Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Law (ICSSL 2024)
458 authors
- Harmanto, Harmanto
- Critical Thinking about Stereotypes of Folk Religion and State Religion Developing an Attitude of Tolerance
- Harmanto, Harmanto
- Evaluation of Mojokerto City Regional Expansion as a Sustainable Effort for Service Center Functions
- Hartono, Astrid Monica
- Analysis of the Dynamics of Student Communication with Thesis Supervisors
- Hartono, Astrid Monica
- The Influence of Self-efficacy in the Preparation of the Work Program of the UNESA Faculty BEM Organization for the Effectiveness of the Quality of Educated Human Resources
- Haryana, Muhammad Roy Aziz
- The Influence of Perceived Value and Satisfaction on User Loyalty towards E-service Among Vocational Undergraduate Students at UNY
- Hasanah, Nuramalia
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of the Insurance Industry in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Analysis
- Hasanah, Nurul
- Quality Family Village-based Stunting Handling Innovation
- Hastuti, Hastuti
- Managing the Coastal Area of Kretek Subdistrict, Bantul Regency Based on Sustainable Development
- Hayati, Rahma
- Coastal landforms: Utilization and Productivity for Food Crop Agriculture
- Hazmi, Adli
- Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
- Hazmi, Adli
- Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Hazmi, Adli
- Asian Values in Human Rights Education: A Southeast Asian Case Study
- Henriawan, Ilham
- Determinants of Carbon Disclosure-Indonesia Public-Listed Firm
- Hermanto, Agus
- The Analysis of Financial Inclution on Poverty and Economic Growth: the Western and Eastern Indonesia Studies
- Hermanto, Fredy
- Gender Equality in Higher Education: A Path to Sustainability
- Hermawan, Eko Satriya
- Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
- Hermawan, Eko Satriya
- Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Hibatullah, Mohammad Hermy
- The Role of Regional Communities in Realizing SDGs for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
- Hidayat, Melda Fadiyah
- Policy Perspectives on the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities Goals
- Hidayat, Melda Fadiyah
- Developing Maritime Tourism: an Analysis of Policy Interventions and Their Potential Commodities
- Hikmah, Nurul
- Preventive Measures to Counter Religious Radicalism Based on the Principles of Religious Moderation
- Hilmi, Ahmad Nizar
- Policy Perspectives on the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities Goals
- Hilmi, Ahmad Nizar
- The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Policy Advocacy: Rejection of Nature Park Status in Bali’s Alas Mertajati Forest
- Hilmi, Ahmad Nizar
- Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
- Hilmi, Ahmad Nizar
- Exploring the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Bridging the Implementation Gaps of Co-Production: A Case Study of TPS 3R Rejoagung
- Himmatina, Dina Nur
- Determinants of Carbon Disclosure-Indonesia Public-Listed Firm
- Himmatina, Dina Nur
- The Influence of Gender Diversity, Institutional Ownership, Board of Commissioners Meetings, and Leverage on Carbon Emission Disclosure
- Huda, Anam Miftakhul
- The Role of Mobile Health Application Platforms in Health Communication to Improve Public Digital Literacy Among Generation Z
- Huda, Anam Miftakhul
- Development of the Independent Learning Independent Campus Professional Internship Conversion Course (MBKM) Communication Science Study Program, State University of Surabaya
- Huda, Mirojul
- The Efforts of National Sovereign Institution to Deradicalize Ex-Terrorist Convicts Through the Rumah Daulat Buku (RUDALKU) Using a Literacy Approach
- Huda, Mi’rojul
- Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
- Husain, Fadly
- Preventing COVID-19 with Natural Ingredients: Community Knowledge to Increase Endurance During the Pandemic in Central Java
- Ilham, Yoppy
- The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence to Support the Achievement of SDGs: A Case Study of Two Public Universities in Indonesia
- Illiyin, Nur
- Analysis of Local Wisdom Traces of Parangkusumo: Waves, Legends, and Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Coastal Community
- Imron, Ali
- Mitigating Sexual Violence in the Environment Towards a Safe and Fair Campus
- Imron, Ali
- Quality Family Village-based Stunting Handling Innovation
- Ismail, Dian Ekawaty
- Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum Policy in the Education World
- Jacky, M.
- Critical Thinking about Stereotypes of Folk Religion and State Religion Developing an Attitude of Tolerance
- Jacky, M.
- Facilitation of Strengthening the Food Security of Children with Special Needs (ABK) in Surabaya and Its Surroundings During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Jamal, Adam
- Building a Peaceful and Inclusive Society for Sustainable Development: Challenges of Public Administration in the Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA)
- Jamal, Adam
- Raising Collective Awareness of Climate Change Through Participatory Discussions with the Community on 3R-based Waste Management in SWK Ketintang
- Jamal, Adam
- Raising Collective Awareness of Climate Change Through Participatory Discussions with the Community on 3R-based Waste Management in SWK Ketintang
- Jati, Kuat Waluyo
- The Influence of Gender Diversity, Institutional Ownership, Board of Commissioners Meetings, and Leverage on Carbon Emission Disclosure
- Jatiningsih, Oksiana
- Mitigating Sexual Violence in the Environment Towards a Safe and Fair Campus
- Jihan, Aisyah
- Analysis of Local Wisdom Traces of Parangkusumo: Waves, Legends, and Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Coastal Community
- Junus, Nirwan
- Dynamics of Implementation of the Right to Education from an Indonesian Legal Perspective
- Kamba, Sri Nanang Meiske
- The Application of the Principle of Legal Expediency Through Cash Waqf in Improving the Welfare of the People of Gorontalo
- Kamba, Sri Nanang Meiske
- Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum Policy in the Education World
- Kamello, Tan
- The Role of the State in the Development of Adat Economic Law in Achieving a Welfare State
- Kasim, Nur Mohamad
- The Application of the Principle of Legal Expediency Through Cash Waqf in Improving the Welfare of the People of Gorontalo
- Khiqmah, Samrotul
- The Influence of Gender Diversity, Institutional Ownership, Board of Commissioners Meetings, and Leverage on Carbon Emission Disclosure
- Khofifah, Ihdatin Muazzarotul
- Potential Vulnerability to Hydrological Disasters in the Gunungsewu Gunungkidul Karst Area
- Kholifah, Siti
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province
- Khotimah, Khusnul
- Critical Thinking about Stereotypes of Folk Religion and State Religion Developing an Attitude of Tolerance
- Khotimah, Kusnul
- Quality Family Village-based Stunting Handling Innovation
- Khotimah, Nurul
- Managing the Coastal Area of Kretek Subdistrict, Bantul Regency Based on Sustainable Development
- Komariah, Siti
- Aqil-Baligh Education: Prevention of Social Deviance in Pre-Adolesence in City Bandung
- Komariah, Siti
- Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
- Konita, Gayu
- Mitigating Sexual Violence in the Environment Towards a Safe and Fair Campus
- Kundi, Michael
- Preventing COVID-19 with Natural Ingredients: Community Knowledge to Increase Endurance During the Pandemic in Central Java
- Kurniawati, Aida
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province
- Kusuma, Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah
- Understanding Employee Turnover at XYZ Hotel Yogyakarta: The Impact of Satisfaction and Environment
- Kusumawardhani, Sri Juwita
- The Impact of Emotion Regulation Strategy on Help-Seeking Behavior of Dating Violence Experience
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- Impact Of Reservoir Construction on Community Welfare
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- Strengthening Higher Education Services by Accelerating Integrated Services
- Larasati, Kamiladia
- Exploration of Tourism Potential Based on Local Wisdom in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Case Study: Wanagama Forest
- Lestari, Puji
- Gender Equality in Higher Education: A Path to Sustainability
- Leviza, Jelly
- Comparative Study of Copyright as Fiducia’s Guarantee Law in Islamic Law and Civil Law Contribution Title
- Lina, Hasna Nur
- The Role of Mobile Health Application Platforms in Health Communication to Improve Public Digital Literacy Among Generation Z
- Listiyani, Refti Handini
- Facilitation of Strengthening the Food Security of Children with Special Needs (ABK) in Surabaya and Its Surroundings During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Listyaputri, Dinar Rizki
- Strengthening Higher Education Services by Accelerating Integrated Services
- Lubis, M. Yamin
- The Role of the State in the Development of Adat Economic Law in Achieving a Welfare State
- Mahadika, Vita
- The Role of Regional Communities in Realizing SDGs for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
- Maharani, Dini Nurhinda
- Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
- Maharani, Rindi
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of the Insurance Industry in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Analysis
- Mahardhika, Vita
- Ecocide as Criminal Act in Law Number 32 of 2009 Concerning Environmental Protection and Management
- Mahdalena, Mahdalena
- Partnership Model of Accounting Education in Supporting the Implementation of Independent Campus: Evidence in Indonesia
- Makhmudiyah, Nurul
- The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
- Makhmudiyah, Nurul
- Human and Nature: Identifying the Sustainability of Cultural Landscape from Marine and Aeolian Landforms in Southern Yogyakarta Special Province
- Malihah, Elly
- Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
- Malika, Jasmine Helwa
- Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Mandjo, Julius T.
- The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
- Mandjo, Julius T.
- Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum Policy in the Education World
- Maria
- Protection of Land Rights Holders in the Utilization of Underground Space
- Marlina, Marlina
- Analogy in Criminal Law: Contrasting Approaches in Indonesian and Islamic Legal Frameworks
- Marsella, Marsella
- Comparative Study of Copyright as Fiducia’s Guarantee Law in Islamic Law and Civil Law Contribution Title
- Marzuqi, Muhammad Ilyas
- Circular Migration Pattern and Their Impact on Academic Procrastination of Social Sciences Education Students, State University of Surabaya
- Masnun, Muh Ali
- The Politics of Naturalization Law for Sports Interests: An Orientation to Realize National Inclusivity
- Masnun, Muh. Ali
- Arrangement of the Right of Interpellation of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
- Mastuti, Sri
- Activities Of Japanese Traders In The Dutch Indies Period
- Maulana, Amelia Putri
- Analysis of Digital Literacy and the Use of Social Media on Flood Disaster Information Response in Jakarta Senior High School Students
- Maulidha, Miyatikno
- Ecocide as Criminal Act in Law Number 32 of 2009 Concerning Environmental Protection and Management
- Mayasari, Noor Rohmah
- Quality Family Village-based Stunting Handling Innovation
- Ma’ruf, Muhammad Farid
- Building a Peaceful and Inclusive Society for Sustainable Development: Challenges of Public Administration in the Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA)
- Ma’ruf, Muhammad Farid
- Developing Maritime Tourism: an Analysis of Policy Interventions and Their Potential Commodities
- Medellu, Gita Irianda Rizkyani
- The Impact of Emotion Regulation Strategy on Help-Seeking Behavior of Dating Violence Experience
- Megawati, Suci
- Peer-Review Statements
- Megawati, Suci
- Policy Perspectives on the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities Goals
- Megawati, Suci
- The Role of Regional Communities in Realizing SDGs for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong