Proceedings of the 1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019)

162 authors
Abdillah, Said
Analysis of Physical Conditions of Aerobic Endurance or VO2Max
Abidin, Dindin
Agility and Balance on the Speed of Dribbling in Soccer
Aini, Khurotul
The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting Skill
Al Ardha, Muchamad Arif
Sport Entrepreneurs’ Perspective on 4.0 Industrial Era
Alsaudi, Andi Taufan Bayu Dewantara
The Influence of Drill Exercise and Eye Coordination Foot Methods Toward the Smash Skill of Badminton
Aminah, Hj.
Effect of Physical Fitness Exercises in 2012 and New Indonesian Gymnastics Exercise (SRIBU) Exercises on Physical Fitness Level of Female Students
Amirudin, Akhmad
Analysis of Physical Conditions of Aerobic Endurance or VO2Max
Anggara, Norma
Implementation of Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Pencak silat Learning Outcomes
Anwar, Mathlaul
The Effect of Plyometric Knee Tuck Jump and Barrier Hops Training on Explosive Muscle Explosion Futsal Player
Apriyanto, Tirto
Decreased Level of Fatigue in Aerobic Sports in the Use of Vitamin C
Apriyanto, Tirto
The Correlation Between the Opponent’s Error with the Team Victory of the Volleyball National Team on 2019 Peace Cup Participants
Arbain, Taufik
The Heritage of Banjar Kingdom from the Perspective of Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Education
Arifin, Mochamad
Sport Entrepreneurs’ Perspective on 4.0 Industrial Era
Arifin, Ramadhan
Problematic Education Physical Students in the Wetlands
Arifin, Ramadhan
The Effect of Zig-Zag Run Training on Increasing the Agility of Soccer Players
Arifin, Syamsul
Problematic Education Physical Students in the Wetlands
Arifin, Syamsul
The Effect of Push-Up Exercise with Wrist Flicking on the Ability of Three Point Shooting of BSWJ Club Basketball Players
Arifin, Syamsul
The Effect of Shadow 8 Training on Agility of Badminton Players Ages 12–15 Years
Arifin, Syamsul
The Effect of Plyometric Double Leg Speed Hop Exercise on Explosive Muscle of Volleyball Players
Arifin, Syamsul
The Contribution of Pedagogical Competence and Motivation to Get Achievement of the Teachers of Physical Education, Health, and Sports
Arifin, Syamsul
The Effect of Interval Training on Running Speed of 40-Meter on Elementary Students’ Running Performance
Arifin, Syamsul
The Effect of Teaching and Learning of Castles and Rounders on the Improvement of Physical Fitness
Arifin, Z.
Effect of Fundamental Stage Training Program Based on LTAD Model Toward Basic Swimming Skills
Asmawi, Moch.
The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting Skill
Basuki, Sunarno
The Effect of Plyometric Knee Tuck Jump and Barrier Hops Training on Explosive Muscle Explosion Futsal Player
Basuki, Sunarno
An Evaluation of Extracurricular Coaches of Elementary School Sports Club
Basuki, Sunarno
Effect of Plyometric Training Front Cone Hops and Knee Tuck Jump on Improvement Muscle Explosion Power
Basuki, Sunarno
The Effect of 3-Point 5-Post Shooting Drills Training on the 3-Point Shooting Success in Basketball Player
Physical Condition and Self-Control Improves the Ability of Back Attack in Volleyball
Development of Overhand Serves Learning Techniques in Volleyball Game
Dewantara, Dewi
Blended Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes in Digital Electronics Courses
Dirgantoro, Edwin Wahyu
The Effect of Zig-Zag Run Training on Increasing the Agility of Soccer Players
Dirgantoro, Edwin Wahyu
The Effect of Three Corner Drill Training Against Futsal Playback Probability
Dlis, Firmansyah
Kindergarten Teachers’ Perception on Basic Movement Skills Understanding Through Rhythmic Gymnastics Movement
Dlis, Firmansyah
The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting Skill
Effendi, Sulfiria
Effect of Plyometric Training Front Cone Hops and Knee Tuck Jump on Improvement Muscle Explosion Power
Fadillah, Muhammad
The Effect of Three Corner Drill Training Against Futsal Playback Probability
The Contribution of Pedagogical Competence and Motivation to Get Achievement of the Teachers of Physical Education, Health, and Sports
The Effect of Knee Tuck Jump Plyometrics Training on Dollyo Chagi Athlete Taekwondo
Fardy, Muhammad Fajar
The Effect of Angle Hop and Squat Jump Exercise on Leg Power in Futsal
Fauzan, Lazuardy Akbar
The Difference of Backhand Drive Ability Using Internal Drive Method and Drive Crosscourt Method for Tennis Players
Fitri, Muhamad Abdul
The Assignment Method Toward Improvement Results of Dribbling Learning in Football
Fitri, Muhammad
Design of Cooperative Learning Models in Physical Education Learning in Elementary School
Friskawati, Gita Febria
Analyzing the Challenges to Using Technology in Physical Education
Gusriadi, Adhy Rahman
Agility and Balance on the Speed of Dribbling in Soccer
Hamid, Abd.
The Effect of Three Corner Drill Training Against Futsal Playback Probability
Hanif, Achmad Sofyan
The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting Skill
Haqiyah, Aridhotul
Physical Condition and Self-Control Improves the Ability of Back Attack in Volleyball
Haqiyah, Aridhotul
Agility and Balance on the Speed of Dribbling in Soccer
Harvianto, Yudo
Strengthening the Brotherhood of Ethnic Groups Rope Through Sport
Haryandi, Surya
Blended Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes in Digital Electronics Courses
Hidayat, Taufik
The Effect of 3-Point 5-Post Shooting Drills Training on the 3-Point Shooting Success in Basketball Player
Ilham, Muhammad
The Correlation Between the Opponent’s Error with the Team Victory of the Volleyball National Team on 2019 Peace Cup Participants
Indah, Eka Purnama
Improving Learning Outcomes of Motion Short Distance Run with the Basic Approach to Play
Iriani, Rilia
The Development of Electronic Publication Module Integrated with Means-Ends Analysis Learning Model to Improve Students’ Analytical Thinking Skill in Stoichiometry Materials
Irianto, Tri
The Effect of Knee Tuck Jump Plyometrics Training on Dollyo Chagi Athlete Taekwondo
Irianto, Tri
The Effect of Plyometric Knee Tuck Jump and Barrier Hops Training on Explosive Muscle Explosion Futsal Player
Irianto, Tri
Training Using Wrist Forearm Modification Tool
Irianto, Tri
An Evaluation of Extracurricular Coaches of Elementary School Sports Club
Irianto, Tri
The Effect of Physical Exercise toward the Memory Quality of Women
Irianto, Tri
Design of Cooperative Learning Models in Physical Education Learning in Elementary School
Irianto, Tri
The Effect of 3-Point 5-Post Shooting Drills Training on the 3-Point Shooting Success in Basketball Player
Iskandar, Tatang
Improving the Learning Outcome of Passing Basic Motion by Using Side-Foot in the Football Game Through the Blocking Game Media
Jaya, Supian Indera
The Influence of Interval Run Training on Fitness Status in Students at State Elementary School
Decreased Level of Fatigue in Aerobic Sports in the Use of Vitamin C
Kahri, Maruful
Effect of Physical Fitness Exercises in 2012 and New Indonesian Gymnastics Exercise (SRIBU) Exercises on Physical Fitness Level of Female Students
Kahri, Maruful
The Effect of Physical Exercise toward the Memory Quality of Women
Kahri, Maruful
The Contribution of Pedagogical Competence and Motivation to Get Achievement of the Teachers of Physical Education, Health, and Sports
Kahri, Maruful
The Effect of Interval Run Training on Increasing VO2 Max on Futsal Player
Kahri, Maruful
The Effect of Interval Training on Running Speed of 40-Meter on Elementary Students’ Running Performance
Kahri, Maruful
The Effects of Addition of Physical Activity Beyond Physical Education Learning Toward the Level of Physical Fitness
Kahri, Maruful
An Evaluation of Physical Education in Elementary School Learning Education
Kahri, Ma’ruful
Training Using Wrist Forearm Modification Tool
Karisman, Vicki Ahmad
Analyzing the Challenges to Using Technology in Physical Education
Khory, Fifuka D.
Cognitive Bias in a Disruptive Era: How Thinking Patterns Affects Academic Performance and Health
Kristiyanto, Agus
Instruction of Women Goalkeepers’ in Indonesian Futsal Nusantara League 2019
Kusaini, H.M
The Effect of Three Corner Drill Training Against Futsal Playback Probability
Kusasi, Muhammad
The Development of Electronic Publication Module Integrated with Means-Ends Analysis Learning Model to Improve Students’ Analytical Thinking Skill in Stoichiometry Materials
Mahtari, Saiyidah
Blended Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes in Digital Electronics Courses
Maksum, Ali
Cognitive Bias in a Disruptive Era: How Thinking Patterns Affects Academic Performance and Health
The Learning Effectiveness of Basic Throwing Movement Through Playing Approach
Maulana, Ahmad
The Effect of Push-Up Exercise with Wrist Flicking on the Ability of Three Point Shooting of BSWJ Club Basketball Players
Maulida, Ayla
The Effect of Physical Exercise toward the Memory Quality of Women
Mayasari, T
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education for Sustainable Energy in Wetland Environment
Miriam, S
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education for Sustainable Energy in Wetland Environment
The Practicality of Physics Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom in the Wetland Environment
Blended Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes in Digital Electronics Courses
The Practicality of Physics Teaching Materials Based on the Wetland Environment
Moelyadi, Ary
Sports and the Culture of East Nusa Tenggara Society
Mohammad, Reza PR
Physical Fitness of Students Based on the Nutrition Status of the Homeless Students
Muhamad, Memet
Agility and Balance on the Speed of Dribbling in Soccer
Mulya, Gumilar
The Effect of Zig-Zag Run Training on Increasing the Agility of Soccer Players
Muslim, Budi Ariyanto
Evaluation Program of Student League Competition U-12 Menpora Cup 2017
Ngadiyana, H.
The Effect of Eye-Hand Coordination Training on Accuracy of Service in Volleyball Players
Nohrizal, Ahmad
The Effect of Interval Run Training on Increasing VO2 Max on Futsal Player
Norjanah, Ike
The Development of Electronic Publication Module Integrated with Means-Ends Analysis Learning Model to Improve Students’ Analytical Thinking Skill in Stoichiometry Materials
Nuraini, Sri
Evaluation of Physical Education in Special Education Elementary School
A Study on the Quality of South Kalimantan Athletes on National Student Sports Week–2019
Oktaviani, Eka
Physical Fitness of Students Based on the Nutrition Status of the Homeless Students
Pambudi, Dwi Prasetyo
The Influence of Pull-Up and Push-Up Training on 50-Meter Chest Switch Speed