Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Amount of Total Protein and fluctuating asymmetry of Betula pendula in Various Ecological Conditions

Tatyana Vostrikova, Olga Zemlyanukhina, Vladislav Kalaev
The study was made about parameters of fluctuating asymmetry of the birch leaf blade and amount of total soluble protein of the seed progeny of Betula pendula in areas of Central Black Earth Region in different environmental conditions. The environmental impact on trees of weeping birch and its seed...
Proceedings Article

Microencapsulation of DHA Algal Oil by Spray Drying

Wenyao SHAO, Mengwen YAN, Quanling XIE, Xueshan PAN
The aim of this study is to evaluate and optimize the influence of process conditions on the microencapsulation of DHA algal oil by spray drying, while using whey protein isolate (WPI) and maltodextrin (MD) as wall material. Emulsion stability was analyzed. Microencapsulation efficiency, surface oil...
Proceedings Article

The Validity of Interactive Learning Multimedia on Protista and Fungi Materials for Senior High School

E Wulandari, Azwir Anhar
The difficulties faced by the students in studying protista and fungi materials based on the result of the interview were in understanding the life cycle, finding and observing the species objects. This type of research was a design and development by using the Plomp model. This study was aimed at finding...
Proceedings Article

Value Added Analysis in the Processing Business of Palm Plant Products (Arenga pinnata Merr) in Minta Village, Penyinggahan District, West Kutai Regency

Tetty Wijayanti, M. Erwan Suriatmaja, Hepi Hepi
Sugar palm is one of the plantation crop commodities that has a high potential economic value. Almost all parts of the palm plant can be used, starting from the roots, leaves, stems, fruit, and palm fiber. The purpose of this study was to analyze the income and added values of the palm processing business...
Proceedings Article

Variation of Surface Soil Characteristics in Landslide Deposition Areas Based on Landslide Activities and Slope Position in Bompon Sub-Watershed, Magelang

Heni Ratna Sari, Nur Ainun H. J. Pulungan, Junun Sartohadi
The physical characteristics of the surface soil are the crucial soil characteristics related to landslides. They can cause landslides and change due to landslides. The physical characteristics of the surface soil in agricultural land play an important role in providing nutrients and as a medium for...
Proceedings Article

Agroclimate Zone Analysis and Its Relationship with Rice and Tobacco Productivity in Temanggung District

Rifqiya Nur Aisyah, Emilya Nurjani, Utia Suarma
Temanggung Regency’s rice and tobacco production, in particular, were greatly impacted by the quantity and quality of the weather, particularly rainfall. In order to create a map of the agroclimatic zone, this study employed rainfall data from CHIRPS with a data length of 30 years. The data was then...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Styrax Leaves Fermentation by Aspergillus niger

Sam Muehl Sejahtera Naiborhu, Adelina Manurung, Merry Meryam Martgrita
Styrax leave is a part of Styrax plant that can be used as medicine because it contains potential antibacterial and antioxidant bioactive components. Fermentation has been known increasing antibacterial and antioxidant activity of herbal plants. Aspergillus niger is one of fermentation agents that can...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Community Empowerment Elements and the Role of Farmer Groups on Community Empowerment

Dwi Susilowati, Lia Rohmatul Maula, Siti Ulin Nafiqoh
The elements of community empowerment and the role of farmer groups are very important in increasing community development. This study was aimed to 1) identify elements of community empowerment and the role of farmer groups in community empowerment, and 2) analyze the influence of elements of empowerment...
Proceedings Article

Coagulation Factor XII –A Key Pro-Inflammatory and Pro-Coagulant Protein

Shan-Shan Wang, Jin-Wen Ge, Shao-Wu Cheng
Coagulation factor XII (FXII) is a multidomain serine protease that is the starter of intrinsic coagulation pathway. FXII deficiency and clinical hemostasis are not associated with bleeding, so investigators have not considered FXII important in physiology for a long time. In seeking explanation for...
Proceedings Article

Physicochemical Comparison of Heavy Metal Sediments at Different Seasons in Sungai Jarum Mas, Matang Mangrove Forest, Perak

Nor Haslinda Sulaiman, Haidar Fari Aditya, Seca Gandaseca, S. Nurhidayu, Ramadhani Mahendra Kusuma
Forests of mangroves are one of the most common wetland types in Peninsular Malaysia and play an important role in our ecosystem. Mangrove forests are highly productive ecosystems that offer a diverse variety of goods and services to the coastal environment as well as to people and other animals. All...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Consumer Knowledge and Needs For Herbal Information

Oeke Yunita, Erlin Theterissa
Worldwide, the use of herbal medications is still growing quickly as more customers turn to these treatments for a variety of health issues. It is projected that the global market for Indonesian traditional medicinal products, of which more than half are herbal medicines, will grow. Unfortunately, there...
Proceedings Article

Designing a Waste Power Plant (PLTSA) Prototype Based on the Type of Waste as a Renewable Energy Source

Nur Rani Alham, Restu Mukti Utomo, Tantra Diwa Larasati, Muslimin, Ade Kurniawan, R. S. Muhammad Yusril, Umar Faruq Al-Afifi
Renewable electricity from waste is one of the solution to overcome the problem of the energy crisis of fossil fuels and solutions to reduce the increasing waste population in Indonesia. The abundance of rubbish in Indonesia with the existence of Waste plant can produce enough electricity and can also...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Fermenters and Incubation Periods on the Chemical Composition of Mixtures of Rice Bran and Water Hyacinth Leaves Meals

Wahyu Karyani, Syamsuhaidi Syamsuhaidi, K.G. Wiryawan
Rice bran is a feed material that is commonly given to poultry, but the amount of its use is relatively low because of its high fiber content. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) leaf has a chemical composition similar to rice bran and its availability is abundant but its quality as feed material for...
Proceedings Article

The Identification of Default Mode Network in Rhesus Macaque Using Resting-State fMRI

Xiao-Wei Fu, Cheng-Zhen Guo, Peng-Cheng Li, Dan-Zhou Yang, Ying Zhang
To investigate Default Mode Network (DMN) in healthy rhesus monkey brain using Resting-State functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (RS-fMRI). Under anesthesia, two healthy rhesus macaques underwent RS-fMRI at 7.0T using equal imaging parameters. The functional images were first spatially normalized to...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Microbes Isolated from Spent Substrate of Shiitake and Oyster Mushrooms to Induce Resistance Against Early Blight Disease in Tomatoes

N Istifadah, L Herawati
Early blight disease caused by Alternaria solani is an important disease in tomatoes. An environmentally friendly control measure is the use of organic matter, such as spent mushroom substrates (SMS). SMS controls plant diseases primarily through microbial activity that can inhibit the pathogen. The...
Proceedings Article

Risk Analysis of Cassava Farming in Central Lampung Regency

Dewi Mulia Sari, Wan Abbas Zakaria, Bustanul Arifin, Teguh Endaryanto, Lidya Sari Mas Indah
This research aims to; (1) determine the level of income of cassava farming in Central Lampung Regency, (2) identify sources of farming risk in Central Lampung Regency and (3) determine the level of risk of cassava farming in Central Lampung Regency. Central Lampung Regency was chosen as the research...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Gonadotropin Hormone for Improvement Litter Size of Palu Local Sheep

Yohan Rusiyantono, Rusdien, Ismail Wumbu
The aim of this study was to increased of the litter size and reproduction performance with superovulation and artificial insemination treatments. The results obtained who performed estrus synchronization in ewes with the percentage of estrus occurring were 100%; 90.8% and 92%, respectively, Based on...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Sex on Rumen Fermentation Characteristics and Enzyme Activities of Garut Sheep

Chusnul Hanim, Lies Mira Yusiati, Titi Widya Ningrum
This study aims to determine effect of sex on ruminal fermentation characteristics and enzyme activities in Garut sheep. Twelve Garut sheep (6 females and 6 males) were used. The sheep were about twelve months old with an average initial body weight of 25±2 kg, and were divided into two groups according...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Enactment of the Wosi Rendani Forest Zone Status on the Condition of the Rendani River Catchment Area in Manokwari Regency

Bernadetta M. G. Sadsoeitoeboen, Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Muhammad Sumaryono, Yohanes Budi Sulistioadi
The impact of changing the status of forest zone in Wosi Rendani to become a non-forest zone also causes changes in a forest coverage zone, forest conversion, and its subsequent consequences. This was marked by the rapid housing development in the zone, which impacted water function changes in the Rendani...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Inflammation Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Malacca Leaves (Phyllanthus emblica)

Nuzul Asmilia, Teuku Armansyah, Herrialfian Herrialfian, Rinidar, Abdul Harris, Arman Sayuti, Nazaruddin, Cindy Ary Ristanti, Indriana Oktavani
This study aims to evaluate the anti-inflammation activity of ethyl acetate extract of Malacca leaf (Phyllanthus emblica) in mice. The study used 25 mice which were induced by subcutaneous injection of 1 % carrageenan. The mice were divided into 5 treatment groups: K1 was negative control, K2 (positive...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Banana Peel for Bioethanol Production Using Baker’s Yeast Starter

Dedy Eko Rahmanto, Deny Arizal, Nurhayati Nurhayati
Research on the second generation of bioethanol production continues to be developed in the world. Second generation bioethanol has been produced from non starch substrates like cellulose, hemicellulose and bounded lignin as raw material. This research produced bioethanol using Ambon banana peels that...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Pre-cooling and Cold Storage on the Shelf Life of Betel Fruit (Piper Betel)

Widyaningrum Widyaningrum, Nurtania Sudarmi
Betel nut (Piper betel) is a fruit that is widely consumed by people in Papua which is combined with lime and areca nut in the tradition of eating areca nut. However, this Betel fruit is quickly damaged and rotten. The purpose of this study was to increase the shelf life and maintain the quality of betel...
Proceedings Article

Water Balance Evaluation towards Cropping Index Enhancement in Belanti II Swamp Irrigation Area, Central Kalimantan

Romorajausia, Joko Sujono, Taryono
Cropping season pattern which has been implemented in Belanti II Swamp Irrigation Area is two cropping seasons (IP2), however there are no water management analysis yet in terms of water availability and needs to apply three cropping seasons (IP3). Through this study, water availability and needs which...
Proceedings Article

The Relative Weight Accessory Organ of Lohman Chicken Given Uronic Acid Addition in Drinking Water

J.W.H. Rembang, V.G. Kereh, C.L.K. Sarayar, T.F.D. Lumi
The goal of this study was to see how uronic acid isolated from Sargassum crassifolium affected the accessory organs of Lohman hens. Sargassum crassifolium is a non-starch polysaccharide source that contains various crude fibres and bioactive substances that impact the accessory organ process in laying...
Proceedings Article

UV Protectant Ability of Attacus atlas L. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Sericin Extract to Increase Nucleopolyhedrovirus Effectiveness against Beet Army Worm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Hana Widiawati, Sukirno Sukirno, Siti Sumarmi, Hari Purwanto, R.C. Hidayat Soesilohadi, Ignatius Sudaryadi
Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is the common pest known for attacking shallot crop. Baculovirus (Nucleopolyhedrovirus: NPV) is a biological agent that is widely used as the pest control agent. However, the activity of NPV is deteriorated when applied in the field due to the influence of ultraviolet...
Proceedings Article

Research on Application of Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap to Repair Wounds of Hand and Foot

Yongming Tao, Yanhong Liu
Purpose: Analysis the Clinical curative effect of the therapy that transfer the Perforator Flaps free-graft of anterior-medial side of thigh for foot and hand trauma. Methods: We selected 24 hands or foot trauma cases, which were treated with therapy that transfer the Perforator Flaps free-graft of anterior-medial...
Proceedings Article

Expediency of "FITOS" BAA Nutritional Intervention in the Diet of Laying Hens

Olga Yastrebova, Ivan Boyko, Svetlana Kontsevaya, Alexander Dobudko, Viacheslav Syrovitskiy, Pavel Gorodov
The influence of "FITOS" BAA on the natural resistance of laying hens and their productivity was studied. It was found that it improves the physiological state of the chickens and increases egg production.
Proceedings Article

New Distribution Record of Ants Species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to the Fauna of Sumatra Island, Indonesia

Rijal Satria, Henny Herwina
The Sumatra Island have a high diversity of ants and part of Sunda Shelf. The high diversity of ants in Sumatra Island was recorded in the previous studies. The present study was added more species to the list of Sumatran ants. Five species of ants were recorded from the Sumatra Island and consider as...
Proceedings Article

Growth Response and Yield of Nero Lacinato Kale Plant (Brassica oleracea var. Palmifolia) on Composition of Planting Media and Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) Dosage of Golden Snail

Retno Sulistiyowati, Aprilia Hartanti, Mimik Umi Zuhroh, Sakinatul Mudawamah
Kale is one of the family plants with collard, cabbage, and broccoli, but not well known by the people because not many farmers have cultivated this plant, but the demand for kale plants continues to increase. This study aims to determine the composition of planting media and the dose of gold snail liquid...
Proceedings Article

Fungicidal Potential of Essential Oils in Organic Corn Grains during Storage

Jianmei Yu, Esther Iwayemi, Ivana Pedroso, Nona Mikiashvili
Mold and mycotoxin contamination of cereal grains not only affect human and animal health but also have a significant economic impact on cereal growers and food processors due to grain loss and product recall. Synthetic fumigant is usually used to control mold growth during grain storage, but it is not...
Proceedings Article

The Rearing of Microplitis manilae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Feed Different Diets

Adha Sari
A good rearing method is one of the keys in successful biological control practices. This also applied on biological control of Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The objective of this study is to observe the development of Microplitis (Snellanius) manilae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)...
Proceedings Article

Potential Contribution of Dark-Septate Endophytic Fungus Isolated From Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Banten on Growth Promotion of Chinese Cabbage

Rida Oktorida Khastini, Roihatul Jannah
Root endophytic fungi are found in natural ecosystems, but little is known about their impact on plant growth. This study reports the impact of the three isolates of dark septate endophytic fungi isolated from Pulau Dua Sanctuary, Banten on its potential activity in Chinese cabbage growth. In vitro assay...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Metabolites from Chaetomium to Control Root Rot (Phytophthora parasitica) and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (anthracnose) in Citrus

Pheaktra Phal, Kasem Soytong, Rujira Tangon, Song Jiaojiao
Citrus diseases were studied which found anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and root rot caused by Phytophthora parasitica which seriously invaded in Thailand where citrus are grown. The chemical fungicides have been traditionally using by the growers until those chemicals are non-effective...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Different Soilwater Availability on Growth and Yield of Three Varieties of Corn (Zea mays L.)

Rusmana, Eltis Panca Ningsih, Savira Rafa Na’imah Cahyaningtyas
This research was conducted at the screen house of the Banten Agricultural Research and Technology Center (BPTP) and the Agroclimatology Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa from November 2020 to March 2021. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design...
Proceedings Article

The Performance of KUB Chicken 2–12 Weeks at Agriculture Extension Center of Semarang Regency

Rini Nur Hayati, Dwinta Prasetianti, Restu Hidayah
One of the roles and functions of agricultural extension centers (AEC) is providing and disseminating technological information. The IAARD provides assistance kampung unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) chicken that has higher egg productivity. This paper was made to observe the performance of KUB chickens at...
Proceedings Article

A Comparison of Biology Pre-service Teacher Learning Achievement Using Offline and Online Method in Biology Learning Evaluation Course

Rahmawati Darussyamsu, Lufri Lufri, Yuni Ahda, Heffi Alberida, Rahmadhani Fitri, Ganda Hijrah Selaras, Helendra Helendra, Zulyusri Zulyusri, Fatma Rahmadhani, Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan, Henita Rahmayanti, Ali Amran
Biology learning evaluation course is a compulsory subject for undergraduate biology education students because it prepares students to design learning assessments when they become teachers later. Regularly, offline learning used discussion and problem-solving methods face-to-face. However, with the...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Compound-Maqin-Decoction on P38MAPK and Foxp3 Protein Expression of Lung Issue in Asthmatic Rats

Peng QIAN, Zhaoxia XU, Xueping LI, Sijing WANG
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of Compound-Maqin-Decoction (CMD) on p38MAPK and Foxp3protein expression of lung issue in asthmatic rats. METHODS: The asthmatic rat model was established by ovalbumin and was intervened with CMD. After inducing asthma and four-week treatment, the rats were sacrificed...
Proceedings Article

Ethanolic Extraction of Lemongrass in a Scaled-Up Laboratory Percolator

Diah Indriani Widiputri, Bennedick Donato, Maria DPT Gunawan-Puteri, Filiana Santoso, Elena Listianto Lie
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is widely recognized for its fragrant qualities and is commonly used as spices in Asian countries. Previous research has proven that lemongrass extract, which contains the polyphenols caffeic acid and kaempferol, can decrease the absorption of glucose in the human intestine...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Ruminal Fatty Acids Using In Vitro Culture System by Addition of Galangal (Alpinia galangal) Essential oil

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning, Chusnul Hanim, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira Yusiati
Galangal essential oil (EO), which contains secondary metabolites such as cineol, hopefully can modify bacteria, causing biohydrogenation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of galangal EO dose on the fatty acids characteristics at in vitro rumen fermentation. Galangal as a source...
Proceedings Article

Effect on Nutrient Digestibility of Dairy Cows by Addition of Galangal (Alpinia galangal) Essential Oil

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning, Chusnul Hanim, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira Yusiati
Galangal essential oil (EO) with cineol as the main component has antimicrobial activity. The level of nutrient digestibility in dairy cows is determined by the mechanism of action of the rumen microbes. The addition of galangal essential oil to dairy cows feed is expected to reduce the activity of proteolytic...
Proceedings Article

Polydopamine-based Materials as Carriers for Drug Delivery

Xinyu Cui, Yuanyi Wang, Yuanyuan Yin, Miaojing Li
Polydopamine (PDA)–based material with tailored structures and properties are of particular interests due to their multifunctions and potential applications as new colloidal structures in diverse field. The past several years has witnessed a rapid increase of research concerning the new fabrication strategies,...
Proceedings Article

SD Rat Liver Polydatin Concentration Control Based On Sliding Mode with High-gain Observer

Jian-Yang Lin, Yu-Shuai Bu, Jin-Rui Gao
In this paper, we use the sliding mode control based on high gain observer to control the concentration of Polydatin in the liver of SD rates. Through data processing and with the help of the nlinfit function in MATLAB, we take a fitting analysis by using the Polydatin distribution data in SD rats’ liver...
Proceedings Article

Development of Problem Based Learning Module for Natural Science (MIPA) Grade XI in Senior High School (SMAN 3) Kerinci

D Permatasari, A Anhar
Students have difficilty in understanding the topic of respiration and excretion system because the topics are memorized, altough the topics are very close to life, so students need a module that can help them in finding concepts base on problems that are close to life. The modules had used in the school...
Proceedings Article

Role of the Agriculture Sector in Poverty Reduction in East Kalimantan

Mariyah Mariyah, Agung Enggal Nugroho
The agricultural sector provides support for food availability, employment, and increases household income in the urban or rural area. Household income determines expenditure and becomes the basis for determining the poverty line. East Kalimantan economy is still dominated by the mining sector. The development...
Proceedings Article

Study of Palm Oil Mill Effluent for Land Application Suitability in Lamandau Regency, Kalimantan Tengah Province

Hilary Reinhart, Suaduan Syahri, Dalili Ghaisani Hashifah, Linggar Esty Hardini
This research puts the POME Land Application upfront and aims to evaluate the land suitability for POME land application and determine the suitable area for the land application in Lamandau Regency. This research uses Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the land suitability for land application....
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Body Height with Upper Arm Length, Sole Length and Foot Width in the East Jakarta Region

Aviani Rinfi Shafira, Winati Nurhayu, Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Andy Darmawan, Gres Mareta, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana
Height or stature is one of the four main parameters used to identify individuals, along with sex, age, and ethnicity. In cases where a body has been fragmented or dismembered, estimating a person’s height by measuring long bones can help determine his identity. Research on the relationship between height...
Proceedings Article

Bst polymerase enhancement a bioinformatics approach to improve Bst polymerase characteristics

Jonathan, Ernest Suryadjaja, Sulistyo Emantoko D. Putra
DNA polymerase is a remarkably incredible invention in the biotechnology field. Since its discovery, molecular genetic-based research has been growing rapidly. Various methods for molecular-based diagnostics have been developed since. One of which is Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification; this method...
Proceedings Article

Inference of Pure Titanium Micro-arc Oxidation Process on Microstructure of Calcium Phosphate Membrane Layer

Yu-lei LI, Jin-jun TANG, Yue-lai DAI, Li-jun ZHANG, Xiao-yu JIN
In this paper, the growth law of the phosphate and calcium layer in different voltage process was studied. The surface morphology of the film was observed by SEM, and then the distribution of phosphorus and calcium in the film was analyzed. The results show that the higher the voltage, the more uniform...
Proceedings Article

Search of New Opportunities of Pharmacological Protection at the Early Stages of a Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated With Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

Elena Zhilyakova, Tatyana Golivets, Zoya Tsvetkova, Diana Dubonosova
This article provides the rationale for the pharmacological correction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This is due to the fact that non-alcoholic steatohepatosis of the liver is a slowly progressing disease. Most often, non-alcoholic steatohepatosis progresses to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,...
Proceedings Article

The Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) Growth Variations at Age of 42 Months in Candiroto Temanggung Central Java

Sugeng Pudjiono, Mudji Susanto, Mashudi, Dedi Setiadi, Maman Sulaeman, Ratna Adji Hartati, Taufik Rahmadi, Aris Wibowo
Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) is an indigenous tree species in the Indonesian forest whose existence began to be difficult to find. Wood is the part of the plant that can be used. The development of this plant which is the local genetic resources need to be done with the breeding program. In connection...
Proceedings Article

Pretreatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Using Lipase and Xylanase to Improve Biogas Production

O M Shafwah, D Suhendar, S Hudiyono
The production process at biogas reactors from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) often faces problems due to limited hydrolysis rates. This limitation occurs due to the formation of mud and lumps which reduce the effective volume of the biogas digester and reduce the potential for biogas produced. The sludge...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Identification of Trichoderma species From South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria

O. N. Akomah-Abadaike, M. C. Goddey
Yam rot caused by fungal pathogens has been of great concern to farmers in Nigeria and farmers of South-South Geopolitical zone of Nigeria are not exempted of this yam spoilage plight. This study was carried out on yam cultivated and harvested in the South-South of Nigeria to isolate and identify eco-friendly...
Proceedings Article

rs841853 of SLC2A1 Gene Polymorphism and Dyslipidemia Among Javanese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Yanuarita Tursinawati, Ari Yuniastuti
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease indicated by blood sugar level disorder and also influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Many diabetes patients experience dyslipidemia, which is known as diabetic dyslipidemia. In the latest research, SLC2A1 gene polymorphism is strongly...
Proceedings Article

Pre-Weaning Growth Performance and Body Condition Score of Ongole Crossbreed (PO) Cattle Based on Cows Parity

La Ode Nafiu, Takdir Saili, Muhammad Amrullah Pagala, Musram Abadi, Widhi Kurniawan, Rusli Badaruddin
This study aims to determine the growth performance of pre-weaning and Body Condition Score (BCS) of PO calves based on cows parity. This study was conducted 10 months in transmigration settlements, East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. A total of 38 PO calves from 38 cows were observed for...
Proceedings Article

Inhibitory Power of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Seed Extract from Various Levels of Maturity on Eschericia coli bacteria

Rostiati Rahmatu, Moh. Nur Sangaji, Adehani, Rahmi, Nur Alam
This study aims to obtain the maturity level of certain Moringa seeds that can inhibit the development of E. coli bacteria. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of one factor with the treatment of the maturity level of moringa seeds namely K1 = young seed extract, K2 = medium...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Rifapentine and Rifampicin in Smear-positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and the Incidence Comparison of Complications

Jianmei Ma, Hongyang Shi, Yan Zhang
Objective: to analyze the clinical effects and complications of rifapentine and rifampicin in patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods: from August 2013 to June 2017, 100 of the smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated in our hospital were selected and divided into two...
Proceedings Article

A Network Communication Protocols for Robotic-assisted Vascular Intervention Systems

Quan Zeng, Shou-Jun Zhou, Hao Shen, Cheng Wang
In recent years, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has become a very suitable field for robotic systems. Minimally invasive surgery which can be used for diagnosis and surgical treatment is more and more popular in the medical field. We have developed a remote vascular intervention robot system for medical...
Proceedings Article

Prevalence and Intensity of Trematode Flukes in Different Hair Color of Aceh Cattle

Lian Varis Riandi, Ryan Ferdian, Muhammad Hambal, Muttaqien Bakrie
This study aims to determine the prevalence and number of trematode eggs (Fasciola gigantica and Paramphistomum spp) in different hair colorof Aceh cattle. This research used feces collected from 105 cattle in Mesjid Raya Sub-district, Aceh Besar. The feces samples were divided into 3 groups based on...
Proceedings Article

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Leaf Derived Carbon Dots (CDs & N-Doped CDs) and their Photocatalytic Properties on Bisphenol A

G. Dinesh Ratna, Abhinash Marukurti, Sirangu Joseph, P. Vijaya Nirmala, P. Tirupathi Rao, R. Lohitha Kavya, S. B. Sonia Shankar, K. Sarojani, G. Raman, K. Gayathri, Silpa Rani Medapalli, Anitha Kadimi, G. Balasubramani
Bisphenol A (BPA), a major industrial effluent and suspected endocrine disrupter in animals. The increased release of pollutants into natural ecosystems results in adverse impacts on associated life. Several traditional methods, such as adsorption, biochemical, coagulation, and electrochemical, successfully...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Citric Acid Production by Utilizing Rice Husk Waste as a Substrate Using Submerged Fermentation

Eka Rahmadani Ritonga, Adelina Manurung, Merry Meryam Martgrita
Citric acid is an organic acid and is highly used as a commercial product. The production of citric acid in Indonesia has not met its demand, a cheap and easy method of obtaining raw materials to boost its production is required. Submerged fermentation using Aspergillus niger is a prospective method...
Proceedings Article

A Sensitive and Reproducible Spectrophotometric Assay for Glucose Oxidase Activity and Its Application in Conformational Lock

Fangyong GENG, Di LI, Yunfei GAO, Baolin XIAO, Jun HONG, Ali Akbar MOOSAVI-MOVAHEDI
Glucose-oxidase-horseradish peroxidase-guaiacol coupled system was applied for glucose oxidase assay with high sensitivity and prefect reproducibility. The optimum pH value was 5.8. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and Vmax were determined to be 30.0±1.0 mM and 2.49±0.08 µM/s, respectively,...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Insecticide Formulation Using Surfactant Based on Palm Oil and Its Mortality Effect Against Spodoptera litura

Eka Nur’azmi Yunira, Ani Suryani, Dadang
Pesticide should be formulated to keep bioactivity and to enhance efficiency and safety in application. Insecticide formulations consist of active ingredient and co-formulant. Most active ingredients are poorly diluted in water, so they need adjuvant such as surfactant. Surfactant will help to make a...
Proceedings Article

Bioecology of Cletus capitulatus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on Fameflower Talinum paniculatum Jacq. (Gaertn)

Rismayani, Rohimatun
One of the local medicinal plant resources widely used for medicine is a fameflower Talinum paniculatum Jacq. (Gaertn.). This plant is mostly used for energy drink or tonic to stimulate performance. Coried bug, Cletus capitulatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae), was found attacking T. paniculatum plant in the...
Proceedings Article

Application of Stenochlaena palustris in Black Tea and Coffee Beverages Targeting Consumers with Sugar Concern

Filiana Santoso, Natasya Oktavianti, Febbyandi I. Pandiangan, Yanetri A. Nion, Maria D.P.T. Gunawan Puteri
Kelakai is an endemic fern found abundantly in Central Kalimantan. Regardless of its high availability, low economical value, and potential health benefits (natural source of iron, folic acid, antioxidant, antidiabetic, etc.), the utilization of the plant as a food ingredient is still limited. Black...
Proceedings Article

Stakeholder Analysis in the Development of a Banana Center in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Eny Lestari, Agung Wibowo, Paramita Rahayu
The development of the banana center has created a conflict of interest between stakeholders, caused by the conflicting interests of the parties involved in processing and marketing the bananas, including farmers, home industry operators, village-owned enterprises, and traders. This study aims to identify...
Proceedings Article

Distribution Analysis of Leachate Using the Wenner Configuration Resistivity Method at Sambutan Tpa, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Ikhzan, Resty Intan Putri, Muhammad Amin Syam
The research located in Sambutan TPA, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, with an area of ±350 m2. This study aims to interpret the resistivity and direction of the distribution of subsurface leachate using the resistivity method of the Wenner configuration with a track length of 90...
Proceedings Article

Development of Methods For Quantitative Determination of Polyphenols in Grass Pentaphylloides Fruticosa (L.) O. Schwarz.

Elena Zhilyakova, Oleg Novikov, Dmitriy Pisarev, Liliya Zolotareva
The purpose of this study was to develop a method of quali-tative and quantitative assessment of biologically active sub-stances of P. fruticosa L. herb. As object of study was used P. fruticosa L. herb. We used the method of high performance liquid chromatography in reversed-phase variant. As a result...
Proceedings Article

Potential Species as a Food Source in Wehea Forest, East Kalimantan

Bina Swasta Sitepu
Knowledge of species diversity in tropical forests is well known, but the information on plant species’ food source potential in forest areas is still limited. The study was conducted in Nehas Liah Bing village and Wehea forest in August 2011 by interviews with local people and exploration in the forest....
Proceedings Article

Beef Supply Chain of Imported Cattle from Traditional Markets to Modern Retail Markets

Robi Agustiar, Agung Triatmojo, Budi Guntoro, Endang Baliarti
The Indonesian government adopted a policy of importing buffalo meat to meet national needs. The policy of importing buffalo meat is suspected to have resulted in new market segmentation and changes in the supply chain of the beef market. This study aims to analyze the supply chain of livestock and beef...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Two New Varieties of Curly Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) for Quality Standard

Qanytah Qanytah, Dondy S. Anggono, Wisnu Broto
Two commercial curly red chili varieties cv. Amro-99 and cv. Kencana was identified and analyzed. The purpose of this research is to recognize and describe the physical and chemical contents of the two potential chilies for sorting, welding, and packaging technology to meet consumer needs and export...
Proceedings Article

Methylation Specific PCR (MSP): Nested PCR vs Unnested PCR

Farizky Martriano Humardani, Lisa Thalia Mulyanata, Lady Theresa Adeodata Tanaya, Risma Ikawaty, Heru Wijono, Hikmawan Wahyu Sulistomo, Dini Kesuma, Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi Putra
Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) is a valuable technique for studying DNA methylation patterns due to its straightforward design and implementation, high sensitivity in detecting methylated DNA, and ability to analyze large sample sizes cost-effectively rapidly. However, researchers need to be cautious...
Proceedings Article

Morphometric of Etawa Crossbred Goat in Breeding Stock Development Area in Banjarnegara District

Bess Tiesnamurti, Tatan Kostaman, Anneke Anggraeni, Angga Ardhati Rani Hapsari
Morphometri studies of a livestock breed are generally required to provide an overview of their characteristics, and be useful to recognise their phenotype. Etawa crossbred (PE) goats have been registered as a local breed and the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health assign several location...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Utilization of Papaya Leaf Flour (Carica papaya L) in Feed on the Performance of Internal Organ Weight and Abdominal Fat of KUB Chickens

Tertia Delia Nova, Sabrina Sabrina, Maimonalisa Maimonalisa
This study aims to determine the utilization of papaya leaf flour (Carica papaya L) on performance, live weight, internal organs (liver and kidney) and abdominal fat in KUB chickens. This study used 100 chickens and this research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of UV Radiation and Fruit Feedings (Banana and Guava) on the Survival Rate and Morphological Changes of Reproductive Organ of Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830)

Hipny Alwandri, Nafisa Kusumawati, Ignatius Sudaryadi
The increasing ozone concentration in the upper stratosphere was not significant enough to be able to protect from the detrimental effect that ultraviolet (UV) light radiates. One solution to counter this problem is by using antioxidants as protectants, such as those contained in fruits. In order to...
Proceedings Article

Biotherapy Effect of Shenfuweikang Herbs on Gastric Carcinoma

Xiaoping Wang, Huanping Lin, Qiaoxia Wang, Bing Xu, Yi Li, Baoning Qi, Xuxu Wei, Pengfei Zhang
To study the biotherapy effect of Shenfuweikang herbs in treatment of gastric cancer, Kunming mice were grafted with a mouse gastric adenocarcinoma cell line MFC. Mice received different doses of Shefuweikang herbs after grafting. Tumor size was periodically measured and tumor weight was determined after...
Proceedings Article

Valvular Heart Disease-Related Feed-Forward Loop Network Reveals Some Biological Features for Disease Development

Feng YANG, Ke LIU, Wei ZENG, Guang-bin WANG, Zheng-wen LI, Ke-li HUANG, Ni-ni RAO
This study is to uncover VHD-related important biological features for understanding molecular of this disease. The system analysis strategy is applied to generate the first VHD-related FFL network. Then, the network topology is mapped into the biological space to refine the biological features of VHD....
Proceedings Article

Zeolite and Active Carbon Addition on Closed System Transportation for Milkfish Juvenile (Chanos chanos) Survival Rate

Mustahal, Forcep Rio Indaryanto, Deri Hermawan, Mas Bayu Syamsunarno
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the optimum ratio of zeolite and activated carbon to preserve the survival rate of milkfish juvenile in closed system transportation. This research was conduct from May to July 2018 at the Laboratory of Aquaculture, University of Sultan...
Proceedings Article

Cassava Starch-Based Edible Film with Durian Seed Flour Addition and Green Tea Extract Enriched Microemulsion

Triana Lindriati, Sih Yuwanti, Herlina Herlina, Asmak Afriliana, Rochima Ulva, Muhammad Rizky Dwi Ihsan, Salsabila Purnamasari
Increasing hydrophobicity and antioxidant activity was an effort to improve the quality of edible film. Adding durian seed flour (DSF) and microemulsion was expected to increase cassava starch (CS)-based edible film properties. The objective of this research was learned about the effect of DSF and microemulsion...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Peanuts Shell as Adsorben Color Methyl Violet

Wardalia, Endang Suhendi, Nufus Kanani, Rudi Hartono
The waste product from the textile industry is liquid waste containing dye. Metil violet is one type of dye that can damage the water ecosystem. The decrease levels of methyl violet can be done through the adsorption method. The peanut shell contains cellulose that allows the peanut shell to be adsorbent...
Proceedings Article

Azospirillum Bacteria and Cultivation of Food Crops

Dewi Rumbaina Mustikawati
Azospirillum is one of the bacteria that can be used as biological fertilizer because the bacteria is known as a producer of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) which can increase crop production in a sustainable manner. Another potential possessed by Azospirillum is as a biocontrol agent for...
Proceedings Article

Relationships Between Students’ Grade IX Natural Science Learning Outcomes and Naturalist, Linguistic, and Interpersonal Intelligence

Rahmadhani Fitri, Ganda Hijrah Selaras, Kiki Mulyani
Intelligence is one of the elements that affects how well students learn. In the field of education, intelligence is still primarily characterized in terms of IQ. Actually, there are more types of intelligence outside those that may be determined just by academic performance. Multiple Intelligences is...
Proceedings Article

Functional Composition of Arthropoda and Population Density of Larvae Conopomorpha cramerella Snell. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) and Natural Enemies in Different Shade Cocoa Plantations

Moh Hibban Toana, Burhanuddin Hi Nasir, Moh Rizqi Chaldun Toana, Fitriah Balosi
-The functional composition of arthropods and population density of Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen larvae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) and natural enemies in different shade cocoa plantations play an important role in maintaining sustainability by using natural resources without damaging the environment....
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness Of Rice Husk Charcoal As Bioadsorben In Absorbing Heavy Metal Lead (Pb) On Freshwater Snail Meat (Pomacea sp.)

Siti Dharmawati, Muhammad Halim Natsir, Osfar Sjofjan, Hartutik Hartutik
This research was aim to identify the effectiveness of rice husk charcoal as a bioadsorbent in absorbing heavy metals Pb in freshwater snail meat (Pomacea sp). The main material used was adult fresh water snail with body weight of 80-120 g/head obtained from the swamp waters of Banjar Regency, South...
Proceedings Article

Improve Student Learning Competencies Using the Problem Based Learning Model in Class VIII Junior High Scool (SMPN 15) Kerinci

Fitri Yuningsih, Linda Advinda
The purpose of this study was to determine of problems in biology learning at SMPN 15 Kerinci. The study was conducted in January 2019. This type of research is quasi experimental research. The population was students in grade of SMPN 15 Kerinci registered in academic year 2018/2019. For the sample because...
Proceedings Article

Modification and Optimization of Low-cost Medium for Recombinant Alkalothermophilic Xylanase Production from Pichia pastoris KM71

R D Cahyati, S Hudiyono, I Helianti
Xylanase is an enzyme that can degrade xylan into xylooligosaccharides by cleaving to 1, 4-β-D-xylosidic bonds and has high potential in industrial applications. In the previous study, recombinant Pichia pastoris via pPICZ-alpha vector has been constructed, and the yeast produced xylanase originally...
Proceedings Article

Protein Protection to Increase Ruminant Feed Protein Efficiency in Vitro

Wahidin Teguh Sasongko, Firsoni, Teguh Wahyono
This study aimed to determine the effect of protein protection to increase ruminant feed protein efficiency in vitro. The benefit of making this protected protein is that it can provide information to farmers that the provision of protein can be more efficient. The material used as protein protection...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Mechanism of Antioxidative and Growth-Promoting Effects of Polyphenols from the Involucres of Castanea Mollissima Blume on IEC-6 Cells

Y. Xiong, X. Zhao, S. Dong, K.J. Guo
The aim of the paper was to study the effects of Polyphenolic extract from involucres of Castanea mollissima Blume (PICB) on IEC-6 cell proliferation and growth and antioxidant status. The IEC-6 heat stress model was established and IEC-6 cells of control group and heat stress group were treated with...
Proceedings Article

Research Progress of Bone Tumor Clinical Diagnosis

Rui Jiang, Ziyan Zhang, Han Wu, Chao Zhang
Bone tumor belongs to a tumor among human skeletons or skeleton affiliated groups. It is the result of cytogenetic material abnormal expression, which is same as other tumors. Bone tumor belongs to a common disease. In recent decades, research on bone tumor clinical diagnosis is rapidly developed, which...
Proceedings Article

Histologic and Histomorphometry of Uterine of Gayo Mare

Juli Melia, Welda R. Brillian, Erdiansyah Rahmi, Rosmaidar Rosmaidar, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin, Amrozi Amrozi
This study was aimed at finding out the histology description and histomorphometry of uterine Gayo mare. The samples were collected from three Gayo mares in Takengon, Central Aceh. The uterine samples were processed by microtechnique and stained with hematoxylin-eosin before examined under a binocular...
Proceedings Article

Trichoderma and Bacillus as Combined Biocontrol Agent of Moler Disease on Shallots

Susilo H. Poromarto, Supyani, Supriyadi, SA. Indriani, Hadiwiyono
Moler disease of shallot (MDS) or basal plate rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capae (Foce) is an important disease on shallot. In low land such Brebes Central Java where is one of the center production of shallots in Indonesia, the disease is the most important and harmful. The specific symptom...
Proceedings Article

Social Factors Influencing the Goat Farmers Knowledge of Waste Processing in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Krismiwati Muatip, Hermin Purwaningsih, Lis Safitri, Aris Dwi Pamungkas
Goat farming produced environmental pollution from livestock waste. On the other hand, the waste has economic value after being processed into compost. The farmers should not only be able to grow the goat but also process the waste into compost. The study aimed to analyze the influence of duration being...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Ratio of Purine Derivative: Creatinine Concentrations in Spot Urine Sampling with Total Urinary Excretion of Purine Derivative in Garut Rams and Ewes

Titi Widya Ningrum, Chusnul Hanim, Lies Mira Yusiati
This study aimed to determine the correlation between ratio of purine derivative:creatinine concentrations by spot sampling method with total urinary excretion of purine derivative (PD) in Garut rams and ewes, as well as knowing the right sampling time to predict microbial protein synthesis in Garut...
Proceedings Article

Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies

Rakhmad Perkasa Harahap, Novia Qomariyah, Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin, Tri Rachmanto Prihambodo, Randi Mulianda, Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi, Sandi Nayohan
Methane yield (MY) in dairy cows was influenced by the cow breed used. However, the prediction of MY from previous studies has yet to use a specific breed of cow. This study analyzed the relationship between methane emissions per unit of dry matter intake (methane yield) based on volatile fatty acids...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Income and Marketing of Seaweed in Coastal Communities in Bulukumba District

Nurbaya Busthanul, Pipi Diansari, Eymal B. Demmallino, Masyhur Syafiuddin, S. Ni Made Viantika, Ayu Marshya, A. Rusita, Nabilah Rahmawati, Siti Hardiyanti Syam
Seaweed is one of the country's foreign exchange sources and a source of income for coastal communities. Besides being able to be used as an ingredient food, drink and medicine. This study aims to analyze the income and feasibility of seaweed farming in coastal communities in Bulukumba Regency....
Proceedings Article

Farmer’s Preferences Towards the Use of Superior Varieties of Rice

Jaka Sulaksana, Ida Marina, Dinda Monicha
This research aims to find out farmers’ preferences for the use of superior rice varieties in Jatitengah Village, Jatitujuh District, Majalengka Regency and to know the correlation between farmers’ decisions regarding preferences for using superior rice varieties in Jatitengah Village, Jatitujuh District,...
Proceedings Article

Digit Ratio 2D:4D Variation and the Relationships to Aggressivity in Sumatran Institute of Technology Students

Vienza Gita Hapsari, Winati Nurhayu, Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Andy Darmawan, Gres Maretta, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana
The ratio index finger length (2D) to ring finger length (4D) or digit ratio 2D:4D is a trait of sexual dimorphism. The prenatal testosterone influences the digit ratio 2D:4D since the growth of the fetus in the womb. High levels of prenatal testosterone will affect the development of finger which is...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Concept of Self-Care in Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Patients

Andy Setiawan, Pramudya, Hasyrin Ainun
Multidrug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a form of tuberculosis bacterial resistance to at least two first-line anti-TB treatments, isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most effective TB medications. Treatment of Drug Resistant TB is set to be part of the national TB Control program. MDR-TB cases continue...
Proceedings Article

Prospects of Using Freons as Extractants of Curcuma Longa L. Root Essential Oil

Elena Zhilyakova, Oleg Novikov, Dmitriy Pisarev, Nikolay Boyko, Konstantin Nikitin
the purpose of the present study was a comparative study of the ability of some freons to extract the essential oil of the roots of C. longa L. and to provide optimal conditions for its analy-sis. The dried, crushed roots of C. longa L. were used as raw materials (country of origin - Uganda). Methoxynonafluorobu-tane...
Proceedings Article

Fruit Fly Identification from Fruits and Vegetables of Turikale Maros, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Itji Diana Daud, Melina, Dayanara Haditama Khomsah, Mustika Tuwo
Indonesia has an abundant production of fruits and vegetables that can satisfy the demands of domestic and export markets. One of the most serious problems in fruit exports is the damage and contamination caused by fruit fly attacks to horticultural produce. Taiwan government rejects 13 types of fruit...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Has-23000 Implementation in Sate Bandeng Industry Certified of Halal

Mirajiani, Wahyu Susihono
The requirement for HAS-23000 is an obligation for all companies that have obtained halal product certification by LPPOM MUI. The purpose of this application is to ensure that work procedures are maintained as part of completing the criteria and procedures for handling halal products. Milkfish satay...