Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)
526 authors
- Soeryanto
- Effect of Using Oil Cooler Trainer Module on the Competence of Heat Transfer at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Soeryanto
- Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education
- Sofia
- Sexual Education of Children With Down Syndrome in Parents Low Education
- Soputan, Grace J.
- Human Capital Improvement on Informal Businesses
- Sudjiono
- Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
- Sudjiono
- The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
- Sudrajat, Arief
- Social Mapping and Development of Village Community Potentials
- Sudrajat, Arief
- Java Language in Dutch Indies Advertisement 1930 - 1939
- Suhaeb, Firdaus W.
- The Appearance of the Military as A Political Force in Indonesia
- Suhaeb, Firdaus W.
- Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi
- Suhartini, Ratna
- The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Suhartiningsih
- The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub
- Suharto, Idola Perdana Sulistyoning
- Analysis of Assertive Communication Skills in Adolescents Health With Aggressive Behavior
- Sulastriningsih, Helena Sri
- Development Strategy of Geographic Elements of Natural Water Objects
- Sulastriningsih, Helena Sri
- Study Area Geomorphology Manado
- Sulistinah
- Elementary School Students Understanding of Environmental Concepts in the City of Surabaya
- Sulistyowati, Eny
- Patent Vs Trade Secret: Considering the Legal Protection of Covid-19 Vaccine in Indonesia Related to the State Intervention
- Sulmiah
- The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Sumanik, Novike Bela
- Analysis of Student Response to the Utilization of Chemsketch Media in Hydrocarbon Materials
- Sumanik, Novike Bela
- Administration of High Schol Chemistry Laboratory to Facilitate the Implementation of Practicum
- Sumarno
- The Killing of Brigadier General A.W.S. Mallaby in Allied Duty in Surabaya 1945
- Sumilat, Grystin Djein
- The Youth Generation Development Patterns in Efforts to Improve Relationship Between Religious People in the Context of Resistance
- Sumual, Tinneke Evie Meggy
- Human Capital Improvement on Informal Businesses
- Suoth, Grace
- Development Strategy of Geographic Elements of Natural Water Objects
- Supriyadi
- Analysis of Pedagogic Competence and Professional Competence of Physics Teachers
- Suryani, Dessy Rizki
- Student’s Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
- Susilowati, Indri Fogar
- Registration of Electronic Integrated Mortgage Rights of the Written Certificate of Land Rights in the Name of the Debtor
- Sutedjo, Agus
- Analysis of Green Open Space Needs in Surabaya City
- Suwanda, I Made
- Gender Injustice in the Perspective of Prospective Teachers of Pancasila and Civic Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Suyanto, Totok
- Development of Senior High School Pancasila & Civics Learning by Utilizing Contemporary Issues to Increase Civic Competence
- Suyanto, Totok
- Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization
- Suyitno, Imam
- Reconstruction of the Study Planning Ropes Model of Pancasila and Citizenship at the Makassar City High School Education Unit
- Syamsudin
- Effect of Weight Training Exercises With Permanent Repetition and Set Increases Against Speed of Straight Kick Pencak Silat Athletes
- Syamsudin
- Youth Sports Activities on Emotional Intelligence
- Syamsudin
- Development of Fitting Training Programs for Victims of Drug Abuse in the Social and Human Resource Rehabilitation Center BRSPP DIY
- Sya’idah, Evi Husniati
- Techniques of Motivation, Compensation, and Leadership on Employee’s Performance
- Syukur, Muhammad
- Santri Education Problems at Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
- Syukur, Muhammad
- Bialahin Concept: Reflections on the Unity of the Buru People in Maluku
- Syukur, Muhammad
- Rituals and Spells: A Guide to Life at Sea for the Fishing Community of Soreang, Takalar Regency in the Millennial Era
- Tamsil
- Registration of Electronic Integrated Mortgage Rights of the Written Certificate of Land Rights in the Name of the Debtor
- Tandyonomanu, Danang
- Media’s Broader Roles in Mitigating COVID-19
- Tati, Andi Dewi Riang
- Lontarak Literation Culture Among Students Through Local History Learning
- Taufik, Abdul Rachman
- Development of Student Worksheeet Based on Blended Learning Oriented to Multiple Intelligences in Algebra
- Tembang, Yonarlianto
- Understanding of Beach Abrasion Concepts in Elementary School Students
- Tendean, Maxi
- Development Strategy of Geographic Elements of Natural Water Objects
- Terry, Hetreda
- Family Education and Preservation of the Rurup Tradition
- Tewal, Rosita Treny Selvana
- Study Area Geomorphology Manado
- Timomor, Adensi
- Criminal Potential at the Campaign in Local Leader Elections in Indonesia
- Tinambunan, Hezron Sabar Rotua
- European Union Policy on Refugees According to the International Refugee Law
- Tombeg, Syulke
- The Youth Generation Development Patterns in Efforts to Improve Relationship Between Religious People in the Context of Resistance
- Torro, Supriadi
- Sustainable Complete Class System in Gowa Regency South Sulawesi
- Torro, Supriadi
- Sexual Education of Children With Down Syndrome in Parents Low Education
- Tsuroyya
- Media’s Broader Roles in Mitigating COVID-19
- Tuerah, Paulus Robert
- Compensation, Communication Systems and Job Satisfaction
- Tuerah, Paulus Robert
- Management of Character Education (Analysis on Students at Unima Sociology Education Study Program)
- Tumbel, Goinpeace H.
- Implementation of Zonation Policy in Sempadan River Tondano at Manado City
- Tuwaidan, Arthur Novy
- Community Empowerment in Maintaining Public Domain Mark as the Community’s Right for Trademark
- Tyas, Didin Respurwaning
- Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour
- Ulita, Ade Sri
- Managerial Ability in Measuring Financial Performance
- Ulita, Ade Sri
- Alokasi Dana Desa, Special Autonomy & Social Protection Expenditure Managemnt on Poverty in Papua Province
- Umar, Firman
- Analysis of Corruption Eradication Commitment in Judge’s Verdict on-Court District in Law Zone in South Sulawesi Province
- Umar, Firman
- The Dynamics of Corruption Eradication Crimes in South Sulawesi (Study at Makassar District Court)
- Umar, Firman
- Women’s Leadership in the Community Prismatic-Patriarch
- Umar, Firman
- Occupational Health and Safety Protection (K3) for Women Workers in The City of Makassar
- Umar, Mardan
- Interaction Pattern of Moslem dan Christian Communities in Manado, Indonesia
- Umar, Mardan
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry Jurisprudential Development Model in Civics Learning Process at SMA Negeri 1 Kawangkoan Minahasa
- Umar, Mardan
- Tomohon City Community Understanding of Tolerance
- Umaternate, Abd. Rasyid
- Public Perceptions of Grab Online Taxi Activity in Sub-District of Tataaran 1 South Tondano District Minahasa Regency
- Umbase, Ruth Sriana
- Multicultural Education in the Globalization Era: Challenges and Expectations
- Umbase, Ruth Sriana
- Child Friendly School Organizational Culture in Minahasa North Sulawesi Indonesia
- Uspayanti, Rezky
- Mobile Assisted Language Learning
- Uspayanti, Rezky
- The Implementation of Blended Learning Method on Chemistry Students’ Motivation in Learning English
- Utami, Dian Arlupi
- Cultural Change in the Context of Implementing Online Learning in Higher Education
- Utami, Diyah
- The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia
- Utami, Diyah
- Instructional Communication Between Teachers and Children With Different Abilities in the Inclusion School
- Utami, Wiwik Sri
- Study of Reproductive Health of Young Women in the District of Jombang
- Vaulia, Nindi
- Techniques of Motivation, Compensation, and Leadership on Employee’s Performance
- Wahyudi, Ari
- Development of Senior High School Pancasila & Civics Learning by Utilizing Contemporary Issues to Increase Civic Competence
- Wahyudi, Ari
- Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization
- Wahyudi, Ari
- Online Kimcil Among School-Age Teenagers
- Wahyuningsih, Urip
- The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Waluyo, Minto
- Analysis of Satisfaction Relationship Model and Customer Loyalty in Marketing Smartphone Brand X
- Waluyo, Minto
- Sensitivity Analysis of Consumer Response Towards Lni Extension of Sampoerna Products With Hoe and CSI Approaches
- Waluyo, Mohammad Rachman
- Analysis of Satisfaction Relationship Model and Customer Loyalty in Marketing Smartphone Brand X
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Registration of Electronic Integrated Mortgage Rights of the Written Certificate of Land Rights in the Name of the Debtor
- Warju
- Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education
- Warsono
- The Idea of Democracy and the Ideology of the State: Pancasila Democracy in the Minds of Millennial’s Voters
- Wartinigsih
- Rural Community About Adequate Standards of Living
- Wartiningsih
- Village Empowerment Opportunities Through Social Forestry
- Wasa, Carolus
- Effect of Weight Training Exercises With Permanent Repetition and Set Increases Against Speed of Straight Kick Pencak Silat Athletes
- Wawointana, Thelma
- Mapalus Local Wisdom in Overcoming Inter-Village Conflict
- Werang, Basilius Redan
- Student’s Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
- Wereh, Agustien Cherly
- Juridical Review on Accountability of Implementing Village Income and Budget Allowance
- Wereh, Agustien Cherly
- Aviation Business Actor’s Responsibilities for the Consumers
- Widiati, Ekawestri Prajwalita
- Unravelling Incoherence Norms of Indonesia’s Energy Security Regulations
- Widodo, Bambang Sigit
- Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization
- Widodo, Bambang Sigit
- Analysis of Problem Solving Skill of Demographic Dynamics in Light of Gender Perspective Among Students of Different Cognitive Styles (FI and FD) at SMAN 1 Wonoayu in Sidoarjo
- Widodo, Bambang Sigit
- Elementary School Students Understanding of Environmental Concepts in the City of Surabaya
- Widodo, Hananto
- Patent Vs Trade Secret: Considering the Legal Protection of Covid-19 Vaccine in Indonesia Related to the State Intervention
- Widyawati
- The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar