Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Law (ICSSL 2024)
458 authors
- Tauran, Tauran
- Exploring the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Bridging the Implementation Gaps of Co-Production: A Case Study of TPS 3R Rejoagung
- Thalib, Mutia Cherawaty
- The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
- Tome, Abdul Hamid
- Dynamics of Implementation of the Right to Education from an Indonesian Legal Perspective
- Towadi, Mellisa
- The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
- Towadi, Mellisa
- Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum Policy in the Education World
- Trilaksana, Agus
- Activities Of Japanese Traders In The Dutch Indies Period
- Tripujiantari, Aldinta Lindri
- Study of Geographic Characteristics of Dynamics Ecology at Nglanggeran Volcano
- Tsuroyya, Tsuroyya
- Analysis of the Dynamics of Student Communication with Thesis Supervisors
- Tsuroyya, Tsuroyya
- Embracing Inclusiveness: Islamic Community Perception of Homosexual Identity in Monster Movie (2023)
- Tutik, Tutik
- The Analysis of Financial Inclution on Poverty and Economic Growth: the Western and Eastern Indonesia Studies
- Umaini, Shochifatin
- The Practice of Euthanasia from the Perspective of International Human Rights
- Usmi, Rianda
- Mitigating Sexual Violence in the Environment Towards a Safe and Fair Campus
- Usmi, Rianda
- Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
- Utami, Diyah
- Facilitation of Strengthening the Food Security of Children with Special Needs (ABK) in Surabaya and Its Surroundings During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Utami, Lingga
- Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
- Utami, Nindita Fajria
- Aqil-Baligh Education: Prevention of Social Deviance in Pre-Adolesence in City Bandung
- Utami, Wiwik Sri
- Evaluation of Mojokerto City Regional Expansion as a Sustainable Effort for Service Center Functions
- Utami, Zuchdiawati Luthfi
- Mediating the Impact of Green Packaging and Environmental Concern Towards Green Purchase Intention Through Environmental Attitude
- Vebiansyah, Roi
- Sustainable Tourism Study on the Role of Ecology in the Karst Area of Kalisuci Cave
- Virgiawan, Dhimas Bagus
- Circular Migration Pattern and Their Impact on Academic Procrastination of Social Sciences Education Students, State University of Surabaya
- Virgiawan, Dhimas Bagus
- Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
- Wahyudi, Wahyudi
- Violence and Social Welfare in the Criminal Law Paradigm
- Wahyuni, Jauhar
- The Role of Mobile Health Application Platforms in Health Communication to Improve Public Digital Literacy Among Generation Z
- Wahyuni, Lussy Dwiutami
- Personality Traits Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience as a Predictors of Authentic Self-Presentation Online
- Wantu, Fence M.
- The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
- Wardana, Muhammad Wahyu
- Analysis of Digital Literacy and the Use of Social Media on Flood Disaster Information Response in Jakarta Senior High School Students
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Comparative Analysis of Land Deed Officials’ Roles in Achieving Sdgs
- Wardhani, Novia Wahyu
- Equality Education: Effort to Fulfill the Rights of Citizens in Coastal Areas
- Warren, Narelle
- SDGs and the Academy: Where we are now, where to next?
- Warsono, Warsono
- Impact Of Reservoir Construction on Community Welfare
- Warsono, Warsono
- Violence and Social Welfare in the Criminal Law Paradigm
- Wau, Hilbertus Sumplisius M.
- Implementation of Land Policy to Support Sustainable Development in Indonesia
- Wicaksana, I Gede Wahyu
- Advancing NGO Activism for Environmental Protection at the Age of Democratic Decline: A Cosmopolitan Perspective
- Widodo, Hananto
- The Politics of Naturalization Law for Sports Interests: An Orientation to Realize National Inclusivity
- Widodo, Hananto
- Arrangement of the Right of Interpellation of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
- Widyawati
- Challenges for Archivists in the Digital Era: Service Transformation Traditional Archives Towards Paperless at State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity
- Widyawati, Retno Febriyastuti
- Infrastructure Development and Its Influence on Income Disparities: Case Study in Indonesia
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- Violence and Social Welfare in the Criminal Law Paradigm
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- Challenges for Archivists in the Digital Era: Service Transformation Traditional Archives Towards Paperless at State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- Strengthening Higher Education Services by Accelerating Integrated Services
- Wilodati, Wilodati
- Aqil-Baligh Education: Prevention of Social Deviance in Pre-Adolesence in City Bandung
- Winata, Danu
- Asian Values in Human Rights Education: A Southeast Asian Case Study
- Winata, Muhammad Danu
- The Role of Social Media in Increasing Social Interaction in the Sustainable Development Goals of Indonesian Higher Education
- Wirabumi, Putu
- The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
- Wirabumi, Putu
- Human and Nature: Identifying the Sustainability of Cultural Landscape from Marine and Aeolian Landforms in Southern Yogyakarta Special Province
- Wisnu, Wisnu
- Critical Thinking about Stereotypes of Folk Religion and State Religion Developing an Attitude of Tolerance
- Wisnu, Wisnu
- Activities Of Japanese Traders In The Dutch Indies Period
- Yamin, Muhammad
- Protection of Land Rights Holders in the Utilization of Underground Space
- Yani, Malia Alfira
- Analysis of the Potential Disaster Eruption of Mount Merapi in Klangon and Surroundings
- Yuanjaya, Pandhu
- The Interest of Actors in Sustainable Urban Tourism Policy in Yogyakarta City
- Yuanjaya, Pandhu
- Lessons Learned for Visionary Waste Reduction and Management in Indonesia
- Yusup, Andreian
- Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
- Zakaria, Muhammad Usman
- Coastal landforms: Utilization and Productivity for Food Crop Agriculture
- Zarkachi, Imam
- Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
- Zarkachi, Imam
- Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Zarkachi, Imam
- Asian Values in Human Rights Education: A Southeast Asian Case Study
- Zein, Ita Mardiani
- Evaluation of Mojokerto City Regional Expansion as a Sustainable Effort for Service Center Functions
- Zulianti, Nur Wahyuni
- Analysis of the Potential Disaster Eruption of Mount Merapi in Klangon and Surroundings