Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Creative Media, Design and Technology (REKA 2018)
195 authors
- Nadi, Chici Yuliana
- Handling Abstraction in Chemistry with Animation
- Naharani, Eri
- A Comparison Study between Natural and Synthetics Fiber Cloth to Construct Uniqueness of Hand Painting Fashion Fabric
- Narendra, Asnurul Novia
- The Persistence of Traditional Gender Roles in Online Shopping App Advertisement
- Natadjaja, Listia
- Professional vs. Amateur: How Self-Made Videos Help Students Learn
- Negara, I Nengah Sudika
- Packaging Design Of Betutu Chicken Special Merchandise From Bali
- Ng, Perng Jeu
- A Malaysian Folklore Game Design As A Tool Of Culture Preservation And Entertainment: Toyol
- Novitasari, Desi
- Line Art Making Method Made from Batik Patchwork
- Nugrahani, Rahina
- Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
- Nurcahyanti, Desy
- Glass Painting Art Learning Model by Utilizing Video to Improve Community’s Appreciation and the Creativity of Creative Industry Actors
- Oladele Muniru, Idris
- Internet of Speech: A Conceptual Model
- On, Low Kok
- Meanings and Symbols in The Decorative Motifs and Patterns of Sinudot and Lapoi of The Kimaragang’s Costume
- Osipyan, Hasmik
- Internet of Speech: A Conceptual Model
- Panuwun, Djoko
- Transformation Of Forms And Functions Of Javanese Traditional House In Kauman Surakarta
- Panuwun, Djoko
- Ethnic Nuances on Etching Glass Arts as Aesthetic Elements of Interior in Surakarta
- Pawestri, Titi Ayu
- Analysis of Genius Loci Concept Implementation on The Go Green Glintung Thematic Kampong in Malang City
- Pawestri, Titi Ayu
- Study of The Malangan Batik through Motifs Composition with Shape Grammar Technique and Color Composition Selection (Case Study: The Druju Batik)
- Pawito
- Art on Paper, How Journalist Covers Art Creativity (Technology Impact on Journalism Culture in Culture Journalism)
- Pei Jun, Wong
- An Innovative Self-Feed Product For Elderly Arthritis With Hand Disability
- Plank, Ulrich Martin
- Tempora Mutantur, nos et Mutamur in Illis (Times Change, and We too are Changed with Them.)
- Purnama Jati, Arwin
- Utilization of building facade as a messenger medium in Semarang trading area, Pekojan street at night
- Purnama Jati, Arwin
- Exhibition Design Affordance to Provide New Visitor’s Experience in Museum Ullen Sentalu Yogyakarta
- Purwaningrum, Lu'lu'
- The Effect of Adding a Permanent Base and Removing an Oval Hole on a Therapy Table for Autistic Children
- Purwantoro, Agus
- The Changes of the Symbolic World in Gamelan
- Puspitasari, Citra
- The Analysis of Integration between Hijab Concept and Fashion in Indonesia
- Putri, Debri Haryndia
- Analysis of Genius Loci Concept Implementation on The Go Green Glintung Thematic Kampong in Malang City
- Putri, Debri Haryndia
- Study of The Malangan Batik through Motifs Composition with Shape Grammar Technique and Color Composition Selection (Case Study: The Druju Batik)
- Rachman, Ariani
- The Development of Karo Souvenir Design Inspired by Padung-padung
- Rahmaan Mohd Yassin, Hafeezur
- Experiment On Abaca Fiber And Its Implementation In Product Making
- Razali, Mohd Asrizal
- The role of experiential learning in creative design appreciation among TDS students at Taylor’s University
- Razali, Mohd. Asrizal
- Adapting Culturally Responsive Teaching to Enrich Experiential Learning in a Malaysian Graphic Communication Design Classroom
- Rini Octavia, Ercilia
- Creative Strategy Of Documentary Films To Embrace College Students Viewers
- Rini Octavia, Ercilia
- The Existence Of Radio As Advertising Media In Indonesia Within The Internet Era
- Rizali, Nanang
- Arts, Designs, and Textile Craft Art
- Rudiyanto, Ganal
- Art Styles Comparison Between Jepara of Central Java and Bali
- Saat, Mohammad Khizal
- Optimize The Placement Of Print Advertisement And Signage By Anamorphic Illusion
- Sabran, Kamal
- The Art of Silat: Mapping the Trajectory Lines for Hidden Symbols
- Sachari, Agus
- Concept of Spirituality on Designing Fashion Products in Bali
- Sakti, Citra Syukma Bayu
- Increasing Selling Power and Brand Identity of Typical Food Snack in Kelurahan Kranggan through Packaging Design
- Salehuddin, Adam Bin Mohd
- Interactive Art as a Medium of Speech
- Saraswati, Ratih Dian
- Utilization of Used-Goods as an Environmental Aesthetics Tourist Attraction Case Study: Kampong Pelangi, Semarang
- Sari, Ni Luh Desi In Diana
- Packaging Design Of Betutu Chicken Special Merchandise From Bali
- Sarwono
- Structuralism Approach: Symbolism Of Traditional Batik Pattern Of Javanese Traditional Clothes In Surakarta
- Sefina Samosir, Ridha
- Mobile Multimedia Stop Drugs Tutorial Development
- Setyawan
- Design Development of The Batik Majapahit : The Legacy of the Past and Present Creativity
- Soepriyatmono
- Ethnic Nuances on Etching Glass Arts as Aesthetic Elements of Interior in Surakarta
- Sofiana,, Yunida
- Environmentally Friendly Material Characteristics Applied to Interior and Furniture
- Studyanto, Anung B
- Exploration Design Development Borobudur Chair Based on Perspectional of Industrial Furniture in Surakarta
- Studyanto, Anung B
- Design Development of The Batik Majapahit : The Legacy of the Past and Present Creativity
- Su Sean, Hon
- Experiment On Abaca Fiber And Its Implementation In Product Making
- Suardana, I Wayan
- “Ajeg Bali” Discourse In Dynamics Of Craft Of Ceremonial Tools In Bali
- Sudana, I Wayan
- Method Of Designing Ornaments On Karawo Textiles In Gorontalo
- Sudarisman, Irwan
- Exploration Of Themes And Design Concepts As A Communication Form In Architecture
- Suherlan, Yayan
- Packaging Development Center And Creative Industry As The Supporting Factors Of Msmes To Compete In The Global Market
- Sulistyono, IF.Bambang
- Transformation Of Forms And Functions Of Javanese Traditional House In Kauman Surakarta
- Sulistyono, If. Bambang
- Exploration Design Development Borobudur Chair Based on Perspectional of Industrial Furniture in Surakarta
- Suparno, T. Slamet
- Method Of Designing Ornaments On Karawo Textiles In Gorontalo
- Supartha, I Made
- “Ajeg Bali” Discourse In Dynamics Of Craft Of Ceremonial Tools In Bali
- Surnomo Adi, Sigit
- Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
- Suryani, Virginia
- Identity Value of Reformation Era Strives on the Sign-system of Trisakti University Campus
- Sutopo, Hadi
- Mobile Multimedia Stop Drugs Tutorial Development
- Syamsiyah, Sri
- Art on Paper, How Journalist Covers Art Creativity (Technology Impact on Journalism Culture in Culture Journalism)
- Tan, Yun Yi
- Social Media to Enhance Design Practices: Exploring the Learning Experience of Undergraduate Design Students
- Taufiq, Akbar
- Representation of the Glorious Era of Majapahit Through the Choice of Characters in Visual Novel Game Designs
- Teguh Widodo, Sahid
- The Changes of the Symbolic World in Gamelan
- Tjiang, Felix Sulistio
- Hologram Technology as Interactive Space Design in Tugu Pahlawan Museum Surabaya
- Tri Marutama, IGN
- Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
- Triyanto
- Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
- W. Herlambang, Rudi
- Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
- Wahed, Wan Juriah Emeih Binti
- Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
- Wardani, Winny Gunarti Widya
- Representation of the Glorious Era of Majapahit Through the Choice of Characters in Visual Novel Game Designs
- Wibawanto, Wandah
- Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
- Wibowo, Ari
- Line Art Making Method Made from Batik Patchwork
- Widayat, Rahmanu
- Exploration Design Development Borobudur Chair Based on Perspectional of Industrial Furniture in Surakarta
- Widiantoro, Bayu
- Utilization of building facade as a messenger medium in Semarang trading area, Pekojan street at night
- Widiantoro, Bayu
- Exhibition Design Affordance to Provide New Visitor’s Experience in Museum Ullen Sentalu Yogyakarta
- Widiastuti, Theresia
- The Disappearance of Kopohan Batik from the Javanese Society Life
- Widyamurti, Nidyah
- Up-Cycle Of Plastic Opp Laminate; From Waste Into Handicraft Products Raw Material
- Widyamurti, Nidyah
- Packaging Development Center And Creative Industry As The Supporting Factors Of Msmes To Compete In The Global Market
- Wiemar, Rosalinda
- The Variety of The Entrances Changes of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau
- Winarno
- Student Mobile Attendance Application Using QRCode and Integrated with SSO at Universitas Sebelas Maret
- Wiranto
- Student Mobile Attendance Application Using QRCode and Integrated with SSO at Universitas Sebelas Maret
- Wirasari, Ira
- The Study of The Meaning of Body Language and Perceptions of Audience Garuda Indonesia Television Commercials Hands Version
- Wong, Annie Kai Sze
- Engaging Pre-schoolers in a Musical Experience: A SCAMPER Technique Study
- Wulandari, Esti
- Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
- Wulandari, Esty
- Visual Media To Campaign The Sexual Health For Teenagers (Study Case Using Visual Media To Inform Health Reproduction For Teenager In Solo)
- Yassin, Hafeezur Rahmaan Mohd
- An Innovative Self-Feed Product For Elderly Arthritis With Hand Disability
- Yip, Jinchi
- Adapting Culturally Responsive Teaching to Enrich Experiential Learning in a Malaysian Graphic Communication Design Classroom
- Yuen, May Chan
- Engaging Pre-schoolers in a Musical Experience: A SCAMPER Technique Study
- Yunidar, Dandi
- What Drives The Riders Do Personalizing Activity Toward Their Motorbike?
- Yusri, Nurliana
- Hikayat Sang Kancil and Buaya: an Interactive Animation
- Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine
- A Typography Study of Negotiation and Identity at Dolly
- Zaidi Azraai, Nur
- The Art of Silat: Mapping the Trajectory Lines for Hidden Symbols
- Zuhairi, Ahmad
- Principles and the Understanding of Service Innovation in Design Education
- Zuhudi, Nurul Wahidah Mahmud
- Design Recognition & Significant: A Finding On Consumers’ Feedback On Halal Logo
- Zulaikha, Ellya
- A Comparison Study between Natural and Synthetics Fiber Cloth to Construct Uniqueness of Hand Painting Fashion Fabric