Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE 2018)
129 authors
- Selfi Cholifah, Puri
- Continuous Professional Development in the Primary School
- Selfi Cholifah, Puri
- Mathematics Errors in Elementary School: A Meta-Synthesis Study
- Selfi Cholifah, Puri
- Bullying in Elementary Schools: Optimizing the Understanding of Social Perspective and Moral Reasoning through Character Education
- Septi Mawar Dianti, Putri
- MEPE GALON: Counseling Method of Semi-Modern Salt Making in an Effort to Realize the Education Community Concerned with the Salt Crisis
- Sjamsir, Hasbi
- The Techniques Teaching Vocabulary with BCCT Based Learning in Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda (A Case Study at Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten)
- Sopingi, Sopingi
- Rumah Cerdas Bina Diri for Mentally Disabled in Banturejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang
- Sugiharti, Sri
- Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the Application of Integrated Thematic Learning in Primary School
- Sukamti, Sukamti
- Science Learning in Elementary School with Project Based Learning Model
- Sumanto, Sumanto
- Skilled and Creative Abilities of Elementary School Teacher Education Students at Faculty of Education of Universitas Negeri Malang on Creating Drawing Artworks
- Sumda Aswad, Dyna
- GERABA Android-Based Application to Facilitate the Students of TK Tarbiyatul Athfal Al-Falach Malang on Memorizing the Prayer Movements and Reading
- Suminah, Suminah
- Improving Student Learning Achievement through Behavior Modification Approach
- Suryadi, Suryadi
- Development of Color Notation for Kindergarten Children
- Susilaningsih, Susilaningsih
- Analysis of Climate Strengthening and Learning Skills through Flipped Classroom
- Sutama, I Wayan
- Improving Questioning Skill through Application of the Scientific Approach to Children 3-4 Years Old
- Sutansi, Sutansi
- Learning Style Preferences of College Student
- Sutriany Jafar, Farny
- Application of Storytelling Method in Early Childhood Education Institute as the Implementation of Permendikbud No. 146 of 2014 in Appendix IV in the Manual Learning of Early Childhood Education
- Tegariyani Putri Santoso, Sandy
- Improving Questioning Skill through Application of the Scientific Approach to Children 3-4 Years Old
- Tegariyani Putri Santoso, Sandy
- Mom Worked: Patterns of Parenting and Attachment by Children
- Tri Wulandari, Retno
- Analysis of Science and Technology Elements in The Application of STEAM Based Learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics)
- Trissia, Nurima
- AC Kids: Art of Cooking for Kids
- Triyanty Pulukadang, Wiwy
- Review of Effective School Supervision Practice in Remote/Disadvantaged Area: A National and International Perspective
- Untari, Esti
- Science Learning in Elementary School with Project Based Learning Model
- Wahyuningsih, Siti
- The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin
- Widianto, Edi
- International Schools with English as a First Language at Elementary Schools in Indonesia
- Wuri Astuti, Wuri
- Improving Questioning Skill through Application of the Scientific Approach to Children 3-4 Years Old
- Yafie, Evania
- Comparison of Early Childhood Education Curriculum Policies between Russia and Indonesia
- Yuni Susilawati, Sinta
- Family Environment Support in Early Intervention of Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Yuniawatika, Yuniawatika
- MEPE GALON: Counseling Method of Semi-Modern Salt Making in an Effort to Realize the Education Community Concerned with the Salt Crisis
- Yuniawatika, Yuniawatika
- Improving the Number Sense Ability of Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning