Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018)
430 authors
- Wahyu, Mustaji
- Jump Rope Games Modification: Enhancing Children’s Motor and social skills
- Wahyudi, Rohmad Eko
- The Development Of Children Expressive Languages Viewed From Parental Care
- Wahyudin, Uyu
- CIPP Evaluation Model Framework for Evaluating “Maya Hasim” Training Program
- Wahyuni, Sri
- The Influence of Mind Mapping Learning Model to the Fourth Graders Primary Students’ Creativity
- Wahyuningrum, Rina
- The Implementation of Quantum Teaching to Increase Students Activities and Learning Outcomes for Primary School
- Wahyuningsih, Yenik
- Media Literacy in Extracurricular Activities of Journalism to Strengthen Civic Education
- Warsono, Warsono
- Application of Know Want Learning How "KWLH" Techniques to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of the Social Subject
- Widayati, Sri
- Religious Tolerance In Indonesia
- Widiyaningrum, Novita
- The Influence of Storytelling Method on Language Development
- Widiyaningrum, Novita
- The Influence of Storytelling Method on Children Language Development
- Widjajanti, Efie
- The Evaluation of Development and Improvement Program of Traditional Art (PPST) on The Junior High School
- Widohardhono, Rachman
- Anxiety and Mental Toughness Among Athlete Students
- Widyaningsih, Riza Aulia
- The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 Using Semester Credit System At Senior High School
- Wijayanti, Erna
- Influence of Cooperative Model Type Mind Mapping Picture Card to Activity and Learning Results IPS Students Class IV SDN Keboansikep 2 Gedangan Sidoarjo
- Wijayanti, Izzatul Lailah
- The Effectiveness of Time Token Learning Model for Elementary School Students
- Wijayanti, Ririn
- Application of Problem Based Learning Model to Increase Learning Activities and Critical Thinking Skills
- Winarno, Asri Wijiastuti
- Project Based Learning Through Hydroponic Farming to Students With Hearing Impairment
- Winata, Kuspina Pandu
- Influence of CTL Approach To Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Social Study Learning Outcomes In Primary Schools
- Wiryosutomo, Hadi Warsito
- Factors Influencing Development of Perspective Taking Ability among Late Adolescence
- Wiyono, Bambang Dibyo
- The Development of Academic Self-Management Inventory of Vocational High School Students
- Yang, C. B.
- Multiple Intelligences and Physical Education Curriculum: Application and Reflection of Every Education Level in Indonesia
- Yani, Muhammad Turhan
- The Influence of “Problem-Posing” Learning Model To Activities and Learning Outcomes In Elementary School
- Yulianto, Bambang
- Comparison of Students' Writing Ability Stimulated in Silent and Motion Series Image Media
- Yulianto, Bambang
- Digital Storytelling Media by Paired Storytelling Model to Improve Speaking Skills
- Yulianto, Bambang
- The Development of Sparkol Videoscribe Based Internet Learning Media in Improving Writing Skills of Indonesian Language for Elementary School Students
- Yulianto, Bambang
- Identity in Literacy Artefact of Elementary School Student
- Yuliati, Yuliati
- The Management of Beginning Literacy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
- Yuliyati, Yuliyati
- A Needs Analysis of Instructional Materials on Methodology of Research Based on Scientific Publications for Special Education Master Program
- Yusuf, Reni Maya Sari
- The Implementation of School-Based Management in Extracurricular Robotics Execution at Elementary School
- Zuhdi, Ulhaq
- The Effect of Brainstorming Method on Problem Solving in Our Best Friend Environment Theme