Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Law (ICSSL 2024)

458 authors
Tauran, Tauran
Exploring the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Bridging the Implementation Gaps of Co-Production: A Case Study of TPS 3R Rejoagung
Thalib, Mutia Cherawaty
The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
Tome, Abdul Hamid
Dynamics of Implementation of the Right to Education from an Indonesian Legal Perspective
Towadi, Mellisa
The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
Towadi, Mellisa
Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum Policy in the Education World
Trilaksana, Agus
Activities Of Japanese Traders In The Dutch Indies Period
Tripujiantari, Aldinta Lindri
Study of Geographic Characteristics of Dynamics Ecology at Nglanggeran Volcano
Tsuroyya, Tsuroyya
Analysis of the Dynamics of Student Communication with Thesis Supervisors
Tsuroyya, Tsuroyya
Embracing Inclusiveness: Islamic Community Perception of Homosexual Identity in Monster Movie (2023)
Tutik, Tutik
The Analysis of Financial Inclution on Poverty and Economic Growth: the Western and Eastern Indonesia Studies
Umaini, Shochifatin
The Practice of Euthanasia from the Perspective of International Human Rights
Usmi, Rianda
Mitigating Sexual Violence in the Environment Towards a Safe and Fair Campus
Usmi, Rianda
Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
Utami, Diyah
Facilitation of Strengthening the Food Security of Children with Special Needs (ABK) in Surabaya and Its Surroundings During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Utami, Lingga
Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
Utami, Nindita Fajria
Aqil-Baligh Education: Prevention of Social Deviance in Pre-Adolesence in City Bandung
Utami, Wiwik Sri
Evaluation of Mojokerto City Regional Expansion as a Sustainable Effort for Service Center Functions
Utami, Zuchdiawati Luthfi
Mediating the Impact of Green Packaging and Environmental Concern Towards Green Purchase Intention Through Environmental Attitude
Vebiansyah, Roi
Sustainable Tourism Study on the Role of Ecology in the Karst Area of Kalisuci Cave
Virgiawan, Dhimas Bagus
Circular Migration Pattern and Their Impact on Academic Procrastination of Social Sciences Education Students, State University of Surabaya
Virgiawan, Dhimas Bagus
Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
Wahyudi, Wahyudi
Violence and Social Welfare in the Criminal Law Paradigm
Wahyuni, Jauhar
The Role of Mobile Health Application Platforms in Health Communication to Improve Public Digital Literacy Among Generation Z
Wahyuni, Lussy Dwiutami
Personality Traits Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience as a Predictors of Authentic Self-Presentation Online
Wantu, Fence M.
The Liability of State to Fulfill Children’s Rights to Education in a Non-International Armed Conflict Situation in Papua
Wardana, Muhammad Wahyu
Analysis of Digital Literacy and the Use of Social Media on Flood Disaster Information Response in Jakarta Senior High School Students
Wardhana, Mahendra
Comparative Analysis of Land Deed Officials’ Roles in Achieving Sdgs
Wardhani, Novia Wahyu
Equality Education: Effort to Fulfill the Rights of Citizens in Coastal Areas
Warren, Narelle
SDGs and the Academy: Where we are now, where to next?
Warsono, Warsono
Impact Of Reservoir Construction on Community Welfare
Warsono, Warsono
Violence and Social Welfare in the Criminal Law Paradigm
Wau, Hilbertus Sumplisius M.
Implementation of Land Policy to Support Sustainable Development in Indonesia
Wicaksana, I Gede Wahyu
Advancing NGO Activism for Environmental Protection at the Age of Democratic Decline: A Cosmopolitan Perspective
Widodo, Hananto
The Politics of Naturalization Law for Sports Interests: An Orientation to Realize National Inclusivity
Widodo, Hananto
Arrangement of the Right of Interpellation of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
Challenges for Archivists in the Digital Era: Service Transformation Traditional Archives Towards Paperless at State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity
Widyawati, Retno Febriyastuti
Infrastructure Development and Its Influence on Income Disparities: Case Study in Indonesia
Wijaya, Rahmanu
Violence and Social Welfare in the Criminal Law Paradigm
Wijaya, Rahmanu
Challenges for Archivists in the Digital Era: Service Transformation Traditional Archives Towards Paperless at State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity
Wijaya, Rahmanu
Strengthening Higher Education Services by Accelerating Integrated Services
Wilodati, Wilodati
Aqil-Baligh Education: Prevention of Social Deviance in Pre-Adolesence in City Bandung
Winata, Danu
Asian Values in Human Rights Education: A Southeast Asian Case Study
Winata, Muhammad Danu
The Role of Social Media in Increasing Social Interaction in the Sustainable Development Goals of Indonesian Higher Education
Wirabumi, Putu
The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
Wirabumi, Putu
Human and Nature: Identifying the Sustainability of Cultural Landscape from Marine and Aeolian Landforms in Southern Yogyakarta Special Province
Wisnu, Wisnu
Critical Thinking about Stereotypes of Folk Religion and State Religion Developing an Attitude of Tolerance
Wisnu, Wisnu
Activities Of Japanese Traders In The Dutch Indies Period
Yamin, Muhammad
Protection of Land Rights Holders in the Utilization of Underground Space
Yani, Malia Alfira
Analysis of the Potential Disaster Eruption of Mount Merapi in Klangon and Surroundings
Yuanjaya, Pandhu
The Interest of Actors in Sustainable Urban Tourism Policy in Yogyakarta City
Yuanjaya, Pandhu
Lessons Learned for Visionary Waste Reduction and Management in Indonesia
Yusup, Andreian
Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
Zakaria, Muhammad Usman
Coastal landforms: Utilization and Productivity for Food Crop Agriculture
Zarkachi, Imam
Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
Zarkachi, Imam
Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
Zarkachi, Imam
Asian Values in Human Rights Education: A Southeast Asian Case Study
Zein, Ita Mardiani
Evaluation of Mojokerto City Regional Expansion as a Sustainable Effort for Service Center Functions
Zulianti, Nur Wahyuni
Analysis of the Potential Disaster Eruption of Mount Merapi in Klangon and Surroundings