Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021)
544 authors
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Descriptive Analysis of Health Sector Stock Investors During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Luturnas, Fabiola B.
- Factors That Influence Generation Z in Using E-Wallet During COVID-19 Pandemic
- M, N LG
- Competitiveness Potential of Agricultural Sector Products Market Prospects to Improve Community Welfare
- M., Aliv Faizal
- Developing Automatic English Speaking Skills Testing System Using Speech Recognition
- Mahayana, I Dewa Made
- Development of Applications for Making Evidence-Based Accounting Practice Modules
- Majid, Nur Syaela
- Image Data Compression in the Public Reporting System in Lamongan using the Huffman Method and Run Length Encoding
- Majid, Nur Syaela
- Development of Animal Recognition E-Learning Using Augmented Reality Technology
- Malakuaseya, Jeffrie Jacobis
- Product Standardization and Innovation of Packaging Machine Connection Worktables in Nutrition Juice Business
- Malelak, Merlin Luisa
- The Influence of Transfomational Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment and Working Spirit on Employee Performance
- Malelak, Merlin Luisa
- The Role of Local Communities on the Development of Community-Based Tourism Village in Uitiuhtuan Village, Semau Selatan District
- Malelak, Merlyn Luisa
- Evaluation of The NTT Province Regulation No.09 of 2019 Concerning the implementation of Regional Tourism
- Mandia, I Nyoman
- Speaking Language Words, Terms, and Sentences in Virtual Presentations Bali State Polytechnic Students
- Maninggarjati, E. Retno
- Financial Distress Analysis of Coal Mining Companies
- Manteiro, Maria C.B
- Human Resource Competency Development Strategy in Creative Industry to Improve Competitive Advantage
- Manteiro, Maria C.B
- Human Resource Competency Development Strategy in Creative Industry to Improve Competitive Advantage
- Mantolas, Christina Mariana
- Lontar Leaves Webbing Craft as Element of Sustainable Cultural Tourism
- Mantolas, Christina Mariana
- Participation of Local Communities in Supporting the Development of Dark Sky Tourism (Observatorium-Timau) Amfoang Central
- Mantolas, Christina Mariana
- The Existence of The Fulan Fehan Festival Towards Indonesian MICE Tourism Destination
- Mantolas, Christina Mariana
- The Role of Room Attendants in Increasing Guest Satisfaction at Aston Kupang Hotel & Convention Center during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Manuain, Deetje Wieske
- Analysis of the Economic Value of Tourism Tablolong Contingent Valuation Method Approach in West Kupang
- Manuain, Deetje.W.
- Assessment of Organizational Performance with Balanced Scorecard Approach in the Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic at NTT Bank (Case study at Bank NTT in East Nusa Tenggara Region)
- Mardhanie, Afif Bizrie
- Utilization of Supply Chain and Benefit-Cost Analysis to Determining Warehousing Area in Penajam Paser Utara Regency
- Mariam, Iis
- Management of Tourism Village in Pandemic Through Digital Platform
- Martati, Indah
- Analysis of WhatsApp Users’ Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Samarinda
- Martini, Rita
- The Role of Hotel, Restaurant and Entertainment Taxes for the Local Revenue in South Sumatera
- Masidonda, Jaelani La
- Product Standardization and Innovation of Packaging Machine Connection Worktables in Nutrition Juice Business
- Masih, Ni Ketut
- Development of Spreadsheet Based Application for Hotel Accounting Practice Learning
- Mata, Rosdiana
- Study of Micro and Small Business Development Strategies in Economic Recovery Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Kupang-East Nusa Tenggara
- Mata, Rosdiana
- Students’ Perceptions on Lecturers Affective Competence at Kupang State of Polytechnic
- Mataram, I Gusti Agung Bagus
- Online Cultural Activities Information on Customer Trust on Microfinance Institutions in Bali
- Maulita
- Learners’ Perception Towards Online Classroom Environment during Pandemic of COVID-19, TPACK in EFL Context
- Maulita, Maulita
- Factors That Influence Generation Z in Using E-Wallet During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Mawaddah, Saniyatul
- Image Data Compression in the Public Reporting System in Lamongan using the Huffman Method and Run Length Encoding
- Mawaddah, Saniyatul
- Rhizome Image Classification Using Support Vector Machine
- Meirejeki, I Nyoman
- Strategy for Development of Tourism Villages Towards Digital-Based Advanced Tourism Villages in Blimbingsari Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency
- Meko, Pasifikus Mala
- The Efficiency of Lcal Government Inventory Procurement (Study on The Government of East Nusa Tenggara Province)
- Meko, Pasifikus Mala
- The Special Interest Development Model Body Rafting Through Collaborative Management of Buffer Villages in the Wolowona River Area in Ende County
- Metandi, Farindika
- Integrated Information System at Travel Samarinda Based on Macro Microsoft Office Excel
- Milyardo, Boiris
- Community Empowerment Oeseli Tourism Village in Rote-Ndao District
- Mudamakin, Agnes K. B.
- Capital Structure Analysis of Manufacturing Firms Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
- Mudamakin, Agnes Kidi Beda
- Description Study of the Implementation of the MSME Credit Relaxation Policy Affected By Covid 19 in BPR Christa Jaya Kupang
- Mudana, I Gede
- Green Hotel Promotion Strategy in Bali: A Study Using SWOT Analysis
- Mufid, Mohammad Robihul
- Image Data Compression in the Public Reporting System in Lamongan using the Huffman Method and Run Length Encoding
- Mufid, Mohammad Robihul
- Kediri City Tourism Object Application Using Firebase Realtime Database Technology
- Mufid, Mohammad Robihul
- Development of Animal Recognition E-Learning Using Augmented Reality Technology
- Mufid, Mohammad Robihul
- Rhizome Image Classification Using Support Vector Machine
- Mukti, Masetya
- The Effect of Fortification of Moringa Leaf Extract (Moringa Oleifera) on Organoleptic Tempe Product
- Muliati, Ni Kadek
- Service Innovation in the New Normal Era at Restaurants in Ubud Bali Tourism Area
- Mumu, Noldy
- Anticipated Guilt in Reducing Irresponsible Driving Among Youth People
- Mumu, Noldy D. P.
- Gender Differences in Covid-19 Vaccination Intention
- Musa, Ibrahim
- Integrated Information System at Travel Samarinda Based on Macro Microsoft Office Excel
- Musdalifah, Musdalifah
- An Analysis of the Impact of Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) on Consumer Satisfaction at Zoom Hotel Mulawarman Samarinda
- Musdalifah, Musdalifah
- Execution of Representative Cleanliness and Sanitation in Keeping up the Quality of Hotel Rooms
- N. N., Fransiscus
- The Effectiveness of Regional Financial Accounting Practicum in the Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Nabhan, Salim
- Developing Automatic English Speaking Skills Testing System Using Speech Recognition
- Nadra, Nyoman Mastiani
- Competency as one of the Predictors that Influence Google Classroom Usage
- Naiola, Fransiscus Nicodemus
- The Efficiency of Lcal Government Inventory Procurement (Study on The Government of East Nusa Tenggara Province)
- Naiola, Fransiscus Nicodemus
- The Special Interest Development Model Body Rafting Through Collaborative Management of Buffer Villages in the Wolowona River Area in Ende County
- Najib, Moh Farid
- Factors Affecting the Adoption of Electronic Payment Technology in Service Applications Online Transportation in Indonesia
- Nala, I Wayan Lanang
- International Tourist Perception Towards Tourism Destination in East Kalimantan Province
- Nasar, Asbi
- Strategic Preferences Towards the Challenges of Destination Branding: A Case Study in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province
- Nasar, Asbi
- Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Destination Image and Their Impact on Visiting Interests and Decisions
- Nazarudin, Hamzah
- Recomendation Model of Tourism Recovery Policy After Covid 19 in Lembata Regency
- Ningsih, Armini
- Effect of Motivation, Work Environment, and Computer Self-Efficacy to Employee of PDAM Tirta Kencana Performance in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan
- Ningsih, Yuliana
- Developing Multilingual Automotive E-Dictionary Based on Corpus Linguistics
- Nino, Indawati Jauhar
- Household Financial Management in Phenomenology Perspective: A Case Study on a Fisherman Family in Kupang City
- Noach, Robert
- The Role of Resilience as a Mediation of the Variable Between Job Burnout and Investigators Performance (Study on Regional Police Nusa Tenggara Timur During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Noach, Robert
- The Influence of Personality on Performance in Mediation of Work Engagement
- Noor, Muhammad Fauzan
- International Tourist Perception Towards Tourism Destination in East Kalimantan Province
- Nugraha, Yudha E.
- Income of Women Traders Around the Coast of Kupang City Beach Attractions Before and During Covid 19
- Nugraha, Yudha Eka
- Economic Impact of Tourism Development in Coastal Area: A Multiplier Effect Analysis Approach
- Nugroho, I Made Riyan Adi
- Development and Implementation of a Mobile-Based Accounting Terms Application as Self-Learning Kit in English for Vocational Purposes
- Nur, Kurniawan Muhammad
- The Organoleptic Test of Organic Rice in Banyuwangi
- Nurcahyo, Anton
- Planning Area Design of Agro-Tourism in Bukit Raya Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province
- Nurhasanah, Andi
- Effect of Motivation, Work Environment, and Computer Self-Efficacy to Employee of PDAM Tirta Kencana Performance in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan
- Nurhayati, Ida
- Whistle Blowing System in Banking as a Social Control Tool in Banking Crime Prevention Efforts
- Nurhazana, Nurhazana
- Implementation of Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Activities and Outcomes During Pandemics
- Nuriyah, Risalatun
- Image Data Compression in the Public Reporting System in Lamongan using the Huffman Method and Run Length Encoding
- Nurlaila, Nadiya
- Rhizome Image Classification Using Support Vector Machine
- Nurtjahjani, Fullchis
- Job Satisfaction in Higher Education (Study at Universities in Indonesia)
- Nyura, Yusni
- Preliminary Study on Rural Tourism Development in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan: Potential and Status
- Nyura, Yusni
- An Analysis of the Impact of Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) on Consumer Satisfaction at Zoom Hotel Mulawarman Samarinda
- Parnata, I Ketut
- The Role of Motivation to Mediate the Effect of Work from Home on Audit Quality at Public Accountant Firm in Bali Province
- Partika, I Dewa Made
- Tourists Perceptions and Preferences of Sustainable Rural Tourism Management: A Case Study on the Bakas Tourism Area, Banjarangkan Sub District Klungkung Regency, Bali.
- Pasek, I Ketut
- Improving the Performance and Competitiveness of the Company Through the Implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy in MSMEs Which Promotion is On-Line in Karangasem District
- Patandung, Amos R.
- The Role of Esprit De Corps as a Variable Moderation Between Workplace Incivility and Turnover Intention
- Peilouw, Christian T.
- Implementation Analysis of Financial Accounting Standards for Entities Without Public Accountability (Sak Etap) on Financial Statements of Bumdes Ora Et Labora in Usapisonbai Village, Nekamese District
- Pellokila, Imelda Regina
- Strategic Preferences Towards the Challenges of Destination Branding: A Case Study in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province
- Pellokila, Imelda Regina
- The Influence of Transfomational Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment and Working Spirit on Employee Performance
- Pellokila, Imelda Regina
- Towards Branding Kupang City: Local Community Perception
- Permana, Dimas Ero
- Conservation & Tourism; Problem and Challenge in Development of Manado City Center as Heritage Tourism
- Pernyata, Ramadhan S.
- Academic Research Role in Encouraging the Use of Affordable 4.0 Technology in SME’s Product Design Development (Case Studies: The Use of Manual Two-sided Machining Method on 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine for Wooden Wristwatch Prototype Making)
- Pesik, Mex
- Coral Transplantation and Monitoring Planning at Mokotamba Dive Point Pulisan as Conservation Effortts and Tourism Sustainability
- Plaituka, Christina W
- The Role of Local Communities on the Development of Community-Based Tourism Village in Uitiuhtuan Village, Semau Selatan District
- Plaituka, Christina W.
- Income of Women Traders Around the Coast of Kupang City Beach Attractions Before and During Covid 19
- Plaituka, Christina Welly
- Identification of the Tourism Potential Based on Attractions, Amenities and Accessibility in South of Amfoang District, East Nusa Tenggara
- Poeh, Melda M.
- Implementation Analysis of Financial Accounting Standards for Entities Without Public Accountability (Sak Etap) on Financial Statements of Bumdes Ora Et Labora in Usapisonbai Village, Nekamese District
- Poeh, Melda Mariana
- Capital Structure Analysis of Manufacturing Firms Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
- Prakoso, Widya
- The Effect of Human Value and Work Commitment on Bulog Employees Performance with the Mediation of Resilient Leadership in East Java, Indonesia
- Prasetyaningrum, Ira
- Indonesian Traditional Cake Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks