Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Linguistics and Culture (ICLC-4 2023)

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55 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Muhammad Hasyim
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [conference name or abbreviation] during [date range, or “on date”] in [location]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [name of the review body, for example, Scientific Committee] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Narration of Sustainable Development in Biosphere Reserves and Ecosystem Services from Ecolinguistics and Ecosophy Standpoints

M. A. Inez Saptenno, Akin Duli, Muhammad Darwis, Mardi Adi Amin
Narration of sustainable development in this paper will be explored in understanding the construction of verum factum, what man understands as true and what he has made of himself, regarding the construction of discourses of situatedness, sequencing, world-making/world disrupting, and the reality of...
Proceedings Article

Adaptations of Loanwords in the Film ‘A Clockwork Orange’

Rahmania Nerva, Nia Kurnia Sofiah
This research discusses the adaptations of loanwords from Russian to English in Stanley Kubrick’s film A Clockwork Orange (1971). This film uses Nadsat, a language that adapts loanwords of Russian vocabulary according to the phonetics, spellings, grammars, and semantics of English. A qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Interpersonal Communication Between Lecturers and Students on Student Academic Achievement

Aisyah Aisyah, Arianto Arianto, Muliadi Mau
Interpersonal communication is very important in the process of teaching and learning activities in order to motivate students to achieve student academic achievement, lecturers must have openness, empathy, support, positive attitude and equality to influence student academic achievement. One form of...
Proceedings Article

The Tradition of Manuscripts Reading in Indonesia: Maca Syekh, Manaqib, and Macapat

Anto Anto, Erlis Nur Mujiningsih, Erli Yetti, Suryami Suryami, Dea Letriana Cesaria, Muhammad Fakhrurrozi
In Indonesia there are traditions of reading manuscripts which in its development has three forms namely macapat, maca syekh, and manaqib. The macapat tradition as it is known is a tradition that developed by the saints to spread Islam. One type of macapat that is developed in Banten is Maca syekh. On...
Proceedings Article

Variation of Interjection Forms in Pre-Independence and Post-Independence Novels: A Stylistic Analysis

Nirwana Rasyid, Muhammad Darwis, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin
This study aims to find the variation of interjection forms in Indonesian pre-independence novels and Indonesian post-independence novels. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive qualitative method. The research sample was selected by purposive sampling technique. The data collection...
Proceedings Article

Bridging Cultures Through Melody: Understanding The Essence Of Love And Beauty In Bugis Songs

Suryana Suryana, Muhammad Darwis, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Ikhwan M. Said
Bugis songs have carved out an important position in the cultural landscape, serving as melodic bridges connecting diverse communities. This article explores the appeal of Bugis songs, highlighting their inherent beauty and their impact on cultural understanding. This study used a descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Trend of Change in Javanese Proper Names in Solo, Central Java

Amirrudin Amiruddin
This study aims to describe the changing pattern of Javanese proper names in Solo or Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The changing pattern of proper names occurs due to the factors of modernization, religion and the environment. Javanese names in the past were more influenced by the birth order of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Use of Social Media by Tourists in Increasing Tourism Visits in Maros Regency

Arny Arny, Andi Alimuddin Unde, Muhammad Farid
The presence of social media has provided a new space to interact with each other. Through social media, users can easily access and share experiences and other interesting things in cyberspace. This is an important concern for the tourism industry in Indonesia to develop its tourism potential. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Violence in the Novel “Perempuan Yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam” by Dian Purnomo

(Johan Galtung’s Theory of Violence Perspective)

Aswati Asri, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Mardi Adi Armin, Andi Faisal
This research aims to explore various forms of violence in the novel “Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam” by Dian Purnomo. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research data is in the form of phrases, words or sentences that represent the violence contained in the two novels...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speakers Based on Luwu Culture: A Needs Analysis Study

Masruddin Masruddin, Nurul Khairani Abduh
With all its developments, Indonesia has made many foreign students interested in studying at various universities in Indonesia, including in Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo. One thing that needs to be prepared when welcoming foreign students is the readiness of teaching materials. This research...
Proceedings Article

Ecocriticism in South Sulawesi Regional Literature

An Introduction to the Value of Environmental Wisdom in the Millennial Generation Through Literature Learning

Wahab Wahab, Husniyati Husniyati, Rizki Herdiani, Muhammad Nasir, Herianah Herianah, Abdul Asis
South Sulawesi regional literature is one of the local cultural products that needs to be preserved so that it continues to survive in people’s lives. As a cultural product, regional literature cannot separate itself from the humanitarian problems that exist in its supporting communities. Regional literature...
Proceedings Article

The Impementation of Affective Assesment on Indonesian Language Learning based on the Students’ Character Education

Sukma Sukma, Juniati Juniati, Nirmayanti Nirmayanti, Andi Bismawati
Affective assessment is an educator’s activity to find out student behavior that can be seen during the learning process or even outside the learning process. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation, constraints, and efforts to overcome obstacles to affective assessment...
Proceedings Article

Prehistoric Cultural Characters of Bangkai Hill, Dukuhrejo Village, Mantewe District, Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan Province

Bambang Sugiyanto
Bukit Bangkai is one of the small karst hills located in the Mantewe karst area, Tanah Bumbu Regency. The Mantewe karst area is a small part of the karst area in the southern part of the Meratus Mountains, starting from the Batu Sopang Regency (East Kalimantan), Balangan Regency, Kotabaru and Tanah Bumbu....
Proceedings Article

Terracotta Artifacts Human Figurines from Trowulan Site An Overviewed of the Expertise of the Ornament Artisans from the Majapahit Era

Dimas Nugroho, Yusmaini Eriawati, M. Fadhlan S. Intan, Frandus Frandus, Dewangga Eka M
Terracotta artifacts Human Figurines at the Trowulan Site found in significant quantities have been believed to have been made by artisans from the Majapahit kingdom era (14 – 16 century). The terracotta artifacts human figurines of the people consist of a male version, a female version, children, adults,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Instructional Communication Based on BCCT (Beyond Center and Circle Time) to Character Development of Playgroup-Kindergarten Students at Sekolah Alam Bosowa in Makassar

Farannisa Ramil Putri, Jeanny Maria Fatimah, Arianto Arianto
This study aims to analyze the effect of instructional communication based on BCCT (Beyond Center and Circle Time) on the character development of playgroup-kindergarten students at Sekolah Alam Bosowa in Makassar. This research used a quantitative method with a population and a sample of 30 students...
Proceedings Article

Fujoshi in Indonesia

Exploring Feminist Perspectives on Continuous Consumption of Boys’ Love Contents

Agung Nugraha, Andi Alimuddin Unde, Jeanny Maria Fatimah
In recent years, the consumption of boys’ love content in Indonesia has increased rapidly. Fujoshi is a Japanese term that refers to women who have an interest in manga, films, dramas, or slash fiction that have homoerotic narratives with the theme of love relationships between men, and boys’ love (BL)...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English Learning

Sri Ningsih, Arum Putri Rahayu, Nyayu Yayu Suryani, Martriwati Martriwati, Masriatus Sholikhah, Eri Ester Khairas
In the era of digitalization and rapid technological advancement, AI-driven applications and platforms have become increasingly prevalent in language learning. This study aims to shed light on how Indonesian students perceive the role of AI as a supplementary tool in enhancing their English language...
Proceedings Article

Gender Stereotype Reflected in N.H. Dini

Hiqma Nur Agustina
This article aims to present women who often receive gender Stereotypes in literature. Women are often seen as a minority and only as second-class human beings. It is not surprising that women often receive gender Stereotype that undermines their existence. Through three short stories literary works...
Proceedings Article

Humanism in the Philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism

Dian Sari Unga Waru, Firman Saleh
Chinese philosophy, which is a guide to life for the Chinese people, emphasizes three main things in its teachings, namely life, knowledge and nature. Chinese philosophy is strongly influenced by the thoughts of philosophers, including Kongzi with Confucian teachings, and Laozi with Taoist teachings....
Proceedings Article

Elaborate The Loanword Arabic in Kaili Language: The Perspective of Language Contact

Deni Karsana, Lukman Lukman, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Katubi Kutubi, Wati Kurniawati
The Arabs (Islamic leaders) came to the archipelago with the aim of doing business and spreading Islam. On the island of Sulawesi, especially Central Sulawesi, these Islamic leaders visited and settled there, such as Abdullah Raqie (Dato Karama) and Sayed Idrus bin Salim Al-Jufri,. They came to Donggala...
Proceedings Article

Errors Analysis in Writing: The Impact of L1

Abd Halim, Nur Mutmainna Halim
Errors in writing, notably those caused by the influence of the native language, have emerged as a significant issue in recent decades, including in the writings of EFL students. This study focused on three primary cases. (1) the types of errors made by students and (2) how the most prevalent errors...
Proceedings Article

Examining The Tourism Potential at Huaulu Traditional Village in Seram Island, Maluku

Karyamantha Surbakti, Muhammad Mujabuddawat
This study describes one of the tribes living in the highlands of Maluku-Indonesia that can be managed in rural participatory. The Huaulu tribe has a system of local knowledge and a traditional way of life typical of the mountainous people. The main aspect developed for the purpose of cultural tourism...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of The Phonetic Systems of Indonesian and Thai Patani Malay

Manavavee Mamah, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Mardi Adi Armin, Tammasse Tammasse
This research is motivated by the differences and similarities in the phonetic systems of Indonesian and Thai Patani Malay. While both are Austronesian languages that have a close kinship correlation. The research aimed at analyzing the differences and similarities in the phonetic systems of Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Some Key Points in Naming a Person of Ammatoa Community

A Linguistic Anthropology Study

Harlinah Sahib, Husain Hasyim
Ammatoa community, like many other communities in South Sulawesi have a personal naming system that is related to traditions, rituals, and language patterns that reflect the beliefs, expectations, events, or situation surrounded new births. Besides, this article analyzes and discusses the aspect of Kajang...
Proceedings Article

Indexicality of Redemption Strategies In The Bugis Language of the Community In Sidrap District, South Sulawesi

Firman Saleh, Muhammad Hasyim, Rudy Yusuf
The aim of this research is to describe the indexicality of reprimanding strategies in speech acts using the Sidenreng dialect of Bugis. Reprimanding is an action that can be interpreted into several indexicalities in the language of the people in Sidrap Regency. Reprimanding can be interpreted as a...
Proceedings Article

What Students Think About Online Learning: The Voice from The Maritime Higher Education Students

Fatimah, Yozar Firdaus Amrullah, Latifa Ika Sari
This study explored the perspective of Indonesian maritime higher education students about English online learning. Online learning becomes challenging for them who usually stay and learn in the dormitory. The purposive sampling method was used to choose the 172 participants. The data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Community Readiness in the Implementation of Digital Marketing on Tourism Attractions in Teluk Wondama Regency, Papua Barat Province

Yansen I. Saragih, Sukristiningsih Sukristiningsih
Tourism in this days is developed and becoming one of income generating for a village, a city, a regent, a province, even a country. To make it success, promotion is one among many factors that can help in selling a product. In this modern era, promotion is shifting from manual to digital. What is more,...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Learning for Korean Students at Jakarta International School: An Observational Overview of Teaching Method

Kwon Youngsun, Lukman Lukman, Munira Hasyim, Asriani Abbas
This article review is part of my research to design a learning model for Korean students at Jakarta International School. Korean students have a basic need to use Indonesian because they have lived in Indonesia for some time and even attended junior high school education in Indonesia. From the initial...
Proceedings Article

An Effort of Archaeological Research to Support Sustainable Development Programs on the Sunan Pandanaran Sites, Klaten District, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Gunadi Kasnowihardjo, Taufik Murtono, Ani Rostiyanti, Masyhudi Masyhudi, Sukari Sukari
The United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Programs as global actions for all nations. Under SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, one target is to protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11-4). In Klaten, Central Java, the Sunan Pandanaran Tomb Site area is one...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Characteristics of Prehistoric Cave Dwellings in Java

Indah Asikin Nurani
Beneath the ancient veil of Java's karst regions, prehistoric humans carved out their lives in caves and crevices. The island's rugged topography, shaped by eons of geological forces, created a diverse landscape that fostered unique cultural adaptations. In the south, towering mountains and...
Proceedings Article

Interpersonal Communication in Long Distance Marriage in Couples in Makassar City

Utami Nur Muslimah, Sudirman Karnay, Muhammad Farid
This study aims to analyze the communication media of a husband and wife who undergo a long-distance marriage. In this study using a qualitative approach. The informant selection technique that will be used by researchers is purposive sampling with certain criteria, and ten married couples in Makassar...
Proceedings Article

Woman Struggle in “Woman at Point Zero” Novel By Nawal El Saadawi: Radical and Liberal Feminism Perspective

Irmayani Irmayani, Fathu Rahman, M. P. Amir, Herawaty Abbas
This research aimed at finding out the feminism movement in novel by using descriptive method through feminism criticism which focus on depicting woman in a literary work based on liberal and radical feminism. The results of this research that feminism is women struggle that manifested in movement to...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of the Lancang Kocik Folk Song Symbol of the Sakai Tribe for the Creative Industry as an Effort for Sustainable Cultural Preservation

Listi Mora Rangkuti, Inriati Lewa, Muhammad Hasyim
Lancang Kocik Folk Songs (NRLK) originated among the Sakai Tribe, who live in Petani Village, Riau Province. Essentially, this song is an introduction to work and is utilized as a song of pride since it contains a natural identity, real historical proof as an indigenous Riau tribe, and is a reminder...
Proceedings Article

The Power of TBLL Through Discourse Markers In Transforming EFL Students’ English Writing: Unlocking The Potential For Fluency and Coherence

Muthmainnah Mursidin, Noer Jihad Saleh, Abidin Pammu, Herawaty Herawaty
This study investigates the transformative potential of Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL) in enhancing the English writing proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students, with a particular focus on the role of discourse markers in promoting fluency and coherence. English writing proficiency...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Media Digital Literary Works in Online Lectures for English Education

Study Program Students

Nashruddin Nashruddin, Slamet Setiawan, Suhartono Suhartono
In higher education, online learning by utilizing information technology has now become a necessity because of the demand to create quality and competitive higher education institutions. One of the learning systems that carries the concept of information technology is electronic-based learning (e-learning)...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Language and Communication Strategy for Employee Motivation: The Study Case of CV. Kreasi Pisang Indonesia in Makassar

Nurhabyana Nurhabyana, Moehammad Iqbal Sultan, Arianto Arianto
When leading an organization, the leader will hope that every activity will be easily run. A language is a communication tool required by the company to provide direction or work instructions. There are three essential things to create an effective communication. Firstly, the content that is being discussed....
Proceedings Article

The Tendency for Verbal Bullying to Occur Among the Main Characters in the Novel Stargirl and Unfriend You: Masihkah Kau Temanku?

Andi Elsa Fadhilah Sakti, Fathu Rahman, M. P. Amir, Harlinah Sahib
This research is a comparative study that discusses the types of bullying that commonly occurs in two different novels with the same theme. Researcher studied this with the aim of describing the issue of bullying that often occurs, especially among teenagers, who sometimes take things for granted and...
Proceedings Article

Distribution Patern of Megalitik Site In Slamet Mountain, Central Java

Priyatno Hadi Sulistyarto
Around 70 megalithic sites were found on Mount Slamet, distributed within 5 regencies, that is 20 sites in Purbalingga, 11 sites in Pemalang, 15 sites in Tegal, 5 sites in Brebes, and 19 sites in Banyumas district. In general, the megalithic sites on Mount Slamet consisted of monuments intentionally...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students’ Perception on the Use of Short Story Video in English Speaking Class

Nurhaedah Gailea, Siti Aisah
The aim of the study is to find out the students’ perception on the use of short story video as teaching media in speaking class. The method of the research is descriptive qualitative. The researcher selected 30 students of English Education study program of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa by using...
Proceedings Article

Building Bridges Between Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Educational Needs (Pesantren) Based on Historical and Archaelogical Data in Ujungberung, West Java

Oerip Bramantyo Boedi, Deni Sutrisna, Nurlaila Nurlaila
This research reveals the value and role of local traditions of Islamic boarding school education in their impact on non-formal education based on culture and local wisdom. Ujungberung through historical and archeological data approaches. Islamic boarding schools, as traditional Islamic educational institutions,...
Proceedings Article

Communication Politeness Strategies in Gojek

Yasmin Rahma Haryanti, Nitrasattri Handayani
As an essential application in Indonesians’ daily lives, Gojek has its communication pattern to connect with its users. This research highlights the politeness strategies in communication used in Gojek. The analysis is done using the descriptive qualitative method with Brown and Levinson’s (1987) theory...
Proceedings Article

Religious Moderation Values in Ancient Muslim Tombs in Palembang

Retno Purwanti, Nor Huda Ali
As a universal religion, Islam has brought its own civilization that is deeply rooted in a very long tradition since the time of the Prophet (Rasulullah). When in contact with local and particular situations, Islamic civilization retains its true essence, although instrumentally it reveals conditional...
Proceedings Article

Interactivity of Hospital X Instagram Account in Cyber Public Communication

Dian Indriani, Muhammad Akbar, Arianto Arianto
Instagram's user base and high level of interaction make it a potentially valuable tool for reaching out to others, establishing communication, gaining public trust, and enhancing a company's image. Instagram is used by Hospital X for marketing, health promotion, and corporate image development....
Proceedings Article

Directive Speech Acts in the Novel “God Allows Being a Prostitute! Muhidin M. Dahlan's Works: Pragmatic Studies

Nurhayati Nurhayati
This research is entitled Directive Speech Acts in the Novel “God Allows You to Be a Prostitute! Muhidin M. Dahlan's work: Pragmatic Studies uses research methods, the observation method with katat techniques. This novel is widely discussed because researchers want to know what speech acts and what...
Proceedings Article

Pottery From Batu Pake Gojeng Site, Sinjai, South Sulawesi

Sigit Eko Prasetyo, M. Fadhlan S.I., Indah Permatasarie Tjan, Aulia Muharini
Pottery is one of the most frequently found cultural remains in archeological research, made from burnt clay. Laboratory technological analysis of pottery from this site aims to obtain accurate results on the physical properties of the pottery and to determine where to collect raw materials. Through...
Proceedings Article

Helai Mbai Hote Mbai Tradition, Gastrodiplomacy of the Sentani Papua Community

Siswanto Siswanto, A. B. Takko Bandung, Dafirah Dafirah
This article aims to explore functions of the tradition of eating together at helai mbai hote mbai, from culinary to gastrodiplomacy in society, to understand the mission and vision of creating the helai mbai hote mbai tradition as a means of social control in society both past, present and the future...
Proceedings Article

The Advertisements of Vodka Produced Outside Russia: Semiotics and Multimodality

Tiara Bayu Sekaruthami, Nia Kurnia Sofiah
This research discusses the meanings of advertisements for vodka produced outside Russia. This research aims to find the meanings contained in five Russian vodka advertisements by analyzing the signs contained in the text and visuals of the advertisements. This research was conducted using a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Actualization of “Maja Labo Dahu” Cultural Values in installing Students Character Education

Waliyudin Waliyudin, Suyatno Suyatno, Titik Indarti, Annisah Annisah
The purpose of this article is to describe actualization cultural values of “Maja Labo Dahu (MLD)” in students character education through internalization and socialization process. The article is decriptive qualitative method. This method used to gain information about actualization cultural values...
Proceedings Article

Cyber Literature and ChatGPT in the Global of IoT Connectivity

Fathu Rahman
This review article is a study of the intersectionality between literary media, cyber technology and the use of ChatGPT in the development of literary studies. One of the focuses of this discussion is cyber literature, which is now increasingly popular and loved by literature readers. As a cultural product,...
Proceedings Article

Inner Conflicts in “Happening” Novel by Annie Ernaux: An Overview of Literary Psychology

Rahmi Usman, Herawaty Abbas, M. P. Amir, Harlinah Sahib
This research aims to describe the inner conflict of the main character in the novel “Happening” by Annie Ernaux and the main character's attitude in dealing with his inner conflict through literary psychology. Happening is one of Annie Ernaux's best autobiographies that describes her very...
Proceedings Article

Errors Analysis of Indonesian Sentence Construction: An application of Dubois’ Theory of Syntax

Arju Susanto, Muhammad Darwis, Lukman Lukman, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin
This study explores Indonesian Sentence Construction Errors for students of the Universitas Nasional Jakarta (UNAS) from the aspect of syntactic level analysis. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the linguistic facts contained in the data. The analysis was carried out by using...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Pronominal Systems in Yapen Languages

Sara Karubaba, Hamzah Machmoed, Fathu Rahman, Kamzinah Kamzinah
Pronominal systems are different from language to language, even in the same area, and this is particularly the case in the Yapen languages. The purpose of this study is to investigate the pronominal systems of five related languages. These languages are related in the sense that they are Austronesian...
Proceedings Article

Peusijuek Tradition in Aceh Society Integrity of Religious Values and Local Culture

Marpuah Marpuah, Juju Saepudin, Ahsanul Khalikin, Reslawati Reslawati, Wakhid Sugiyarto
Peusijuek is one of the Acehnese traditions that is still preserved and practiced. Peusijuek is a culture that has become part of Islam, especially the Islamic community in Aceh. This study aims to reveal how Peusijuek is believed and implemented into people's beliefs that religiously it is not...