Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)
526 authors
- Widyawati, Fitrah
- Santri Education Problems at Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
- Wijaya, Dodik Pranata
- Community Participation in Tackling Domestic Violence
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- The Implementation of Human Rights Fulfillment as an Effort to Strengthen Positive Peace in Indonesia
- Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
- Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour
- Winarsih, Sri
- Aesthetic Values in Balada Cenderawasih Traditional Dance of Papua
- Winarsih, Sri
- The Meaning of Kei Proverbs in Behavior of the People
- Winoto, Darmawan Edi
- Budi Clinic: Actualization and Habituation of Mapalus Cultural Value
- Wisnu
- The Killing of Brigadier General A.W.S. Mallaby in Allied Duty in Surabaya 1945
- Wua, Telly D.
- Child Friendly School Organizational Culture in Minahasa North Sulawesi Indonesia
- Wua, Telly Delly
- Analysis and Evaluation on Teachers’ Professional Competence at Junior High School of Siau Island, Sitaro Regency
- Wua, Telly Delly
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry Jurisprudential Development Model in Civics Learning Process at SMA Negeri 1 Kawangkoan Minahasa
- Wulan, Dewi Putri Anjar
- The Role of Schools to Improve Entrepreneur Spirit in Kumbe Village, Papua
- Wullur, Magdalena
- Geoclogs: The Potential of a Special Economic Zone in Halmahera Utara Regency
- Yampap, Umar
- Cooperative Learning Using Jigsaw Type on Thematic Learning
- Yampap, Umar
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve the Attitude of Environmental Care of Grade V Elementary School
- Yani, M. Turhan
- Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization
- Yani, Turhan
- Development of Senior High School Pancasila & Civics Learning by Utilizing Contemporary Issues to Increase Civic Competence
- Yuherawan, Deni Setya Bagus
- Construction Policy Renewal of Criminal Law Through the Formulation of Corruption in the Penal Code Draft
- Yuliani, Endang Mei
- Analysis of Assertive Communication Skills in Adolescents Health With Aggressive Behavior
- Yulianti, Rina
- A Dispute Resolution of Land Sale and Purchase Without the Heirs’ Consent
- Yuliari, Kartika
- Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
- Yuliari, Kartika
- The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
- Yulistiana
- The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Yusuf, Andi Patta
- Transforming Capacity of the Farmer Community in Improving Paddy Yields through the Empowerment of Gapoktan Program in Semangga District
- Zain, Ita Mardiani
- Study of Reproductive Health of Young Women in the District of Jombang
- Zain, Ita Mardiani
- Analysis of Green Open Space Needs in Surabaya City