Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR 2018)
417 authors
- Yakin, Ahmad Al
- Internal Conflict of Political Parties Post Reform (Case Study of Conflict Romahurmuziy - Djan Faridz in United Development Party)
- Yana Kansil, Yoo Eka
- Student’s Metacognitive Activities in Solving Mathematics Problems
- Yani, A.
- Development of Physics Learning Device Based on Modified Free Inquiry as a Supporting Curriculum 2013 at Senior High School
- Yani, Muhammad
- The Effect of GPBL (Generative and Problem Based Learning) Models on Self Efficacy of Students
- Yasriuddin, Dr.
- The Relationship between Body Shape and 60 Meter Running Speed
- Yasriuddin, Dr.
- Using a Secure-Simple-Real-Innovative-Objective-Measurable (SSRIOM) Approach on Sports Science Teaching
- Yuliani, Galuh
- The Relationship of Science Knowledge and Decision-Making Based on Gender on Socioscientific Issues
- Yulika, Rian
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation on Student Achievement
- Yunus, Pangeran Paita
- Assessment of Ceramic Arts Learning Skills
- Yunus, Sitti Rahma
- The Science Process Skill Profile of Pre-Service Science Teacher
- Yusri, Mr.
- The Development of The Instrument of Politeness in The Language Used by Teachers in The Learning Process
- Zainal, Henni
- Empowerment of Micro Business in the Department of Trade, Industry, Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises
- Zainal, Henni
- The Analysis of Discipline of Civil Servants on Agrarian Office in Makassar City
- Zainal, Zaid
- The Influences of The Physical Work Environment and Excelled Motivation towards Employee Performance of Local Education Service of Parepare City
- Zainal, Zaid
- The Effectiveness of Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) Learning Model Application on Improving Mathematical Learning Result of Elementary School Students in Parepare City
- Ziska, Ika Yanti
- Need Analysis to Design Blended Learning Model: An Instructional Design to Create a Dynamic, Engaging and Student-Centered Learning Environment
- buddhabhumbhitak, Ketwadee
- Bandung Tourism Image: Stakeholder Perceptions on The Representation of Creative City