Proceedings of the 5th Asian Education Symposium 2020 (AES 2020)
325 authors
- Ridwan, Ahmad Hasan
- Spiritual Intelligence of Islamic Education Concepts
- Ritonga, Ahmad Husein
- The Role of Science Literacy Based Ta’lim Andragogy as an Alternative Media in Strengthening Covid-19 Awareness
- Riyani, Irma
- The Concept of Gender Education in the Family to Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
- Rofiroh
- Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving and Self Efficacy of Students in Engineering Course
- Rokhmat, Joni
- Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Government Senior High School Teachers in Mataram City Viewed From School Locations
- Rokhmat, Joni
- Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Public High School Teachers in Mataram, Lombok-Indonesia
- Rosadi, Kemas Imron
- Model of Increasing Work Effectiveness Through Motivation
- Rozelin, Diana
- The Implementation of Arabic Utilization as a Course Language in Islamic Subjects
- Rozelin, Diana
- Proto Language and Education of Duano Ethnic at Sabak Regency
- Rubini, Bibin
- Empowering Contextual Approach in Science Learning to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills
- Rubini, Bibin
- Improving Students’ Scientific Literacy Through Science Learning with Socio Scientific Issues (SSI)
- Ruhimat, Mamat
- The Urgency of HOTS-Oriented Learning and Assessment Towards Quality of Education in Facing Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
- Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
- How Did Lecturers and Students Adapt to online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic?
- Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
- The Interconnection Between Students’ Meta-Affective, Meta-cognitive and Achievement in Science Learning
- Ruswandi, Uus
- Students’ Ability to Analyze the Moderation of Islamic Teachings on Islamic Cultural History Learning in Indonesia
- Rusyati, Lilit
- The Interconnection Between Students’ Meta-Affective, Meta-cognitive and Achievement in Science Learning
- Sagita, Sylva
- The Implementation of COVID-19 Curriculum
- Samaulloh, Hazairin
- Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities
- Santyasa, I Wayan
- Project-Based with Flipped Learning
- Santyasa, I Wayan
- The Effect of Problem-Based Flipped Learning and Academic Procrastination on Students’ Critical Thinking in Learning Physics in High School
- Saputri, Dina Dyah
- The Inventory of Medicinal Plants Used by Kasepuhan Cibedug Banten as Encyclopedia-Based Learning Material
- Sarimanah, Eri
- The Development of Online-Based Microteaching Learning in Improving the Teaching Basic Skills in the Covid Era 19
- Sariningrum, Anita
- Improving Students’ Scientific Literacy Through Science Learning with Socio Scientific Issues (SSI)
- Septiana, Asyifa Imanda
- The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for Environmental Education in Elementary Schools
- Setiadi, Rahmat
- Local Material-Based DNA Experiment (LMBE)
- Setiawan, Agus
- Factor Analysis of Supporting Air Conditioning Practicum Activity in Vocational Education
- Setyaningsih, Sri
- Modeling and Optimization Scientific Products Quality Using POP-SDM Method
- Sinolungan, Vica Defie Marlis
- Development of Learning Device Using Discovery Learning Model with a Scientific Approach on Sequence and Series Material
- Siswandi, Dede
- Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities
- Soesanto, Qiyam Maulana Binu
- The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for Environmental Education in Elementary Schools
- Suarni, Ni Ketut
- Implementation of Indigenous Values of The Bali Aga Villages in Learning as a Modality for Strengthening Nation Character
- Suastra, I Wayan
- Scientific Approach-Integrated Local Wisdom Content
- Sudarsana, Gede Nugraha
- Implementation of Indigenous Values of The Bali Aga Villages in Learning as a Modality for Strengthening Nation Character
- Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
- The Effect of e-Learning Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) on the Learning Outcomes of Inferential Statistics in the Educational Technology Department
- Sudirtha, I Gede
- Teachers Readiness in Facing Linear Learning in the Pandemic Covid-19 and the New Normal Era
- Sudiyono
- High Order Thinking Ability Through Social Studies Problem-Based Learning at a Junior Secondary School in Eastern Java
- Sudiyono
- The Role Self-Regulated Learning on Project-Based Learning to Natural Science Learning Outcome
- Sugandi, Dede
- The Urgency of HOTS-Oriented Learning and Assessment Towards Quality of Education in Facing Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
- Sugilar, Hamdan
- Service Quality Parameters of e-Learning in Higher Education
- Suhandi, Andi
- On-line Science Learning During the Pandemic COVID-19 and Its Related Problems
- Suhardi, Eka
- Teacher’s Creativity of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Through Correlational Study Between Transformational Leadership Headmaster and Achieved Motivation in Tanah Sareal District Bogor
- Suhardi, Eka
- Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities
- Suharta, I Gusti Putu
- Integration of Ethnomathematics in Learning Geometry Transformation
- Suhartini, Andewi
- Students’ Ability to Analyze the Moderation of Islamic Teachings on Islamic Cultural History Learning in Indonesia
- Suhartini, Andewi
- The Use of Web 2.0 in Islamic Religious Education Learning in Higher Education
- Suharyati, Henny
- The Role of Trust and Procedural Justice in Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Suhendi, Saca
- Equilibrating Internal and External Quality Assurance in Islamic Higher Education
- Suhendro
- The Urgency of HOTS-Oriented Learning and Assessment Towards Quality of Education in Facing Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
- Sukarno
- The Effect of Philosophy Understanding on Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) Prevention Awareness of Physics Education Students
- Sukarno
- The Role of Science Literacy Based Ta’lim Andragogy as an Alternative Media in Strengthening Covid-19 Awareness
- Sukarno
- Self-Efficacy of Principal to Improving Education Quality in Era 4.0
- Sukarno
- Virtual-Microteaching on Search-Analyzing-Practicing-Reflection (SAPR)
- Sukarno
- Implementation of Binding Meaning Methods to Increase Cerpen Writing Abilities in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department
- Sukirman
- The Implementation of Multicultural Education at Senior High Schools
- Sumardi
- The Role of Trust and Procedural Justice in Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Sumardi
- Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Through Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction
- Sunaryo, Widodo
- Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Through Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction
- Sundari, Citra Deliana Dewi
- Development of Interactive Multimedia to Improve Student’s Understanding on Carbonyl Compounds Reaction Mechanism Concept
- Sunu, I Gusti Ketut Arya
- Multicultural Education Management
- Supiana
- Spiritual Intelligence of Islamic Education Concepts
- Supiana
- The Concept of Gender Education in the Family to Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
- Supriyanti, Florentina Maria Titin
- Local Material-Based DNA Experiment (LMBE)
- Supriyanti, Siti
- Chemistry Lesson with Project-Based Learning on the Biogas Production to Enhance Students Information Literacy
- Suranata, Kadek
- Implementation of Indigenous Values of The Bali Aga Villages in Learning as a Modality for Strengthening Nation Character
- Suryana, Asep
- Self-Efficacy of Principal to Improving Education Quality in Era 4.0
- Suryawan, I Putu Pasek
- Effectiveness of STEM Approach on Mathematical Communication Ability
- Susanto, Waluyo Edi
- Smoking Phenomenon Among Elementary Children in Pasuruan – East Java
- Susilawati
- Development of Modern Physics Learning Devices Using Inquiry Learning Model Assisted with Virtual Media to Improve Student Cognitive Learning Result
- Susilawati
- The Effect of Problem-Based and Discovery Learning Models with the Science Approach to the Understanding Concept and Science Process Skills of the Student
- Susilawati
- Development of Problem-Based Termodynamics Learning Devices to Improve Concept Understanding and Critical Thinking Ability
- Susiyowadi, Agus
- Improving Classroom Management Competence
- Sutanto
- Development of Smartphone-based Environmental Education Program for Pro-environment Behavior of Company Employees Around Citarum Watershed
- Swadesi, I Ketut Iwan
- Analysis of Problems and Challenges in Teaching Sports, Health and Physical Education to Students with Disabilities
- Swadesi, Ketut Iwan
- The Effectiveness of Physical Fitness Learning Based on Motion Cards in Elementary School
- Syafruddin
- Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Government Senior High School Teachers in Mataram City Viewed From School Locations
- Syafruddin
- Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Public High School Teachers in Mataram, Lombok-Indonesia
- Syamsudin
- Equilibrating Internal and External Quality Assurance in Islamic Higher Education
- Syefrinando, Boby
- Virtual-Microteaching on Search-Analyzing-Practicing-Reflection (SAPR)
- Syukri, Ahmad
- The Effect of Philosophy Understanding on Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) Prevention Awareness of Physics Education Students
- Syukri, Ahmad
- The Implementation of Arabic Utilization as a Course Language in Islamic Subjects
- Syukur, Abdul
- The Power of Supplements Material of Seagrass Ecology on Student Worksheets to Improve Scientific Literacy of Junior High School Students in Coastal Village, East Lombok
- Syukur, Abdul
- The Use of Seagrass Ecology Context on Student Worksheets to Improve Student Scientific Literacy
- Syukur, Abdul
- The Enrichment of Science Teaching Materials Sourced from Marine Aquaculture Ecology to Increase Scientific Literacy of Students’ Junior High School
- Syukur, Abdul
- Student Concepts’ Mastery
- Tahrir
- The Influence of Parenting Style on Adolescent Religious Commitment in Bandung, Indonesia
- Tantra, Dewa Komang
- The Harmony of Instructional Communication in the Classroom
- Tedjasukmana, Dewi Indrajanti
- Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Through Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction
- Tegeh, I Made
- The Effect of Problem-Based Flipped Learning and Academic Procrastination on Students’ Critical Thinking in Learning Physics in High School
- Trianasari
- The Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on Tourism and Hospitality Education
- Trianasari, Nana
- Should I Quit? Understanding Job Stress and Coping Strategies Among Hospitality Students During on the Job Training Program
- Triasningsih, E.
- High Order Thinking Ability Through Social Studies Problem-Based Learning at a Junior Secondary School in Eastern Java
- Ulum, Bahrul
- Transmodernity: Paradigm Reconstruction of Islamic Education
- Usoh, Elni Jeini
- Institutionalisation of School Based Management
- Utami, Ida Ayu Made Istri
- Character Education Through JEMOYA Cycle Based on the Orientation of Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Elementary School
- Utami, Nur imamah
- Project-based Learning Model, Learning Facilities, and Media Variations on Student Achievement in Social Studies
- Utomo, Erry
- Puberty Hypercontent Book, Expert and Community Responses
- Utomo, Erry
- Hypercontent Book Virus, an Alternative for Learning at Higher Grades of Elementary School in the Middle of Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wahab
- Implementation of Educational Autonomy Through Community Empowerment in an Integrated Islamic School in Jambi City
- Wahyuni, Dessy Seri
- Flipped Learning for 21st Century Competence Development
- Warni
- Implementation of Binding Meaning Methods to Increase Cerpen Writing Abilities in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department