Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR 2018)
417 authors
- Ramlawati, Ms.
- The Effect of 5E Learning Cycle Model Assisted with Mind Mapping on Students’ Science Process Skills and Academic Achievement in the Respiratory System Subject Matter
- Ramli, Rashila
- The Effect of External Environment and Low-Cost Strategy on Financial Performance of Banking in Indonesia
- Ratumanan, Tanwey Gerson
- Analysis of Social and Cultural Values in the Development of Traditional Houses Im at Marsela Society
- Rauf, Bakhrani A
- Development of E-Learning Based Poodle (Portable Moodle) for Computer and Basic Network Subject at Vocational High School
- Reskiawan, Bimas
- Improving the Skill of Physics Science Process through Guide Discovery Method in Students at Senior High School
- Rezky, Nurul
- The Innovation on Biological Learning with Science Process Skills using Student Worksheet
- Riang Tati, Andi Dewi
- Influence of Inquiry Method with Library Utilization of Social Studies Learning Outcomes
- Ridfah, Ahmad
- Motives of Youth Volunteer Behavior
- Rifani, Rohmah
- Maternal Feeding Strategy used by Working Mothers of Children 4-6 Years Old
- Riska, Muhammad
- The Development of Edu-games as a Learning Media
- Rivai, Andi Alamsyah
- Social Economic Conditions of Seaweed Farmers in Jeneponto Regency
- Rizal, Haryanti Putri
- The Relationship of Science Knowledge and Decision-Making Based on Gender on Socioscientific Issues
- Rohana, Ms.
- Developing Character-based Thematic Teaching Materials with Model of Mind-Mapping Plus for Early Grade Students at Elementary School
- Rosdiana, Ms.
- Female Students' Reasoning of Primary School Teacher Education in Solving Geometry Problems
- Rosmawati, Ms.
- Comparative Perspective Decisions of Traditional Fisherman by using Outboard Motor and Non-Powered Motor in Choosing Empower Capture Fish Processing Business
- Ruhni, Ms.
- Building Students' Analysis through the Application of GOLD (Guided, Organizing, Leaflet, Discovery) Models with Lontara Bilingual Applications based on Android
- Rusdiana, Dadi
- Paper Conceptions and Misconceptions of Pre-Service Teacher about Light
- Ruslan, Dr.
- Developing the Computer-aided Accreditation Assessment Application for Vocational Schools
- Ruslan, Dr.
- Portrait of Female Leaders in Universitas Negeri Makassar Environment
- Ruslan, Prof.
- Do Scientific Learning and Problem-solving Develop Mathematics Students’ Creativity?
- Rusli, Muhammad Aqil
- The Effect of 5E Learning Cycle Model Assisted with Mind Mapping on Students’ Science Process Skills and Academic Achievement in the Respiratory System Subject Matter
- Rusli, Muhammad Aqil
- The Science Process Skill Profile of Pre-Service Science Teacher
- Rustaman, Nuryani
- Paper Conceptions and Misconceptions of Pre-Service Teacher about Light
- Sabar, Wardihan
- Comparative Perspective Decisions of Traditional Fisherman by using Outboard Motor and Non-Powered Motor in Choosing Empower Capture Fish Processing Business
- Saba’Pasinggi, Yonathan
- Implementation of Process Skills Approach to Civic Education Subject in Improving The Learning Results of Class IV Katolik Elementary School Students in Parepare City
- Saenab, Sitti
- Capacity Building for Biological Experiment Gardens through Campus Intellectual Product Business Development Program (PPUPIK)
- Safruddin, Mr.
- Tonic Effect of Traditional Ingredients in Performance
- Sahabuddin, Chuduriah
- Study of Application of Approach to Community Led Assessment and Planning Process in Village Development Planning
- Sahara, La
- Improving the Skill of Physics Science Process through Guide Discovery Method in Students at Senior High School
- Saharullah, Dr.
- Survey of Motoric Ability of Class I Elementary School Students in Makassar City
- Saharullah, Dr.
- Optimization of the Role of Islamic Education in Public Universities in Counteracting Religious Extremism in Makassar
- Saharullah, Dr.
- The Effect of Body Fats Percentage on Cardiovascular Resistance for Futsal Athlete
- Sahidin, Latief
- What Construct of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching do Mathematics Teachers Need? (A Theoretical Framework and Conceptualization in Geometry)
- Said, Muh.
- Influence of Inquiry Method with Library Utilization of Social Studies Learning Outcomes
- Salam, Mohamad
- The Effect of Learning Model and Spatial Intelligence on Learning Outcome
- Salim, Mr.
- Application Illustrated Number Cards Media to Improve Child’s Ability to Understand Numbers
- Salim, Mr.
- Applying Guided Inquiry Learning Method with Contextual Approach to Improve Students’ Ability of Mathematical Reasoning
- Salim, Mr.
- Approach to Learning Mathematics with Metacognitive Guidance
- Saludung, Jokebet
- The Identification of Productive Teacher Competencies: to Support the Development of Learning Quality in Vocational High Schools
- Saludung, Jokebet
- Development of Sheet Jam from Various Local Materials and Ecopreneurship for Application in the Early Revolution of Industry 4.0
- Salwah, Ms.
- Students’ Interaction Patterns in Learning Mathematics Based on Lesson Study
- Samad, Sulaiman
- Mother Support for Early Childhood Development
- Saman, Abdul
- Career Guidance Model using Experimental Learning Approach to Improve Students’ Soft Skills
- Sampulawa, Haryati
- Analysis of Student Thinking Processes in Mathematical Problem Solving using Saintificial Approach
- Sarbi, Sukadji
- Study of Application of Approach to Community Led Assessment and Planning Process in Village Development Planning
- Sari, Nur Indah
- Development of E-Learning Based Poodle (Portable Moodle) for Computer and Basic Network Subject at Vocational High School
- Sari, Widya Karmila
- Influence of Inquiry Method with Library Utilization of Social Studies Learning Outcomes
- Satnawati, Ms.
- Cultural Love and Prestige: Doi Menre at a Wedding in Kajuara
- Sewang, Ahmad M.
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation on Student Achievement
- Siahaan, Parsaoran
- The Relationship of Science Knowledge and Decision-Making Based on Gender on Socioscientific Issues
- Sidik, Darlan
- The Effectiveness of Project-based Learning Model using Circuit Maker Media Simulator on the Topic of Power Amplifier Circuits
- Sigarra, Dhia Fajrianti
- Blended Learning Method Integrated with Bloom–Rederker–Guerra (B–R–G): Model to Enhance Self-Regulated Learner
- Silatulrahmi, Ms.
- Tonic Effect of Traditional Ingredients in Performance
- Sinring, Abdullah
- Development of Guidance and Counseling Videos to Reduce Cyber Bullying among Vocational Students
- Sirajudin, Nuraini
- The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students' Critical Thinking Skill in Animal Diversity Course
- Sirih, M.
- Potential Identification of The Local Environment as a Science Learning Resource for the Junior High School Students in Southeast Sulawesi
- Solihing, Mr.
- Measuring the Shrinkage Properties Power of Local Soil Material to Produce the Accuracy of the Shape and Size of the Art Crafts Ceramic
- Sopyan, Yusran
- Work Discipline of Employees at the Office of Cooperatives and UKM in Makassar City
- Sopyan, Yusran
- The Effectiveness of the Performance of Civil Servants in the Integrated Service Office in Gowa Regency
- Suardi, Mr.
- Mother Support for Early Childhood Development
- Sugiarti, Ms.
- The Correlation between Academic Honesty and a Students’ Curiosity with the Results of Learning based on Discovery Learning
- Suhar, Mr.
- Student’s Metacognitive Activities in Solving Mathematics Problems
- Sukamto, Anto
- Tonic Effect of Traditional Ingredients in Performance
- Sukardjo, Moch
- The Effect of Learning Model and Spatial Intelligence on Learning Outcome
- Sukariasih, Luh
- Improving the Skill of Physics Science Process through Guide Discovery Method in Students at Senior High School
- Sulastri, Taty
- The Effect of The Mind Mapping Technique and Prior Knowledge in Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Critical Thinking Ability of Students
- Suminar, Dewi Retno
- Maternal Feeding Strategy used by Working Mothers of Children 4-6 Years Old
- Suradi, Prof.
- Development and Application of a Three-tier Test Diagnostic Instrument to Assess Junior High School Students’ Misconceptions in Algebra
- Suradi, Prof.
- Interactive Learning Based on Concept Maps in Learning Algebraic Structure
- Suratno, Joko
- Enhancing Ability of Mathematical Discovery using Computer-assisted Instruction of Junior High School Students
- Suryanto, Prof.
- Maternal Feeding Strategy used by Working Mothers of Children 4-6 Years Old
- Sutarni, Eli
- The Effect of GPBL (Generative and Problem Based Learning) Models on Self Efficacy of Students
- Sutrisno, Mr.
- The Misconception of Stoichiometry and Its Impact on the Chemical Equilibrium
- Suwandaru, Rachman
- Analysis of Organizational Performance of Student Activity Units
- Syahrul, Prof.
- Developing a Partnership Model of Vocational High School with Business and Industrial World based Core Strategies
- Syam, Husain
- Social Economic Conditions of Seaweed Farmers in Jeneponto Regency
- Syamsiah, Dr.
- The Innovation on Biological Learning with Science Process Skills using Student Worksheet
- Syamsidah, Dr.
- Social Livelihoods of Silk Weaver’s Family in Bira Bulukumba
- Syamsidah, Ms.
- Investigating the Project Based Learning Practice on Students’ Social Skill Enhancement
- T, Ratmawati
- The Curriculum Development Based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework
- Talakua, M.W.
- Advance Organizer and TAI Learning Model, Which one Contributes to Student Learning Outcomes?
- Tandirerung, Veronika Asri
- Integration of Employability Skill Values in Learning in Vocational School
- Tangkudung, James
- The Effect of Speed, Agility, Foot Coordination and Motivation to The Football Playing Skill
- Tangkudung, James
- Concept Development on Spin Serve Exercise Model of Lawn Tennis Based Kinovea
- Tangkudung, James
- Application of Massed Practice Method and Motoric Ability to Fencing Martial Skills
- Taufan Asfar, A. M. Irfan
- The Improvement of Mathematical Problem-solving through the Application of Problem Posing & Solving (PPS) Learning Model
- Taufan Asfar, M. Irfan
- Building Students' Analysis through the Application of GOLD (Guided, Organizing, Leaflet, Discovery) Models with Lontara Bilingual Applications based on Android
- Tuken, Ritha
- Implementation of Process Skills Approach to Civic Education Subject in Improving The Learning Results of Class IV Katolik Elementary School Students in Parepare City
- Tumanan, Agnes
- Work Discipline of Employees at the Office of Cooperatives and UKM in Makassar City
- Uca, Dr.
- An Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Human Development of South Sulawesi for 2011-2016
- Umar, Nur Fadhilah
- The Development of The Instrument of Politeness in The Language Used by Teachers in The Learning Process
- Upu, Hamzah
- The Profile of Problem-solving in Algebra based on Solo Taxonomy in Terms of Cognitive Style
- Wahyudin, Dr.
- Survey of Motoric Ability of Class I Elementary School Students in Makassar City
- Wahyudin, Dr.
- Using a Secure-Simple-Real-Innovative-Objective-Measurable (SSRIOM) Approach on Sports Science Teaching
- Wahyudin, Dr.
- Optimization of the Role of Islamic Education in Public Universities in Counteracting Religious Extremism in Makassar
- Wahyudin, Dr.
- The Effect of Body Fats Percentage on Cardiovascular Resistance for Futsal Athlete
- Wan Mohd Naim, Wan Nurul Firdaus
- Fundamentals of Qalb: The Impact on Muslim Project Managers
- Wijaya, Mohammad
- The Effect of Buffer Chemisry Learning Strategies Based on Investigation to Critical Thinking Skills, Metacognition, and Mastery of Concepts of Senior High School Students
- Womal, Rachmat
- The Relationship between Body Shape and 60 Meter Running Speed
- Yahya, Muhammad
- Developing a Partnership Model of Vocational High School with Business and Industrial World based Core Strategies