Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2018) and 1st Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2018)
401 authors
- Nurhasan, Mr
- Evaluation Program for Special Class of Sport in Senior High School Level
- Nurhidayah, Dewi
- Need Assesment of Software Preparation for Pencak Silat Physical Test in Early Age
- Nurkadri, Mr
- Goenrich Basic Technique Model with Playing Approach for a Beginner Tennis Player
- Nurlatifa Romadhoni, Wiga
- The Effect of Plyometrics Training and Strengths on Power Skills and Agility of Male Player in Extracurricular Volleyball
- Oktoviani Nugraha, Liesda
- Evaluation of Aeromodelling Coaching System
- Pahalawidi, Cukup
- Construct Validity For Talent Identification Test Athletic With Aiken’s V
- Paul Kumar, P.P. Satya
- Effect of Weight Training Exercises to Develop Speed and Shoulder Strength among Javelin Throwers of Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur
- Pekik Irianto, Djoko
- The Effect of Plyometrics Training and Strengths on Power Skills and Agility of Male Player in Extracurricular Volleyball
- Pekik Irianto, Djoko
- Whole Part or Mini Games, which one is the most effective training method to improve forearm passing ability in volleyball?
- Pekik Irianto, Djoko
- Profile of Pre-Practice Hydration Status of Indonesian Junior Sub-Elite Karate Athletes: Pilot Study
- Pelana, Ramdan
- A Comparison Study of Running on Sand and Tartan Track to Increase Cardiovascular Endurance of Universitas Negeri Jakarta Students
- Permadi, Andes
- Sports Management Implementation of Indonesian Sports Committee in Optimizing Sports Achievement
- Prabhakar Rao, Janagama
- Comparative Study of Explosive Strength among Boxers and Taekwondo Players of Osmania University Hyderabad India
- Pradipta Kurma Sulistya, Ardiansyah
- The Potential of Sport Tourism in the Southern Coastal Area of Yogyakarta
- Pranatahadi, Sebastianus
- The Effect of Artistic Gymnastics Talent Scouting Application to Artistic Gymnastic Basic Skills
- Prasetyawati Tri P.S., Indah
- Smartphone: Social Attitude and Healthy Lifestyle
- Prasetyo, Heru
- Holding Bow Digital Test for Strength and Endurance Arm Muscles of Archery
- Prasetyo, Yudik
- Differences of Influence of Playing Playdough and Puzzles on Fine Motor Skills and Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in Early Childhood
- Pratama, Leo
- The Effects of Circuit and Fartlek Exercise Method and Peak Expiratory Flow on Vo2max
- Pratama, Riyan
- The Enlivening System of Basketball in South Sumatera
- Pratama, Yudi
- Whole Part or Mini Games, which one is the most effective training method to improve forearm passing ability in volleyball?
- Prihatanta, Hadwi
- Differences of Influence of Playing Playdough and Puzzles on Fine Motor Skills and Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in Early Childhood
- Prihatanta, Hadwi
- Using the Prototype of Table Tennis Software in Managing Table Tennis Tournament
- Priyonoadi, Bambang
- The Effectiveness of Post-Workout Fitness and Sports Massage in Changing Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, and Breathing Frequency
- Pujianto, Dian
- Gobak Sodor Games and Cardiovascular Endurance of Elementary School Children
- Pujo Broto, Danang
- Development of Authentic Assessment Model of Learning Outcomes in Field Tennis Courses
- Purnama Putra, Ardhana
- The Development of Smart Flexibility Tools to Measure the Digital-Based Abilities
- Purnomo, Eddy
- Bowling Modification to Increase the Basic Movement of Throwing in the Learning of Physical Education
- Purnomo, Edi
- Learning Activity to Develop Physical Literacy in Kindergarten
- Purwandono Shaleh, R. Agung
- Identification of Basic Agility Movement Skills on Soccer Students of KU between 11-13 Years
- Purwanto, Joko
- The Capabilities of Sports Education Teachers in Making Character Oriented Lesson Plans and Learning Practices
- Purwanto, Sugeng
- Analysis Implementation Learning Adapted Physical Education in State High School
- Purwanto, Sugeng
- Sports Management Implementation of Indonesian Sports Committee in Optimizing Sports Achievement
- Purwanto, Sugeng
- An Evaluation of Swimming Coaching Programs
- Puspa Ningrum, Anita
- The Potentials of Spring Water in Brintik Indonesia as the Stroke Therapy Medium
- Putra, Adnyana
- The Design of Sports Club of Pencak Silat in Elementary School
- Putra, Adnyana
- The Effect of Listening Music on Reaction Time of Badminton Players
- R. Hidayat, Rodhi
- The Effects of Plyometric Training and Age on The Agility of Silat Fighters
- Rahayu, Setiyo
- Evaluation of the 2013 Curriculum Implemented by Physical Education Teachers
- Rahayu, Setya
- Contributing Factors to the Lack of Parental Involvement in Sepak Takraw
- Rahma, Noer
- The Effect of Sport and Circulo Massage on the Improvement of Work Productivity of the Physically Disabled
- Rahmat, Azali
- Physical Education Teachers' Knowledge and Practice of Educational Assessment Based on Gender: A Survey
- Rahtawu, Adhim
- The Role of Parenting Style in Youth Sport Talent
- Rajashekhar Mallikarjunayya, Hiremath
- Effect of Plyometric Training for development of Speed among High Jumpers of India
- Rasyid, Ainur
- Characteristics Analysis of Badminton in Female Single Player
- Razak Noruzzaman, Abdul
- Students Reasoning Achievement Using Games Performance Assessment Instrument in Physical Education
- Rello Pambudi, Yudha
- Football Skills: Training Methods and Motor Educability
- Ridzwan, Salzuriawani
- Physical Education Teachers' Knowledge and Practice of Educational Assessment Based on Gender: A Survey
- Rini Sukamti, Endang
- The Effect of Artistic Gymnastics Talent Scouting Application to Artistic Gymnastic Basic Skills
- Rini Sukamti, Endang
- Rhythmic Gymnastics of the Early Childhood
- Rismayanthi, Cerika
- The Correlation between Body Mass Index, Abdominal Circumference, and Hip Circumference on Cardiorespiratory Endurance using the Rockport Method
- Rismayanthi, Cerika
- Relationship between Flexibility with Balance in the Elderly Based on Clinical Pathophysiology
- Rithaudin, Ahmad
- Spiritual Development through Elementary Physical Education Classes
- Rithaudin, Ahmad
- Developing FIVE® Neuromuscular Warm-Up As Futsal Injury Prevention Program
- Riyad Fadhli, Nurul
- A Comparative Study of Effect of Interval and Continuous Training toward Oxidative Stress Level, Antioxidant Enzyme Capacity, and Resistance of Erythrocyte Membrane
- Riyadi, Slamet
- The Development of Football Basic Skill Learning Model
- Rohmah Muktiani, Nur
- Instructional Model of Self-defense Lesson in Physical Education: A systematic Review
- Rosida Perdana, Ilya
- The Potential of Sport Tourism in the Southern Coastal Area of Yogyakarta
- S. Suherman, Wawan
- Students, Teachers, and Parents: Urgency Implementation of Water Activity in Physical Education
- S. Suherman, Wawan
- Identification of the Obstacle Factors for 2013 Curriculum Implementation of Public Junior High Schools in Sleman District
- S. Suherman, Wawan
- Physical Education Sport and Health National Curiculum and Elite Sport Development: Policy, Synergy, or Conflict?
- Sahdi Kadir, Sulasikin
- Games to Introduce Basic Motion of Martial Arts
- Sakti Rumpoko, Satrio
- Dive Sports Career Opportunities in Indonesian Professional Sports
- Salimin, Norkhalid
- The Effectiveness of Task Assessment Standard (TASk) in the Teaching and Learning Process of Physical and Health Education Teachers
- Salimin, Norkhalid
- Students Reasoning Achievement Using Games Performance Assessment Instrument in Physical Education
- Salvi, Bhaskar
- A Comparative Study of Mental Health between Athlete and Non-Athlete
- Sanggantara, Yusuf
- The Influence of Plyometric Exercise on the Long Pass Results of Football Players in One Football Club in Magelang Indonesia
- Santoso, Nurhadi
- The Implementation of Learning Big Ball Game in High School
- Saryono, Mr
- Instructional Model of Self-defense Lesson in Physical Education: A systematic Review
- Saryono, Mr
- The Effectiveness of Task Assessment Standard (TASk) in the Teaching and Learning Process of Physical and Health Education Teachers
- Saryono, Mr
- Spiritual Development through Elementary Physical Education Classes
- Saryono, Mr
- Developing FIVE® Neuromuscular Warm-Up As Futsal Injury Prevention Program
- Satia Graha, Ali
- The Effectiveness of Post-Workout Fitness and Sports Massage in Changing Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, and Breathing Frequency
- Semarayasa, I Ketut
- Contributing Factors to the Lack of Parental Involvement in Sepak Takraw
- Septi Sistiasih, Vera
- Dive Sports Career Opportunities in Indonesian Professional Sports
- Setiadi, Budi
- Evaluation of the 2013 Curriculum Implemented by Physical Education Teachers
- Setiawan, Caly
- Phenomenological Study of Experience and Meaning on K-13 Implementation by Elementary Physical Education Teacher Purworejo Regency
- Setiawan, Caly
- The Construction of Inclusion and Inclusive Teaching by Physical Education Teachers
- Setiawan, Caly
- The Phenomenological Study of Fanaticism of Football PSS Sleman Supporters
- Setiawan, Caly
- The Promise of a Holistic Ecological Approach to Study Badminton Talent Development in Indonesia
- Setiawan, Caly
- Ethical Issues in Researching Immigrant Youth Physical Activity: A New Zealand Perspective
- Setijono, Hari
- Evaluation of the 2013 Curriculum Implemented by Physical Education Teachers
- Setijono, Hari
- The Analysis of Volleyball Coaching Achievement Obstacles in Lampung Province Indonesia
- Setijono, Hari
- The Development of a Hitting Practice Tool Model on Woodball
- Setyo Adi, Banu
- Elementary School Physical Education and Sport in Integrated Curriculum
- Setyo Kriswanto, Erwin
- Smartphone: Social Attitude and Healthy Lifestyle
- Sigid, Muhamad
- Phenomenological Study of Experience and Meaning on K-13 Implementation by Elementary Physical Education Teacher Purworejo Regency
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Developing a Model of Character Education of 5t-Based Pencak Silat
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Martial art of Dayak Central Kalimantan (a Study of history, philosophy, and Techniques of Traditional Martial Arts)
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- The History of Pencak Silat Goes to the World in the Period of 1980-2000
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Games to Introduce Basic Motion of Martial Arts
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Identification of Basic Agility Movement Skills on Soccer Students of KU between 11-13 Years
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Holding Bow Digital Test for Strength and Endurance Arm Muscles of Archery
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- The Development of Smart Flexibility Tools to Measure the Digital-Based Abilities
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Ergocycle Test for The Disabled Children
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Need Assesment for Development of Digital-Based Learning Media for Jurus Regu Pencak Silat
- Siswantoyo, Mr
- Need Assesment of Software Preparation for Pencak Silat Physical Test in Early Age
- Sita Utami, Nur
- A Systematic Review of Teaching Swimming Based on Constructivist Approach
- Slamet, Moch.
- A Systematic Review of Teaching Swimming Based on Constructivist Approach
- Soegiyanto, Mr
- Evaluation of the 2013 Curriculum Implemented by Physical Education Teachers