required is to observe the economic development evenly, not only in urban...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Information Technology (IT) as a Moderating Variable in Sustainability Report Disclosure: Empirical Study of ASIA Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRR) Participating Companies 2018-2021

Fitrarena Widhi Rizkyana, Linda Agustina, Kuat Waluyo Jati, Richatul Jannah, Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro, Kadek Vina Virgayani
This research aims to evaluate the impact of environmental performance, audit committee, board of directors, and profitability on company disclosure of sustainability reports. Apart from that, this study also tries to examine the role of the use of information technology in moderating the impact of environmental...
Proceedings Article

Servqual Agility On PTN-BH Performance with Environmental Dynamics as a Moderation

P. Erianto Hasibuan, Fredianaika Istanti, Nurul Kamilia, Ahmad Zaenuri, Monica Widiyandari, Aminatus Zuhriyah, Prita Andini
Performance is a crucial component for higher education institutions as it reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of utilizing resources such as time, labour, funds, and human capital in achieving organizational goals. Modern universities face a multitude of challenges, including intense competition...
Proceedings Article

Role-playing Green Information System Analysis by Secretarial Students for Sustainable Education: 21st Century Digital Skills

Hana Netti Purasani, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Mintasih Indriayu, Hery Sawiji
Green information systems play an important role for sustainable education, especially in providing support to the government towards environmental conservation because it minimizes the use of paper. Serious efforts are needed from academics to support sustainable education with online role-playing learning...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability Performance – Perspective on Islamic Entity

Hasan Mukhibad, Indah Anisykurlillah, Prabowo Yudo Jayanto, Dina Nur Himmatina
This study aims to develop sustainability report indicators following Islamic business entities, especially Islamic banking. The four sustainability report indicators developed include four indicators, namely Shariah compliance performance indicators and social, environmental, and economic performance....
Proceedings Article

How Does Green Human Resources Important in Green Financial Reporting: Evidence from A Conservation University

Heri Yanto, Retnoningrum Hidayah, Niswah Baroroh, Ain Hajawiyah, Kardiyem, Wiwik Widayati, Fransiska Novi Kurniasih
Conservation University describes a university that promotes environmentally friendly business processes. This process relies on quality human resources. This research aims to examine the influence of green human resources on the green financial reporting. Furthermore, this study adds a moderating variable,...
Proceedings Article

Financial Performance: Evidence on Environmental Disclosure, IT Adoption, and Corporate Governance

Ida Nur Aeni, Anna Kania Widiatmi, Ahmad Nurkhin, Alfiyani Nur Hidayanti, Septia Amanda
Global warming and climate change have been the most challenging environmental problem the world is facing. This problem will affect the future of this planet which can be seen from different stances. The public concern over the problems caused by climate change has led to the emergence of new environmental...
Proceedings Article

Trends in Research on Female Lecturers: A Bibliometric Analysis

Idayanti Nursyamsi, Deddy Rakhmad Hidayat, Dani Melmambessy, Wa Ariadi, Fitriani, Yendra, M. S. Nur Wahyudin
Gender remains an intriguing research subject among scholars, particularly concerning female lecturers or women lecturers. This study aims to provide a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of patterns and trends in scholarly literature on the theme of “female lecturers or women lecturers”. Utilizing scientific...
Proceedings Article

The Evolution of Environmental Disclosure Practices in Indonesia

Indah Fajarini Sri Wahyuningrum, Hasan Mukhibad, Shanty Oktavilia, Retnoningrum Hidayah, Andryan Setyadharma, Regina Cahyani Yunita
As part of sustainability principles, stakeholders demanded environmental disclosure practices that led to the business’s environmentally friendly agenda, requiring corporate environmental performance to be measured, accounted for, and disclosed to learn about company environmental risks, consequences,...
Proceedings Article

Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University

Ismiyati, Suranto Aw, Samsul Hadi, Teguh Hardi Raharjo, Tusyanah, Mar’atus Sholikah, Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah, Sulistyawati, Djoko Legowo
Human behavior determines the environmental quality. College students as the young generation are expected to provide accurate solutions to change environ-mental behaviors. Therefore, this research attempts to explore environmentally friendly behavior along and the influence of environmental attitude...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Sustainability into Economics Teacher Education

Kardoyo, Khasan Setiaji, Ahmad Nurkhin, Nasikh, Indri Murniawaty, Wijang Sakitri, Tusyanah
The provision of educational and economic services is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and the economic sector is the largest contributor to carbon emissions in the public sector in Indonesia. Teachers and entrepreneurs have an important role in fighting climate change through educational service...
Proceedings Article

Go-Organic Based Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Model with a Green Economy Approach

Karsinah, Fafurida, Ahmad Syahrul Fauzi
The agricultural sector which tends to be exploitative and ignores nature conservation is a threat to the continued availability of quality food. Excessive use of chemicals makes food availability less safe. The current climate change requires an agricultural system that is climate-resistant and sustainable....
Proceedings Article

Student Business Innovation Capability: The Urgency of Design Thinking-Based Learning

Kemal Budi Mulyono, Fathur Rahman, Leny Noviani
The low student business innovation is often suspected that the entrepreneurial learning process places more emphasis on cognitive than psychomotor elements. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of design thinking-based learning in enhancing business innovation capabilities. This study...
Proceedings Article

Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials as an Effort to Foster Ethical Entrepreneurship in University

Khasan Setiaji, Amin Pujiati, P. Eko Prasetyo, Shanty Oktavilia, Nina Farliana, Indri Murniawaty
Entrepreneurship is recognized as a significant way to bring about transformation towards sustainable processes and products. Ethical entrepreneurship has become a new model of entrepreneurship as a call to provide goodness to natural resources and the environment. It is the ethical aspect that will...
Proceedings Article

Education for Environmental Sustainability: Does the Vocational High School Industrial Internship Program Develop Students’ Green Innovation Skills?

Lelahester Rina, Siswandari, Aniek Hindrayani, Khresna Bayu Sangka, Mintasih Indriayu, Lilik Santoso
The attempt to improve the quality of human life can be instilled in the educational environment to realize environmental sustainability. This study aims to analyze the industrial internship program in developing Green Innovation skills of vocational students. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Education for Sustainability: Teacher Professional Development Training Program in Green Entrepreneurship - A Systematic Literature Review

Lelahester Rina, Khresna Bayu Sangka, Siswandari, Aniek Hindrayani, Leny Noviani
Providing entrepreneurial experience to have an interest in becoming a young entrepreneur is the success of vocational schools, but it will be very valuable when schools are able to foster green entrepreneurship as a step to save the environment from damage and achieve sustainable development. This study...
Proceedings Article

Adoption of Digital Technology among Pre-Service Teachers: Bibliometric Analysis

Lina Rifda Naufalin, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, Mintasih Indriayu, Leny Noviani, Khresna Bayu Sangka
One of the agendas to be achieved by the SDGs is the fourth agenda, namely quality education-ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Adopting digital technology development by prospective teachers is one of the efforts that can be taken to...
Proceedings Article

Understanding The Dependency Between Environmental Intelligence, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behaviour

Lola Kurnia Pitaloka, Kardoyo, Saringatun Mudrikah, Irnin Miladdyan Airyq
The environment has become an important issue constantly advocated to mitigate the climate crisis. One institution capable of realizing this is universities, where students become agents of environmental change. Universities are required to have programs that support environmental issues. However, the...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Electricity Consumption on The Green Economy Across Five ASEAN Countries: Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia

Maulida Dewi Pangestika, Fatata A’izza Rosyada, Fafurida, Fredericho Mego Sundoro
Electricity is a fundamental necessity that underpins all activities. This is evidenced by the rising trend in electricity consumption across various ASEAN countries, including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Renewable electricity is sourced from renewable natural resources and...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education Institution (HEIs) Between Indonesia and Malaysia: Bibliometric Analysis

Maylia Pramono Sari, Agung Yulianto, Primadhani Dyah Larasati, Surya Raharja, Noor Ismawati Jaafar
This research aims to present a bibliometric analysis on the theme of sustainability in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Asia published in the Scopus database. The data used for this research amounted to 35 articles published from 2015 to 2024. The data was analyzed and visualized using RStudio...
Proceedings Article

The Role of The Merit System and Government Internal Control System Maturity on The Success of Corruption Prevention to Realize Sustainability, Moderated by Employee Integrity (Perception of Internal Supervisory Apparatus of Bukittinggi City Government)

Mira Syahraini, Zulkifli Sultan
The goal of sustainable development on economic, social, and earth sustainability aspects can only be realized by the Government and its people through a high commitment to eradicate corruption. Therefore, every government tries to promote anti-corruption programs. However, little is known about how...
Proceedings Article

Model of Literacy and Environmental Support System University to Enhance Sustainable Entrepreneurial Intention

Nina Farliana, Hanif Hardianto, Ratieh Widhiastuti, Wisudani Rahmaningtyas
Global research has shown the importance of entrepreneurship, including transformation towards a sustainable future. This study aims to analyze the effect of financial, digital literacy, and experience on social, cultural, and university environmental issues and the support system towards sustainable...
Proceedings Article

Determinant of Corporate Income Tax Payable with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable in Indonesian Company

Niswah Baroroh, Meilani Intan Pertiwi, Heri Yanto, H. Marliana, E. Mukholifah
This study aims to find empirical evidence and analyse the effect of leverage, capital intensity, and earnings management on corporate income tax payable with managerial ownership as a moderating variable. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the IDX during the 2018-2022...
Proceedings Article

Transformative Dynamics of E-commerce Integration in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review

Nouraldeen Ameen Abaker Mahmoud, Muhammad Hisjam, Eko Pujiyanto
E-commerce and Supply Chain Management are crucial for modern business operations, involving online buying and selling, planning, execution, and control of goods flow from suppliers to customers. This systematic literature review aims to explore and discuss the transformational dynamics of e-commerce...
Proceedings Article

Execution Capability and Learning Culture as Mediator of Alignment for Improving Performance in Higher Education Institutions

Nurul Kamilia, Mirwan Surya Perdhana, Suharnomo, Abdul Fattah Annur
The objective of the article is to explain the role of strategic alignment process, execution capabilities and learning culture to improve the performance a Study Program in University. This study explores the impact of the strategic alignment process for enhancing the Study Progam’s performance. Hence,...
Proceedings Article

Bibliometric Analysis: Flipped Learning Practices between Indonesia and Bangladesh

Osman Masud, Khresna Bayu Sangka, Feri Setyowibowo
Flipped learning is an innovative educational method that reverses the conventional teaching paradigm by providing instructional material outside of the classroom and moving homework inside the classroom to enhance active learning and student involvement. As this system evolves and adapts, it plays an...
Proceedings Article

Input-Output Analysis of The Central Java Forestry Sector

Reikha Habibah Yusfi, Shanty Oktavilia, Nurjannah Rahayu Kistanti, Tutik, Retno Febriyastuti Widyawati, Khoerunnisa
The forestry sector and forestry industry play an important role in Central Java, but the growth of the forestry sector tends to be low. On the contrary, the forestry industry sector is higher. This study aims to analyze the impact of government spending on the forestry sector and household demand for...
Proceedings Article

Navigating Towards a Sustainable Future Analysis and Strategy for Carbon Trading in Indonesia

Richatul Jannah, Fitrarena Widhi Rizkyana, Meilani Intan Pertiwi, Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro, Anis Susanti, Tiara Dwi Lestari
This article explores Indonesia’s trajectory towards a sustainable future, explicitly focusing on analyzing carbon trading strategies. Leveraging data from IDXCarbon, the study elucidates opportunities and challenges in adopting carbon trading mechanisms to mitigate climate change impacts by examining...
Proceedings Article

Financial Services Industry Strategy Architecture for Initiating Biogas Finance Development In Indonesia

Risanda A. Budiantoro, Mohammad A. Rachman, Luthfi I. Tsani, Ahmad Sehabuddin, Richatul Jannah, Fitrarena W. Rizkyana, Enggarningtyas Retno Pinasti
Indonesia is an agricultural nation with significant potential for bioenergy (biodiesel, bioethanol, biomass, and biogas) and is poised to see a 50 percent increase in biofuel consumption and production. This potential is crucial for reducing carbon emissions by transitioning from fossil fuels to new...
Proceedings Article

Review of Environmental Awareness, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behavior of Prospective Teacher Students: Towards Sustainable Education

Saringatun Mudrikah, Lola Kurnia Pitaloka
Environmental damage in the world has reached an alarming level, such as climate change, ecological damage, deforestation, air and water pollution, damage to coral reefs and mangrove forests, and the threat of plastic waste. Prospective economics teachers with environmental literacy have a vital role...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Implementing Green Accounting and MFCS on Sustainable Development

Sri Trisnaningsih
This research aims to examine the application of green accounting and material flow cost accounting towards sustainable development. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2022 period. The sample selection in this study used a purposive...
Proceedings Article

Building HR Character With an Insight to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through The Role of ‘Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka’ (MBKM)

Sri Wartini, P. Erianto Hasibuan, Widya Prananta, Bogy Febriatmoko
Currently, not only intelligent human resources are needed, but also human resources with character, so that improving the quality of education is the key to Indonesia’s success and success in the future. Building the character of quality human resources with a sustainable development perspective will...
Proceedings Article

Local Business and Gentrification: Using Online Market to Increase Competitiveness

Thomas Soseco, Ni’matul Istiqomah, Victor Rumere
Local businesses in gentrifying areas face opportunities due to the changing pattern of consumers’ demographic characteristics and increased purchasing power. At the same time, upgrading infrastructure leads to better connectivity and logistics, resulting in convenience for the online shopping experience....
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Role of Personal Norms and Environmental Concerns in Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Value-Belief-Norm Theory Perspective

Tusyanah Tusyanah, Amin Pujiati, Wijang Sakitri, Setia Budi Wibowo, Ismiyati Ismiyati
This study investigates the relationships between personal values, beliefs, social norms, and pro-environmental behavior (PB) using the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory framework. Through quantitative methods, including structural equation modeling with Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS), data from 162 university...
Proceedings Article

Analyze The importance of The Theory of Planned Behavior in shaping The Purchase of Green Food Products

Widya Prananta, Angga Pandu Wijaya, Bogy Febriatmoko
Awareness of the processes occurring in the global economy changes market entities’ perceptions of production, consumption, products and marketing. Consumers’ switch to environmentally friendly products can help minimize adverse environmental impacts and health benefits. Consumers buy organic food because...
Proceedings Article

Greening the Workforce: A Roadmap for Sustainable Employment in the Era of Environmental Challenges

Wisudani Rahmaningtyas, Hana Netti Purasani, Nina Farliana, Ratieh Widhiastuti
The transition towards a sustainable workforce is imperative in addressing contemporary environmental challenges. This article explores the integration of green economy principles with the development of green employability skills to foster sustainability in the labor market. Utilizing a literature review...
Proceedings Article

Green Human Resource Management Effect on Job Performance: Investigating the Mediating Role of Technology Acceptance Model

Desti Ranihusna, M. A. Akbar
This study examines the impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) on Job Performance (JP), with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a mediating factor. GHRM is a strategic approach in human resource management that integrates environmentally friendly practices in various organizational aspects....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang

Jarot Tri Bowo Santoso, Nimas Aulia Pambajeng Miftahunnajah, Margunani, Siti Anisyah, Said Nur Octavianto, Naim Devitrisia, Gibran Regusta Ade Prabowo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence student entrepreneurial behavior in high school in Semarang City, using variables of entrepreneurial intention, perceptions of entrepreneurship learning, interest, peers and parental support. This quantitative research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

The Biodiversity Disclosure Determinants in Indonesian Chemical Companies

Luvita Dyaningsih, Puji Harto
Biodiversity is a central point in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to balance ecological and economical interests. There is a growing need for biodiversity disclosure as part of environmental-related information, but companies provide a lack of biodiversity information. This study examines the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of GDP Per Capita, Trade Openness, Environmental Policy Stringency, Population, and Renewable Energy Consumption on Carbon Emissions in The BRICS, 1990-2020

Nafasafitri Arnandiani, Karsinah
BRICS countries collectively account for about 38% of global carbon dioxide emissions and significantly contribute to global carbon emission levels. This study aims to analyze the impact of GDP per capita, Trade Openness, Environmental Policy Stringency, Population, and Renewable Energy Consumption on...
Proceedings Article

Promoting Green Development: Environmental Attention and Regulation by Local Government in Central Java, Indonesia

Ngabiyanto, Puji Lestari, Ahmad Nurkhin, Yozi Aulia Rahman, Ahmad Syahrul Fauzi, Anna Kania Widiatami
Climate change has impacted all aspects of human life. Attention to the environment is a positive response to reduce this impact. This research is aimed at describing the environmental attentions and regulations of local government to promote green development. A documentation study was carried out to...
Proceedings Article

Preventing Corruption Behavior in Achieving Good Village Governance: Case Study in Semarang Regency

Amir Mahmud, Nurdian Susilowati, Lyna Latifah
This study provides empirical evidence of the implementation of good village governance, internal control, and societal participation in preventing and detecting corruption. The qualitative study will be conducted through a semi-structured interview with village leaders, village treasurers, and village...
Proceedings Article

Initiation of the Unnes Halal Center Collaborative Development Strategy for Product Development and Halal Product Guarantee Systems

Prabowo Yudo Jayanto, Muhamad Nukha Murtadlo, Bintang Satrio, Wibowo, Fredericho Mego Sundoro, Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro, Suci Afnia
Implementation of a mandatory halal regulation according to Law No 33 the year 2014 regarding Halal Product Guarantee. To support this program, The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH) has encouraged universities to establish Halal Centers since 2019. This research aims to initiate a collaborative...
Proceedings Article

Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?

Rosmaiza Abdul Ghani, Thomas Soseco, Nur Azwani Mohamad Azmin
Comprehensive and integrated solutions that address economic, social, and environmental factors are imperative to effectively tackle the complex interrelation between poverty, income inequality, and environmental degradation in low-income countries. To break the cycle of degradation and improve the well-being...
Proceedings Article

Does the Role of Regional Heads in Managing Environmental Crises?: Advancing The Upper Echelon Theory

Wulan Suci Rachmadani, Iva Sofi Gunawati, Arif Wahyu Wirawan, Siti Malikah, Renalda Danu Dwiky Sahputro, Samsul Rosadi
The role of the Regional Head is to determine the budget in resolving the crisis so that it does not prolong. The Regional Head’s decision is a measuring tool as a concrete follow-up in formulating budget refocusing. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of regional heads’ educational...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Agriculture Policy Direction of Central Java Province by 2025

Setia Budi Wibowo, Amin Pujiati, Eko Prasetyo, Khasan Setiaji, Indri Murniawaty
The agricultural sector in Central Java is essential to the regional economy, as it provides employment, supplies sustenance, and makes a substantial contribution to the Regional Gross Domestic Product (RGDP). Nevertheless, this industry encounters significant obstacles like climate fluctuation, restricted...
Proceedings Article

The influence of Product Knowledge and Product Quality on Buying Interest is mediated by Product Advertising for MSMEs

Sulaiman Helmi, ⁠Tamamudin, ⁠Bakti Setyadi, Ratna Sesotya Wedadjati, M. Fitra Marsha Rolanda
The importance of product knowledge and product quality in influencing consumer purchasing interest in MSMEs has become a major concern. This research aims to analyze the influence of Product Knowledge and Product Quality on Buying Interest, with the Product Advertising variable as a mediator. The method...