Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)

458 authors
Martini, Dwi
Consumer Protection for Accessing Essential Needs in Disaster Situation in Indonesia
Masniadi, Rudi
Post-Covid-19 Village Fund - Based Economic Recovery Strategy in Sumbawa Regency
Mastorat, M
A Study on the Settlement of Divorce Cases for Undocumented Marriages at the Raba-Bima Religious Court
Maulyda, Mohammad Archi
Thematic Learning: Are Primary School Teachers Ready to Integrate Mathematical Connections in Learning in Schools?
Ma’arij, Aman
Deforestation and Disaster Mitigation: Policy Analysis for the Prevention and Enforcement of Forest Function Change in Bima
Melatisari, Pramita
Playdough Guidebook to Improve the Grade III Student’s Creativity
Menap, M
Bina Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Development) on Implementing the Health Protocols in the Era of New Normal
Merdekawati, Ana
The Implementation of Social Studies Learning Model Based on Cultural Intelligence
Merta, I Wayan
Guided Inquiry Based Biological Teaching Materials to Improve Science Process Skills of Junior High School Students
Montales, Cherry Love B.
Bikol Agricultural Folksongs
Responsibility of Family Doctors in Health Services for BPJS Health Participants in Mataram City
Muhaimi, Lalu
An Analysis of the Use of Diction on Covid-19 News in
Muhaimim, M
Anatomy of Zakat Regulation for Community Welfare
Muhasim, Ahmad
Anatomy of Zakat Regulation for Community Welfare
Muhdin, M
Open Innovation in Service Industry
Muhlis, M
Guided Inquiry Based Biological Teaching Materials to Improve Science Process Skills of Junior High School Students
Mulyati, Yeti
Transmigration Regional Multicultural Society, Analysis of Reading Literacy in Sumbawa Districts
Munandar, La Ode Alfin Haris
The Survey of Tendency in Learning Styles of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students in Cluster Three of Gunungsari Sub-Districts
Munandar, La Ode Alfin Haris
Khitanan in Javanese Society (Ringin Agung-Kediri Village): Anthropological Linguistic Study
Munip, Abdul
Descriptive Analysis on the Plays of Wayang Kekayon Khalifah: A Collaboration Among Calligraphy, Wayang Arts, Islamic Dialogue, and Java Culture
Munir, Ahmad Mubarak
Community-Based Social Services for Livelihood Recovery after Disaster: Evidence from Post Earthquakes, Lombok, Indonesia
Munir, M
Management Model of PD Wawo to Increase the Welfare of the People in Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia
Munir, M
A Study on the Settlement of Divorce Cases for Undocumented Marriages at the Raba-Bima Religious Court
Muntari, M
Optimization of Achievement in Chemistry Learning Outcomes by Implementing Discovery Learning-Based Strategy
Murahim, M
Profile of Ability to Produce Fantasy Story Texts of Mataram City Junior High School Students: Aspects of Structure, Language, Characteristics and Coherence
Musaddat, Syaiful
Profile of Ability to Produce Fantasy Story Texts of Mataram City Junior High School Students: Aspects of Structure, Language, Characteristics and Coherence
Musaddat, Syaiful
Social Characteristics and Local Wisdom in Sasak Folklore: Reconstruction of the Development of Digital Story Books in Elementary Schools
Mustakim, M
Horizontal Conflict Resolution Model in Bima Society
Mustaram, Razy Apriansyah
Utilization of E-Commerce to Increase the Selling Value of MSMEs in Sumbawa Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mustika, Ika
Improving Writing Ability and Independent Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Serial Image Media
Muttaqillah, M
The Effect of Ethical Leadership and Workplace Spirituality on the Implementation of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitments
Nariah, N
Design of Information System Buddhist Identity Card in Riau Province Using Java Programming Language
Nasaruddin, N
Students’ Basic Movement Skills in Physical Education during the Online Learning
Nasirin, Chairun
The Importance of Health Education and Environmental Hygiene Practices in Overcoming Children Diarrhea: What Does Healthcare Professionals Need to Know?
Nasirin, Chairun
The Impact of Nurses Workload, Humanities and Health Policy: Exploratory Analysis of the Patient Experience Satisfaction
Nawawi, N
Development of Academic Speaking Communicative Tasks Model for Students of English Education
Noviati, Wiwi
Development of Learning Media for Educational Games Based on Adobe Flash in Biology
Novitasari, Setiani
Learning Local Content of Cultural Arts Based on Local Genius of Sasak Culture in PGSD Students
Novitasari, Zeti
The Effectiveness of Self-Reflection Techniques to Improve Respect Attitudes of Unugiri Bojonegoro Students
Nurbani, E S
Ratification of International Convention under Indonesian Law: A Study on CITES 1973 and ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement
Nurbani, Erlies Septiana
The Model Regulation of Wawasan Nusantara as Indonesian Maritime Development Strategy Towards World Maritime Axis
Nurcahyo, Widyat
Measuring MSMEs’ Accounting Comprehension for Education of Financial Accounting Standard for MSMEs
Nurhadi, Syiis
Policy-Thought Models to Create a Good Development and Local Governance
Nurhasanah, N
The Development of the Habituation S.O.P in Building Early Childhoods’ Character By Students’ Early Childhood Education Study Program
Nurhasanah, N
Instrument Development on Character Value Assessment at Grade IV Elementary School Students
Nurhasanah, N
The Development of Traditional Games of Cat and Rat to Improve Social and Emotional Abilities of Children aged 5 to 6 Years Old
Nurhidayati, Sri
Policy-Thought Models to Create a Good Development and Local Governance
Nuriadi, N
An Analysis of the Use of Diction on Covid-19 News in
Nuriadi, N
The Implementation of Authentic Assessment in Speaking Skills at MTS As-Suyuthy Ireng
Nurmawanti, Iva
Thematic Learning: Are Primary School Teachers Ready to Integrate Mathematical Connections in Learning in Schools?
Nurmawanti, Iva
Instrument Development on Character Value Assessment at Grade IV Elementary School Students
Nurmayanti, Siti
The Effect of Cross-Domain Social Support and Work-Family Conflicts
Nursaptini, N
Learning Local Content of Cultural Arts Based on Local Genius of Sasak Culture in PGSD Students
Nurtaat, Lalu
An Informational Text Reading Instruction Model to Improve Undergraduate Students’ Reading Skill, Creativity and Criticism
Nurwahidah, N
Learning in 4.0 Era: Transformation of E-Learning to Strengthen Digital Literacy of Students’ Primary Teacher Education Study Program
Nuryani, Yusni
Design of Information System Buddhist Identity Card in Riau Province Using Java Programming Language
Oktaviyanti, Itsna
Attachment to Cultural Values of “Patut Patuh Patju” Among Teenagers in Their Late Teenage Years
Oktaviyanti, Itsna
Learning in 4.0 Era: Transformation of E-Learning to Strengthen Digital Literacy of Students’ Primary Teacher Education Study Program
Pamungkas, Binar Dwiyanto
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Pamungkas, Binar Dwiyanto
The Audiences’ Preferences on Advertisement Stimulus in Improving Brand Awareness: Shopee Baby Shark Version
Paridi, Khairul
Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
Parman, P
Community Empowerment in Rehabilitation of Forests and Critical Lands on the Sekaroh Area
Pasani, Chairil Faif
Feasibility of Student’s Worksheet-Based Scientific Approach on Interaction of Living Things Material
Prasada, Dodi
The Effect of Tax Stimulus during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Improving the Performance of Taxpayers
Prayanti, Yulia
The Perception of Muslim Female Athletes Towards Formal Dress at Sand Volleyball Events
Prayitno, Sudi
Analyzing the Ability of Mathematics Students as Prospective Mathematics Teachers on Multiple Mathematical Representation
Prayitno, Sudi
Development of Learning Model Based on Cognitive Processes in Mathematical Investigation
Prihastari, Ema Butsi
The Effect of the Scientific Approach on Enhancing Elementary School Students’ Learning Outcomes in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis
Purbadharmaja, Ida Bagus Putu
The Effect of the Utilization of Village Fund on Family Welfare in Buleleng District, Bali
Purwadinata, Subhan
The Orientation of Visitor Increasing and the Success of Promotional Innovations on Tourism Performance
Putera, Lalu Jaswadi
An Informational Text Reading Instruction Model to Improve Undergraduate Students’ Reading Skill, Creativity and Criticism
Putra, Galih Mahardika Christian
Relations Between Parent’s Attention and Learning Motivation With Social Science Learning Outcome
Putra, Hery Astika
Good Practices and Learning Benefits in the Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in Msmes
Putra, I Nyoman Nugraha Ardana
Community-Based Social Services for Livelihood Recovery after Disaster: Evidence from Post Earthquakes, Lombok, Indonesia
Putrayasa, Ida Bagus
Social Characteristics and Local Wisdom in Sasak Folklore: Reconstruction of the Development of Digital Story Books in Elementary Schools
Putri, Fara Diba Catur
The Role of Teachers in Growing Human Security Character Through Learning Activities in Elementary Schools
Puttrawandi, Lalu
Legal Protection for Consumers on the Circulation of Illegal Medicines in West Nusa Tenggara
Qodri, M. Syahrul
Profile of Ability to Produce Fantasy Story Texts of Mataram City Junior High School Students: Aspects of Structure, Language, Characteristics and Coherence
Qudsi, Jihadil
The Influence of Religiosity and Local Philosophy on Nurse Performance: A Case Study of Government Hospital
Rachmadani, Dyah
Relations Between Parent’s Attention and Learning Motivation With Social Science Learning Outcome
Rachman, Rosyidah
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rachmayani, Ika
The Development of the Habituation S.O.P in Building Early Childhoods’ Character By Students’ Early Childhood Education Study Program
Rachmayani, Ika
The Development of Traditional Games of Cat and Rat to Improve Social and Emotional Abilities of Children aged 5 to 6 Years Old
Radiusman, R
Students’ Basic Movement Skills in Physical Education during the Online Learning
Rahayu, Sri
“Basangero” Culture and Technology Progress: Empowering Women Concerning Family Welfare
Rahim, Abdul
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rahman, Anwar
Develop English Electronic Module for Tourism Through Analysis of Learner’s and Context
Rahmawati, R
Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency
Raksun, Ahmad
Community Empowerment in Rehabilitation of Forests and Critical Lands on the Sekaroh Area
Ramdhayani, Eryuni
Development of Learning Media for Educational Games Based on Adobe Flash in Biology
Rasmini, Ni Wayan
The Description of Early Childhood Growth and Development with Online Learning Based on Authentic Assessments
Ratnawati, Dwi
Augmented Reality-Based Mobile Education Game “Aku Suka Sayur” For Preschooler
Restuningsih, Ani
The Effect of the Scientific Approach on Enhancing Elementary School Students’ Learning Outcomes in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis
Riadhussyah, M
Ratification of International Convention under Indonesian Law: A Study on CITES 1973 and ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement
Ridwan, R
Study of Legal Options for Agricultural Product Sale and Purchase Dispute Resolution
Ridwan, R
Horizontal Conflict Resolution Model in Bima Society
Ridwan, R
Deforestation and Disaster Mitigation: Policy Analysis for the Prevention and Enforcement of Forest Function Change in Bima
Rifai, R
Community-Based Social Services for Livelihood Recovery after Disaster: Evidence from Post Earthquakes, Lombok, Indonesia
Risnain, Muh.
The Model Regulation of Wawasan Nusantara as Indonesian Maritime Development Strategy Towards World Maritime Axis
Rispawati, R
Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok