Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2018)
389 authors
- A., Leora Gharadila
- Statistics Learning Improvement: The power of lesson study
- Abdillah, Fauzi
- Teachers’ Outlooks on Social Citizenship Behaviour Learning Model: A grounded theory
- Abdulah, Ishak
- Genre Based Inquiry Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL GBI) to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Exposition Text
- Abidin, Nur Fatah
- History Teachers’ Representation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: A critical discourse analysis
- Achyarsyah, Mochamad
- The Trial of the Cooperative Learning Models of Two Stay-Two Stray and Talking Stick on Students’ Mathematical Communication
- Adam, J. D.
- Efforts and Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary
- Adek, Muhammad
- Joke and Its Relation to Students Grammar Mastery in EFL Learning
- Agung, Budie
- Google Form-Based Learning Assessment
- Agustyani, Anggit Reviana Dewi
- Learners’ Difficulties and Types of Errors in Topic of Limit
- Ahmad, Nurwajah
- Character Education Values in the Tradition of Salapan Village Community as a Form of Local Wisdom
- Aisiah, Aisiah
- Error of Proposal Writing by Students
- Al-Rawafi, Abdulkhaleq Ali Ahmed
- The Illocutionary Speech Acts of Insha’Allah: Pragmatic analysis of teachers talks in daily school activities
- Ali, Mohammad
- Perceptions, Attitudes and Lifestyles of Chemistry Teacher Candidates towards Education for Sustainable Development
- Ali, Mohammad
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies: A scoping review
- Ali, Mohammad
- Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution
- Allo, Eda Lolo
- The Development of Rubric to Assess Metacognition Knowledge
- Amalia, Shynta
- Task-Based Language Teaching in Enhancing Language Learning Motivation
- Amanda, Azwar
- The Practicality of the Mathematics Learning Model Constructivism-based Think Create Apply
- Amir, Hermansyah
- Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
- Amri, Syaipul
- The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy on the National Examination of Students of SMAN Bengkulu
- Amrullah, Yasir
- Development of Religion and Empowerment of Bandung Punk Hijrah Community
- Amsad, Lusia Narsia
- Exploring Generic Skill of Student in Science through Disconnection Approach in Organic Synthesis
- Anam, R. S.
- The Effect of Conceptual Change Text on Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of Heat Conduction
- Andayani, Endah
- The Learning of Creative Product Entrepreneurship Course to Solve Unemployment Problems in Indonesian Vocational Schools
- Andayani, Endah
- Entrepreneurial Interest in Indonesian Vocational Schools
- Andy, Andy
- Can Young Learners Utilize Cartoon Picture and Song To Learn?: A teaching model
- Anggoro, Abdurrobbil Falaq Dwi
- The Scheme Characteristics for Students at the Level of Trans in Understanding Mathematics During Etno-Mathematics Learning
- Arabit-Zapatos, Ma. Lorella C.
- Assessing the Multicultural Competencies of In-Service Teachers
- Ardianto, Didit
- Teachers’ Perception Regarding Integrated Science Learning and Science Literacy
- Ardianto, Didit
- What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Literacy?
- Arfan, Arfan
- Linking Open Access Movement to the Indonesian Islamic Higher Education
- Ariana, Ratna
- Learning Strategies for Growing Autonomous Among Autism Children at Inclusive Primary School of Unggul Sakti, Jambi, Indonesia
- Arifuddin, Arifuddin
- English Subject Materials for Cross Interest Program and General English in Senior High School
- Arono, Arono
- Basic Teaching Skills of Language Teachers on Microteaching Lessons
- Asmawi, Zainul
- The Politics of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Selected Philippine Schools
- Asyrofi, Asyrofi
- Concept of Mau’izhoh Hasanah and its Implications in Islamic Education
- Aulia, Elsa Sivia Nur
- Character Education Model Based on Local Wisdom (An ethnographic study in Kampung Dukuh, Ciroyom, Garut Regency, West Java)
- Avila, Roel Verdadero
- Forming Pedagogic and Nationalistic Ideas from Copra-Making through Metaphorization
- Avila, Roi Christian James Escolano
- Delineating the [D/J]iwa: Dissection of selected Filipino and Indonesian folktales
- Azim, Paujan
- Counselling Program of Pre-marital Education at the Office of Religious Affairs
- Aziz, Arfan
- Environmental Education as a Media for Character Building at School of Alam Raya Muaro Jambi
- Aziz, Helmi
- The Internalization of Islamic Values in Social Sciences Learning
- Azmy, Bahauddin
- Development of Scientific Based Integrated Learning Model
- Batubara, Noor Azida
- Islamic Intellectual Capital Management as the New Educational Management Concept in Madrasah Aliyah (Case studies in MAN 1 Kota Bandung and MAS Husnul Khotimah Kuningan)
- Budiasih, Endang
- Mobile Learning with Oriented Nature of Science (NOS): Does undergraduate school need it?
- Bunyamin, Maftuh
- The Politics of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Selected Philippine Schools
- Busahdiar, Busahdiar
- Building the Synergy of Educational Complex towards a Progressive School
- Busatasar, Busatasar
- The Factors Affecting Employee Performance of Ministry of Religion in Muko-Muko District
- Bustasar, Bustasar
- The Factors Affecting Employee Performance of Ministry of Religion in Muko-Muko District
- Cabilao-Valencia, Minda I.
- Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution
- Cartono, Cartono
- Implementation of Moodle as Teaching Tool in Learning Concept Science
- Cassandra, Nina Wanda
- The Projection of HOTs level in Learning Outcomes of English Education and English Literature Study Programs
- Caswita, Caswita
- Teaching Material Based on Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability
- Dahlan, Taufiqulloh
- Students’ Creative Thinking Skills and Anxiety of Mathematics in an Islamic Junior High School Using Brain-based Learning
- Dahlan, Taufiqulloh
- PQ4R Strategy (Preview, Question, Read, Reflection, Recite, Review) for Mathematical Communication Ability
- Damaianti, Lira Fessia
- Study on the Use of Edmodo in Learning Science
- Damaianti, Vismaia S.
- Religion-wise Culture Shock in Language Studying: Status quo and countermeasure
- Damayanti, Indah
- Teaching Material Based on Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability
- Darhim, Darhim
- Students’ Creative Thinking Skills and Anxiety of Mathematics in an Islamic Junior High School Using Brain-based Learning
- Deliza, Deliza
- Comic Book as a Source of Learning of Fungi Material for Senior High School
- Dharmayana, I Wayan
- The Effect of Guided Imagery Techniques to Decrease Students’ Anxiety in Group Counseling Activities
- Disman, Disman
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies: A scoping review
- Disman, H.
- An Exploration into the Pedagogy of Sustainable Lifesty
- Djohar, Ash’ari
- Genre Based Inquiry Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL GBI) to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Exposition Text
- Djono, Djono
- History Teachers’ Representation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: A critical discourse analysis
- Djuwita, Puspa
- Internalizing Values to Elementary Students through Civic Education
- EQ, Nurwadjah Ahmad
- Understanding the History of Islamic Culture through the Ibrah-based Learning Model
- Egryas, Rohawani
- The Trial of the Cooperative Learning Models of Two Stay-Two Stray and Talking Stick on Students’ Mathematical Communication
- Ernawati, Ernawati
- Character Value Internalization of Responsibility of the Kampung Pulo Adat (Field research at Kampung Pulo, Kampung Ciakar, Cangkuang Village, Leles Sub-District, Garut District)
- Fahliza, Wilda
- Adiwiyata School: Between promoting environmental awareness and winning awards
- Fajar, Andris
- Exemplary Teacher in Habituation of a Good Character
- Farid, Muhammad
- Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- The Practicality of the Mathematics Learning Model Constructivism-based Think Create Apply
- Fazriyah, Nurul
- Study on the Use of Edmodo in Learning Science
- Fazriyah, Nurul
- Implementation of Moodle as Teaching Tool in Learning Concept Science
- Firdaus, M. Lutfi
- Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
- Firman, Harry
- What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Literacy?
- Firza, Firza
- Development of Green-Based Teaching in the Study of History for High School Students
- Firza, Firza
- Error of Proposal Writing by Students
- Fitriana, Ira
- Development of Context-Based Teaching Book on Environmental Pollution Materials to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
- Gardenia, Nia
- Students’ Creative Thinking Skills and Anxiety of Mathematics in an Islamic Junior High School Using Brain-based Learning
- Gardenia, Nia
- PQ4R Strategy (Preview, Question, Read, Reflection, Recite, Review) for Mathematical Communication Ability
- Gomez, Ma. Arsenia C.
- The Politics of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Selected Philippine Schools
- Gunawan, Heri
- The Model of Cultivating National Character Values in an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren)
- Gunawan, Wawan
- The Illocutionary Speech Acts of Insha’Allah: Pragmatic analysis of teachers talks in daily school activities
- Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto
- Fostering Students and Graduate Candidate Level of 21st Century Skills (A survey study conducted at a University)
- Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto
- Enhancing Students’ Core Competencies by Applying Blended Cooperative E-learning (BCeL) in Teaching and Learning Process
- Hakam, Kama Abdul
- Peace Values in Learning Process (A descriptive study based on student experiences)
- Hamdanayani, Hamdanayani
- Administration and Services Management in Islamic Schools
- Hamdani, Acep Roni
- Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement Among Elementary School Students
- Hamid, Solihin Ichas
- Teachers’ Outlooks on Social Citizenship Behaviour Learning Model: A grounded theory
- Hamidah, Iha
- Development of Religion and Empowerment of Bandung Punk Hijrah Community
- Handayani, Dewi
- Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model Using Edmodo Application
- Harahap, Koy Sahbuddin
- Development of the Potential Senses, Reason, and Heart According to the Qur'an and its Application in Learning
- Hardhienata, Soewarto
- Teacher’s Innovation Improvement through the Development of Organizational Climate and Emotional Intelligence Using Correlation Statistical Analysis and Sitorem Method
- Hardhienata, Soewarto
- Increasing Teacher's Commitment to Organizations through the Development of Organizational Culture and Situational Leadership
- Hariani, Lilik Sri
- The Learning of Creative Product Entrepreneurship Course to Solve Unemployment Problems in Indonesian Vocational Schools
- Hariani, Lilik Sri
- Entrepreneurial Interest in Indonesian Vocational Schools
- Hasan, Said Hamid
- Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the Philippine Makabayan Learning Area: Problems and prospects in articulating social studies as a discipline
- Hasanah, Aan
- The Model of Cultivating National Character Values in an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren)