Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2018)

389 authors
A., Leora Gharadila
Statistics Learning Improvement: The power of lesson study
Abdillah, Fauzi
Teachers’ Outlooks on Social Citizenship Behaviour Learning Model: A grounded theory
Abdulah, Ishak
Genre Based Inquiry Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL GBI) to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Exposition Text
Abidin, Nur Fatah
History Teachers’ Representation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: A critical discourse analysis
Achyarsyah, Mochamad
The Trial of the Cooperative Learning Models of Two Stay-Two Stray and Talking Stick on Students’ Mathematical Communication
Adam, J. D.
Efforts and Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary
Adek, Muhammad
Joke and Its Relation to Students Grammar Mastery in EFL Learning
Agung, Budie
Google Form-Based Learning Assessment
Agustyani, Anggit Reviana Dewi
Learners’ Difficulties and Types of Errors in Topic of Limit
Ahmad, Nurwajah
Character Education Values in the Tradition of Salapan Village Community as a Form of Local Wisdom
Aisiah, Aisiah
Error of Proposal Writing by Students
Al-Rawafi, Abdulkhaleq Ali Ahmed
The Illocutionary Speech Acts of Insha’Allah: Pragmatic analysis of teachers talks in daily school activities
Ali, Mohammad
Perceptions, Attitudes and Lifestyles of Chemistry Teacher Candidates towards Education for Sustainable Development
Ali, Mohammad
Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies: A scoping review
Ali, Mohammad
Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution
Allo, Eda Lolo
The Development of Rubric to Assess Metacognition Knowledge
Amalia, Shynta
Task-Based Language Teaching in Enhancing Language Learning Motivation
Amanda, Azwar
The Practicality of the Mathematics Learning Model Constructivism-based Think Create Apply
Amir, Hermansyah
Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
Amri, Syaipul
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy on the National Examination of Students of SMAN Bengkulu
Amrullah, Yasir
Development of Religion and Empowerment of Bandung Punk Hijrah Community
Amsad, Lusia Narsia
Exploring Generic Skill of Student in Science through Disconnection Approach in Organic Synthesis
Anam, R. S.
The Effect of Conceptual Change Text on Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of Heat Conduction
Andayani, Endah
The Learning of Creative Product Entrepreneurship Course to Solve Unemployment Problems in Indonesian Vocational Schools
Andayani, Endah
Entrepreneurial Interest in Indonesian Vocational Schools
Andy, Andy
Can Young Learners Utilize Cartoon Picture and Song To Learn?: A teaching model
Anggoro, Abdurrobbil Falaq Dwi
The Scheme Characteristics for Students at the Level of Trans in Understanding Mathematics During Etno-Mathematics Learning
Arabit-Zapatos, Ma. Lorella C.
Assessing the Multicultural Competencies of In-Service Teachers
Ardianto, Didit
Teachers’ Perception Regarding Integrated Science Learning and Science Literacy
Ardianto, Didit
What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Literacy?
Arfan, Arfan
Linking Open Access Movement to the Indonesian Islamic Higher Education
Ariana, Ratna
Learning Strategies for Growing Autonomous Among Autism Children at Inclusive Primary School of Unggul Sakti, Jambi, Indonesia
Arifuddin, Arifuddin
English Subject Materials for Cross Interest Program and General English in Senior High School
Arono, Arono
Basic Teaching Skills of Language Teachers on Microteaching Lessons
Asmawi, Zainul
The Politics of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Selected Philippine Schools
Asyrofi, Asyrofi
Concept of Mau’izhoh Hasanah and its Implications in Islamic Education
Aulia, Elsa Sivia Nur
Character Education Model Based on Local Wisdom (An ethnographic study in Kampung Dukuh, Ciroyom, Garut Regency, West Java)
Avila, Roel Verdadero
Forming Pedagogic and Nationalistic Ideas from Copra-Making through Metaphorization
Avila, Roi Christian James Escolano
Delineating the [D/J]iwa: Dissection of selected Filipino and Indonesian folktales
Azim, Paujan
Counselling Program of Pre-marital Education at the Office of Religious Affairs
Aziz, Arfan
Environmental Education as a Media for Character Building at School of Alam Raya Muaro Jambi
Aziz, Helmi
The Internalization of Islamic Values in Social Sciences Learning
Azmy, Bahauddin
Development of Scientific Based Integrated Learning Model
Batubara, Noor Azida
Islamic Intellectual Capital Management as the New Educational Management Concept in Madrasah Aliyah (Case studies in MAN 1 Kota Bandung and MAS Husnul Khotimah Kuningan)
Budiasih, Endang
Mobile Learning with Oriented Nature of Science (NOS): Does undergraduate school need it?
Bunyamin, Maftuh
The Politics of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Selected Philippine Schools
Busahdiar, Busahdiar
Building the Synergy of Educational Complex towards a Progressive School
Busatasar, Busatasar
The Factors Affecting Employee Performance of Ministry of Religion in Muko-Muko District
Bustasar, Bustasar
The Factors Affecting Employee Performance of Ministry of Religion in Muko-Muko District
Cabilao-Valencia, Minda I.
Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution
Cartono, Cartono
Implementation of Moodle as Teaching Tool in Learning Concept Science
Cassandra, Nina Wanda
The Projection of HOTs level in Learning Outcomes of English Education and English Literature Study Programs
Caswita, Caswita
Teaching Material Based on Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability
Dahlan, Taufiqulloh
Students’ Creative Thinking Skills and Anxiety of Mathematics in an Islamic Junior High School Using Brain-based Learning
Dahlan, Taufiqulloh
PQ4R Strategy (Preview, Question, Read, Reflection, Recite, Review) for Mathematical Communication Ability
Damaianti, Lira Fessia
Study on the Use of Edmodo in Learning Science
Damaianti, Vismaia S.
Religion-wise Culture Shock in Language Studying: Status quo and countermeasure
Damayanti, Indah
Teaching Material Based on Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability
Darhim, Darhim
Students’ Creative Thinking Skills and Anxiety of Mathematics in an Islamic Junior High School Using Brain-based Learning
Deliza, Deliza
Comic Book as a Source of Learning of Fungi Material for Senior High School
Dharmayana, I Wayan
The Effect of Guided Imagery Techniques to Decrease Students’ Anxiety in Group Counseling Activities
Disman, Disman
Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies: A scoping review
Disman, H.
An Exploration into the Pedagogy of Sustainable Lifesty
Djohar, Ash’ari
Genre Based Inquiry Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL GBI) to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Exposition Text
Djono, Djono
History Teachers’ Representation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: A critical discourse analysis
Djuwita, Puspa
Internalizing Values to Elementary Students through Civic Education
EQ, Nurwadjah Ahmad
Understanding the History of Islamic Culture through the Ibrah-based Learning Model
Egryas, Rohawani
The Trial of the Cooperative Learning Models of Two Stay-Two Stray and Talking Stick on Students’ Mathematical Communication
Ernawati, Ernawati
Character Value Internalization of Responsibility of the Kampung Pulo Adat (Field research at Kampung Pulo, Kampung Ciakar, Cangkuang Village, Leles Sub-District, Garut District)
Fahliza, Wilda
Adiwiyata School: Between promoting environmental awareness and winning awards
Fajar, Andris
Exemplary Teacher in Habituation of a Good Character
Farid, Muhammad
Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
Fauzan, Ahmad
The Practicality of the Mathematics Learning Model Constructivism-based Think Create Apply
Fazriyah, Nurul
Study on the Use of Edmodo in Learning Science
Fazriyah, Nurul
Implementation of Moodle as Teaching Tool in Learning Concept Science
Firdaus, M. Lutfi
Development of Low-Cost Spectrophotometry Laboratory Practice Based on the Digital Image for Analytical Chemistry Subject
Firman, Harry
What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Literacy?
Firza, Firza
Development of Green-Based Teaching in the Study of History for High School Students
Firza, Firza
Error of Proposal Writing by Students
Fitriana, Ira
Development of Context-Based Teaching Book on Environmental Pollution Materials to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
Gardenia, Nia
Students’ Creative Thinking Skills and Anxiety of Mathematics in an Islamic Junior High School Using Brain-based Learning
Gardenia, Nia
PQ4R Strategy (Preview, Question, Read, Reflection, Recite, Review) for Mathematical Communication Ability
Gomez, Ma. Arsenia C.
The Politics of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Selected Philippine Schools
Gunawan, Heri
The Model of Cultivating National Character Values in an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren)
Gunawan, Wawan
The Illocutionary Speech Acts of Insha’Allah: Pragmatic analysis of teachers talks in daily school activities
Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto
Fostering Students and Graduate Candidate Level of 21st Century Skills (A survey study conducted at a University)
Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto
Enhancing Students’ Core Competencies by Applying Blended Cooperative E-learning (BCeL) in Teaching and Learning Process
Hakam, Kama Abdul
Peace Values in Learning Process (A descriptive study based on student experiences)
Hamdanayani, Hamdanayani
Administration and Services Management in Islamic Schools
Hamdani, Acep Roni
Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement Among Elementary School Students
Hamid, Solihin Ichas
Teachers’ Outlooks on Social Citizenship Behaviour Learning Model: A grounded theory
Hamidah, Iha
Development of Religion and Empowerment of Bandung Punk Hijrah Community
Handayani, Dewi
Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model Using Edmodo Application
Harahap, Koy Sahbuddin
Development of the Potential Senses, Reason, and Heart According to the Qur'an and its Application in Learning
Hardhienata, Soewarto
Teacher’s Innovation Improvement through the Development of Organizational Climate and Emotional Intelligence Using Correlation Statistical Analysis and Sitorem Method
Hardhienata, Soewarto
Increasing Teacher's Commitment to Organizations through the Development of Organizational Culture and Situational Leadership
Hariani, Lilik Sri
The Learning of Creative Product Entrepreneurship Course to Solve Unemployment Problems in Indonesian Vocational Schools
Hariani, Lilik Sri
Entrepreneurial Interest in Indonesian Vocational Schools
Hasan, Said Hamid
Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the Philippine Makabayan Learning Area: Problems and prospects in articulating social studies as a discipline
Hasanah, Aan
The Model of Cultivating National Character Values in an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren)