Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2018)
389 authors
- Suherdi, Didi
- SMEMFLE I 4.0 DE: A synergetic multi-layered educational model for learning excellence in industry 4.0 and disruption era
- Suherman, Suherman
- Secret Teacher: How prison educators play a role to develop individual agency among inmate students
- Sukanti, Dinni
- Teacher’s Innovation Improvement through the Development of Organizational Climate and Emotional Intelligence Using Correlation Statistical Analysis and Sitorem Method
- Sukardi, Sukardi
- The Study of Quality Service of Education in Public Vocational Schools in Using ServQual Model
- Sukarmin, Sukarmin
- The Profile of 21st Century Learning: Enhancing critical thinking and problem solving skills at Senior High School
- Sukarmin, Sukarmin
- Teachers’ Experiences in Implementing the Next Generation Science Standard Science Engineering Practice
- Sukarno, Sukarno
- School Environment Exploration Activity to Enhance Science Process Skill
- Sulaiman, Herri
- Identifying of Rigorous Mathematical Thinking on Olympic Students in Solving Non-routine Problems on Geometry Topics
- Sulastri, Lilis
- Development of Knowledge Management Models: Case of Islamic work ethics in State Islamic University
- Sulhani, Sulhani
- Counselling Program of Pre-marital Education at the Office of Religious Affairs
- Sulistyawati, Ida
- Development of Scientific Based Integrated Learning Model
- Sulistyawati, Ida
- The Identification of Integrated Learning Misconceptions
- Sumardi, Sumardi
- The Analysis on Instrument Items and Condition of Lecturer’s Ethical Behavior Using Rasch Model
- Sumarsih, Sumarsih
- The Factors Affecting Employee Performance of Ministry of Religion in Muko-Muko District
- Sumayani, Tria Rahmiyati
- English Subject Materials for Cross Interest Program and General English in Senior High School
- Sumpena, Deden
- Google Form-Based Learning Assessment
- Sunaryo, Widodo
- Improving the Learning Organization Effectiveness through Developing Knowledge Management and Self-Efficacy (Empirical study at elementary public school in Bogor, Indonesia)
- Sundaryono, Agus
- Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
- Sundaryono, Agus
- Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model Using Edmodo Application
- Sundayana, Wahyu
- Genre Based Inquiry Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL GBI) to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Exposition Text
- Sunjaya, Tisna
- Exemplary Teacher in Habituation of a Good Character
- Supiandi, Ujang
- Enhancing Students Higher Order Thinking Skill through Instagram based Flipped Classroom Learning Model
- Supriatna, Nana
- Forming Pedagogic and Nationalistic Ideas from Copra-Making through Metaphorization
- Supriatna, Nana
- An Exploration into the Pedagogy of Sustainable Lifesty
- Supriatna, Nana
- Inheritance of Values of Local Wisdom Cuci Negeri through Social Studies Learning: A story from Ambon
- Supriatna, Nana
- Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution
- Suryana, Risa
- The Profile of 21st Century Learning: Enhancing critical thinking and problem solving skills at Senior High School
- Suryana, Risa
- Teachers’ Experiences in Implementing the Next Generation Science Standard Science Engineering Practice
- Suryati, Suryati
- Mobile Learning with Oriented Nature of Science (NOS): Does undergraduate school need it?
- Susan, Susan
- Driving Teacher Creativity through Self Efficacy and Organizational Climate
- Susanti, Try
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Practical Inquiry-based Biology Course
- Syaefulloh, Syaefulloh
- Google Form-Based Learning Assessment
- Syafruddin, Syafruddin
- The Study of Quality Service of Education in Public Vocational Schools in Using ServQual Model
- Syah, Muhibbin
- Building the Synergy of Educational Complex towards a Progressive School
- Syahdan, Syahdan
- English Subject Materials for Cross Interest Program and General English in Senior High School
- Syaifuddin, Muhammad
- Development of the Potential Senses, Reason, and Heart According to the Qur'an and its Application in Learning
- Syaiful, Syaiful
- Fostering Students and Graduate Candidate Level of 21st Century Skills (A survey study conducted at a University)
- Syamsurizal, Syamsurizal
- Fostering Students and Graduate Candidate Level of 21st Century Skills (A survey study conducted at a University)
- Syihabuddin, Syihabuddin
- Religion-wise Culture Shock in Language Studying: Status quo and countermeasure
- Taridi, Muhamad
- Communicative English Language Learning Program with CIPP: An evaluative study
- Taufiq, Agus
- The Role of Education and Supervision toward the Candidates of Group Counselor Competencies
- Thohir, Ajid
- Understanding the History of Islamic Culture through the Ibrah-based Learning Model
- Toharudin, Uus
- Study on the Use of Edmodo in Learning Science
- Tukiran, Martinus
- Improving Organizational Commitment through Developing Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction (Empirical study on private high-school teachers at Sukabumi)
- Umar, Mardan
- Peace Values in Learning Process (A descriptive study based on student experiences)
- Uminingtyas, Marsha Putri Kun
- The Profile of 21st Century Learning: Enhancing critical thinking and problem solving skills at Senior High School
- Us, Kasful Anwar
- Job Satisfaction in Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation
- Utami, Wiji
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Practical Inquiry-based Biology Course
- Wahab, Abdul Azis
- Forming Pedagogic and Nationalistic Ideas from Copra-Making through Metaphorization
- Wahab, Abdul Azis
- Assessing the Multicultural Competencies of In-Service Teachers
- Wahyudi, Lili
- Internalizing Values of Character Education
- Wahyudi, Lili
- Character Education Values in the Tradition of Salapan Village Community as a Form of Local Wisdom
- Wahyudi, Wahyudi
- Development of Arabic Learning Material Based on Eclectic Method
- Wahyuni, Reni
- Is Algebraic Thinking Suitable for Indonesia Elementary School Curriculum?
- Wahyuningsih, Yona
- Green Campus Initiative (Where do we start?)
- Waluyo, Untung
- Teacher’s Perception of Curriculum 2013 and Its Implication to the Teaching of English
- Wardani, Imas Srinana
- Development of Scientific Based Integrated Learning Model
- Wardani, Imas Srinana
- The Identification of Integrated Learning Misconceptions
- Wardani, Nugraheni Eko
- The Folklore Comics Media for Learning Indonesian as a Foreign Language
- Widada, Wahyu
- The Students’ Anxiety in Facing the Mathematical National Exams
- Widada, Wahyu
- The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy on the National Examination of Students of SMAN Bengkulu
- Widada, Wahyu
- The Scheme Characteristics for Students at the Level of Trans in Understanding Mathematics During Etno-Mathematics Learning
- Widaniati, Elis Rahayu
- Exemplary Teacher in Habituation of a Good Character
- Widarti, Hayuni Retno
- Improving Chemistry Prospective Teacher’s Conceptual Understanding of Resonance Using Multiple Representation
- Widodo, A.
- The Effect of Conceptual Change Text on Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of Heat Conduction
- Widodo, Ari
- Developing Habits of Mind through Web Based Learning Approach
- Widyan, Yomi
- Exemplary Teacher in Habituation of a Good Character
- Wiji, Wiji
- The Development of Rubric to Assess Metacognition Knowledge
- Wijianto, Wijianto
- The Difficulty of Civic Education Teacher to Understanding the Characteristics of Students as part of Pedagogical Competence
- Willian, Sudirman
- Investigating English Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Developing Classroom Management Style
- Winarno, Winarno
- The Difficulty of Civic Education Teacher to Understanding the Characteristics of Students as part of Pedagogical Competence
- Wiriaatmadja, Rochiati
- Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the Philippine Makabayan Learning Area: Problems and prospects in articulating social studies as a discipline
- Wiriatmadja, Rochiaty
- Inheritance of Values of Local Wisdom Cuci Negeri through Social Studies Learning: A story from Ambon
- Wiyanarti, Erlina
- Inheritance of Values of Local Wisdom Cuci Negeri through Social Studies Learning: A story from Ambon
- Wulandari, Agung Diah
- Statistics Learning Improvement: The power of lesson study
- Wulandari, Dian
- Improving the Learning Organization Effectiveness through Developing Knowledge Management and Self-Efficacy (Empirical study at elementary public school in Bogor, Indonesia)
- Yanthi, Novi
- Green Campus Initiative (Where do we start?)
- Yuliusman, Yuliusman
- Fostering Students and Graduate Candidate Level of 21st Century Skills (A survey study conducted at a University)
- Yunansah, Hana
- Green Campus Initiative (Where do we start?)
- Yunita, Desy Ratna
- Identifying of Rigorous Mathematical Thinking on Olympic Students in Solving Non-routine Problems on Geometry Topics
- Yusmarni, Yusmarni
- The Practicality of the Mathematics Learning Model Constructivism-based Think Create Apply
- Yustina, Yustina
- Character Value Internalization of Responsibility of the Kampung Pulo Adat (Field research at Kampung Pulo, Kampung Ciakar, Cangkuang Village, Leles Sub-District, Garut District)
- Yusuf, Adie E.
- The Analysis on Instrument Items and Condition of Lecturer’s Ethical Behavior Using Rasch Model
- Zakiah, Qiqi Yulianti
- Google Form-Based Learning Assessment
- Zaqiah, Qiqi Yuliati
- The Model of Cultivating National Character Values in an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren)
- Zein, Mas’ud
- Development of the Potential Senses, Reason, and Heart According to the Qur'an and its Application in Learning
- Zuhri, M Tajudin
- Internalizing Values of Character Education
- Zuhri, M. Tajudin
- Internalizing Values of Character Education
- Zuhri, M. Tajudin
- Character Education Values in the Tradition of Salapan Village Community as a Form of Local Wisdom