Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020)
535 authors
- Fauziah, Gina
- Improvement and Rejuvenation of Traditional Markets Based on SWOT Analysis in the City of South Tangerang
- Febriana, Hadijah
- The Effect of Go-pay and Ovo Promotion on Online Transportation Application User Decisions
- Febriana, Hadijah
- E-Commerce Marketing Strategy Through Brand Community to Increase Sales (Case Study of South Tangerang MSMES)
- Febriandi, Yogi
- Conflict Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Versus As-Sunnah in Aceh
- Febritson, Mangandar
- Analysis of Credit Risk Management for the MSME Segment in cases the Situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study at PT Bank XXX)
- Ferdina
- The Role Technology Education in Conducting Online-Based Training to Improve the Competence of Principals in West Java 2020
- Fikri, Hafidz Noor
- Electricity Consumption and Gross Regional Domestic Product Nexus in Kalimantan Selatan Province: Cointegration and Causality Analysis
- Firdaus, Andi Mulawakkan
- The Problematics of Learning Through Online the Impact of Covid-19
- Firman
- The Perspective of Konjo Native Students’ on Multilingual Learning
- Fitrianti, Andi Nur
- The Effects of Red Flags and Auditor’s Professional Skeptism on Auditor’s Proficiency in Implementing Fraud Detection (A Case Study at Public Accounting Office in Makassar)
- Ginting, Henndy
- Developing Ecosystem Based Human Capital Department Roles: A Literature Review
- Gunartin
- Analysis of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in Independent Village Development Efforts
- Gustomo, Aurik
- Developing Ecosystem Based Human Capital Department Roles: A Literature Review
- Gustomo, Aurik
- Bridging Multicultural Characteristics in Virtual Team: A Systematic Literature Review
- Haifah, Desi Nur
- Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19
- Hakim, Abdul
- Code Switching and Code Mixing Done by Teachers at Elementary School of Garut
- Halim, Fauziatul
- The Implementation of Student-centered Learning Program on Basic Concept of Early Childhood Education Class for the First Semester Students of Early Childhood Education Department of Al Muslim University Bireun Aceh
- Hambali
- The Implementation of Student-centered Learning Program on Basic Concept of Early Childhood Education Class for the First Semester Students of Early Childhood Education Department of Al Muslim University Bireun Aceh
- Hamda, Nasmal
- Validity of Economic Based on Mind Mapping Module Development for SMA Class X Students
- Hamdani, Agus
- Augmented Reality Based Synectic Model Application Designing with the Objectives to Overcome the Constraints of Development of Story Fact in Learning to Write Short Story
- Hamdani, Nizar A.
- Between Local Languages, Indonesian, and English: What Language Do EFL students in Indonesia Really Use Daily?
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- Digital Storytelling in Exploring Ideational Meanings of Narrative Genre (SFL Genre-Based Approach)
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- Implementation of School-Based Quality Improvement and Plan Management in SDIT Al-Ihsan Baleendah and SDIT Persis Ciganitri
- Hamid, Marwan
- The Utilization of E-Learning in Order to Improve Students Learning Outcomes on Indonesian Economic Lessons at Economic Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Almuslim
- Hamsinah
- Implementation of Regulation of Soppeng District Number 3 Of 2018 Concerning Mappadeceng Movement Implementation Guidelines (Study on Education in Paroto Village)
- Hamzah, Amir
- Between Local Languages, Indonesian, and English: What Language Do EFL students in Indonesia Really Use Daily?
- Handayani
- Characteristic of Sexual Violence to the Victims in Karawang Regency, Indonesia
- Handayani, Rima
- The Efforts of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to Meet the Two Percent Quota of Workers with Disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province
- Handayani, Rima
- Analysis of the Influence of Character Education and Social Status on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Culture at the Pamulang University
- Handono, Nugroho Priyo
- Relationship of Psychological Impact and Community Stigma on Covid-19 Patients in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia
- Hapsari, I P
- Towards Modern Juvenile Criminal Justice in Indonesia
- Harsono, Yhonanda
- Strategy for Improving the Quality of Human Resources to Improve the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kepulauan Seribu, North Jakarta
- Haryati
- The Effect of Kahoot! and Screen Recording Videos on Students’ Grammar Achievement During Covid-19 Outbreak
- Hasanah, Ninah
- Understanding the Ideology of Demonstration Discourse on the Text Media: Critical Discourse Analysis
- Hasanah, Nur
- The Correlation Between Personal Hygiene, Densely Polpulated Area, and Ventilation with the Occurrence of Scabies Symptom at Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Cisauk in 2020
- Hasanah, Uswatun
- The Correlation Between Instagram Social Media and Self-Esteem in Adolescents of Grade Xii Culinary Art Department of State Vocational High School 2 Depok
- Hasim, Abdul
- Augmented Reality Based Synectic Model Application Designing with the Objectives to Overcome the Constraints of Development of Story Fact in Learning to Write Short Story
- Hastuti, Ike Woro
- Method Care of Kangaroo for the Baby with Weight of Low Birth In Hospital X
- Hawa, Anni Malihatul
- Evaluation of Higher Education National Standards about the Process of Learning Basic Indonesian Course Concepts at PGSD Ngudi Waluyo University
- Hawa, Anni Malihatul
- Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Thinking Squares Media
- Hawa, Anni Malihatul
- Learning Analysis Based on Aspect Humanistics and Constructivistics Assessed from Student’s Mathematic Literation Abilities and Characters
- Herlambang
- Analysis of the Implementation of Zahir Simply’s Financial Application in the Financial Statements of Smes in South Tangerang
- Herman
- The Effect of the Implementation of the New Student Admission Policy Based on the Zoning System on the Quality of Education Services at SMAN 1 Luwu Timur
- Hermawati, Rahmi
- The Efforts of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to Meet the Two Percent Quota of Workers with Disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province
- Hermawati, Rahmi
- Analysis of the Influence of Character Education and Social Status on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Culture at the Pamulang University
- Hidayat, Dayat
- Community Based Disaster Alert Village Innovation in Tanjung Jaya Village, Kecamatan Panimbang, Pandeglang District, Banten Province
- Hidayat, Muhamad Taufik
- Digital Storytelling in Exploring Ideational Meanings of Narrative Genre (SFL Genre-Based Approach)
- Hidayati, Syafaatul
- Validity of Economic Based on Mind Mapping Module Development for SMA Class X Students
- Hinriari, Reni
- The Effect of Return on Assets and Current Ratio on Debt to Equity Ratio at PT Duta Anggada Realty 2008 – 2017
- Holidah
- The Correlation Between Instagram Social Media and Self-Esteem in Adolescents of Grade Xii Culinary Art Department of State Vocational High School 2 Depok
- Holisoh, Ade
- Student Worksheet Based Model of Project Based Learning in Accounting Major of Vocational High School
- Humaizi
- Indicators of Successful Policy Implementation of the Kampung Family Planning (KB) Program in Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera Province
- Idris, Jamaluddin
- The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
- Ikhsan, Khairul
- Oupatient Satisfaction Analyze of Pharmacy Service in T Hospital, Bogor, West Java, March-April 2020
- Ikhwani
- The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
- Indah, Fenita
- Correlation Between the Level of Parents’ Knowledge and Management of Gadget Use in Pre-School Children in RW 03 Kedaung Village Ciputat
- Indah, Fenita Purnama Sari
- Oupatient Satisfaction Analyze of Pharmacy Service in T Hospital, Bogor, West Java, March-April 2020
- Indah, Fenita Purnama Sari
- Relationship Work Ethic with Employee Performance PT. Logitech Saptanugraha South Jakarta
- Indah, Fenita Purnama Sari
- Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19
- Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik
- Evaluating the Policy and Program on Gender Mainstreaming Through the Role of Woman Farmer Group in Easi Pay Barsha Pump Program in Waingapu Sumba, Indonesia
- Indriawati, Sri Endah
- Validity of the Evidence of the Agreement Through Electronics Reviewed from Article 1866 Civil Code
- Indriyani, Iin
- Classical Literature Study, Folklore, Legend of “Batuwangi” through the Historical-Comparative Approach
- Iqbal, Muhamad
- Management of Criminal Cases Online Trials to Realize the Principles of Fast and Low Cost Justice System at the Tangerang District Court
- Iqbal, Muhammad
- The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
- Irawati, Arista Candra
- Policy of Criminal Left in Overcoming the Impact of Criminal Actions of Pedophilia in Indonesia
- Irawati, Wiwit
- Understanding of Tax & Religiosity to Tax Fraud
- Iriyanti
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia in the Perspective of Traditional Law and National Resilience
- Iriyanti
- Role of Supervisory Judges and Observers to Create Achievement of Justice for the Convicts
- Irnawati, Jeni
- The Effect of Go-pay and Ovo Promotion on Online Transportation Application User Decisions
- Irnawati, Jeni
- E-Commerce Marketing Strategy Through Brand Community to Increase Sales (Case Study of South Tangerang MSMES)
- Iskandar
- The Concept of Parenting Pattern to Establish Children’s Moral in Family
- Iskandari, Yuli
- Moral and Theological Values in a Literary Work: The Novel Robohnya Surau Kami by A.A. Navis
- Ismail, Lukman
- Gender Paradigm and Movement Model of ‘Aisyiyah During the New Order Period (Case Study ‘Aisyiyah of South Sulawesi)
- Ismaya, Nurwulan
- Correlation Between the Level of Parents’ Knowledge and Management of Gadget Use in Pre-School Children in RW 03 Kedaung Village Ciputat
- Ismaya, Nurwulan Adi
- Drug Inventory Analyze in Pharmaceutical Warehouse at Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre in 2019
- Ismaya, Nurwulan Adi
- Oupatient Satisfaction Analyze of Pharmacy Service in T Hospital, Bogor, West Java, March-April 2020
- Ismaya, Nurwulan Adi
- Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19
- Isnawati, Setya Indah
- Marketing Strategy in Creating the Competitiveness of Ngudi Waluyo University (Perspective strategic management michael porter’s)
- Isnawati, Setya Indah
- Psychological Capital Factors as an Effort to Improve Teacher Performance: An Overview of Hope and Optimism and Their Impact on Performance
- Isnawati, Setya Indah
- The Utilization of Smartphone Photography as a Means of Digital Marketing for MSME Players
- Iswanto, Bambang Heru
- Development of Sound Interference Props with Phyphox to Support Sound and Waves Learning in Senior High School
- Jamaluddin
- Implementation of the Authority of Provincial Education Department in Developing the Quality of Higher Education in Sinjai District
- Jamilah
- Efforts to Build Student Character Through Revitalizing the Role of Citizenship Education Teachers
- Janudin
- The Effect of Return on Assets and Current Ratio on Debt to Equity Ratio at PT Duta Anggada Realty 2008 – 2017
- Jaswita, Derizka Infa
- Improvement and Rejuvenation of Traditional Markets Based on SWOT Analysis in the City of South Tangerang
- Jaya, A.
- Jilbab and Naked: Identity Construction of Indonesian Women in Contemporary Travel Writing
- Jaya, Asri
- Analysis of Cash Round and Receivables Towards Liquidity of PT. Telecommunication Indonesia Tbk
- Jaya, Faransyah Agung
- How Covid-19 Pandemic Affects Technology, Relational & Compliance on MSMEs Performance in Indonesia
- Jualnto, Cecep Dudung
- The Application of Phonic Methods in Learning of Reading for Early Children
- Julianti, Ulfah
- The Mimesis of Laki-Laki yang Kawin dengan Babi Created by Zainal
- Jumiati
- The Potential of Children’s Literature in Educatioan and Environmental Ethics: Linguistic and Literary Approaches
- Juniati, Sri Rahayu
- Implementation of the Authority of Provincial Education Department in Developing the Quality of Higher Education in Sinjai District
- Jusniaty
- Policy Impelementation of Granting Scholarships and Assistance Education for Achieving Students in Sinjai District
- Kamah, Nurul Inayah Anis
- Increasing Skills and Social Interaction of Deaf People at the Makassar 1 State Special School
- Karim, Daniel
- Bridging Multicultural Characteristics in Virtual Team: A Systematic Literature Review
- Kartini, Ari
- The Application of Phonic Methods in Learning of Reading for Early Children
- Kartodihardjo, H
- Mangrove Forest Tenure Conflicts: Institutional Approach to the Forest Management Unit Context in Aceh Province, Indonesia
- Kartono
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia in the Perspective of Traditional Law and National Resilience
- Kartono
- Role of Supervisory Judges and Observers to Create Achievement of Justice for the Convicts
- Kasiyarno
- Leech’s Politeness Principle Used by Teachers in English Language Teaching