Proceedings of the 1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019)

The 1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE) “Reviving The Golden Age of South Borneo History: Boosting Entrepreneurship and Industry”
Banjarmasin, November 28th, 2019

Honorable, Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University,
Honorable, Vice Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University
Honorable, Deans and Vice Deans of the Teaching and Education Faculty, all Heads of Departments and Study Programs at the Teaching and Education Faculty,
Honorable and distinguished Speakers,
Distinguished Delegated and Guests,
Dear Fellow Participants,
Ladies and Gentleman,

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Welcome to the 2019 South Borneo International Conference on Sports Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019). The conference took place at the Aria Barito Hotel in Banjarmasin, Indonesia on November 28, 2019. The seminar was conducted by the Department of Sport and Health Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University. The main purpose of this conference is to share knowledge and experience to accelerate regional development, including the development of the sports and entrepreneurial industry, based on empirical research, and theoretical approaches. This is the best opportunity to discuss regional development from an interdisciplinary perspective.

We invite scholars, academic staff, teachers, students, private sector managers, and government officials to participate in this conference. The main themes are sub-organized by the following sub themes:
1. Enhancing Cognitive Skills and Critical Thinking in the Digital Age
2. Educational Challenges in Facing Industrial Development 4.0
3. Economic Value and Regional Sports Industry Development
4. Local Wisdom from Historical Perspectives to Enhance Entrepreneurship
5. Critical Issues about Gender and Sports Development in Indonesia
6. Revive People's Sports and Health Promotion to Improve Quality of Life in Rural Areas
7. Sports Disability and Empowerment
8. Community Sports Development (CSD)

The main speaker at this conference is; (1) Associate Professor Hallam Pereira Hallam Pereira (Edit Cowan University, Western Australia): Strategy of Sport Industry Development: Lesson from Australia. (2) Prof. Tom Martinek, Ed.D, North Carolina University, USA. (3) Prof. Fan Hong (UK): Lesson from China on Belt and Road Policy: East Meet West (4) Dr. Aman Saleh (Malaysia): Reviving Folks Sports and Malay’s Resilience Culture for Promoting Health and Well-Being. (5) Dr. Taufik Arbain, M.Si. (ULM) The Heritage of Banjar Kingdom from the perspective of social inclusion and enterpreneurship education.

SBICSSE received 61 papers which were presented at plenary sessions and parallel sessions. On behalf of the Committee, our sincere thanks went to the Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University, Dean of the Teaching and Education Faculty, Chair of the Sports and Health Department, advisory board, steering committee, committee members, reviewers, presenters, and participants. Specially accept also Atlantis Press Proceedings Conference. Finally, we hope that this 2019 SBICSSE will provide the best benefit for the advancement of knowledge and sports. See you at the next conference.

Thank you