Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018)
430 authors
- Napiah, Solikatun
- Project Based Learning Through Hydroponic Farming to Students With Hearing Impairment
- Naqiyah, Najlatun
- Parenting and Self Esteem Levels Of Children
- Naqiyah, Najlatun
- Relationship Between Self-Concept and Socioeconomic Status with Student Career Planning in Vocational School
- Naqiyah, Najlatun
- The Development of Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program Model
- Naqiyah, Najlatun
- Counselors’ Role to Improve The Resilience Broken Home Students of Junior High School
- Nasution, Nasution
- The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Social skills And Students’ Learning Outcomes of Mycultivation Theme in Fourth Grade of Elementary School
- Ningsih, Luluk Wahyu
- The Influence Of Jigsaw Type In Cooperative Learning Model On The Activity And Learning Outcomes By The Theme Of Globalization In The 6th Grade Of Min 1 Jombang
- Nissa, Heppy Zakiyatun
- Jump Rope Games Modification: Enhancing Children’s Motor and social skills
- Nugroho, Rivo
- Readiness Of Community Learning Center in The ASEAN Economic Community Era
- Nugroho, Rizky
- Development Learning Tools with CTL Approach for Elementary School Students
- Nunggalina, Oktavia Catur
- Quantum Teaching-Learning Model to Increase Motivation and Learning Outcomes (Application Audio Visual Media to increase Understanding Symbols of Pancasila Principles)
- Nurcahyo, Galih
- Student Worksheet Based on Mind Mapping to Increase Activities and Learning Outcomes
- Nurcholis, Dani
- Transformation of Multicultural Education Management in Primary School
- Nurhayani, Yani
- Improving Fifth Graders’ Motivation and Learning Achievement of Social Science Material on Defending Independence Through Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model in Punggul 1 Elementary School Gedangan Sidoarjo
- Nurhayati, Nurhayati
- The Development of Character Education Management Model in Secondary School
- Nurhayati, Siti
- Improving the Ability to Classify Animals Based on the Type of Food in Science Studies with STAD Cooperative Method
- Nurlaila, Lutfiyah
- Comparison of Self Efficacy on Cognitive Apprenticeship and On The Job Training
- Nurohim, Achmad
- Comparison of Students' Writing Ability Stimulated in Silent and Motion Series Image Media
- Nurrohmahadita, Wikan
- Worksheet Development with The Problem Solving Methods at Grade IV of Elementary School Students
- Nuryasana, Endang
- The Development Of Learning Technology Based On Character Building With Dick And Carey Model
- Nuryono, Wiryo
- Counselors’ Role to Improve The Resilience Broken Home Students of Junior High School
- Nusantara, Widya
- Readiness Of Community Learning Center in The ASEAN Economic Community Era
- Oktafianto, Kurnia
- The Effect of Multisensory Method on Children Language Development
- Oktaviana, Mimbar
- The Influence of Self-Efficacy Towards the Grit of Multidisciplinary Post-graduate Students
- Paksi, Hendrik Pandu
- Exploring the Unity Value of Pancasila to Transform Mathematics Contexts in Primary School
- Pamuji, Pamuji
- Language Edutainment Model In Reading Skill Based On Macapat Song For Blind Student
- Pamungkas, Dyan Eka
- Enculturation of Character Education Through Transforming School Cultural Values at Elementary School in Indonesia
- Pamungkas, Dyan Eka
- Improving the Students’ Activity and Achievement in Social Science Class by Using Film Media
- Pamungkas, Dyan Eka
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model in Social Science Class
- Paripurnanti, Yulinda
- Use Assessment Screening Socio-Emotional Development by Teachers Playgroup
- Parnoningrum, Triworo
- Implementation of Index for Inclusions as Development of Inclusive Education
- Pertiwi, Fitri
- CIPP Evaluation Model Framework for Evaluating “Maya Hasim” Training Program
- Pertiwi, Yudia
- The Development Of Media Based Computer To Increase Learning Independence And The Treasury Of Madurese Vocabularies
- Pidarta, Made
- Cooperative Learning Mode of Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) with Mind Mapping Technique to Increase 4th Grade Students Learning Result
- Prabowo, Prabowo
- The Effectiveness of Integrated Learning of Immersed Models to Improve Students’ Ability on the Environment
- Pramiftasari, Andita Nella
- Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Students’ Poem Writing Skills
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- Effect of Learning Media Variation to Increase Interest and Learning Outcomes of Geography
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- Effectiveness of Explicit Learning Instruction Methods and Varied Lectures Based on Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- The Influence of “Problem-Posing” Learning Model To Activities and Learning Outcomes In Elementary School
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Influence of CTL Approach To Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Social Study Learning Outcomes In Primary Schools
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Student Worksheet Based on Mind Mapping to Increase Activities and Learning Outcomes
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Influence of Problem Based Learning Model on Thinking Skills Critical and Student Learning Outcomes Elementary School
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Cooperative Learning Mode of Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) with Mind Mapping Technique to Increase 4th Grade Students Learning Result
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- The Effect Of TGT (Teams Game Tournament) With Snakes And Ladder Media On Primary School Activities And Learning Outcome
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- The Effect of Discovery Learning Method Towards Students’ Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills in Primary School
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Application of Know Want Learning How "KWLH" Techniques to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of the Social Subject
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model in Social Science Class
- Pratiwi, Reny Agung
- The Implementation of STAD Combined with Dartboard to Increase Students’ Learning Outcomes and Cooperation
- Pratiwi, Titin Indah
- A Special Service of Guidance and Counseling Management to Reduce the Students’ Glossophobia Level
- Prayitno, Harun Joko
- The Effectiveness of Teaching Translation Using the Power of Two Method
- Purbaningrum, Endang
- Project Based Learning Through Hydroponic Farming to Students With Hearing Impairment
- Purbaningrum, Endang
- The Impact of Language Skills Guidance on Children With Hearing Impairment Language Development
- Purbaningrum, Endang
- A Needs Analysis of Instructional Materials on Methodology of Research Based on Scientific Publications for Special Education Master Program
- Purwanto, Adi
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model in Social Science Class
- Purwianingsih, Widi
- The Analysis of 21st Century Teachers’ Ability in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Purwoko, Budi
- The Implementation Of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Within The Scope Of Education
- Puspita, Wedya
- The Effect of Pindan Gonnung Traditional Game Toward Cognitive and Rough Motoric Development in Kindergarten
- Putra, Kukuh Pambuka
- Multiple Intelligences and Physical Education Curriculum: Application and Reflection of Every Education Level in Indonesia
- Putri, Intan Wardhani
- The Effect Of TGT (Teams Game Tournament) With Snakes And Ladder Media On Primary School Activities And Learning Outcome
- Putri, Ni Luh
- Makeup Learning Model for Mentally Disabled Children
- Putri, Paramananda Hutomo
- The Effectiveness of Course Review Horay Cooperative Learning Model for Elementary School Students
- Putri, Sari Nusantara
- Principal Competency Correlation, Work Motivation, and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance
- Rachmawaty, Mia
- Improving Beginning Reading Skill Through Mini Garden
- Rahayu, Istihanah
- Application of Make A Match Learning to Increase Learning Outcomes for Primary School
- Rahayu, Sri
- Identity in Literacy Artefact of Elementary School Student
- Rahayu, Yuni Sri
- Implementation of Guided Discovery Learning to Improve Student Science Process Skills of Junior High School
- Rahman, Misran
- Functional Literacy Conceptual Model Oriented to Character Education for Jail Inmates
- Rahmawati, Ika
- The Development of Mathematics Interactive Comic for Third Grades of Elementary School
- Rahmawati, Ika
- Exploring the Unity Value of Pancasila to Transform Mathematics Contexts in Primary School
- Rahmawati, Nuning
- Improving Geometry Volume Calculation Ability through Jigsaw Model
- Rautri, Wulan Cahyaning
- The Application of Inquiry Learning to Increase The Activity and Critical Thinking Skill
- Reza, Muhammad
- The school readiness instrument (SRI): assessment of early childhood in the neuroscience perspective
- Ria, Veronika
- Are You a Zaman-Now Teacher? The correlation between work experience and meaning of work with the accuracy of selecting learning methods in early childhood education
- Riandi, Riandi
- Analysis Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Ability of Teachers
- Riandi, Riandi
- The Analysis of 21st Century Teachers’ Ability in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Ribiere, Vincent
- Unpacking Knowledge Sharing in Universities through Critical Lens
- Rifai, Mochammad
- The Effect of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Towards Experimental Learning Method
- Riyanti, Rina Fuji
- The Implementation of Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Learning Outcome by Applying Cooperative Learning Through the Material of Nationalism and Patriotism
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Application Of Stad Cooperative Learning Of Primary
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Implementation of School-Based Management in Extracurricular Robotics Execution at Elementary School
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 Using Semester Credit System At Senior High School
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Principals’ Leadership As Academic Supervisor In Elementary School
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Implementation Of Strategic Management In The Establishment Of Characters In Basic School
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Education Management of Early Childhood Education Programs (Case Study in Ciputra International School)
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Principal Competency Correlation, Work Motivation, and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Role of Principal Leadership to Improve Teacher Performance in Islamic Elementary School
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Management of Beginning Literacy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Comparison of Self Efficacy on Cognitive Apprenticeship and On The Job Training
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Effect Of A Scientific Approach With Problem Based Learning Model To Critical Thinking And Learning Results Students IV SDN Jatikalang 1 Krian
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Developing Video Media learning to Enhance Learning Outcomes of the Learning Media Production Process at Postgraduate Students of Education Technology
- Riyanto, Yatim
- A Special Service of Guidance and Counseling Management to Reduce the Students’ Glossophobia Level
- Robyansah, Iva Evry
- The Development of “Ayo Membaca” Android Application for Reading Assessment
- Rochintaniawati, Diana
- Analysis Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Ability of Teachers
- Roesminingsih, Erny
- Media Literacy in Extracurricular Activities of Journalism to Strengthen Civic Education
- Roesminingsih, Erny
- The Implementation of Academic Supervision in Senior High School Level
- Roesminingsih, Erny
- Academic Supervision To Improve Teacher’s Performance in Elementary School
- Roesminingsih, Erny
- The Development of Character Education Management Model in Secondary School
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- Enculturation of Character Education Through Transforming School Cultural Values at Elementary School in Indonesia
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning to Improve the Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- The Application of Inquiry Learning to Increase The Activity and Critical Thinking Skill