Proceedings of the 2024 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities and Arts (SSHA 2024)

216 authors
Liu, Wenjia
A Study of the Arabic Translation of the Chinese Four-Character Phraseologies Based on Newmark's Communicative Theory
Liu, Yang
Research on the Difference Between New Power System and Traditional Power System
Liu, Yanqing
Gender Inequality and Reproductive Rights: Through the Lens of Existence Theory
Liu, Yiting
Study on the Mechanism of Cross-border Movement of Personal Information in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area
Liu, Yuan
The Art Historical Critique of Hegel's Aesthetic Philosophy by Gombrich
Liu, Yunjuan
“Menswear Structure and Technology” Course Based on Application-oriented Talent Training Reform Exploration
Lu, Jiaqi
A Comparative Study of The Russian Super-Presidential System and the French Semi-Presidential System
Lu, Lu
Dilemma and Breakthrough of Zhuang Brocade Culture Development in Guangxi in the Era of New Media
Luo, Xiaoping
Hukou and Health Care: Some Unintended Consequences of Purposive Action
Luo, Xiaoyan
Research on Cultivating Applied Talents in Rail Transit Vehicle Engineering under the Background of New Engineering Education
Lyu, Bingjie
Collaborative Development of Museum Economy, Environment, Society, and Cultural Sustainability: Strategies and Practices
Lyu, Ruoyao
A Study of Feminism in the Context of Androgyny Consciousness Take Virginia Woolf’s Orlando as an example
Ma, Haoran
Urbanization and Family Structure: What is the best Way to Overcome the challenges in the Changing of Gender Roles in Contemporary Urban Families
Ma, Wenqing
Multi-Dimensional Thinking on the Development Direction of Intelligent Driving Vehicles in China
Mao, Hengbo
A Study on Cross-Cultural Communication Factors of Black Myth Wukong
Meng, Yuan
Research and Exploration on the Application of Dynamic Art Video Installation Based on New Media Context
Ni, Xiang
Study on the Matching Relationship between Information System Resources and Strategy
Niguidula, Jasmin
Research on the Innovation of Digital Social Governance to Government Supply
Pei, Yan-Li
A Study on Experiential Marketing of Luhe Leicha Tea and Consumption Intention: Mediating Effect of Perceived Value and Brand Attitude
Qi, Lingling
An Empirical Study of the Sunset Employment Needs of Ageing Groups in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China, Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Qian, Ke
A Study of the Contemporary Dissemination of Classical Literature in Chinese Costume Dramas
Qian, Zheyu
Sustainable Development of the Grand Canal Cultural Heritage Ecological Reserve: Policy Framework, Construction Model, Technological Innovation
Qiu, Guohong
An Empirical Study of the Sunset Employment Needs of Ageing Groups in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China, Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Sang, Shuguang
Innovative Design and Development of Chinese Sanitary Ceramics from the Perspective of Humanistic Care
Sedon, Mohd Fauzi bin
Peer-Review Statements
Shen, Hui
Voices and Visions: Qualitative Insights into the Roles and Challenges of Health Communication on Social Media
Shen, Wenjin
A Review of Research on Information Technology Teaching Problems and Countermeasures in Basic Education in The Past Ten Years——Knowledge Graph Analysis based on Cite Space
Shen, Xunbing
The Current Psychological Health and Self-Confidence of College Students Post-Pandemic
Su, Yi
Non-native English Teaching Anxiety in EFL Instructors: A Study in Chongqing and Xi’an Colleges
Sun, Jiaming
Research on the Thought and Practice of Hengyi Jing Normal Education
Sun, Xueqiang
A Study on Improvement of Career Guidance in Vocational Colleges
Tang, Chunxi
The Marital Attitudes Among Chinese Females in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Differentiation of Self and Relationship Self-Efficacy
Tang, Ruihan
Analyzation of Geography Landscapes and Cultural Elements in Typical Scenes of “Chang An”
Tian, Dong Yi
A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and British Tea Cultures Base on Social Structure Differences and Mainstream Philosophy Influence
Tian, Yinxia
A Study on the Location Planning and Layout Prediction of Elderly Care Facilities in the Central Urban Area of Lanzhou City Based on a Machine Learning Model
Tu, Yilan
The Whole as the “Wonderful Harmony” of Its Parts: The Formation and Development of Zhou Xiaoyan’s Vocal Teaching Philosophical Concepts
Wang, Chunning
A Study of Feminism in the Context of Androgyny Consciousness Take Virginia Woolf’s Orlando as an example
Wang, Feifei
Research Progress on the Dual-Factor Model of College Students’ Mental Health
Wang, Guonian
A Study of College Oral English Teaching Based on Immersion Teaching, Input and Output Theories
Wang, Hezeyun
Exploring how to Understand Gaming Addiction in Adolescents from a Psychological Perspective
Wang, Jiang
An Empirical Study of the Sunset Employment Needs of Ageing Groups in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China, Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Wang, Jintao
The Conceptualization, Spatial Patterns, and Influencing Factors of Dietary Geographical Belts: A Case Study of Guangdong Province, China
Wang, Jun
A Study of the Contemporary Dissemination of Classical Literature in Chinese Costume Dramas
Wang, Longhao
“Menswear Structure and Technology” Course Based on Application-oriented Talent Training Reform Exploration
Wang, Mengqin
Study on the Influencing Factors of College Students’ Willingness to Return to Their Hometowns for Entrepreneurship under the Perspective of Social Capital Endowment
Wang, Qianbubei
Multidimensional Integration: Exploring the Practical Education of Broadcasting and Hosting Art in the Era of Integrated Media - A Case Study of “CCTV Host Competition”
Wang, Ruiyuan
On Status Quo, Problems, and Future Development of BTI in the Central and Western Regions of China—the Revelation from Western Sydney University
Wang, Ruoxi
The Mediating Analysis of Parental Education on College Students’ Adaptability
Wang, Tianpeng
A Study on the Location Planning and Layout Prediction of Elderly Care Facilities in the Central Urban Area of Lanzhou City Based on a Machine Learning Model
Wang, Xun
Research on the Influence of Middle School Teachers on Campus Bullying
Wang, Ya
English Language Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices on Using Tasks Online in Improving EFL Students’ English Speaking Ability in a Chinese University
Wang, Yidi
Idioms with Animal Names in Russian and Chinese
Wang, Yixuan
Research on the Difference Between New Power System and Traditional Power System
Wang, Yucong
Investigation and Study on the Two Largest Exhibition Venues in Macao and Shenzhen
Wang, Yue
Globalization’s Influence on Artistic Vision: Perspectives from Diverse Artists
Wang, Zhuoyan
An Analysis of the Writing Skill of the Shawshank Redemption from the Perspective of Personal Heroism
Wang, Zi-Le
A Study on Experiential Marketing of Luhe Leicha Tea and Consumption Intention: Mediating Effect of Perceived Value and Brand Attitude
Wei, Lixuan
Analysis of the CSR and Brand Loyalty in Chinese Context
Wei, Zhong
Clive Bell’s “Significant Form” Theory: Its Development and Influence in China
Wu, Gaoshan
Voices and Visions: Qualitative Insights into the Roles and Challenges of Health Communication on Social Media
Wu, Hua-Jian
A Study on Experiential Marketing of Luhe Leicha Tea and Consumption Intention: Mediating Effect of Perceived Value and Brand Attitude
Wu, Liyue
Analysis of the form characteristics of traditional dwellings in the Xihaigu area of Ningxia, China
Wu, Sican
Voices and Visions: Qualitative Insights into the Roles and Challenges of Health Communication on Social Media
Wu, Yongying
The Application of the Miao’s Batik in Modern Clothing Design
Xie, Jue
Research on Cultivating Applied Talents in Rail Transit Vehicle Engineering under the Background of New Engineering Education
Xie, Lun
Strategies for Protecting and Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage During New Urbanization
Xie, Yuning
Voices and Visions: Qualitative Insights into the Roles and Challenges of Health Communication on Social Media
Xu, Cong
The Adaptation Study of “The Diary of a Young Girl” in 1950s America
Xu, Dan
Empirical Study on the Impact of Authenticity Evaluation in the Adaptive Reuse Process of Industrial Heritage
Xu, Lanjun
The Evolution of External Director System in State-owned Enterprises
Xu, Tan
Research on the Collection of Historical Materials of Northeast Counter-Japanese United Army under the Background of Big Data
Xu, Tengfei
A Study on the Training Strategies of Art and Design Talents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Based on Industrial Demands
Xu, Yimei
Research and Practice on Fully English-Taught Programming Courses under the Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education Model
Xu, Yingying
The Evolution of the Girdle as a Reflection of Ancient Social Concepts
Xu, Yunfei
An Practical Study on the Reform of the Salary System in State-owned Enterprises
Xu, Zhe
The Conceptualization, Spatial Patterns, and Influencing Factors of Dietary Geographical Belts: A Case Study of Guangdong Province, China
Ya, Dong
A Study on the Development of the Ability to Use Prefabricated Chunks in Spoken English of Vocational College Students from the Perspective of “Production-oriented Approach”
Yan, Linchun
Research on the Enhancement of Cultural Confidence in Higher Vocational College Students through Traditional Chinese Cultural Education
Yang, Bo
Research on Cultivating Applied Talents in Rail Transit Vehicle Engineering under the Background of New Engineering Education
Yang, Fang
Triple Logic of Thought Featuring Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature
Yang, Hanyi
Sustainable Development of the Grand Canal Cultural Heritage Ecological Reserve: Policy Framework, Construction Model, Technological Innovation
Yang, Qiaohe
Convergence and Process Orientation in Algorithm and Generative Art
Yang, Zhilin
A Study of the Influence of Xingluan School on the Formation of Weilongwu in Xingning-Meizhou Region
Ye, Zixin
Research on the Transmission Path of Kaizhang Sheng King Culture Under the Inheritance of Southern Fujian Culture
Yin, Yiming
Analysis on the Problems and Solutions in Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Sentencing
Ying, Bai
Diaolou Revitalization——Inheritance and Innovation of Kaiping Diaolou from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization
Yu, Chengzhi
Innovative Design and Development of Chinese Sanitary Ceramics from the Perspective of Humanistic Care
Yu, Jianfen
Research on the Digital Transformation of Dynamic Display of Intangible Cultural Heritage along the Grand Canal
Zhang, Bingyi
The Dilemma and Countermeasures of The Implementation of the Three-Child Policy in Harbin --Based on the Analysis of Smith’s Policy Implementation Process Model
Zhang, Haiwei
Study on the Mechanism of Cross-border Movement of Personal Information in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area
Zhang, Hanwen
A Study of the Arabic Translation of the Chinese Four-Character Phraseologies Based on Newmark's Communicative Theory
Zhang, Haokai
Research on the Digital Transformation of Dynamic Display of Intangible Cultural Heritage along the Grand Canal
Zhang, Jiankang
Research on the Digital Transformation of Dynamic Display of Intangible Cultural Heritage along the Grand Canal
Zhang, Jiankang
Sustainable Development of the Grand Canal Cultural Heritage Ecological Reserve: Policy Framework, Construction Model, Technological Innovation
Zhang, Jiankang
Quantitative Research on the Influence of Students’ Cultural Participation on Digital International Communication Based on SOR Model
Zhang, Jianwen
A Study of Pilots’ English Proficiency Development Based on ICAO LPRs
Zhang, Jiaojiao
An Empirical Study of the Sunset Employment Needs of Ageing Groups in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China, Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Zhang, Jiaoyang
The “Double Reduction” Policy Implementation Research Based on the Smith Policy Implementation Process Model
Zhang, Qianxue
A Review of Research on Information Technology Teaching Problems and Countermeasures in Basic Education in The Past Ten Years——Knowledge Graph Analysis based on Cite Space
Zhang, Xiaohan
Research on the Collaborative Education Strategy of the “Four Histories” Education and Cultural United Front Work