Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE 2018)

129 authors
A. Naway, Fory
Review of Effective School Supervision Practice in Remote/Disadvantaged Area: A National and International Perspective
Abidin, Zainul
Analysis of AVOD Technology for Sharing on the Integrated Network Learning at Middle School
Akbar, Sa'dun
Development of Validation Instrument for Interactive Multimedia Learning Implementation Plan
Akbar, Sa’dun
Ten Minutes for School Environments: Strengthening Character Education Policy in DIY
Aminin, Istiqomah
Influence of Parenting Styles toward Achievement of Theory of Mind in the Late Childhood
Andri Aka, Kukuh
Development of Validation Instrument for Interactive Multimedia Learning Implementation Plan
Andri Wicaksono, Muhammad
GERABA Android-Based Application to Facilitate the Students of TK Tarbiyatul Athfal Al-Falach Malang on Memorizing the Prayer Movements and Reading
Andriningrum, Hana
Improving Student Learning Achievement through Behavior Modification Approach
Angga Rini, Titis
Creating Critical Literacy Skills For Young Learners At Primary School
Anggriayani, Dian
The Techniques Teaching Vocabulary with BCCT Based Learning in Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda (A Case Study at Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten)
Anisa, Nur
Analysis of Science and Technology Elements in The Application of STEAM Based Learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics)
Arif Dewantoro, Dimas
Family Environment Support in Early Intervention of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Arif Dewantoro, Dimas
Social Environment of Special Needs in Inclusive Primary School: A Descriptive Research with Phenomenology Approach
Arifin, Imron
The Role of Church and Parent in Early Childhood Education in the Central Highlands of Papua
Badawi, Achmad
Learning Style Preferences of College Student
Bambang Sumarsono, Raden
Implementation of School and Community Relationship Techniques (A Case Study in SDN Karangbesuki 2 Malang, Indonesia)
Bastian, Adolf
Developing Story Book Based on Local Culture for Improving Prosocial Behaviour
Bimbi Mandira, Grezi
GERABA Android-Based Application to Facilitate the Students of TK Tarbiyatul Athfal Al-Falach Malang on Memorizing the Prayer Movements and Reading
Bintartik, Lilik
Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students of Universitas Negeri Malang towards the Main Parts of Plants
Budi Wiyono, Bambang
The Influence of Education Level and Income of the Parents on Their Participation towards the Implementation of Education at Schools
Cahyo Laksono, Wisnu
Mathematics Errors in Elementary School: A Meta-Synthesis Study
Dhiya Amira, Luqyana
Rumah Cerdas Bina Diri for Mentally Disabled in Banturejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang
Duko Ishak, Irmawati
STP Strategy on Guidance and Counseling Services Students in Elementary School
Eka Agustina, Neris
Implementation of School and Community Relationship Techniques (A Case Study in SDN Karangbesuki 2 Malang, Indonesia)
Estu Winahyu, Sri
Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students of Universitas Negeri Malang towards the Main Parts of Plants
Fadillah, Siti
Developing Story Book Based on Local Culture for Improving Prosocial Behaviour
Fahrinnia, Via
Mom Worked: Patterns of Parenting and Attachment by Children
Fajar Pradipta, Rizqi
Family Environment Support in Early Intervention of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Fajar Pradipta, Rizqi
Social Environment of Special Needs in Inclusive Primary School: A Descriptive Research with Phenomenology Approach
Fauziyah, Uut
Rumah Cerdas Bina Diri for Mentally Disabled in Banturejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang
Febriana Wati, Ika
MEPE GALON: Counseling Method of Semi-Modern Salt Making in an Effort to Realize the Education Community Concerned with the Salt Crisis
Fitri Untariana, Ajeng
Efforts to Improve the Ability of The Teachers in Development Program for Strengthening Character Education (PPK) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) through Workshop Activities
Giyanto, Yulia
Rumah Cerdas Bina Diri for Mentally Disabled in Banturejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang
Gonadi, Leni
Improving Questioning Skill through Application of the Scientific Approach to Children 3-4 Years Old
Gonadi, Leni
The Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment with Early Childhood E-Port Information Systems at PAUD
Gunawan, Imam
Improving Student Learning Achievement through Behavior Modification Approach
Gunawan, Imam
Implementation of School and Community Relationship Techniques (A Case Study in SDN Karangbesuki 2 Malang, Indonesia)
Hafidah, Ruli
The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin
Hapidin, Hapidin
Developing Story Book Based on Local Culture for Improving Prosocial Behaviour
Hardika, Hardika
Strengthening Education Character of Primary School Educators
Haris, Ikhfan
Review of Effective School Supervision Practice in Remote/Disadvantaged Area: A National and International Perspective
Haryani, Wiwik
Application of Storytelling Method in Early Childhood Education Institute as the Implementation of Permendikbud No. 146 of 2014 in Appendix IV in the Manual Learning of Early Childhood Education
Hermino, Agustinus
The Role of Church and Parent in Early Childhood Education in the Central Highlands of Papua
Husniyah, Nasimul
The Values of Character in Early Childhood PAUD Nurut-Taqwa South Sangatta East Borneo
Irham Muzaki, Ferril
International Schools with English as a First Language at Elementary Schools in Indonesia
Isti’towatul Isti’aroh, Binti
The Victory of Culture Games (VOC-Games): Math-Based Learning Media 3D and Augmented Reality as A Conservation Culture
Izul Falaq, Fitrah
The Victory of Culture Games (VOC-Games): Math-Based Learning Media 3D and Augmented Reality as A Conservation Culture
Kartini, Harti
Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students of Universitas Negeri Malang towards the Main Parts of Plants
Khoirunnisa, Rizkha
Rumah Cerdas Bina Diri for Mentally Disabled in Banturejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang
Kristianingsih, Kristianingsih
Analysis of the Influence of Understanding the Pancasila Values of Teachers on Learning in Elementary School
Kusuma Dewi, Nurul
The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin
Lappalainen, Harri
Towards Innovation Competences: a Finnish Perspective
Linguistika, Yulia
Evaluating Person and Item Fit in Science Achievement Test of TIMSS 2015 for Australian Grade 4 Students Using Rasch Measurement
Magta, Mutiara
Lesson Study Based on Local Wisdom and Entrepreneurship of Play and Games Subject
Mahanani, Putri
A Learning Journal to Improve the Ability of Students in Critical Thinking
Mahanani, Putri
Analysis of the Influence of Understanding the Pancasila Values of Teachers on Learning in Elementary School
Mudiono, Alif
Developing Innovative and Interactive Learning in Elementary School
Mukharoma Meidina, Andini
AC Kids: Art of Cooking for Kids
Munif S, Muh.
The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin
Muraveva, Irina
Comparison of Early Childhood Education Curriculum Policies between Russia and Indonesia
Murdiyah, Sri
Improving Student Learning Achievement through Behavior Modification Approach
Murtiningsih, Murtiningsih
Implementation of Student Facilitator And Explaining Model To Support The Active, Innovative and Enjoyable Learning in Social Science Learning in 2013 Curriculum-Based Elementary School
Mutia Ishaq, Putri
The Techniques Teaching Vocabulary with BCCT Based Learning in Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda (A Case Study at Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten)
Nasrun, Nasrun
The Influence of Education Level and Income of the Parents on Their Participation towards the Implementation of Education at Schools
Nawawi, Imam
A Learning Journal to Improve the Ability of Students in Critical Thinking
Nindigraha, Nunung
Analysis of Climate Strengthening and Learning Skills through Flipped Classroom
Nur Aisyah, Eny
Efforts to Improve the Ability of The Teachers in Development Program for Strengthening Character Education (PPK) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) through Workshop Activities
Nur Aisyah, Eny
Development Of Early Childhood Physical Activity Game Model
Nurhayati, Nurhayati
Developing Character in Early Childhood Education Based on Constructivist Learning
Oliver Heyward, Mark
Continuous Professional Development in the Primary School
Onenda, Gena
Improving Student Learning Achievement through Behavior Modification Approach
Palupi, Warananingtyas
The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin
Praherdhiono, Henry
Strengthening Performance for Teachers in Early Childhood Education with Heutagogy on the Utilization of Digital Learning Media and Sources
Praherdhiono, Henry
Analysis of Climate Strengthening and Learning Skills through Flipped Classroom
Praherdhiono, Henry
Analysis of AVOD Technology for Sharing on the Integrated Network Learning at Middle School
Pramono, Pramono
Development Of Early Childhood Physical Activity Game Model
Pramono Adi, Eka
Strengthening Performance for Teachers in Early Childhood Education with Heutagogy on the Utilization of Digital Learning Media and Sources
Pramono Adi, Eka
Analysis of Climate Strengthening and Learning Skills through Flipped Classroom
Prihatmoko, Yulias
Strengthening Performance for Teachers in Early Childhood Education with Heutagogy on the Utilization of Digital Learning Media and Sources
Prihatmoko, Yulias
Analysis of AVOD Technology for Sharing on the Integrated Network Learning at Middle School
Purnama Putra, Arda
Learning Style Preferences of College Student
Purnama Putra, Arda
A Learning Journal to Improve the Ability of Students in Critical Thinking
Purnama Putra, Arda
Analysis of the Influence of Understanding the Pancasila Values of Teachers on Learning in Elementary School
Puspitasari, Lenita
Ten Minutes for School Environments: Strengthening Character Education Policy in DIY
Rahardjo, Budi
The Values of Character in Early Childhood PAUD Nurut-Taqwa South Sangatta East Borneo
Rahma, Adriani
The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin
Rahman, Yurni
Evaluation of School-Based Management (SBM) Implementation in Basic School Using Context, Input, Process, and Product Models
Rasyad, Ach.
The Influence of Education Level and Income of the Parents on Their Participation towards the Implementation of Education at Schools
Ridho Wahyu Ismail, Zainur
The Victory of Culture Games (VOC-Games): Math-Based Learning Media 3D and Augmented Reality as A Conservation Culture
Risanti, Atma
Rumah Cerdas Bina Diri for Mentally Disabled in Banturejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang
Rodgers, Adrian
Some Assembly Required: Scaffolding in the Classroom
Rodliyah Ummus Sholihah, Siti
AC Kids: Art of Cooking for Kids
Roebyanto, Goenawan
Enhancing The Calculating Estimation Skill of The Students of Grade VI in The Primary School
Rosilia, Putri
MEPE GALON: Counseling Method of Semi-Modern Salt Making in an Effort to Realize the Education Community Concerned with the Salt Crisis
Safiul Ummah, Umi
Social Environment of Special Needs in Inclusive Primary School: A Descriptive Research with Phenomenology Approach
Sahertian, Julian
Development of Validation Instrument for Interactive Multimedia Learning Implementation Plan
Sakinah Nuraini, Ni Luh
Continuous Professional Development in the Primary School
Sakinah Nuraini, Ni Luh
Mathematics Errors in Elementary School: A Meta-Synthesis Study
Samawi, Achmad
Efforts to Improve the Ability of The Teachers in Development Program for Strengthening Character Education (PPK) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) through Workshop Activities
Satriana, Malpaleni
Application of Storytelling Method in Early Childhood Education Institute as the Implementation of Permendikbud No. 146 of 2014 in Appendix IV in the Manual Learning of Early Childhood Education