Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)
458 authors
- Riyanto, Andra Ade
- The Survey of Tendency in Learning Styles of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students in Cluster Three of Gunungsari Sub-Districts
- Riyanto, Andra Ade
- Khitanan in Javanese Society (Ringin Agung-Kediri Village): Anthropological Linguistic Study
- Rizki, Khairur
- Legal Protection for Consumers on the Circulation of Illegal Medicines in West Nusa Tenggara
- Rosidah, R
- Government Response to Handling Covid-19 Study Comparation: Lessons Learned from Taiwan and Indonesia
- Rosyidah, Awal Nur Kholifatur
- Thematic Learning: Are Primary School Teachers Ready to Integrate Mathematical Connections in Learning in Schools?
- Rosyidah, Awal Nur Kholifatur
- The Relationship between the Use of Macromedia Flash Based Learning Media and the Retention of Class IV Elementary School Students
- Rusdiawan, R
- Study on the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System on Standard Content, Process and Assessment During Corona Virus Disease-19
- Rusdiawan, R
- Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
- Rusnali, Nur Aisyah
- The Tradition of Mappano’ Lolo as Ritual Communication of the Bugis Bone Community
- Rusnan, R
- The Model Regulation of Wawasan Nusantara as Indonesian Maritime Development Strategy Towards World Maritime Axis
- Safaat, Muchamad Ali
- The Dynamics of Organizing Institutions for the Resolution of Election Conflicts in Indonesia During 2005-2020 Period
- Safiih, Abdul Rahman
- The Effect of Tax Stimulus during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Improving the Performance of Taxpayers
- Safruddin, S
- Students’ Basic Movement Skills in Physical Education during the Online Learning
- Saharudin, S
- Language Classification of Traditional Medicinal Plants in the Sasak-Lombok Society
- Sahidu, Hairunnisyah
- Lecturers’ and Students’ Profiles and Perceptions on the Implementation of Online Learning Evaluations During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sahidu, Hairunnisyah
- The Use of Whatsapp Application in Learning Evaluation Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sahidu, Hairunnisyah
- Correlation of Online Learning Evaluation With Students’ Learning Outcomes in the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Sahuddin, S
- Development of Academic Speaking Communicative Tasks Model for Students of English Education
- Sakti, Dwi Putra Buana
- The Effect of Cross-Domain Social Support and Work-Family Conflicts
- Salahuddin, M.
- Policy-Thought Models to Create a Good Development and Local Governance
- Santoso, Budi
- The Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Post Covid-19
- Sanusi, Gufran
- Legal Consequences Due to Environmental Damage: A Study on Material Excavation and Processing Done by PT Tukad Mas in Bima City
- Sapdiani, Ratih
- Improving Writing Ability and Independent Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Serial Image Media
- Saputra, Agus
- Metaphorical Expression of Meatball and the Naturalization of Meatball Conceptualization
- Saputra, Agus
- Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
- Sari, Mega Puspita
- Analysis of Student Perceptions about Online Lectures in Terms of Student Learning Styles: Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sastrawan, S
- Bina Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Development) on Implementing the Health Protocols in the Era of New Normal
- Saufi, Akhmad
- The Perception of Muslim Female Athletes Towards Formal Dress at Sand Volleyball Events
- Sayuti, Rosiady Husaenie
- The Influence of Pandemic Covid-19 on Small Business Enterprise in West Nusa Tenggara Province
- Sentaya, I Made
- Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency
- Setiadi, Dadi
- The Achievement of National Education Standards of the Private Islamic Senior High School (Madrasah Aliyah) in West Lombok During the Period of Covid-19 Pandemic
- Setiadi, Dadi
- Study on the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System on Standard Content, Process and Assessment During Corona Virus Disease-19
- Setiadi, Dadi
- The Achievement of National Education Standard of Private Senior High School of Rural Area
- Setianingsih, Sri
- Measuring MSMEs’ Accounting Comprehension for Education of Financial Accounting Standard for MSMEs
- Setiawan, Deni
- Relations Between Parent’s Attention and Learning Motivation With Social Science Learning Outcome
- Setiawan, Deni
- Playdough Guidebook to Improve the Grade III Student’s Creativity
- Setiawan, Deni
- Comic Strip as Indonesian Tribes Diversity Lesson for Grade IV Students
- Setiawan, Heri
- Instrument Development on Character Value Assessment at Grade IV Elementary School Students
- Setiawina, N. Djinar
- The Effect of the Utilization of Village Fund on Family Welfare in Buleleng District, Bali
- Silviani, Irma
- Improving the Ability to Write Fantasy Stories and Motivation of Junior High School Students in Writing Fantasy Stories by Using the Discovery Learning Method Assisted by Animated Films
- Sjah, Taslim
- Relationship of Food Security and Land Ecology in West Lombok Regency
- Sjah, Taslim
- Supply Chain of Robusta Coffee in Gangga District, North Lombok Regency
- Sjah, Taslim
- Feasibility of Clove Farming in Gangga District North Lombok Regency
- Sobari, Teti
- Improving Writing Ability and Independent Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Serial Image Media
- Sobri, Muhammad
- Students’ Basic Movement Skills in Physical Education during the Online Learning
- Sobri, Muhammad
- Learning Local Content of Cultural Arts Based on Local Genius of Sasak Culture in PGSD Students
- Sood, Muhammad
- Legal Protection for Consumers on the Circulation of Illegal Medicines in West Nusa Tenggara
- Sridana, Nyoman
- Analyzing the Ability of Mathematics Students as Prospective Mathematics Teachers on Multiple Mathematical Representation
- Sridana, Nyoman
- Development of Learning Model Based on Cognitive Processes in Mathematical Investigation
- Suarni, Ni Ketut
- Social Characteristics and Local Wisdom in Sasak Folklore: Reconstruction of the Development of Digital Story Books in Elementary Schools
- Subarinah, Sri
- Analyzing the Ability of Mathematics Students as Prospective Mathematics Teachers on Multiple Mathematical Representation
- Subarinah, Sri
- Development of Learning Model Based on Cognitive Processes in Mathematical Investigation
- Sucihati, Roos Nana
- The Orientation of Visitor Increasing and the Success of Promotional Innovations on Tourism Performance
- Sucihati, Roos Nana
- The Audiences’ Preferences on Advertisement Stimulus in Improving Brand Awareness: Shopee Baby Shark Version
- Sudarsono, Agus
- The Effect of Tax Stimulus during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Improving the Performance of Taxpayers
- Sudika, I Nyoman
- Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
- Sugiarto, Sri
- Development of Indonesian Language Teaching Book Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Department of Network Computer Engineering Students in Vocational School
- Suharli, S
- The Implementation of Social Studies Learning Model Based on Cultural Intelligence
- Suhendra, Riadi
- Development of Indonesian Language Teaching Book Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Department of Network Computer Engineering Students in Vocational School
- Sujana, I Made
- Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
- Sujana, I Made
- Designing Blended Learning for Teaching English Grammar at Higher Education
- Sukardi, S
- Innovation of Learning Social With LSLC to Develop Students’ HOTS Ability at Junior High School 14 Mataram
- Sukarjo, S
- Playdough Guidebook to Improve the Grade III Student’s Creativity
- Sukarjo, S
- Comic Strip as Indonesian Tribes Diversity Lesson for Grade IV Students
- Sukirman, S
- Deforestation and Disaster Mitigation: Policy Analysis for the Prevention and Enforcement of Forest Function Change in Bima
- Sukri, S
- Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
- Sukri, S
- Language Classification of Traditional Medicinal Plants in the Sasak-Lombok Society
- Sukri, S
- Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
- Sulhaini, S
- The Perception of Muslim Female Athletes Towards Formal Dress at Sand Volleyball Events
- Sulhaini, S
- Consumer Behavior Towards Foreign Versus Local Products and Brands: Future Research Directions
- Sulindra, I Gusti Made
- Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency
- Sumantri, Syarif
- Develop English Electronic Module for Tourism Through Analysis of Learner’s and Context
- Sumardi, Lalu
- Using Local Wisdom to Foster Community Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study in the Sasak Community, Indonesia
- Sumarno, S
- Preparing Independent Golden Millennial Generation Through Character Education
- Sunarsi, Denok
- Design of Information System Buddhist Identity Card in Riau Province Using Java Programming Language
- Suniantara, Dewa Kadek
- Feasibility of Clove Farming in Gangga District North Lombok Regency
- Suparman, Lalu
- The Effect of Ethical Leadership and Workplace Spirituality on the Implementation of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitments
- Suprianto, S
- The Audiences’ Preferences on Advertisement Stimulus in Improving Brand Awareness: Shopee Baby Shark Version
- Suprianto, Suprianto
- Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Suryani, Embun
- Open Innovation in Service Industry
- Suryani, Erma
- The Implementation of Social Studies Learning Model Based on Cultural Intelligence
- Suryanti, Ni Made Novi
- Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok
- Suryanti, Ni Made Novi
- Innovation of Learning Social With LSLC to Develop Students’ HOTS Ability at Junior High School 14 Mataram
- Sutanty, Marisa
- Utilization of E-Commerce to Increase the Selling Value of MSMEs in Sumbawa Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Suud, S
- Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok
- Suwardji, S
- Community Empowerment in Rehabilitation of Forests and Critical Lands on the Sekaroh Area
- Suyanu, S
- Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
- Syabuddin, S
- Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
- Syafari, Zainudin
- An Analysis of the Use of Diction on Covid-19 News in
- Syafruddin, S
- Development of Learning Media for Educational Games Based on Adobe Flash in Biology
- Syafruddin, S
- Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok
- Syafruddin, S
- The Orientation of Visitor Increasing and the Success of Promotional Innovations on Tourism Performance
- Syahrial, Edy
- Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
- Syahrial, Edy
- Designing Blended Learning for Teaching English Grammar at Higher Education
- Syam, Syahrianti
- The Tradition of Mappano’ Lolo as Ritual Communication of the Bugis Bone Community
- Syamsiar, S
- Causes of Divorce in Ternate City, North Maluku
- Syamsuddin, S
- Management Model of PD Wawo to Increase the Welfare of the People in Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia
- Syamsuddin, S
- Legal Consequences Due to Environmental Damage: A Study on Material Excavation and Processing Done by PT Tukad Mas in Bima City
- Syamsuriansyah, S
- The Influence of Religiosity and Local Philosophy on Nurse Performance: A Case Study of Government Hospital
- Syihabuddin, S
- Transmigration Regional Multicultural Society, Analysis of Reading Literacy in Sumbawa Districts