Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2018) and 1st Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2018)
401 authors
- Sri Dewi Lestari, Ni Made
- The Effect of Listening Music on Reaction Time of Badminton Players
- Sri Wahjuni, Endang
- A Comparative Study of Effect of Interval and Continuous Training toward Oxidative Stress Level, Antioxidant Enzyme Capacity, and Resistance of Erythrocyte Membrane
- Sridadi, Mr
- Development of Authentic Assessment Model of Learning Outcomes in Field Tennis Courses
- Sriwahyuniati, Fajar
- Coaching Achievements KKO in Senior High School as an Evaluation to Sport Achievements
- Suardhana Eka Putra, Fadli
- Exercise Box Jump to Increase the Strength of Long Passes and Shots
- Subagyo, Mr
- A Systematic Review of Teaching Swimming Based on Constructivist Approach
- Subarkah, Ari
- Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Sports
- Subarkah, Ari
- Training Model of Badminton Footwork for Beginner
- Sudardiyono, Mr
- Intervention Model of Perceptual Motor Development in Preschool Children Movement Development
- Sudarsono, Mr
- The Combination of Dribbling and Shooting Training Models Based on Speed and Agility in Football
- Sudiana, I Ketut
- The Role of Physical Exercise for Menopausal Women
- Sudibjo, Prijo
- The Correlation between Body Mass Index, Abdominal Circumference, and Hip Circumference on Cardiorespiratory Endurance using the Rockport Method
- Sugiharto, Mr
- The Development of a Hitting Practice Tool Model on Woodball
- Sugiyama, Yoshio
- Spiritual Development through Elementary Physical Education Classes
- Sugiyanto, F.X.
- The Influence of Ball Modification on Sepak Takraw Service Learning Outcome
- Sugiyanto, F.X.
- Roles of Parenting Aquatic Athletes Through Mediators Achievment Motivation
- Sugiyanto, F.X.
- The Development of the Kick Abhorigi Chagi Instruments of Kyorugi Taekwondo Athletes
- Sugiyanto, F.X.
- The Effect of Training Method and Motivation to Increase VO2Max of Basketball Players
- Sugiyanto, F.X.
- The Effect of Training Method and Speed on VO2max of Futsal Players
- Suhadi, Mr
- The Implementation of Learning Big Ball Game in High School
- Suharjana, Fredericus
- Smartphone: Social Attitude and Healthy Lifestyle
- Suharjana, Mr
- Effects of Training Methods and Power on Shooting Accuracy in Football
- Suharjana, Mr
- The Influence of Plyometric Exercise on the Long Pass Results of Football Players in One Football Club in Magelang Indonesia
- Suharjana, Mr
- The Effect of Circuit Training on Aerobic Fitness and Body Fat Percentage
- Suharjana, Mr
- The Analysis of Diving Resistance by Using Dry Static Method for Freediving Beginners
- Suharjana, Mr
- Sports Achievement Issues: Professionalism, Policy, Racism, Cheating, Abuse, Doping, Gender
- Suharjana, Mr
- The Effects of Training Methods and Eye-Hand Coordination on Groundstroke Accuracy
- Suhartini, Bernadeta
- Analysis for the Development of a Physical Education Learning Model for Children with Special Needs
- Sujarwo, Mr
- Intervention Model of Perceptual Motor Development in Preschool Children Movement Development
- Sujarwo, Mr
- Sports Achievement Issues: Professionalism, Policy, Racism, Cheating, Abuse, Doping, Gender
- Sukarmin, Yustinus
- The Athletics Literacy through Need Assessment Software in contribution to the Physical Education and Health Learning Process
- Sukarmin, Yustinus
- Mood State Profile as Overtraining Predictors: Considering Gender and Two Different Class Types
- Sukarmin, Yustinus
- The Effect of Weight Training Method and Aerobic Endurance on the Improvement of Anaerobic Endurance
- Sukoco, Pamuji
- Developing Basketball Using TGfU Approach in Elementary Schools
- Sukoco, Pamuji
- Developing Affective Instrument Based on Performance in Extracurricular Swimming
- Sukoco, Pamuji
- Perception of Physical Education Teachers on the Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum 2013
- Sukoco, Pamuji
- The Exercise Method and Eye-Foot Coordination in Soccer Playing Skills for 14-15 Years Old Players
- Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
- The Effect of Sport and Circulo Massage on the Improvement of Work Productivity of the Physically Disabled
- Sulaiman, Mr
- The Analysis of Volleyball Coaching Achievement Obstacles in Lampung Province Indonesia
- Sulistiyono, Mr
- Physical Education Sport and Health National Curiculum and Elite Sport Development: Policy, Synergy, or Conflict?
- Sumarjo
- The Effect of Sport and Circulo Massage on the Improvement of Work Productivity of the Physically Disabled
- Sumarjo, Mr
- Strategy of Sport Industry Development as Supporting Tourism in DIY
- Sumaryanti, Ms
- Analysis for the Development of a Physical Education Learning Model for Children with Special Needs
- Sumaryanti, Ms
- Changes in Children Behavior with Music Yoga Motion Exercise
- Sumaryanto, Mr
- Strategy of Sport Industry Development as Supporting Tourism in DIY
- Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Agus
- Using the Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model (CIPP) to Evaluate Elementary School Teacher-Learner Program of Physical Education in Yogyakarta City
- Sunardianta, Raden
- Badminton Game Empowerment: A Symbol of Leadership in the University Student Association
- Sundawan Suherman, Wawan
- Nation Character Building through Physical Education: Lesson Learnes from 2013 Indonesian National Curriculum
- Supriatna, Eka
- Learning Activity to Develop Physical Literacy in Kindergarten
- Supriyanto, Agus
- Roles of Parenting Aquatic Athletes Through Mediators Achievment Motivation
- Supriyanto, Mr
- Adjustment of Teen-aged Athletes in Badminton Boarding School
- Suratmin, Mr
- The Design of Sports Club of Pencak Silat in Elementary School
- Susanto, Ermawan
- The Capabilities of Sports Education Teachers in Making Character Oriented Lesson Plans and Learning Practices
- Susanto, Ermawan
- Perception of Physical Education Teachers on the Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum 2013
- Susworo Dwi Marhaendro, Agus
- Reliability of Futsal Skill Test for High School Players
- Susworo Dwi Marhaendro, Agus
- Badminton Game Empowerment: A Symbol of Leadership in the University Student Association
- Sutapa, Panggung
- Differences of Influence of Playing Playdough and Puzzles on Fine Motor Skills and Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in Early Childhood
- Sutapa, Panggung
- The Effect of Moderate Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, and Platelets Level
- Sutapa, Panggung
- Shooting Training Models with the Playing Approach for Futsal Extracurricular of Junior High School Students
- Swasta Budayati, Eka
- Mood State Profile as Overtraining Predictors: Considering Gender and Two Different Class Types
- Syaifullah Irwan, Muhammad
- The Effect of Exercise Methods and Coordination towards Students' Extracurricular Basketball Skills
- Syamsuryadin, Mr
- The Development of the Forearm Passing Training Model in Volleyball for Beginner Athletes
- Syarif, Ahmad
- The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Elementary Schools
- Tanimoto, Hideaki
- The Effects of Health Educational Lessons using Learning Activities that Make Students Apply The Knowledge
- Tarigan, Beltasar
- Implementation of Sport Science Coaching: Improving Strength and Conditioning Performance of Tennis Junior Athletes
- Tatya Admaja, Ayub
- The Development of the Kick Abhorigi Chagi Instruments of Kyorugi Taekwondo Athletes
- Tirtawirya, Devi
- The Contest Validation of Circuit Trainning Design to Improve Biomotor Components in Table Tennis Performance
- Tomar, Rakesh
- Linkages of Sports Activities with Spirituality and Religiosity of Community: The Case in Muslim Majority Country
- Tomoliyus, Mr
- The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Elementary Schools
- Tomoliyus, Mr
- The Contest Validation of Circuit Trainning Design to Improve Biomotor Components in Table Tennis Performance
- Tomoliyus, Mr
- The Effects of Plyometric Training and Age on The Agility of Silat Fighters
- Tomoliyus, Mr
- Bodyweight Circuit Training for Basketball Beginner Athletes’ Aerobic Endurance
- Tomoliyus, Mr
- The Periodization of 4 and 6 Weeks Circuit Training and Age to Improve the Aerobic Endurance of Basketball Beginner Athletes
- Tri Kaloka, Pasca
- Analysis Implementation Learning Adapted Physical Education in State High School
- Tri Sambodo, Presto
- The Effect of Circuit Training on Aerobic Fitness and Body Fat Percentage
- Umam, Rofiqul
- The Learning Model of Handball Basic Movement Skills through Simple Games
- Umar, Fadilah
- The Development of Football Basic Skill Learning Model
- Uzi Dollah, Mohd
- Physical Education Teachers' Knowledge and Practice of Educational Assessment Based on Gender: A Survey
- Veerender, C.
- Effective Counseling Methods to Overcome the Psychological Factor of a Sportsperson
- Verhagen, Evert
- The Role of Sports Medicine in Elite Sports
- Verhagen, Evert
- Long-term effect of marathon to cardiac health – potential myocardial fibrosis
- Victory Manurung, Oloan
- Influence of Training Method and Concentration to the Accuracy of Short Service Backhand in Badminton
- Wahyu Juanna, Merryko
- Students' Participation in Physical Education Learning Through Modification of Equipment
- Wahyu Putra, Firdhana
- The History of Pencak Silat Goes to the World in the Period of 1980-2000
- Wibowo Eko Yulianto, Wahyu
- Identification of Basic Agility Movement Skills on Soccer Students of KU between 11-13 Years
- Wicaksono, Danang
- Body Responses to Combination of Endurance and Strength Training for Kids Aged 13-14 Years Old
- Widiyanto, Mr
- Reduction of LDL Cholesterol through MICT and HIIT in Rats
- Widiyanto, Mr
- Football Skills: Training Methods and Motor Educability
- Widiyanto, Mr
- Mood State Profile as Overtraining Predictors: Considering Gender and Two Different Class Types
- Widiyanto, Mr
- Measurement of The Muscle Fitness Level of 9-12 Years Old Badminton Players with The Kraus Weber Method
- Widodo, Hary
- The Contest Validation of Circuit Trainning Design to Improve Biomotor Components in Table Tennis Performance
- Widya Laksmini Soerjoatmodjo, Gita
- Can Mental Skills Intervention Improve Resilience of Adolescent Badminton Athletes?
- Winarni, Sri
- Developing Playing Activity Models in Physical Education towards Improving Multilateral Abilities among Elementary School Students
- Winarni, Sri
- Motion-and-Song-Based Warm-Up Model for Children with Visual Impairment
- Woro Mulaksito Mulyadi, Rekyan
- The Effects of Training Methods and Eye-Hand Coordination on Groundstroke Accuracy
- Yoga Santiko, Galih
- The Effect of Circuit Training on Aerobic Fitness and Body Fat Percentage
- Yudanto, Mr
- Intervention Model of Perceptual Motor Development in Preschool Children Movement Development
- Yuli Satria, Guntur
- The Effects of Training Method and Aerobic Capacity on the Anaerobic Endurance of Taekwondo Athletes in Dojang Lampung Barat
- Yuniarto, Andryas
- The Effect of Moderate Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, and Platelets Level
- Yunus, Moch.
- A Comparative Study of Effect of Interval and Continuous Training toward Oxidative Stress Level, Antioxidant Enzyme Capacity, and Resistance of Erythrocyte Membrane