Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research

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26604 articles
Proceedings Article

Application of Fishburn Sequences in Economic and Mathematical Modeling

E S Remesnik, A V Sigal
The paper validates the fitness of taking a game-theoretic approach to modeling the process of executive decision-making in the economy in the context of the third information situation, when the probability values of the economic environment states are unknown and must be in line with the corresponding...
Proceedings Article

A Research on Disneyland at Home and Abroad

Renxian Fan, Zeyu Qu, Ran Wen
The popularity of Disneyland has been upswing day by day. Analysis and studies of Disneyland become more and more significant. This essay discusses the overviews of national and foreign Disneyland conditions by using the document study method. For national Disneyland, we focus on the sinicization, the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of COVID-19 on Various Aspects of Remote Work Software and Future development

Xianzhen He, Xiang Meng, Yixuan Wang, Zhengjie Wang
The COVID-19 has a big shock to people’s life. It not only changes people’s lifestyle but also brings people lots of advantages and disadvantages. Workers have to switch from sitting in the office to staying at home and working on the Internet. Therefore, the effects that COVID-19 brings to remote working...
Proceedings Article

Prospects for the Development of Digital Educational Environment in North-Eastern Federal University in the Context of Adult Education

O M Chorosova, G S Solomonova, V G Struchkov
The article discusses the need for the digitalization of education in the context of developing a system of continuing professional education in North-Eastern Federal University and explores associated risks and prospects for the future, including the customizable online learning tool, tailored to the...
Proceedings Article

Explore Not Independence and Correlation of Random Variables and Methods to Judge Them between Stocks

Han Han, Zhehan Wang, Qixun Dong, Zugen Liu
In recent years, whether there is independence and correlation between stocks and how to use research results to minimize risks and maximize investment returns in the stock market have attracted the attention of many economists, mathematicians, and the public. It is worthy of discussion about how to...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Determining the Most Valuable Company Based on Financial Analysis and Principal Component Analysis Methods

Zhe Ji, Andy Rui Chen Lu, Jingyi Wang, Yijin Sha
There are four profitable and valuable companies, Oshkosh Corporation, Intel Corporation, Arena Pharmaceutical Inc., and the Walt Disney Company, and we are choosing the most valuable one for investors to invest in. Among these four companies, the most valuable one should be determined carefully. This...
Proceedings Article

Development of Additional Education to Increase the Level of Competence of Specialists in the Field of Technosphere Safety

V V Kuleshov, E V Bakiko, V S Serdyuk
The article describes the system of modern professional education. Today includes practical training, the use of modern technologies, the use of communication technologies and the use of the experience of practicing specialists with extensive experience in these areas. The information provided indicates...
Proceedings Article

Research of Reform of Registration System and Earnings Management of R&D Activities in IPO

Jiacheng Geng
China’s registration reform took place in 2013, and a full registration system will be implemented in 2022. The registration system takes the quality of information disclosure as the core and requires IPO enterprises to disclose true, accurate and complete information. However, it is a common phenomenon...
Proceedings Article

Summarizing as a Means of Development of a Communicative Competence in Aviation Sphere

L V Vorobets
The article deals with a problem of such an activity as summary writing of foreign texts in a nonlinguistic university. Under the focus of the author’s attention there are key transformation stages of the original text into the newly born one. The author analyses the most essential steps in summary writing...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Tik Tok’s Global Market

Yuchen Ren, Wanxin Qi, Mingyang Fan
Tik Tok creates a worldwide mania, becomes one of the most popular and successful social media platforms. The success of Tik Tok cannot take place without its strong algorithm. In combination with knowledge of Business Analytics and Economics, this essay measures how Tik Tok develops its global market...
Proceedings Article

Is Rivian the Next Tesla?

Jiaxuan Wen
Rivian, an American maker of electric pickups, went public on The Nasdaq on November 10, 2021, pricing at $78 and raising $12 billion. The IPO rose 29.14% on its first day, with a market value of more than $80 billion, making it the world’s seventh largest automaker. A week later it overtook Volkswagen...
Proceedings Article

Modern Management Trends for Industrial Companies with State Participation in Russia

A Y Yakovlev
Despite wide prevalence of the companies with state participation in Russia they do not often become the subject of scientific researches. There are about 1100 companies with Russian Federation as the official shareholder and more than 2000 companies with Russian regions participation. This study is...
Proceedings Article

Using Search Index to Predict the Volatility of Exchange Rate Based on HAR Model

Zhao Wang
The exchange rate is crucial to global financial markets. However, the existing literature rarely considers the impacts of the search index effects on the volatility of the exchange rate. With the gradual improvement of the realized volatility theory, researchers have found that the realized volatility...
Proceedings Article

Policy Response After the Great Financial Crisis

Jince Chen, Yuanyuan Li, Chengmai Zhang, Yufei Ye
The Great Financial Crisis was the worst financial crisis since World War II, which plunged the global economy into a full-blown and sustained recession. This paper tries to explain the smooth but slow recovery after the crisis in the U.S. by evaluating the effectiveness and impact of three prime policy...
Proceedings Article

Education of Civil Engineers: Emphasis Upon Team Work or Self-Development?

E Romanova
Recently, Russian education system has begun training civil engineers according to the new educational standard, which stipulates only universal and general professional competencies. The new educational program has twice more academic hours for the development of universal competencies than the old...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Value Investing Research in Covid-19 -A Case of Starbucks

Genglan He, Sha Xiang, Jingyi Yin
Value investing research has been an important component of economic researches. Covid-19 has changed the general global economic environment and hindered normal social activities since the end of 2019, with dramatic effects on various industries. Particularly, it has brought severe challenges to the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Quotation Writing on the Presentation of Economic Information in the Modern Russian Media Text

A E Bazanova, E O Popova
Economic information acts as a product. The public, legal entities and individuals are its main consumer. In this study, the authors consider the concept of economic media text and the role of language techniques used by journalists to explain economic information and fulfill all the demand of the audience....
Proceedings Article

Panic Buying and Its Causes: A Case Study of the US Toilet Paper Market

Jiaxuan Li
Panic buying refers to a sudden increase in the consumption of certain goods due to perception or expectation of adverse situations. The goal of this paper is to explore the psychological factors that drive panic buying during a pandemic, more specifically, the global-wise COVID-19 outbreak. Literature...
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of Different Phrases of COVID-19 on the U.S. Stock Market and How Investors Reacted

Mengfei Yan
This study explores the initial impact of the COVID-19 on the U.S. stock market. According to the daily data of S&P 500, Nasdaq and DJI, this paper investigates the reactions of the U.S. stock market when Omicron was found. In addition, to predict the future movement of the U.S. stock market, this...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Interrelations of Economic Indicators as a Tool for Predicting Regional Financial Instability

Yu V Granitsa
One of instruments of forecasting of financial instability of regions of Russia is quantitative and qualitative estimates of interrelations between regional macroeconomic indicators. Research objective is selection of the most adequate models of establishment of interrelations between indicators of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Economics Behind Gree-style Survival

Fu LiYuan
Gree is one of the well-known household appliance companies in China, which has now entered the era of diversification. Under the leadership of Dong Mingzhu, Gree Electric is ready to cover every aspect from home to travel. The development of the diversification of Gree Electric also means that it needs...
Proceedings Article

Analyses of Sustainable Development of China’s Finance Based on Commercial Banks

Tianqi Luo
China’s economy has developed exceedingly fast over the years. However, behind the fast-growing economy, sustainable development seems lagging. To motivate further development in sustainable development, analysis of sustainable financing, in the scope of commercial banks, the credit providers of all...
Proceedings Article

Employees’ Competitiveness in Digital Transformation

M N Ivanenko, M V Artamonova
Employees’ competitiveness in the era of digital transformation is inextricably linked with digital competencies and digital skills that raise many questions. Firstly, the researchers did not come to a unified definition of digital competencies and digital skills. Secondly, it is necessary to identify...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Financial Technology Risk Prevention and Control System

Qi Mingchun
The development of financial technology has changed the financial format and reshaped the financial pattern, at the same time, it also brings a series of risks of traditional finance and technology finance, the importance and urgency of financial technology risk monitoring, early warning and prevention...
Proceedings Article

Does Gender Diversity Matter? Study of Female Directors and Corporate Performance

Evidence of China

Jie Liu
With the improvement of women’s social status, women try to seek higher positions in firms. The female perspective is prevalent in corporate governance researches. This study aims to figure out does gender diversity on boards influences corporate performance in China. The researcher uses panel regression...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Global Hedge Funds

Dan Qian
The paper examines whether the coronavirus pandemic has affected selected hedge fund markets (Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index, Eurekahedge North American Hedge Fund Index, Eurekahedge European Hedge Fund Index, Eurekahedge Asian Hedge Fund Index). The purpose of the paper is to assess the degree of the...
Proceedings Article

Employees’ Competitiveness in IT and Telecom in Vladivostok

M N Ivanenko, M V Artamonova
The topic of employees’ competitiveness introduces new issues into the era of digital transformation. Employees should not only to possess the necessary digital competencies, but to improve them, as well as to acquire additional digital competencies to increase their competitiveness. There is a methodology...
Proceedings Article

China’s Economic Integration in Central Asia in the Context of the Proclaimed “One Belt, One Road” Initiative

M I Razumovskaya, I I Kazak, V Y Burov
Based on scientific and practical ideas about regional economic integration, a modern strategy of China’s integration is presented. It is considered in the context of the initiative “One belt, one road”, proclaimed by the leadership of the country. Arguments are given that the initiative is designed...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influential Factors for Hedge Fund Performance in Liquor Industry

Yiwen Hu
China has a very rich wine culture, and there is even a large amount of famous wine inherited for hundreds of years. Social intercourse at the dinner table is also inevitable in Chinese culture, which means that liquor is an essential consumer goods in daily life. And the general consumer goods will...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating the Efficiency of Investing in Securities of Russian Companies

S S Akimov
The article presents various methods of investment performance evaluation that are currently in use. To evaluate and compare the efficiency of each financial assessment tool, three largest Russian industrial companies were selected and their six-year financial quotes were used. The evaluation findings...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Game Cooperation in Manufacturing Industry Under the Impact of Covid-19 on Global Supply Chain Based on Dynamic Game

Xinxin Chen, Lingqi Yao
The outbreak of the COVID-19 causes multifaceted disruptions and delays in the global supply chain, commodity shortages, and price increases, and may also exacerbate inflation caused by global monetary overdraft. Based on the game model, we analyze the cooperation and decision-making behaviors of suppliers...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Methods for Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital of a Company on the Example of an Industrial Enterprise

E A Dolbnya, M K Vasilyeva, A Y Lyukina
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is used to estimate the profitability of the company’s capital, the rate of return of the investment project and business. Within the framework of the article, an analysis of the methods for calculating the weighted average cost of capital of a company was...
Proceedings Article

Influential Factors of Sales Revenue in the Fast-Food Industry

Rui Liu, Yueyang Sun, Jiaxiang Wang
Fast food refers to popular catering that commercial enterprises quickly supply. The fast-food industry, which can be processed quickly and eaten anytime and anywhere, has become increasingly important in the wake of COVID-19. The purpose of this article is to study the different factors that affect...
Proceedings Article

Financial Statements and Analysis, Taking Tencent as an Example

Sijia Cai, Yuxuan Che, Dingyu Duan, Haoyang Liu, Yabei Yang
It is important to figure out a company’s financial situation in order to analysis investment, borrowing, mergers and acquisitions, fraud surveys, and competitive intelligence. This is also beneficial when assessing the corporation financial situation itself. This paper studies a typical enterprise in...
Proceedings Article

The Psychological Predictors for Self-Disclosure of High School Students’ Abilities (E.G. Eleventh-Graders of Vladivostok School)

V S Chernyavskaya, I I Cheremiskina, V S Shibaev
The article presents a study of the predictors for successful self-disclosure of high school students’ abilities in the 11th grade. The main categories of research are presented. We substantiated the problem of the uncertainty for predictors in the context of self-disclosure of the high school students’...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Position of Both China and US to Deal with the Financial and Economic Problems Caused by COVID-19

Jing Li
Covid-19 began in 2020 in an unexpected way as the most serious global non-traditional security shock in a century. China is the first major economy to resume growth since the outbreak, and it is at the forefront of the world in terms of epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery. However,...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Model for the Chinese Cosmetic Industry

Kangnaixin Yang, Hanchao Jiang, Tianyi Tang
The Chinese cosmetic market is developing rapidly in recent years and has become one major aspect of Chinese consumption. This paper uses a multiple regression model to analyze the factors affecting the cosmetics industry in China. The paper would firstly look at related research in this field and present...
Proceedings Article

Russian Regions in the Global Economic Space

B L Lavrovskii, A V Chuvaev, I V Ruzaeva
The article is devoted to analysis and assessment of the place of Russian regions in terms of labor productivity in context of the global economic space. Its main goal is to identify (empirical) patterns of acceleration or deceleration of the growth rate of above mentioned indicator on the basis of large...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on Markowitz and Single Index Model

Junqing Wu
In this paper, the Markowitz Model and the Single-Index Model were used to study U.S. stocks. Four industries of U.S. stocks were selected to empirically analyze the data from 2002 to 2021, and the combination selection results given by the two models under five restrictions were compared. The results...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Four Technology Related Industries Before and After COVID-19 Based on Fama-French Five-Factor Model

Jiaying Li, Xinyuan Wang, Junxing Zhou, Yuanhao Zhou
The COVID-19 devastated the U.S. economy dramatically, which broke the largest shrank record from 1947. The U.S. stock market faced a series of huge fluctuations during the pandemic. Due to more stimulated injection policies and online communication demands, the U.S. technology industry faced a structural...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Digital Technology in Personnel Management (HRM)

O N Balabanova, I P Balabanov
The purpose of the research is to develop practical guidelines for personnel management in an organization which would be instrumental in improving the efficiency of the personnel management system and conducive to the employees’ growth of labor productivity based on the use of digital technologies....
Proceedings Article

Liability Determination of Financial Institutions’ Breach of Suitability Obligations

Take the Obligation to Inform and Explain as an Example

Jingxuan Yang
The Suitability Obligation is an essential legal institution in the financial market to protect investors. The Minutes of the National Court Work Conference for Civil and Commercial Trials in 2019 (“The Minutes”) has made detailed provisions on the liability determination of financial institutions for...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Marketing Strategy of Bilibili and the Reasons for Its Success

Hansong Tian
China’s video platforms show a good and rapid development momentum in 2019-2021, among which Bilibili is the most rapid. Its number of users has doubled in just two years and it has become one of the most popular video platforms in China. Founded in 2009, Bilibili focuses on ACG subculture. After more...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Spillover Effects of Covid-19 in Global Economic Markets

Junyu Du
The spillover effect means that an organization will not only produce the expected effect of the activity but also have an impact on people or society outside the organization. In short, an activity should have external benefits, which the main body of the activity cannot get. The spillover effect can...
Proceedings Article

Improving State Financial Control over Organizations (Interregional Aspect)

T V Chinaev
The article describes ways to improve modern Russian state financial control over organizations; individual implementation problems, the specific role of state financial control in the fight against corruption in contract system; it has also been established that today audit must be seen as one of the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Change of Sales and Influence of Tsingtao Beer during Epidemic

Haoyue Jiang
Tsingtao Beer was set in 1903 as one of the most famous and biggest beer brands in China. However, in 2020, Yang believes that the coronavirus and the quarantine policies limited tourism and also have an impact on the sale of the Tsingtao Beer [1]. This paper mainly illustrates the Sale volume changes...
Proceedings Article

Research on High-quality Supply of Rural Public Goods in China from the Perspective of Urban-rural Integration Development

Wuning Xia
The integrated development of urban and rural areas is committed to breaking the dual structure of urban and rural areas, smoothing the two-way flow of urban and rural factors, and building a new pattern of coexistence and co-prosperity between urban and rural areas.The supply of rural public goods has...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of U.S. Sector of Services with Fama-French 5-Factor Model During the Covid-19

Yusen Feng, Tingjun Li, Ruoyu Zhao, Chennan Zhou
Covid-19 is the most widespread and devastating pandemic since the 20th century, which profoundly impacted the industries and the stock market, especially the service-related industries and stocks in the U.S. This paper aims to study the epidemic’s impact on service-related industries in the U.S. and...
Proceedings Article

Students Creative Workshop as a Platform for the Formation of Entrepreneurial Skills in Engineering Education

O V Solnyshkova, E V Dudysheva
The paper discusses the issues of sources, methods, and conditions of the formation of students’ skills in the vocational training led to the entrepreneurial behavior of graduates. It is based on the work of the students’ creative workshop “Geo-S” within engineering geodesy university course. We proposed...
Proceedings Article

Research on China’s Income Gap

Caizhe Zheng
Since the reform and opening-up, China’s income gap has widened rapidly. According to an analysis of the current situation of urban-rural income gaps, inter-industry, and inter-regional income gaps, it is essential to pay more attention to redistribution which leads to the income gap. This paper believes...
Proceedings Article

Solution of the Decentralized Task of Evaluating and Improving Product Quality

G T Pipiay, L V Chernenkaya, V E Mager
Management of products quality needs from a producer to decide following tasks: technologies of production, economical issues, management of purchases. All these tasks are aimed on the obtaining of a rational quality level of products. For this various methods and models for monitoring a quality of product...
Proceedings Article

Revealing the Wage Phillips Curve on the Relationship Between Wage Growth and Unemployment Rate

Mingyang Jiang, Mian Wang, Xinkai Zhuo, Junyi Zou
The Phillips Curve is a well-known concept in macroeconomics, where the relationship between the unemployment rate and wage growth is a dominant element. The purpose of this study was to explore the failure of revealing normal relationship between wage growth and unemployment in 2001based on the wage...
Proceedings Article

Digital Pet Product & Service Platforms

The Diversity of the Industry

Yixuan Feng
With the changes of the times and the rise of the Internet industry, online commerce has become a place that can generate huge profits. While life quality is getting higher, people’s demand for pets is also gradually increasing. The rise of the online pet economy represents the arrival of a new era....
Proceedings Article

Research on Financing Issues in Early Venture Capital Stage of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Field of High-tech Innovation

Haozhou Wang, Xiyang Zhu
Due to the entrepreneurial boom in China, more small and medium-sized enterprises have appeared and disappeared, and only a few of them can survive. Based on the background, this article used the method of DEA to investigate of the difference of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Beijing,...
Proceedings Article

Anthropology of Tourism

L N Zakharova, L N Shabatura
Authors make an attempt to understand the essence and content of anthropology of tourism, as well as to the search for its methodological foundations. A lot of studies both in Russia and abroad do not fully clarify causes of the historical development of the tourism phenomenon, as well as the problems...
Proceedings Article

Research on Competitive Strategy of Coca-Cola Company

Xueyao Guo, Manyu Wen
In recent years, there are more and more kinds of drinks, people’s demand for drinks is increasing, and the competitive pressure in the beverage market is also increasing year by year. Coca-Cola has been a leader in the beverage market for a long time, and the reasons for its success are worth our in-depth...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing the Sales of Paid Membership

Evidence from Video Software Markets in China

Siru Lin, Xiaoyun Ye, Yeqi Yu
In recent years, the number of video software paid members in China has increased sharply. At present, the development of the video industry is relatively mature. The tightening of national copyright policies and the people’s need for entertainment also helps the video software to grow faster. This paper...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Innovative-Information and Production Business Processes Into Digital Technologies of the Industrial Complex of Russia

N M Tyukavkin, V Yu Anisimova, E A Kurnosova
Innovative development of informatization systems in the industrial sector comes under the scrutiny of both business entities and the state. Informatization tools used by industrial enterprises are the key to improving efficiency and developing innovative activities. Business processes in industry are...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Factors Affecting Stock Price Volatility

Sijia Li, Yuping Wang, Zifan Zhang, Yiming Zhu
Under the influence of the Covid-19, the economies of all countries were affected to varying degrees, particularly on the domestic stock market. Consequently, equity price volatility will be researched, primarily by studying factors affecting volatility. This paper is mainly divided into four aspects...
Proceedings Article

A Literature Review on the Evidence and Limitation for the AMH Theory

Zhaoyu Li, Rui Li, Boning Xiao
It remains a challenge for the Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH) to reconcile Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) with behavioural finance. This paper reviews many previous papers and examines AMH whether it is consistent with real changes in markets. By examining previous studies on the relationship between...
Proceedings Article

Disability Issues in the Context of Urban and Feminist Paradigms

E Naberushkina, O Sudorgin, V Moiseev, E Karelina
The article discusses the issues of comfort and friendliness of the urban space for women with disabilities. The authors use the focus of urban feminism as a new interdisciplinary research field that has emerged to encourage the integration of a gender perspective in urban development policies. We proceed...
Proceedings Article

Video Game Livestream Trend Analysis Based on Twitch Livestream Data

Luwei Yao
With the continuous improvement of the technological level of networks, terminals, and videos, people’s demand for entertainment consumption has expanded rapidly, and the country’s policy to promote the upgrading of residents’ consumption structure has promoted the vigorous development of the e-sports...
Proceedings Article

Simple Chooser Option Evaluation

Minghan Gao, Yifei Yu
Financial instruments traded in the markets and investors’ situations in such markets are becoming more complex. The paper examines the main aspects of options, emphasizing the variety of exotic options and their place in financial markets and the risk management process. As the exact valuation of exotic...
Proceedings Article

Problems in the Management of the Russian Economy

V V Moiseev
The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the strategy of economic development of Russia. The author sought to show what shortcomings in public administration should be addressed and what priorities the president and his team needs to solve in order to implement ambitious plans by 2024....
Proceedings Article

A Business Model to Analyze the Tesla Based on SWOT Analysis and POCD

Ting Jiang
Tesla is a car company that works on producing cars operating on electricity. It is an America based company that works on electric vehicles and a company that is operating on the clean energy program. All the cars manufactured by Tesla are battery operated can be charged from home or grid storage. It...
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Stock Markets between China and the United States

Lina Peng
The global eruption of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) public crisis has a significantly unprecedented and abnormal impact on global financial markets. This paper examines the responses of stock markets in China and the United States through the industry’s aspect. Additionally, the impacts of COVID-19...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Success Factors and Developing Potential of Pop Mart

Feier Liu, Linfeng Lyu, Kaize Yang
This study discusses the rising reason of POP MART, respectively, on the marketing strategy and IP analysis. Otherwise, it also makes a potential analysis for POP-MART to discuss the competition between substitutes and the future development of the blind box economy. For the special marketing strategy...
Proceedings Article

Clarification of Dependence of the Macaulay Duration on the Period Until Maturity

N V Popova
The article is dedicated to clarification of dependence of the Macaulay duration on the period until maturity by accounting the behavior of this indicator between coupon payments. The problem of dependence of bond duration on the period until maturity accounting the behavior of duration between coupon...
Proceedings Article

A Model Combining LightGBM and Neural Network for High-frequency Realized Volatility Forecasting

Xiang Zhang
The financial market is a nonlinear and frequently changing complex dynamic. Volatility, as one of the important indicators to measure the return of financial assets, occupies an indispensable position in the field of financial measurement. With the development of machine learning and massive data technology,...
Proceedings Article

Self-Evaluations and Social Comparison

Zhuoyuan Song
This study will be focuse on the effect of social comparison on implicit self-esteem and self-evaluation. The study is about how unconscious process may be affected by social comparison. The study is based on hypothetical study data and Meta-analysis. By comparing the result from different groups of...
Proceedings Article

The Classification of the Regions of the Russian Federation as the Basis of Internal Migration Flow Management

E I Yangirova, A V Yangirov, S I Nasyrova
The impact of migration processes on the sustainability of social and economic development of the constituents of the Russian Federation is on the increase nowadays. Besides, due to their uneven development, the proper management of labor migration can help unlock the potential of their populations and...
Proceedings Article

Accuracy Analysis of Enterprise Internal Control - IT System Audit (Alibaba)

Xiyue Zhang
In the early 1960s, the concept of information systems was initially developed and introduced in the United States in the mid-1960s. With the progress of society, IT audit is also constantly developing and applied to major enterprises. This paper takes the company with problems in IT system audit as...
Proceedings Article

Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations in Trump Era

Jian Zhang
Trumpism not only retains the tradition of the Republican Party, but also has the factors of the times. It is characterized by populism, emphasis on political identity, anti-globalization and neglect of alliances. The Sino-US trade war in 2018 and 2019 seriously affected the economic and trade relations...
Proceedings Article

Russia’s Foreign Policy Activities in the Context of Western Sanctions

V V Moiseev, V V Ogneva, T S Bolkhovitina, A S Sidorov
It is obvious that today Russia is facing increasing external challenges. They are largely connected with the costs of globalization, the intensification of the confrontational policies of the West, first of all, the USA towards Russia, China, Venezuela and a number of other states. The situation is...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Agency Problem, Corporate Governance and Firm Value

Gengli Hao
Based on the financial data of 373 private listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges in 2019, this paper makes a theoretical analysis and empirical test on corporate governance and enterprise value by using agency theory. This paper finds that China’s private listed companies have agency...
Proceedings Article

Overseas-Study Industry

Analysis on Overseas Department in Senior High School and Overseas Education Agency

Binghao Li
As Chinese family economics is becoming better and better, more and more parents are willing to send their children abroad to study because of the diverse experience, while students are fascinated by the popular culture abroad. Their vision and action form the overseas-study industry. This paper will...
Proceedings Article

Walmart China Face the Marketing Strategic Issues and What’s their Future Plan

Mingchen Yuan, Ningxin Zhang, Zu Guang Wong
The purpose of this SWOT analysis is to demonstrate that Walmart has the opportunities to achieve localized transformation and have competitive strength by using effective supply chain logistics and E-commerce locally; however, the company will need to act swiftly to overcome its weaknesses in its management...
Proceedings Article

Explaining Changes in Consumer Behavior in Grocery Shopping Around the World Brought by the COVID Pandemic using Behavioral Economics

Qige Sun
This article documents some of the changing consumer behaviors along with 12 existing studies presenting these behaviors. Through a literature review, this article is able to explain the changes in consumer behavior in grocery shopping around the world brought by the COVID-19 pandemic using behavioral...
Proceedings Article

Discrete Event Modeling of the Travel Agency Activities in SimEvents

A N Kazak, D V Gorobets, D V Samokhvalov
The article shows how to simulate the activities of a travel agency in the SimEvents environment and how to calculate the system load. This model allows you to optimally load the system by regrouping services. The considered example of building the architecture of the system model, taking into account...
Proceedings Article

Market Change: How to Transform and Upgrade Luxury Goods in the New Era

Taking the LV Brand for Example

Jingyu Gu, Yi Liang, Ruoshui Wang, Pinghao Zhang
As millennials who are highly educated, possess adequate economic resources, and have a completely different consumption outlook from previous generations start to occupy the main luxury market, luxury brands must make certain changes to cater to the new generation of consumers so as not to be abandoned...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Net Present Value and Equivalent Annual Cost in Optimal Machine Life

Xuefei Cui, Yuqing Li, Xiaole Wang, Ziyi Wang
Both net present value (NPV) and equivalent annual cost (EAC) are appropriate methods for modifying an investment project. While Net Present Value may assist investors in evaluating the project’s cash flows, EAC illustrates the cost of several projects over a year. The purpose of this research is to...
Proceedings Article

The Anthropological Aspect in the Comprehension of Machinery

B Ershov, A Avdeev, T Zhdanova, S Solovieva
The authors of the work substantiate the necessity for specifying the role of tool concepts in the world landscape, seeking for various methods of their identification. From the standpoint mentioned, special attention is drawn to metaphors and figurative comparisons, including the names of various tools....
Proceedings Article

The Application of POCD Framework to Current Online Platform Venture Capital Investment

Taking Hopin as an Example

Zhenning Gao, Jiahui Sheng, Zilin Wang, Yao Yao
The article mainly evaluates Hopin company’s investment and company prospects by using POCD (people, opportunity, context, deal). By analyzing Hopin’s strengths in terms of people, opportunities, and content, combined with founders and employees who have undergone higher education, the company’s improvement...
Proceedings Article

How to Find Optimal Portfolios among Nine Mutual Funds from US

Yuyang Chen, Linhua Li, Keyu Pan
Portfolio selection is a common field in the financial world. Investors are always willing to find an optimal portfolio among several assets. In this paper, this report wants to find out a method that can help investors decide their optimal portfolios quickly through some simple comparison. This report...
Proceedings Article

Fiscal Burden as Factor of the Business Climate

I Vyakina
A conceptual approach to the ongoing reform of the state’s control and supervision activity involves the identification and elimination of administrative barriers with the active participation of the business community. The paper examines the impact of the fiscal burden on business climate, identifies...
Proceedings Article

Inheritance Tax for the Improvement of Chinese Property Tax System

Xiaoyan Hou
The current property tax system in China leaves much to be desired, so its role of revenue and taxation regulation is limited. Since inheritance tax is an important guarantee for an improved property tax system, its collection can expand the scope of taxation and enhance its function of regulation. Now...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Study on Portfolio Size and Risk Diversification

Take Stock Market in China as Example

Can Li
Stock market, as a hot investment market in the world today, has become the focus of rational investment by investors. It gives individuals, companies and society the chance to optimize their assets, whereas it also brings people who interested in this field a great risk. Thus, how to reduce the risk...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Competitive Business Strategy Among Platform Enterprises Like Taobao, Jingdong and Pinduoduo

Ruyi Wang
With the advances of the Internet and information technology, the digital era provides the development of enterprises with a new space: a digital economy platform. The increasing number of enterprises enter the platform market, which makes the competition among platform companies extremely fierce. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

The Role of NPOs in the Socio-Economic Development in the Russian Region

N N Ivashinenko, A A Varyzgina, A E Soldatkin
The Russian non-profit organisations (NPOs) went through the long pass from political actors to social-oriented assistances and then to some drivers of socio-economic development [1]. Avoiding the engagement of the population in political actions, the Russian government pays significant attention to...
Proceedings Article

Research of Pricing Strategy from Multi-Channel

Xingqi Ji, Peng Jiang, Mingbo Sun
Nowadays, retailers sell their commodities in different channels: the offline channel and the online channel, and more and more retailers are making the transition from offline channel to the online channel. This kind of transition is getting more and more popular over time, so the competition grows...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Growth Development of Xiaomi Company

Di Zhou, Zhehan Feng, Jinhua Jiang
Since its establishment in 2010, Xiaomi has been booming in the smartphone industry. While focusing on the mobile phone business, it is not short to explore new areas. In this article, we investigate Xiaomi’s fan economy and hunger marketing policies. At the same time, it analyzes how Xiaomi uses AIot...
Proceedings Article

Household Background Risk And Self-Housing Liability

Theoretical And Empirical Research Based On CHFS Data

Huang Lei, Zhu Tao
The potential motivation for families to bear self-housing liabilities is to hedge background risks. Probit and Tobit models are established based on the data of China Household Finance Survey in 2017. The regression results show that households pay more attention to the background risks on the liability...
Proceedings Article

Training Teenagers to Ensure Their Own Cybersecurity

E V Chernova, I V Gavrilova
iInformatization of education and all aspects of everyday and professional life have led to the fact that modern man can not fully function outside the digital environment. The most vulnerable to the manifestation of cyberthreats and negative impacts of ICT are adolescents, due to the peculiarities of...
Proceedings Article

Raffineria d’oro Milano Inc. Business Analysis

Xiaochao Hong, Changze Zhang
The main core of this thesis is our presentation of how to run a company that sells gold and silver in purified form and some of the cores needed for our operating company. Our work focuses on modelling the strengths and weaknesses of how this company can continue to operate and how to overcome the weaknesses....
Proceedings Article

Specific Causes of Financial Crisis at Barcelona and Countermeasures

Kehan Chen
FC Barcelona club, named as Futbol Club Barcelona, was founded in 1899 by groups of German, Swiss, Spanish and English football players, became the first most valuable football club and received countless honors worldwide. However, COVID-19 epidemic and salary structure has increased financial crises...
Proceedings Article

Economic Performance Analytical Platform for Environmental Health in an Organization

G S Merzlikina
The article shows the results of company environmental health assessment research. The role of the environmental management today has been described, and it was established that successful management depends greatly on measurement and evaluation tools. It has been demonstrated that existing statistics...
Proceedings Article

Prediction of Bitcoin Price Based on the Hidden Markov Model

Muxi Li
The prediction of the financial market has gradually attracted attention from investors. As an emerging market, digital currency has become an indispensable and essential part. The common analysis methods are mainly machine learning and its derivatives. The daily frequency data of Bitcoin prices are...
Proceedings Article

The Scenario Analysis for NPV and IRR in Mutually Exclusive Projects

Jundi Ren
In the real world, the project of business decision is relatively long and requires more capital investment, which leads to higher requirements for the feasibility of project investment and scientific decision-making. To improve the science of business decision-making, the application of a series of...
Proceedings Article

Principles Underpinning the Development of Cross-Cultural Business Communication as Part of Master’s Degree in Pedagogy

C E Tsvetkova, O A Mineeva, N C Pronin, M I Klyueva
Professional activities of a teacher under the conditions of globalization and IT development of the society have determined stricter social and educational requirements for language training of students doing a Master’s degree in pedagogy. The development of new generation Federal State Educational...
Proceedings Article

Research on Monopoly’s Variable Effect on Digital Market in China—Take Xiaomi as an Example

Tianyang Zhang
This article demonstrates how monopolies affect the digital market in China. Every country in the world may experience various monopolies and make regulations since they may ultimately result in adverse effects. However, competition and monopoly between different markets may vary and have completely...