Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2018) and 1st Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2018)

401 authors
Sri Dewi Lestari, Ni Made
The Effect of Listening Music on Reaction Time of Badminton Players
Sri Wahjuni, Endang
A Comparative Study of Effect of Interval and Continuous Training toward Oxidative Stress Level, Antioxidant Enzyme Capacity, and Resistance of Erythrocyte Membrane
Sridadi, Mr
Development of Authentic Assessment Model of Learning Outcomes in Field Tennis Courses
Sriwahyuniati, Fajar
Coaching Achievements KKO in Senior High School as an Evaluation to Sport Achievements
Suardhana Eka Putra, Fadli
Exercise Box Jump to Increase the Strength of Long Passes and Shots
Subagyo, Mr
A Systematic Review of Teaching Swimming Based on Constructivist Approach
Subarkah, Ari
Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Sports
Subarkah, Ari
Training Model of Badminton Footwork for Beginner
Sudardiyono, Mr
Intervention Model of Perceptual Motor Development in Preschool Children Movement Development
Sudarsono, Mr
The Combination of Dribbling and Shooting Training Models Based on Speed and Agility in Football
Sudiana, I Ketut
The Role of Physical Exercise for Menopausal Women
Sudibjo, Prijo
The Correlation between Body Mass Index, Abdominal Circumference, and Hip Circumference on Cardiorespiratory Endurance using the Rockport Method
Sugiharto, Mr
The Development of a Hitting Practice Tool Model on Woodball
Sugiyama, Yoshio
Spiritual Development through Elementary Physical Education Classes
Sugiyanto, F.X.
The Influence of Ball Modification on Sepak Takraw Service Learning Outcome
Sugiyanto, F.X.
Roles of Parenting Aquatic Athletes Through Mediators Achievment Motivation
Sugiyanto, F.X.
The Development of the Kick Abhorigi Chagi Instruments of Kyorugi Taekwondo Athletes
Sugiyanto, F.X.
The Effect of Training Method and Motivation to Increase VO2Max of Basketball Players
Sugiyanto, F.X.
The Effect of Training Method and Speed on VO2max of Futsal Players
Suhadi, Mr
The Implementation of Learning Big Ball Game in High School
Suharjana, Fredericus
Smartphone: Social Attitude and Healthy Lifestyle
Suharjana, Mr
Effects of Training Methods and Power on Shooting Accuracy in Football
Suharjana, Mr
The Influence of Plyometric Exercise on the Long Pass Results of Football Players in One Football Club in Magelang Indonesia
Suharjana, Mr
The Effect of Circuit Training on Aerobic Fitness and Body Fat Percentage
Suharjana, Mr
The Analysis of Diving Resistance by Using Dry Static Method for Freediving Beginners
Suharjana, Mr
Sports Achievement Issues: Professionalism, Policy, Racism, Cheating, Abuse, Doping, Gender
Suharjana, Mr
The Effects of Training Methods and Eye-Hand Coordination on Groundstroke Accuracy
Suhartini, Bernadeta
Analysis for the Development of a Physical Education Learning Model for Children with Special Needs
Sujarwo, Mr
Intervention Model of Perceptual Motor Development in Preschool Children Movement Development
Sujarwo, Mr
Sports Achievement Issues: Professionalism, Policy, Racism, Cheating, Abuse, Doping, Gender
Sukarmin, Yustinus
The Athletics Literacy through Need Assessment Software in contribution to the Physical Education and Health Learning Process
Sukarmin, Yustinus
Mood State Profile as Overtraining Predictors: Considering Gender and Two Different Class Types
Sukarmin, Yustinus
The Effect of Weight Training Method and Aerobic Endurance on the Improvement of Anaerobic Endurance
Sukoco, Pamuji
Developing Basketball Using TGfU Approach in Elementary Schools
Sukoco, Pamuji
Developing Affective Instrument Based on Performance in Extracurricular Swimming
Sukoco, Pamuji
Perception of Physical Education Teachers on the Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum 2013
Sukoco, Pamuji
The Exercise Method and Eye-Foot Coordination in Soccer Playing Skills for 14-15 Years Old Players
Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
The Effect of Sport and Circulo Massage on the Improvement of Work Productivity of the Physically Disabled
Sulaiman, Mr
The Analysis of Volleyball Coaching Achievement Obstacles in Lampung Province Indonesia
Sulistiyono, Mr
Physical Education Sport and Health National Curiculum and Elite Sport Development: Policy, Synergy, or Conflict?
The Effect of Sport and Circulo Massage on the Improvement of Work Productivity of the Physically Disabled
Sumarjo, Mr
Strategy of Sport Industry Development as Supporting Tourism in DIY
Sumaryanti, Ms
Analysis for the Development of a Physical Education Learning Model for Children with Special Needs
Sumaryanti, Ms
Changes in Children Behavior with Music Yoga Motion Exercise
Sumaryanto, Mr
Strategy of Sport Industry Development as Supporting Tourism in DIY
Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Agus
Using the Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model (CIPP) to Evaluate Elementary School Teacher-Learner Program of Physical Education in Yogyakarta City
Sunardianta, Raden
Badminton Game Empowerment: A Symbol of Leadership in the University Student Association
Sundawan Suherman, Wawan
Nation Character Building through Physical Education: Lesson Learnes from 2013 Indonesian National Curriculum
Supriatna, Eka
Learning Activity to Develop Physical Literacy in Kindergarten
Supriyanto, Agus
Roles of Parenting Aquatic Athletes Through Mediators Achievment Motivation
Supriyanto, Mr
Adjustment of Teen-aged Athletes in Badminton Boarding School
Suratmin, Mr
The Design of Sports Club of Pencak Silat in Elementary School
Susanto, Ermawan
The Capabilities of Sports Education Teachers in Making Character Oriented Lesson Plans and Learning Practices
Susanto, Ermawan
Perception of Physical Education Teachers on the Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum 2013
Susworo Dwi Marhaendro, Agus
Reliability of Futsal Skill Test for High School Players
Susworo Dwi Marhaendro, Agus
Badminton Game Empowerment: A Symbol of Leadership in the University Student Association
Sutapa, Panggung
Differences of Influence of Playing Playdough and Puzzles on Fine Motor Skills and Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in Early Childhood
Sutapa, Panggung
The Effect of Moderate Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, and Platelets Level
Sutapa, Panggung
Shooting Training Models with the Playing Approach for Futsal Extracurricular of Junior High School Students
Swasta Budayati, Eka
Mood State Profile as Overtraining Predictors: Considering Gender and Two Different Class Types
Syaifullah Irwan, Muhammad
The Effect of Exercise Methods and Coordination towards Students' Extracurricular Basketball Skills
Syamsuryadin, Mr
The Development of the Forearm Passing Training Model in Volleyball for Beginner Athletes
Syarif, Ahmad
The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Elementary Schools
Tanimoto, Hideaki
The Effects of Health Educational Lessons using Learning Activities that Make Students Apply The Knowledge
Tarigan, Beltasar
Implementation of Sport Science Coaching: Improving Strength and Conditioning Performance of Tennis Junior Athletes
Tatya Admaja, Ayub
The Development of the Kick Abhorigi Chagi Instruments of Kyorugi Taekwondo Athletes
Tirtawirya, Devi
The Contest Validation of Circuit Trainning Design to Improve Biomotor Components in Table Tennis Performance
Tomar, Rakesh
Linkages of Sports Activities with Spirituality and Religiosity of Community: The Case in Muslim Majority Country
Tomoliyus, Mr
The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Elementary Schools
Tomoliyus, Mr
The Contest Validation of Circuit Trainning Design to Improve Biomotor Components in Table Tennis Performance
Tomoliyus, Mr
The Effects of Plyometric Training and Age on The Agility of Silat Fighters
Tomoliyus, Mr
Bodyweight Circuit Training for Basketball Beginner Athletes’ Aerobic Endurance
Tomoliyus, Mr
The Periodization of 4 and 6 Weeks Circuit Training and Age to Improve the Aerobic Endurance of Basketball Beginner Athletes
Tri Kaloka, Pasca
Analysis Implementation Learning Adapted Physical Education in State High School
Tri Sambodo, Presto
The Effect of Circuit Training on Aerobic Fitness and Body Fat Percentage
Umam, Rofiqul
The Learning Model of Handball Basic Movement Skills through Simple Games
Umar, Fadilah
The Development of Football Basic Skill Learning Model
Uzi Dollah, Mohd
Physical Education Teachers' Knowledge and Practice of Educational Assessment Based on Gender: A Survey
Veerender, C.
Effective Counseling Methods to Overcome the Psychological Factor of a Sportsperson
Verhagen, Evert
The Role of Sports Medicine in Elite Sports
Verhagen, Evert
Long-term effect of marathon to cardiac health – potential myocardial fibrosis
Victory Manurung, Oloan
Influence of Training Method and Concentration to the Accuracy of Short Service Backhand in Badminton
Wahyu Juanna, Merryko
Students' Participation in Physical Education Learning Through Modification of Equipment
Wahyu Putra, Firdhana
The History of Pencak Silat Goes to the World in the Period of 1980-2000
Wibowo Eko Yulianto, Wahyu
Identification of Basic Agility Movement Skills on Soccer Students of KU between 11-13 Years
Wicaksono, Danang
Body Responses to Combination of Endurance and Strength Training for Kids Aged 13-14 Years Old
Widiyanto, Mr
Reduction of LDL Cholesterol through MICT and HIIT in Rats
Widiyanto, Mr
Football Skills: Training Methods and Motor Educability
Widiyanto, Mr
Mood State Profile as Overtraining Predictors: Considering Gender and Two Different Class Types
Widiyanto, Mr
Measurement of The Muscle Fitness Level of 9-12 Years Old Badminton Players with The Kraus Weber Method
Widodo, Hary
The Contest Validation of Circuit Trainning Design to Improve Biomotor Components in Table Tennis Performance
Widya Laksmini Soerjoatmodjo, Gita
Can Mental Skills Intervention Improve Resilience of Adolescent Badminton Athletes?
Winarni, Sri
Developing Playing Activity Models in Physical Education towards Improving Multilateral Abilities among Elementary School Students
Winarni, Sri
Motion-and-Song-Based Warm-Up Model for Children with Visual Impairment
Woro Mulaksito Mulyadi, Rekyan
The Effects of Training Methods and Eye-Hand Coordination on Groundstroke Accuracy
Yoga Santiko, Galih
The Effect of Circuit Training on Aerobic Fitness and Body Fat Percentage
Yudanto, Mr
Intervention Model of Perceptual Motor Development in Preschool Children Movement Development
Yuli Satria, Guntur
The Effects of Training Method and Aerobic Capacity on the Anaerobic Endurance of Taekwondo Athletes in Dojang Lampung Barat
Yuniarto, Andryas
The Effect of Moderate Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, and Platelets Level
Yunus, Moch.
A Comparative Study of Effect of Interval and Continuous Training toward Oxidative Stress Level, Antioxidant Enzyme Capacity, and Resistance of Erythrocyte Membrane