Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2022)

742 authors
Kong, Yikai
Finger Dexterity and Attention in the Elderly
Kuang, Jiayu
Gender Inequality in Rural Education in China and its Policy Development
LI, Mingyu
Study on Risk Assessment of Project Site Selection Decision
LU, Yunfeng
Study on Risk Assessment of Project Site Selection Decision
Lai, Jie
Research on Construction Site Intelligent Management Based on BIM Technology
Lai, PengYou
Intelligent Revision Application of Similar Collection Method in Strong Wind Forecasting in Complex Terrain Areas of Transmission Channels
Lan, Yini
Competitive Advantage of Open Innovation in the Context of Enterprise Digital Transformation
Lei, Haoyu
Assessment Ameliorating Global Warming Though Direct Air Capture
Li, Borui
Detection of Parking Spaces in Open Environments with Low Light and Severe Weather
Li, Chen
Analysis on the Current Situation of Inheritance, Innovation and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hubei Province
Li, Chen
Current Status of TCM Personnel Training in Hubei Province
Li, Guantong
A Brief Analysis of Football Referee’s Ability to Control and Guide the Game
Li, Haolan
Research on the Requirements of National Governance Modernization for China's Power Grid Enterprises
Li, Hongzhen
Study on the Development of College Students Returning to Home Businesses Under the “MASS Entrepreneurship and Innovation”
Li, Huining
Application of New Media Technology in the Context of Artificial Intelligence - A Case Study of Guancha Two Sessions
Li, Jiayin
Study on the Current Situation of Interactive Video in China and the Development Strategy of Interactivity
Li, Junhai
ABS Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge from the Perspective of Law
Li, Junwei
Medical Knowledge Question Answering System Based on Knowledge Graph
Li, Lamei
Discussion on the Construction of Multi-element Geoscience Service System in Future New Urban Areas-A Case Study of Xiongan
Li, Liangying
Research on the Effects of Natural Meditation on College Students’ Emotions and Attention
Li, Lu
Study on the Cognitive Difference of Museum Core Attraction in the Critical Heritage Studies Context
Li, Mengfeiyang
The Impacts of the Africans in Guangzhou
Li, Mingxia
What Predicts Chinese Winter Sports Participation Intention Based on an Extended TPB Model: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Traditional Media and Social Media Attention
Li, Peiwen
Definition of “Knowing” of Internet Service Providers in Helping Cybercrime
Li, Qingzhi
The Development of Chinese Green Financial Market
Li, Rong
Research on the Blended Teaching Mode in Colleges and Universities in the Post Epidemic Era
Li, Runting
Development and Construction of a User Privacy Concern Measurement Scale in Social Media
Li, Runting
Privacy Management and Privacy Concerns in Social Media
Li, Shuo
ABS Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge from the Perspective of Law
Li, Shuyang
Definition of “Knowing” of Internet Service Providers in Helping Cybercrime
Li, Sijin
The Influence of Confirmation Bias and Survivorship Bias on Electronic Industry
Li, Siqi
How the Age Impact WOMEN’S Rating on Clothing Based on WOMEN’S Clothing E-Commerce Review
Li, Siyou
Value and Method: the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Field of Criminal Evidence
Li, Wenqi
Factors Affecting User Clicks on Ads
Li, Xiangyi
Application of Sustainable Development Theory in Furniture Industry Development—A Case Study of IKEA
Li, Xiaohui
Study on Standardized Approaches of Agriculture-Related Data Under the Background of Rural Revitalization – Take Shandong Province as an Example
Li, Xiaolei
Research and Practice of Talent Training for Postgraduates in Mechanical Engineering Based on Professional Characteristics and School-Enterprise Collaboration
Li, Xiaowen
Will Companies’ Participation in Targeted Poverty Alleviation Affect Their Default Risk?
Li, Xilei
Dependent Growth: A Study on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Social Work Cultivating Community Self-organization
Li, Xinying
Research on the Application of Emotional Design in Daily Ceramics
Li, Xinyu
Influence of Internet on Well-Being of Rural Elderly-Analysis Based on CFPS2020 Data
Li, Xinyu
Will Companies’ Participation in Targeted Poverty Alleviation Affect Their Default Risk?
Li, Xiuhua
Exploration of the “Four-micro” Model of Corporate Culture Communication Based on Convergence Media Technology
Li, Ya
A Study of the Effectiveness of Peer Collaboration in Improving College Students’ English Writing Ability
Li, Yahui
Improvement of College Students’ Office Ability Take Short Videos Combined with Office Software as an Example
Li, Yanping
Analysis of the Follow-up Audit of the Implementation of Policies and Measures
Li, Yi
Feasibility Study of Applying 5G Mobile Communication Network Remote Visual Teaching Mode to Online Courses for Deaf Children
Li, Yibing
Impacts on Victims of School Bullying and Their Adaptation Strategies Afterwards
Li, Yijia
Residents Participation in Urban Community Governance under the New Normal
Li, Yinghui
An Analysis of Female Body Alienation in Consumer Society
Li, Yufei
Basic Cognition and Misunderstanding of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Li, Yuhan
Gender Discrimination in STEM Education
Li, Yuntong
New Direction in Understanding of Personality Disorders
Li, Yuting
Integrated Exploration of Design Thinking and Children’s Art Education
Li, Yuzhou
Embracing Democracy: The Development of Arend Lijphart’s Consociational Model in Burundi
Li, Zi
Research on the Application of Signage Free Design of Guide System Based on Sustainable Theory
Li, Ziwei
A Review of Research on the Dilemma of Motherhood in Contemporary China
Liang, Wenrui
Dilemmas and Strategies of Metro Cultural Communication in the Context of ‘Immersive Intelligent Media + Scene Theory’
Liang, Yudi
Analysis of the Problems and Causes of American Infrastructure Act
Liang, Yuxin
Exploring Criminal Jurisdictional Conflicts in Cross-Border Online Gambling
Liao, Pengxiang
Research on Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Liao, Shuyi
Competitive Intelligence Gathering in Strategic Decision Making
Lihong, Du
Conception of Staff Training in Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Knowledge Management
Lin, Ching-Hui
A Study on the Influence of College Students' Perceived Anfu Sports Shoes e-Word of Mouth and Product Attitude on Purchase Intention
Lin, Ching-Hui
A Study on the Purchase Intention of College Students’ Anfu Sports Shoes by Social Networking Sites
Lin, Lin
A Study of Consumers’ Ambivalent Attitude Toward Cultural Creative Products
Lin, QiuPing
Analysis of the Role of Design Management in Corporate Brand Development Take RED as an Example
Lin, Shuhan
The Positive Impact of School Bullying Experience Under Social Support——Pro-social Behavior
Lin, Xiao
Analysis and Research on Bridge and Tunnel Accidents of Dangerous Goods Transport Vehicles in China
Lin, Yuanfang
Application of Sustainable Development Theory in Furniture Industry Development—A Case Study of IKEA
Lin, Zhishuang
Gender Inequity in K-12 Education
Lin, Zihao
The Impact of Policies on Discriminations against Professional Women
Ling, Xuebing
Study of the Construction Method of Industrial Institute Based on “3+1” University-Enterprise Cooperation Mode
Liu, Chang
Preference Reversals Between Regret Aversion Based on Two Types of Regret Aversion in E-commerce Live Streaming
Liu, Chuao
Leadership in Transformational Change: Proactively Creating a Branding Effect to Overcome External Resistance
Liu, Fangfang
Discussion on the Construction of Multi-element Geoscience Service System in Future New Urban Areas-A Case Study of Xiongan
Liu, Fanxin
Tourism Development Under the Traditional Ecological Culture of Yunnan’s Ethnic Minorities
Liu, Hao
Feasibility Study of Applying 5G Mobile Communication Network Remote Visual Teaching Mode to Online Courses for Deaf Children
Liu, Haozhi
Analysis of the Effect of Customer Characteristics on Discount Rate on a B2C E-commerce Website in China: JD.Com as an Example
Liu, Jiaxue
Innovation and Practice of “IaH” Talent Cultivation for Tourism Management Majors in the Context of the Epidemic: A Case Study of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
Liu, Jiayin
The Metaverse: The Essential Characteristics of “Full Body Immersion” and the Risk of Addiction
Liu, Jiaying
Research on Influencing Factors of Perception of Decent Work of Hotel Employees Under 35 Years Old
Liu, Jingyuan
The Identification of Serious Circumstances of Help Information Network Criminal Activity Crime
Liu, Jinjin
Course Design of Digital Electronic Technology Based on CDIO
Liu, LeXi
Intelligent Revision Application of Similar Collection Method in Strong Wind Forecasting in Complex Terrain Areas of Transmission Channels
Liu, Luxin
A Literature Review on the Application of Anchoring Effects in Online Auctions
Liu, Mengfan
Gender Inequality in Rural Education in China and its Policy Development
Liu, Muyang
New Direction in Understanding of Personality Disorders
Liu, Ruimei
Reasons and Countermeasures of Short Video Addiction --A Case Study of Chinese Teenagers
Liu, Shanshan
Value and Method: the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Field of Criminal Evidence
Liu, Tingting
Research on the Integrated Development of Social Governance and Voluntary Service in the New Era
Liu, Tongtong
Preference Reversals Between Regret Aversion Based on Two Types of Regret Aversion in E-commerce Live Streaming
Liu, Wei-ming
Knowledge Dissemination Model Based on Graph Neural Network
Liu, Xingmao
RFID’S Applications and Future Prospects
Liu, Xinhong
Transcendence, Hybrid and Exploration: an Analysis of the Film the Scent of Green Papaya
Liu, Xinyu
Compulsivity in Anorexia Nervosa and Relevant Interventions
Liu, Xiuhong
Research on the Application of Advance Feedback Experimental Method in the Teaching of Macroeconomy and Strategic Management
Liu, Xunchen
Improvement of College Students’ Office Ability Take Short Videos Combined with Office Software as an Example
Liu, Yadong
Assessing the Content Topics of the Educational Videos on Tik Tok for Science Communication
Liu, Yan
Study of the Construction Method of Industrial Institute Based on “3+1” University-Enterprise Cooperation Mode