Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR 2018)
417 authors
- Lu'mu, Dr.
- Portrait of Female Leaders in Universitas Negeri Makassar Environment
- Lukito, Agung
- Metacognitive Skills of Male Students with Field Independent Cognitive Style in Problem Solving
- Lukito, Agung
- Female Students' Reasoning of Primary School Teacher Education in Solving Geometry Problems
- Lukman, Mr.
- The Implementation of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Building an E-Commerce Website
- M, Yabu
- Assessment of Ceramic Arts Learning Skills
- Mahmud, Nurfadilah
- Analysis of University Students’ Mathematical Representation in Solving Geometry Problems
- Mahmudah, Dr.
- Development of Academic Text Writing Materials through Media Thesis with Scientific Approach in Higher Education
- Mahuddin, Nurhayati H.
- The Science Process Skill Profile of Pre-Service Science Teacher
- Mahyudi, Mr.
- Integration of Employability Skill Values in Learning in Vocational School
- Majid, Ahmad Fudhail
- The Effect of using Interactive Students’ Worksheet on Learning Achievement and Students’ Perception in The Basic Chemistry Course (Study on Reaction Rate)
- Malago, Jasruddin Daud
- Ecopreneurship Ability for Young Women Entrepreneur Candidates at University
- Malik, Muh. Nasir
- Integration of Employability Skill Values in Learning in Vocational School
- Mangesa, Riana T.
- The Identification of Productive Teacher Competencies: to Support the Development of Learning Quality in Vocational High Schools
- Mappalotteng, Abdul Muis
- Development of E-Learning Based Poodle (Portable Moodle) for Computer and Basic Network Subject at Vocational High School
- Mappaompo, Adam
- The Effects of Teaching Styles and Learning Motivation on the Outcomes of Football Dribbling Learning
- Marantika, Juliaans
- Analysis of Social and Cultural Values in the Development of Traditional Houses Im at Marsela Society
- Martawijaya, M. A.
- Development of Physics Book Based on Local Wisdom in an Attempt to Foster Science of Literacy for Students
- Maru, Rosmini
- An Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Human Development of South Sulawesi for 2011-2016
- Maryam, St.
- The Effectiveness of Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) Learning Model Application on Improving Mathematical Learning Result of Elementary School Students in Parepare City
- Maryanti, Era
- Approach to Learning Mathematics with Metacognitive Guidance
- Mataheru, Wilmintjie
- Analysis of Student Thinking Processes in Mathematical Problem Solving using Saintificial Approach
- Matitaputty, Christi
- Developing Teaching Material using Ambal Love as a Context to Promote Character Value of Students
- Matitaputty, Christi
- Analysis of Social and Cultural Values in the Development of Traditional Houses Im at Marsela Society
- Ma’rufi, Mr.
- Students’ Interaction Patterns in Learning Mathematics Based on Lesson Study
- Methitham, Phongsakorn
- Non-Anglo-Centrism in Indonesian ELT Textbooks
- Methitham, Phongsakorn
- Anglo-centrism in Indonesian ELT Textbooks
- Minggi, Ilham
- The Design Framework of Mathematical Proof Learning of Mathematics Education Department Students
- Moma, La
- Analysis of Student Thinking Processes in Mathematical Problem Solving using Saintificial Approach
- Muhammadin, Akhmad
- The Effect of External Environment and Low-Cost Strategy on Financial Performance of Banking in Indonesia
- Muhammadong, Dr.
- Analysis of Dribbling Ability in Basketball Games for Sports Science Students
- Muhammadong, Dr.
- Survey of Motoric Ability of Class I Elementary School Students in Makassar City
- Muhammadong, Dr.
- Optimization of the Role of Islamic Education in Public Universities in Counteracting Religious Extremism in Makassar
- Muhammadong, Dr.
- The Effect of Body Fats Percentage on Cardiovascular Resistance for Futsal Athlete
- Muhdy, Ali Ahmad
- Measuring the Shrinkage Properties Power of Local Soil Material to Produce the Accuracy of the Shape and Size of the Art Crafts Ceramic
- Muis, Abd.
- The Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Models with Scaffolding Techniques (MELS) in Biology Learning
- Mulbar, Usman
- The Design Framework of Mathematical Proof Learning of Mathematics Education Department Students
- Mulbar, Usman
- The Influences of Intrapersonal Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence towards Students’ Mathematics Learning Outcomes
- Muliadi, Mr.
- Designing a Personal Computer (PC) Module as a Learning Media
- Muliana, Ms.
- Emotion Regulation Strategies: The Effect on Emotional Exhaustion, Emotional Control, and Heart Rate
- Mun’im, Abdul
- The Effect of 5E Learning Cycle Model Assisted with Mind Mapping on Students’ Science Process Skills and Academic Achievement in the Respiratory System Subject Matter
- Muslim, Mr.
- Paper Conceptions and Misconceptions of Pre-Service Teacher about Light
- Muslimin, Mr.
- Effect of Science Technology Society Model (STM) on the Science Learning Outcomes of the Students Majoring in Elementary Teacher Education
- Mustari, Dr.
- Implementation of Eco-Culture Values in Economic Learning
- Mustarin, Amirah
- Social Economic Conditions of Seaweed Farmers in Jeneponto Regency
- Mutmainnah, Ms.
- Effect of Interval Exercise on Cardiovascular Endurance in Students
- Nadir, Muhammad
- Study of Application of Approach to Community Led Assessment and Planning Process in Village Development Planning
- Nadir, Muhammad
- Internal Conflict of Political Parties Post Reform (Case Study of Conflict Romahurmuziy - Djan Faridz in United Development Party)
- Nahlah, Ms.
- The Implementation of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Building an E-Commerce Website
- Najering, Rifal
- Cultural Love and Prestige: Doi Menre at a Wedding in Kajuara
- Nasrullah, Mr.
- Do Scientific Learning and Problem-solving Develop Mathematics Students’ Creativity?
- Nasta, Mardiyanah
- Portrait of Female Leaders in Universitas Negeri Makassar Environment
- Nikijuluw, V.
- Advance Organizer and TAI Learning Model, Which one Contributes to Student Learning Outcomes?
- Noni, Nurdin
- Need Analysis to Design Blended Learning Model: An Instructional Design to Create a Dynamic, Engaging and Student-Centered Learning Environment
- Nur, A. St Aisyah
- Building Students' Analysis through the Application of GOLD (Guided, Organizing, Leaflet, Discovery) Models with Lontara Bilingual Applications based on Android
- Nur, Andi Cudai
- The Curriculum Development Based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework
- Nur, Haerani
- Metasynthesis of The Dynamics of Hope
- Nur, Masjumi
- Analysis of Dribbling Ability in Basketball Games for Sports Science Students
- Nur, Masjumi
- Optimization of the Role of Islamic Education in Public Universities in Counteracting Religious Extremism in Makassar
- Nur, Muh.
- The Effects of Teaching Styles and Learning Motivation on the Outcomes of Football Dribbling Learning
- Nur, Rafi’ah
- Need Analysis to Design Blended Learning Model: An Instructional Design to Create a Dynamic, Engaging and Student-Centered Learning Environment
- Nur, Syarif
- The Improvement of Mathematical Problem-solving through the Application of Problem Posing & Solving (PPS) Learning Model
- Nurabdiansyah, Mr.
- Semiotic Studies of The Menara Pinisi Symbolization in Visual Identity
- Nurakidah, Ms.
- The Effect of GPBL (Generative and Problem Based Learning) Models on Self Efficacy of Students
- Nurhayati, Ms.
- Development of Physics Learning Device Based on Modified Free Inquiry as a Supporting Curriculum 2013 at Senior High School
- Nurhayati, Ms.
- Application Illustrated Number Cards Media to Improve Child’s Ability to Understand Numbers
- Nurhidayah, Ms.
- Effect of Motivation and Gender on Problem-solving in Student Mathematics
- Nurhikmah, Ms.
- Academic Digitalization in Postgraduate Programs Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Nurhusna, Ms.
- Development of Academic Text Writing Materials through Media Thesis with Scientific Approach in Higher Education
- Nurlaela, Dr.
- The Effect of Buffer Chemisry Learning Strategies Based on Investigation to Critical Thinking Skills, Metacognition, and Mastery of Concepts of Senior High School Students
- Nurliah, Andi
- Building Students' Analysis through the Application of GOLD (Guided, Organizing, Leaflet, Discovery) Models with Lontara Bilingual Applications based on Android
- Nursalam, La Ode
- Improving the Skill of Physics Science Process through Guide Discovery Method in Students at Senior High School
- Nyompa, Sukri
- An Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Human Development of South Sulawesi for 2011-2016
- P, Jamaluddin
- Social Economic Conditions of Seaweed Farmers in Jeneponto Regency
- P., Muhammad Ali
- Effect of Motivation and Gender on Problem-solving in Student Mathematics
- Pabunga, Dorce Banne
- Application Illustrated Number Cards Media to Improve Child’s Ability to Understand Numbers
- Palennari, Muhiddin
- Profile of Scientific Approach Activities on the Application of the Students' Worksheet Based on The Learning Cycle Model in Biology Classroom
- Paraga, Sukardi
- Work Discipline of Employees at the Office of Cooperatives and UKM in Makassar City
- Paraga, Sukardi
- The Effectiveness of the Performance of Civil Servants in the Integrated Service Office in Gowa Regency
- Paramezwary, Amelda
- Development of Sheet Jam from Various Local Materials and Ecopreneurship for Application in the Early Revolution of Industry 4.0
- Paramudia, Mr.
- The Implementation of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Building an E-Commerce Website
- Pathuddi, Mr.
- Metacognitive Skills of Male Students with Field Independent Cognitive Style in Problem Solving
- Pertiwi, Nurlita
- Ecopreneurship Ability for Young Women Entrepreneur Candidates at University
- Prabowo, Arga Satrio
- A Career Development Program for Higher Education in Indonesia; The Strategy to Achieve Career Maturity
- Prasetya, Bhawika Hikmat
- Bandung Tourism Image: Stakeholder Perceptions on The Representation of Creative City
- Pratiwi, Andi Citra
- A Comparison of Natural Family Planning Knowledge among Family Planning Counselors in South Sulawesi
- Pratiwi, Andi Citra
- Need Assessment for The Development of Disaster Mitigation Training Model in South Sulawesi
- Purnamasari, A. Bida
- A Comparison of Natural Family Planning Knowledge among Family Planning Counselors in South Sulawesi
- Purnamawati, Dr.
- Developing a Partnership Model of Vocational High School with Business and Industrial World based Core Strategies
- Purwana, I Gede
- Improving the Skill of Physics Science Process through Guide Discovery Method in Students at Senior High School
- Puspita Dewi, Eva Meizara
- School Well-being: between Concepts and Reality
- Quraisy, Andi
- Factors that Influence Employee Performance Department of Education Bone District based on Factor Analysis
- R, Mantasiah
- The Development of The Instrument of Politeness in The Language Used by Teachers in The Learning Process
- R.H, Nurul Ilmi
- The Innovation on Biological Learning with Science Process Skills using Student Worksheet
- Rahim, Abd.
- Comparative Perspective Decisions of Traditional Fisherman by using Outboard Motor and Non-Powered Motor in Choosing Empower Capture Fish Processing Business
- Rahman, Amri
- Inculcation of Religion Values in Physical Education Learning for Elementary School in Makassar
- Rahman, Ulfiani
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation on Student Achievement
- Rahmat, Irwandi
- Open Inquiry with Learning Journal Promoting Metacognitive Skills and Retention of Students with Low Academic Achievements
- Rahmatullah, Dr.
- Implementation of Eco-Culture Values in Economic Learning
- Rais, Muhammad
- The Development of Edu-games as a Learning Media
- Ramdani, Ms.
- The Effect of using Interactive Students’ Worksheet on Learning Achievement and Students’ Perception in The Basic Chemistry Course (Study on Reaction Rate)